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Darkness Rising: A Shadow Realm novel (Reclaiming the Shadow Realm Book 2)

Page 14

by Candy Crum

  “You just said that you can’t see around him in visions. I saw him in my dream last night. He was the one that told me about the death of the manicurist. Is it possible the reason you can’t see anything bad is because of him?” Kailah asked.

  “You might think so, but listen to what you just asked. You’re very powerful—stronger than I ever imagined you’d be so quickly—but I’m much, much older than you. Khia can’t see around a Reaper lord. That means that I can’t see around them. That means you really can’t see around him. He also can’t see around you to predict a murder brought by a Vampire. So, Death showing you a vision within in your dream is impossible for many, many reasons. Your dream was only that, my love, a dream.”

  She had a very good point, and Kailah had begun to feel a much better about the day she and Rachel had planned. She used to have bad dreams all the time, and they never came true. On top of that, all her visions had been while awake.

  Everything will be fine, she told herself with confidence.

  “Okay then. I just got a little freaked out. My life is one thing, but Rachel’s is something else. Speaking of Rachel, where is she? And Amanda, too, for that matter,” Kailah asked.

  Aeric walked in the room, stretching. “Amanda’s at work. She got called in today. Khia can’t track her, so she should be fine. Mary and Rachel went out with Khanae and Brett to grab something to eat,” Aeric said.

  Kailah started to laugh, although she attempted to hold it back.

  Aeric smiled. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. It’s just a little humorous to picture a couple of Vampires—one of which is a three-thousand-year-old queen—going through a McDonald’s drive-thru for lunch.” She laughed again.

  “Touché,” Aeric said with a smile. “If I were in your shoes, I suppose that would be pretty funny.”

  “So, do you feel better now?” Kailah asked Aeric.

  He smiled and took a step toward her. “I do actually, but I still think you should consider staying here tonight.”

  “Sayen said that it would be fine.”

  Kailah suddenly felt a cold chill, and she had a feeling she knew what caused it, given how close she and Aeric were standing. There was no way she would be fighting with that angry bitch today.

  “Well, I’d better go get dressed. Rachel should be back in a few minutes.”

  Aeric nodded. “Okay. Just be careful and, uh, have fun.” She knew he was trying, and it meant a lot to her.

  She smiled and nodded before running upstairs to shower quickly. She brushed her hair—which had grown to be much shinier than it ever had been before—and slung it up in a messy bun, brushed her teeth, and grabbed a few items. They wouldn’t be going back to La Casa Dei Vampiri once they were finished with the salon.

  Instead of the salon in Clarksville, they decided to visit a different one in Scottsburg. Kailah’s dream had scarred her, and she refused to go there. The new choice was located between Clarksville and Seymour. Since Kailah’s hometown was such a hotspot for Khia to attack, they decided to avoid it altogether.

  Even though Sayen had been convinced it was only a dream, Kailah decided that if it had been a vision, she knew exactly where it was supposed to take place. Changing locations would obviously change their fate. She didn’t want to take any risks.

  By the time she got back downstairs, Rachel was home and ready. Kailah had decided to change into her favorite pajamas since she didn’t want to get dressed and made up right then. It was far too early for all that. She treated the day like prom. No one got fully dressed and glammed before the big show. Instead, they walked around in pajamas and flip-flops all day until it came time for the hair, makeup, and expensive dress.

  The pajama bottoms were neon green with white flowers on them, and the shirt was just neon green with no designs. It was incredibly bright, but very comfortable. They’d been a gift from Rachel, who laughed as soon as Kailah walked into the living room.

  “Nice p-jams, Kay,” Brett said, beating Rachel to the punch.

  “Bite me,” Kailah replied with a sarcastic smile.

  He laughed. “Was that an invite?”

  She shrugged. “Not sure. Would it piss off your brother?”

  “More than likely.” Brett smiled. “Is that a yes?”

  Kailah always enjoyed his smiled. They were so genuine, and when they were at the expense of his brother, they were fantastic.

  “Hey! How did I get pulled into this?” Aeric whined.

