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Black Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 3)

Page 7

by Sable Sylvan

  Ann moved in a soft circle.

  “Like you mean it,” said Nick.

  Ann moved faster, almost enough to make her dizzy. She stopped after two twirls.

  Nick and Liam looked over her outfit. The dress was black, strapless, held up by Ann’s ample bosom. It tucked in at her waist before flaring out around her wide hips. The dress alternated between matte and shiny stripes. The top of the dress had a thick row of rhinestones which glimmered rainbow colors in the light, primarily purple and blue and green, but there were spots of pink, yellow, and sunset orange as well. She didn’t need jewelry with that kind of a neckline. The dress’s hem hit just above her knee. Her shapely calves were enrobed in black tights that on first look, looked like normal tights, but on closer inspection, were revealed to be a micro fishnet, made up of a very fine fishnet texture with minute holes as small as the seed beads which formed a pair of vertical lines on the back of her legs, the seed beads mostly black except for the occasional rhinestone bead that glimmered in the light.

  The shoes were nothing to write home about.

  Ann slung her black cross body purse around her shoulder and walked through the door before closing it.

  “It’s like you’ve seen a ghost,” she said as she locked the door. “I told you, I clean up nice.”

  “You know what would be better than seeing you in that outfit?” asked Liam.

  “What?” asked Ann.

  “Seeing you out of it,” said Nick.

  “Save it for tonight,” said Ann. “After all…we have to go get dinner and see that show.”

  After having a hearty meal at the diner down the street, the triad went to the wedding. They didn’t have to bring gifts in person as the wedding registry included delivery. The wedding ceremony was touching, a mix of human and shifter traditions. The vows were written by the couple. Although Ann was worried about bringing two dates to the wedding, she soon found she’d worried over nothing, as some members of the groom’s pack shared a single woman in a ménage, some shared two women in a bisexual foursome ménage, and there was one gal there with four guys all to herself. Ann and her boys were not the center of attention, not by a long shot…especially once two of Chastity’s new husband Kade’s old flames came to object to the wedding, as did one of Chastity’s human exes, who was later seen hooking up with both of Kade’s exes.

  However, not all the shifters in attendance had found their fated mates, and what better place to try their luck than at a wedding full of Chastity’s single, curvy friends who wished they’d been able to come with a better date than the guy from accounting? At a human wedding, most guys would be too shy and meek to go after a gal who went to a wedding with a date, but this wasn’t an ordinary human wedding. This was a shifter wedding filled with burly men, mostly of predatory species, looking for fated mates after witnessing the public bonding of two mates that were, well, fated. Nearly everyone in attendance was in their late twenties, and so for the women? Finding a man by thirty was a priority, but not as much of a priority as it was for the shifters there that were worried about mate mark madness, which gave them a form of meta madness (‘mate mark madness’ madness) of their own.

  Just as a shifter would be okay approaching a woman even if she was with a human date, they were okay approaching women even if they were with shifter dates, which meant that while sitting at their table with a few other couples that were already hooked up, Ann, Liam, and Nick got to see a show…with their dinner, just as Chastity had promised.

  Liam came back from the buffet with a plate loaded with food. Nick hadn’t left Ann’s side since they had gotten to the wedding, and he’d kept a steady eye on her since they entered the reception area. Chastity’s menu was phenomenal, a gastropub style buffet featuring American classics made with gourmet ingredients and techniques, including, but not limited to…

  …Onion rings made with authentic Japanese panko breading and locally grown heritage onions, paired with artisanal sauces

  …Sliders made of high grade marbled beef with French cheeses and buns made at a local bakery

  …French fries with truffle oil, sprinkled with gold flakes mixed with sea salt, with optional cheese curds, cheese sauce, gravy, and other fixings available

  …And the piece de resistance, a mashed potato sundae bar, which was better than it could possibly sound, with five kinds of mashed potatoes, plain, served in a variety of cocktail and ice cream glasses and dishes, with all the fixings anyone could possibly desire, including sour cream, chives, multiple kinds of cheese, bacon, truffles, chili pepper and other spices, sausages…and more luxurious toppings like jumbo shrimp, lobster, caviar, gold leaf salt, and the most expensive of all, guacamole.