  Everyone laughed, and Kailah felt warm. She enjoyed the friendship they had all developed—even if she had a few glitches on her end. As much as she liked being around everyone, though, it was time to go.

  “You ready, Rach?” Kailah asked.

  She gave Brett a hug bye, and they left. On the way, Rachel couldn’t keep from laughing at Kailah’s pajamas. Even with the temperature outside, Kailah had worn a white hoodie to cover the brightness of her shirt.

  Her new powers gave her the ability to wear whatever she wanted in any season without having to worry about being hot or cold. It was incredible. She loved hoodies, and she hated only being able to wear them a few short months out of the year. Plus, there was an added bonus that she wasn’t so blinding right then.

  When they got to the salon, Kailah still felt a bit nervous going in. The dream still bothered her, but she did her best to force it away. Crossing the threshold didn’t make her feel any better. Her eyes shifted wildly around the room as she noticed there were only two manicurists working—one male and one female. Just like in her dream.

  “It’ll be fine,” Rachel said. “Try not to worry. Okay? Today is all about us and having a bit of fun. And also, being normal.”

  Kailah smiled. “We can definitely use both of those things.”

  Unable to help herself, Kailah studied the surroundings even more. Once she took a closer look, she realized neither one of the employees were wearing the same thing or even remotely looked the same. The whole scenery was different, and she relaxed before reminding herself that she was acting completely paranoid.

  “Hello, ladies,” the man said. Kailah couldn’t help but notice he wouldn’t stop staring at her, but then again, she was wearing the loudest neon green pants she’d ever seen. “How can I help you?”

  “Uh, give us just a sec,” Rachel said. He nodded and smiled before stepping away. Once he was out of earshot, she turned to Kailah. “That guy is creeping me out. He keeps staring at you. So, you go to the chick, and I’ll take eyeballs over there.”

  Another bad feeling clenched at Kailah’s gut. “If you say so. That’s a real friend right there—offering to take the creeper to save your bro.”

  Rachel laughed. “You dork. Go sit and relax. Everything will be fine.”

  “It’s just… I think I should go to him because in the dr—”

  Rachel held up a hand, interrupting her. “I know. You told me all about it earlier. This isn’t a dream. It’s fine. Go.”

  Kailah sighed and nodded before turning toward the desk with the woman sitting behind it.

  “What can I do for you today?” the manicurist asked with a smile.

  Despite the fact that French tips were what Kailah chose in her dream, she’d really had her heart set on them and decided nails weren’t going to make or break a vision coming true. Besides, Kailah couldn’t see around Death, and Death couldn’t see around her. There was no way possible the dream was anything other than that: a dream. French tips wouldn’t end the world.

  “Square cut French tips please,” Kailah responded. “Let’s go with black.” The metallic blue had looked amazing, but she wasn’t about to tempt fate that much.

  The woman smiled and got to work. She was a very pleasant person with a lot to say. Kailah liked chatting while getting her nails done. Sitting there in silence always made her feel rude, so she preferred the chattier manicurists.

  “Okay, all finished. Go ahead through that curtain there and wash your hands with soap and water. When yo
u come back, I’ll do the top coat for you,” she said with a smile.

  Kailah quickly thanked her and stood to walk over to the purple curtain hanging from the door frame. See? It’s fine. Everything’s fine.

  She stepped through the curtain into a room that wasn’t very big, but held three sinks. It was certainly large enough to serve its purpose. Rachel came in just after her. “I guess your guy was just as fast as my girl.”

  Rachel nodded excitedly. “We’re almost done! I can’t wait!”

  They started to wash their hands, and Kailah realized Rachel’s happiness was contagious. “I can’t either. It’s so hard to believe. Something must really be off in the universe if both of us have a date.”

  They both laughed as they dried their hands. Kailah’s laugh was cut short as that familiar chill ran through all the way down to her bones. She felt it the same moment she saw him. She realized he must have shown up faster that time.

  Death stood before her, and she quickly turned to Rachel, who was frozen mid-step. She wasn’t even breathing.

  Kailah sighed, her eyes closing as she turned toward Death again. “Please tell me what I dreamed isn’t about to happen.”

  He slowly shook his head as his smoky eyes narrowed.

  “I can see you in my visions. Sayen said Immortals can’t. Does that mean I’m different?”

  He nodded.

  “Can you keep the place frozen long enough for me to drag her out of here?” Kailah asked.

  His eyes narrowed even more as he shook his head again. She felt an emotion rolling off him. It was depressing and dark. Disappointment, she thought with startling clarity. He was disappointed in her for asking.

  “Why me? Why have you chosen me? I don’t understand.”

  She started to panic a little. Any second, a blood-thirsty Vampire was going to break the neck of her best friend unless she figured something out. Death raised his hand, and she stepped back. She didn’t make it far before she backed into the sink.

  Not accepting her hesitation, Death moved toward her again. His long, demonic index finger extended as he placed it in the center of her chest. It burned terribly, but it didn’t do what she’d imagined it would—which was kill her.

  The moment the pain of his touch burned through her, so did his knowledge. He had a tough time communicating with the living. That what why he spoke so plainly in her vision, but always sounded so guttural and forced in the normal world.

  The easiest way for him to communicate with her was to make her see. He was not a cheery fellow by any means, but something about her intrigued him. She was different than the other Immortals he’d seen, and she was certainly different than all other creatures of the Shadow Realm.

  He’d seen that she was a means to an end. She could help stop the unplanned deaths in the world, and she was one of the few beings who actively planned to stop it. He put a lot more faith in her than she would have placed in herself. She didn’t have much power yet, but he knew that would change.

  “Must… live,” he said in that guttural, grating voice he had.

  Kailah looked at him with a puzzled look at first followed by one of absolute fear. Pain washed over her as he shoved his entire hand into her chest. She tried to scream, but no sound would come. With his hand inside her chest, she was unable to even breathe.

  She tried to scream again as he wrapped his hand around her heart. She could feel him squeeze, but still, no sound came. It felt like ice ran through her veins as his icy touch cooled her blood.

  At that moment, she had little to no real perception of time. While it felt like an eternity had passed, she was fully aware it might have only been seconds. He suddenly ripped his hand from her chest, and the pain was entirely gone.

  Her eyes shot open, and Death disappeared in an implosion of smoke. The instant he was gone, time began again. Kailah’s arm instantly moved out in front of Rachel to keep her from walking out of the purple curtain. She looked at Kailah once and knew something was wrong.

  Kailah looked into her friend’s eyes, silently pleading for her to pay close attention. Once she was sure she had Rachel’s full and undivided attention, she pointed a finger toward the curtain and then mouthed the word “run.” Rachel’s face scrunched up in fear, and Kailah could feel her tremble against her before nodding once.

  After a deep breath, Kailah quickly flipped open the curtain and expected to make a quick run, but Rachel screamed and froze up. Kailah looked to the left, and the woman who had been doing her nails was being fed on. She and Rachel were just in time to hear the woman’s neck break as the Vampire crushed it, finishing her off.

  “Fuck! Rachel, go now!”

  Rachel bolted hard, but Kailah would have to give her a better chance. She saw the Vampire about to go for her best friend, so Kailah quickly charged at him. If she could get his attention and make herself look like the better snack, Rachel would be able to get out.

  In the quick moments that it took for her to cross the room, she began to feel a familiar tingle of energy in her chest, waiting to explode. She smiled and didn’t hesitate.

  Kailah stopped hard and flexed her entire body as she pushed the energy outward. When she did, she heard a sharp whine and a loud pop followed by a pain-filled growl from the Vampire. Pain ripped through her stomach, but she ignored it. There were other things to worry about.

  “Oh, my God! Kailah!” Rachel shouted.

  Kailah looked at the Vampire who was now on the ground with several small spikes of ice sticking out of his chest. The noise that she’d heard had been the water pipes in the small room bursting.