  Liam had brought a selection of everything.

  “Anything good happen while I was up?” asked Liam.

  “The curvy redhead, the one that came with the lion shifter? One of the panther shifters has been giving her the eye, from the shadows, naturally,” said Nick.

  “You noticed that?” asked Ann.

  “I notice everything,” said Nick. “Especially the fact that the stick-thin blonde over there, who came with her husband, a human, and a diamond ring on her wedding ring finger seems to have lost possession of both, but has come into possession of a handsome polar bear shifter.”

  “Ooh, drama!” said Ann. “I bet Chastity’s eating it up.”

  “She’s the only woman tonight that is sure to be off limits,” said Nick. “The others…well, I’ll put it this way, if they haven’t been claimed, I’m not sure what’s gonna happen with them.”

  “I guess it’s lucky I’m claimed by you two, right?” asked Ann.

  “What?” asked Liam. “Ann…what do you think ‘claimed’ means? You only get claimed after you do it for the first time with one or all your fated mates.”

  “Wait…do you mean to tell me you two brought me here, to a shifter wedding, without claiming me?” asked Ann. “What?! Anything could happen to me!”

  “I thought you knew what you were getting into,” said Nick. “But nothing will happen to you, not if we can help it.”

  Ann’s stomach let out a nervous gurgle. “I think I gotta get up for a bit,” said Ann. “Visit the lady’s room.”

  “We’ll escort you,” said Liam.

  “I guess that would be best,” said Ann. “Come on.”

  As the trio made their way across the hall, a figure in a big bouncy white ball gown that resembled a cupcake came up to them.

  “Ann!” squealed Chastity. “How you liking the wedding?”

  “Trust me…you wanted dinner and a show, and you got it, girl!” said Ann. “Even I’ve picked up on some of the drama. Come by our table later and we’ll dish, or we’ll talk about it over coffee next week. Dinner and a show, right?”

  “Dinner and a show,” agreed Chastity. “You know I live on drama. I wish my life was a frikkin’ soap opera. I don’t put the ‘mellow’ in ‘melodrama’. This will be enough drama to feed my drama llama for, oh…at least a week.”

  “Dinner and a show, got it!” said Ann as they walked away and out towards the hallway which led from the dining area to the bathrooms.

  “You sure you don’t want to just go up to our room?” asked Liam. Nick and Liam had obviously selected a hotel room in the same hotel as the wedding was held.

  “No, the party’s just getting started,” said Ann. “I’m sure with you two next to me, nobody’ll mess with me.”

  There was a waiting room next to the bathrooms, a vestibule with chairs and sofas, and narrow hallways leading to four types of bathrooms (men’s, women’s, single stall/neutral, and family). Ann walked into the women’s room where there wasn’t a very long line.

  In a few minutes, Ann came back out…but Nick and Liam were gone.

  “Nick?” called Ann. “Liam?”

  She didn’t hear them but she noticed the vestibule was conspicuously empty so she wandered out into the hallway to see what was up. There was a commotion coming
from the main hall. At the entrance way, she saw a figure in a puffy white dress. It was Chastity.

  Ann walked up to Chastity.

  “Chaz, what’s going on?” asked Ann.

  “I was so worried about you!” said Chastity. “I sent people to look for you. There’s a fight happening on the dance floor…and your two werebears? They’re in the middle of it!”

  “Nick and Liam are fighting?” asked Ann.

  “Yes, but not each other,” said Chastity. “Somebody in the bathroom waiting area apparently made a lewd comment about you, and Liam couldn’t stop Nick from shifting…and now, they’re fighting on the frikkin’ dance floor!”

  “What!” shouted Ann. “No frikkin’ way!”

  She moved past Chastity and the crowd parted like the Red Sea parting for Moses. Ann made her way to the edge of the crowd. In the center of the dance floor, there were two large bears, with inky black fur, one with brilliant green eyes, one with piercing blue eyes. There was no mistaking those black bears for anyone but Nick and Liam. But they weren’t the only ones on the dance floor with fur, fangs, and claws. No: they were facing off against not one, not two, but three red wolves, who were coming at them from every direction.

  As soon as Nick tossed off one red wolf, he was fighting another, and Liam was picking up from where Nick had left off with the first wolf, when a third came into the fray. It was hard to tell where one shifter stopped and the other began.

  Nick turned. He’d smelled Ann enter the room. Now, his only priority? Making sure she was safe. He turned back towards the wolves, keeping all three wolves in his sights as he walked backwards towards Ann. Protecting her was his strongest instinct.

  Liam watched as Nick backed away, and once Nick’s fur had brushed up against Ann’s legs, Liam followed suit, moving in a circle while watching the red wolves, making his way to Ann’s other side.

  “Nick,” said Ann. “Liam. You two better not be hurt.”

  Nick cocked his head.

  Ann petted Nick’s soft head and looked the wolves dead in the eye.

  “Because if you are? I might just have to start kicking some furry wolf butt,” said Ann.

  As soon as Ann said that, the people in the room oohed and awed.

  “That’s right. These bears might be big and furry, but I’m not just going to sit around and be fought over like a piece of meat. That’s what I am: a whole lot of delicious tender muscle and fat wrapped up in a cute package. But you three? This?” Ann motioned over her body. “This is not for you. The meat is for the bears. You dogs only deserve bones. It’ll be a cold day in heck when I settle for you three mangy canines. A real woman…needs a pair of real men, and they’re more man than you all are wolf.”

  With that sick burn, the crowd went wild, and the three red wolf shifters slunk away, embarrassed, to their pack mates, who didn’t even want to acknowledge their presence with a look. They’d been publicly embarrassed by the antics of the three wolves.

  Ann was watching the red wolf drama intently so she didn’t notice that Nick and Liam had shifted back into their human forms until she felt their hands in hers. She turned and looked at them.

  Both Nick and Liam were, of course, stark raving naked.

  Ann blushed.

  “You guys need to get some clothes,” said Ann. “Everyone’s gonna see your…”

  “What, their junk?” interjected Chastity. “Ann. Two things. Number one, half the ladies here have already seen that, because aren’t you forgetting a little something called, ‘my bachelorette party’? Number two. They’re gonna see a lot more dingdongs from a lot more dingleberries if I get yet another show to go with this dinner. Number three. I know I said ‘two things’, but there’s a number three, deal with it…nobody is going to remember their dicks, but nobody’s going to forget that epic awesome kickass no-two-ways-about-it no-way-to-describe-it-but…totally badass speech you gave. Those red wolf shifters won’t show their face in these parts again.”

  “Oh, Chaz, I’m sorry I caused drama at your wedding,” said Ann. “I know your husband’s a wolf shifter…will this cause problems?”

  “Heck no! Kade’s a grey wolf, those guys were red wolves,” explained Chastity. “Totally different subspecies. It’s like polars and grizzlies. Plus, they’re from another pack and another clan, one that was only extended an invitation because…oh, Kade explained it to me, but I forgot. Something about shifter politics, and him being the alpha of his pack.”

  “Alright, if you’ve got all the answers, riddle me this: what’re we gonna do about getting these two naked guys up to my hotel room to change?” asked Ann.

  “Well…remember how I said I was expecting dinner and a show?” said Chastity. “I knew that might come up. I had one heck of a wedding planner. So…I ‘invested’ in a solution ahead of time.”

  “I don’t want to know, do I?” asked Ann.

  “Oh,” said Chastity, leading the way. “You do.”

  Ann followed Chastity through the party, her two naked buff alpha males who had defended her honor holding her hand. There was a small folding card table in the corner of the hall, with a cardboard box on top of it. Chastity rifled through it and brought out two cellophane wrapped bundles, passing one to each of the guys.

  “They’re one size fits all,” said Chastity.

  Liam opened his package and pulled out what was inside. It was a pair of gold foil hot pants, and on the back, in rhinestones, was some writing.

  Nick opened his package with a grin and slipped the underwear over his feet, and Liam followed suit. Soon, the two were clad in shiny underwear that read…”I got in trouble at Chastity’s wedding”.