  She’d somehow turned the spraying water to ice and sent the shards flying directly for him, just like she’d seen Wendy and Khia do in battle. Kailah wondered if that had been what Analynn told her about. The water had come to her without calling it. She couldn’t even feel a single spirit around her right then, let alone a water-user.

  As she stood there in partial shock, the pain in her stomach grew and she became very aware that she’d been impaled by an ice shard. It went straight through her on the way to spear the Vampire. Close to the element as she may have been, it sure as hell didn’t have any qualms with injuring her to save her, not that she minded right then.

  That must have been why Rachel screamed, she thought.

  “Kailah, your hurt!” Rachel shrieked.

  “I’m fine! Let’s go!” She quickly dropped the barrier she hadn’t even been aware she’d created and grabbed Rachel’s hand on the way out.

  Rachel jumped into the driver’s seat while Kailah flopped down in the passenger’s side. As Rachel peeled out of the parking lot, Kailah nervously looked back and saw the front door to the salon open, though she didn’t see anyone come out. What she did see was a vehicle starting.

  “Uh oh,” Kailah said.

  “What? What uh oh? No uh oh!”

  “Well, pretty sure that Vampire just jumped in his car. Flooring it would probably be a good idea.”

  “Is he following us?” Rachel asked.

  Kailah watched for a moment as the car dangerously pulled out onto the road, forcing several other drivers to swerve. “That would be a big hell yes. Step on it.”

  “If I step on it too hard we’ll get pulled over! And why the hell are you so goofy right now? Get your shit together, Kailah. I’m pretty sure you’re the only one standing between us and a violent death.”

  “I don’t know! Could be the two pints of blood I’ve already lost. You’re lucky I’ve not passed out yet! I’m still bleeding all over the place!” Kailah shot back.

  She was woozy and nauseous from the bloodloss. She knew her abdominal aorta had been nicked or even worse. How she was still standing, she had no idea.

  “Oh, and if you see flashing lights, keep going. I’m pretty sure we’ll qualify for a waiver when we get run off the road by Edward Cullen with a bad attitude back there,” Kailah said.

  She applied pressure on her stomach, and she could feel the pain starti
ng to dissipate. The blood loss was slowing, but that didn’t stop her side effects. She assumed the blood was replenishing at an alarming rate, but it was probably still slower than the actual loss.

  Rachel weaved through traffic as best as she could, and Kailah prayed the lights would stay green. They came to a light, and it turned yellow.

  “Shit! We can’t get caught. Get in the far-right lane and turn down by the Depot. I have a feeling things are about to get bad. We need to get out of town and away from everyone and their camera phones.”

  Rachel gave an unamused laugh. “I’ve learned all about not listening to your gut, so not a problem.”

  She swerved into the right lane and made a quick right turn onto road that would eventually lead to the bottoms. As long as it wasn’t flooded, they could get right through. If the worst were to happen, however, they would have more privacy to fight. Kailah just hoped she had enough knowledge to beat him.

  Kailah watched the mirrors as Rachel drove. The pain in her abdomen was winding down but moving too much could open it again. “Oh, shit. He’s in a Lambo.”

  Rachel’s jaw dropped. “That would have been good to fucking know beforehand! There’s no way we can outrun that in a Chevy fucking Cruze!”

  “Sorry! Kailah shouted. “I was bleeding all over, and there were a lot of cars in the way. I didn’t notice! Fuck. We’re gonna have to take him at some point. That car’s too low to the ground, and he’ll take corners better than we can. Just get as far out of town as possible.”

  “Surely to God he wouldn’t ram that—”


  Both girls grunted loudly as the Vampire rammed the Lamborghini into the back of their car. Kailah gripped her stomach in agony as the seatbelt tightened around it.

  “He can’t do that too much,” Kailah said. “He’s going to make it good next time.”

  Rachel looked back and forth between the road and the rearview mirror. “He backed off, but he’s coming again. Don’t you have some kind of an elemental power that will kick his ass?”

  “It doesn’t work like that. I have no idea what I’m capable of. The water thing was an accident. A helpful one, but that doesn’t change that it was just an accident.”


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