  “No…no frikkin’ way!” said Ann. “You don’t have something a little more…conservative?”

  “Nuh-uh,” said Chastity. “Although, if you want, I’m sure I can find them some G-strings, or even a cock sock.”

  “A…what? Wait. Never mind. I don’t want to know,” said Ann. “I’m gonna go have some time with my guys. Great wedding, all that. You’ll see me soon.”

  “I better not see you too soon,” teased Chastity, before she turned back and walked into the party to catch up on any of the drama she may have missed out on.

  Ann walked with Nick and Liam out the entrance of the wedding hall and towards the elevator.

  “That was really something,” said Ann. “It’s a good thing that I had your wallets and our room key in my purse.”

  “My heart’s still pumping super-fast,” said Nick.

  “Mine too,” said Liam. “We haven’t had a fight like that in a while.”

  “Really?” asked Ann.

  “We’ve been in typical shifter scuffles. Get a lot of alpha male types in one place and of course, the fur will fly. But…” started Liam.

  “But what?” asked Ann.

  “We’ve never fought for someone special,” said Nick. “But then again? We’ve never had someone worth fighting for.”

  Chapter Nine

  As the trio walked through the crowded hotel hallways, Ann noticed neither Nick nor Liam seemed to be anything as close to as embarrassed as she was. For them, this wasn’t a walk of shame. No, it seemed to be a stride of pride.

  “Why do I have the feeling you two are eating up the attention?” asked Ann.

  “Because we are,” said Nick.

  “Come on, do you think we’d be strippers if we weren’t comfortable in things like this?” asked Liam. “In fact, this might be covering too much of us up.”

  “Save the stripping for the room,” said Ann.

  “Oh, trust me,” said Nick. “We’re not gonna be the only ones stripping.”

  They reached their room, after walking through what seemed like dozens of people that were there for Chastity’s wedding. THey had also rented rooms on the designated wedding floor, where various room parties were being held.

  Ann opened her bag and got the keycard out and opened the room. She’d seen the room earlier when they dropped off their st
uff, but she’d been in such a rush she hadn’t had time to do more than just drop her bags off at the door. As Liam and Nick ported the bags to the bedroom, she looked around the suite.

  Nick and Liam had really shelled out and chosen a nice room. The room had a large living room in the main area, with a couch, arm chairs, and a television, although Ann was sure that wouldn’t be part of the night’s entertainment. There was a large bathroom with a bath that fit two, but the question in her mind was, could it fit three?

  Nick and Liam came back out and without a word, each took one of Ann’s hands and led her into the bedroom.

  “Come here often?” asked Liam as he gently pushed Ann so she was sitting on the edge of the large king sized bed.

  “No, but I have a feeling you do,” teased Ann. “So cut the bullshizz…and give me a show.”

  “Ooh, feisty,” said Nick. “I like it.”

  Nick and Liam danced on Ann, but she pushed them away.

  “Nun-uh,” said Ann. “Give me a real show, the kind of stuff I wouldn’t see at Bear Buns.”

  “What kind of show?” teased Liam.

  “Something really frikkin’ explicit,” said Ann. “Something dirty. Something naughty.”

  “Ah, something like…this?” asked Nick, grabbing Liam suddenly and kissing him, right on the mouth, and yes, with tongue. When Liam realized what was happening, he didn’t pull away. He leaned into it and then, flipped Nick down so Nick was on the bed, with Liam on top, rubbing his crotch against his.

  Ann pulled Liam’s hot pants down and Nick pulled down his own in kind. Ann was expecting to see a sword fight between the two, not what happened next.

  Liam kept kissing Nick, and while he did so, Ann’s hand found its way down her panties. Liam reached down to touch Nick and Nick in turn touched Liam. They moved their hands across each other’s shafts in motions that almost hypnotized Ann. Liam all of a sudden stopped the kiss, and got on his knees…and took Nick’s cock into his mouth!

  “Yeah, show her how you like it,” said Nick. “Show her.”

  “That’s how you like it, baby?” Ann asked Liam.


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