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The Prisoners of Time

Page 12

by Joe Dever

  Giant Guakor Lizard: COMBAT SKILL 23 ENDURANCE 42

  Owing to its weakened state, this creature is especially susceptible to psychic attack. Double the effect of any psychic attacks you use during the combat.

  If you win the combat, turn to 265.


  From the brow of a grassy hill you stare across a strange yet familiar landscape. Before you lies an expanse of verdant grassland, with clumps of woodlands and several winding streams. The warm air smells fresh and clean and the distant sound of bird song is carried to you on the gentle breeze. Were it not for the grey, sunless skies above, it would be easy to believe that you had been returned to your home world.

  A sudden wave of homesickness makes you feel heavy-hearted, but you refuse to allow it to weaken your resolve. Instead, you scan the horizon in the hope of discovering some form of habitation.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery and have reached the Kai rank of Principalin or higher, turn to 64.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 148.


  Each warrior carries a small crossbow attached by a metallic sleeve to his right forearm. The sight of these weapons, which can be fired in an instant, convinces you that it would be wise not to startle these scouts.

  If you wish to call to them who you are without revealing your position, turn to 242.

  If you wish to step from the bushes with your hands above your head, turn to 15.


  The huge, winged beast soars over your position and circles twice before it loses interest in what appears to be a cluster of grey rocks. Not daring to move a muscle, you wait until you can no longer hear the beat of its wings before uncurling yourself and staggering to your feet.

  Turn to 265.


  Being highly suspicious of your surroundings and all they contain you decide to examine them more closely. You discover nothing of interest until you search the divan: there you find a Yoacor dagger wedged deep between the cushions. Owing to the size of this weapon, if you wish to keep it, mark it on your Action Chart as a Sword.

  Turn to 139.


  The Meledorians are overjoyed to have witnessed the spectacular defeat of the Chaos-master, for your victory has rid them of their greatest enemy. They call to you to come down from the roof, and when you appear in the doorway, they shower you with praise.

  ‘We owe you more than our lives, Aonian,’ says Lorkon, his strange blue eyes aglow with admiration. ‘Your great deed has saved our realm and put an end to the plague of chaos that would have corrupted us all. We are forever in your debt.’

  Turn to 173.


  ‘Where is this key which allows entry to the Shadow Gate of Haagadar?’ you ask, anxiously.

  Serocca raises her eyes from the table and smiles. ‘Power is the key, and the power is now within your grasp. The two Lorestones of Nyxator are the power — they are the key to your escape from the Daziarn. You must retrieve them from Tolakos, in the Nahgoth Forest, and then go to Haagadar. The Shadow Gate is to be found in the Temple of the Sandai at the centre of the city. I can help you reach Tolakos but beyond the Nahgoth my powers of vision grow dim. You must let your skills and this map be your guide there.’

  Illustration XIV—You study the map, noting with dismay the great distance which separates the Nahgoth Forest from the city of Haagadar.

  From the pocket of her silken robes she produces a Map which she presses into your hand (mark this on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you carry inside your tunic). You unfurl the parchment and study its contents (see the accompanying illustration), noting with dismay the great distance which separates the Nahgoth Forest from the city of Haagadar.

  Turn to 238.


  Despite their attractive aroma, the orange berries taste bitter and powdery. You force yourself to swallow and find it hard not to cough when the buds stick in your throat. Odel glances over his shoulder to see what is wrong and his face freezes in a mask of horror. ‘No!’ he cries. ‘They're poisonous!’

  A grinding pain grips your stomach, making you double up and fall to your knees: lose 6 ENDURANCE points.

  If you possess some Laumspur, Laumwort, or Oede herb, turn to 277.

  If you do not possess any of these items, turn to 11.


  Your senses warn you that the track leads into a section of the Nahgoth that was once occupied by the Chaos-master. The twisted trunks are evidence of the corruption he instilled in everything he touched. Although he has been defeated, it will be a long time before the scars of his corruption heal completely.

  If you wish to follow the track into the chaos-zone, turn to 292.

  If you decide to leave the track and make a detour around this part of the Nahgoth, turn to 118.


  The noise of the approaching whirlwind grows steadily louder and the ground shudders violently beneath your feet. A great blast of dust and debris is sucked from the depths of the fissure. It catches you full in the chest and knocks you off balance, causing you to fall and gash your head. Blinded by the sudden pain, you are now unable to resist the full force of the whirlwind raging directly above the gully and are drawn up into the vortex never to be seen again.

  Your life and your quest end here on the Zhamin Plateau of the Daziarn Plane.


  Peering over the parapet, you try to locate the Lorestone, but it is impossible to see through the eerie blue carpet of grave mist. You are about to leave the roof when you hear a thrumming noise, like the sound of wild and discordant drumming. You peer in the direction of the noise and see a line of hulking shapes shambling towards the gaps in the perimeter wall. Instantly you recognize them — they are Agtah, the hideous creations of the Chaos-master.

  Spurred on by anger and fear, you race through the inner sanctum of the Sepulchre and skid to a halt outside its great door. There, shrouded in mist, you discover the body of your guide, his chest torn open and blackened by a bolt of power that claimed his life. You kneel to close his sightless eyes and immediately sense that the Lorestone is close at hand. Guided by instinct you race towards the Lorestone but, as you are running past the entrance to a crypt, you are set upon by a pair of snarling Chaos-creatures.

  Turn to 68.


  ‘Come, you must rest before your journey to Tolakos. I shall arrange for my Ookor to take you there after you have slept and recovered your strength.’

  Serocca rises from her seat and bids you follow her to an adjoining room where there is food, a bath, and a comfortable bed. There she leaves you, returning to the table to consult its visions, while you try to relax despite the heavy sense of foreboding that haunts your mind.

  Restore your ENDURANCE to its original level, before turning to 210.


  In order to overcome this obstacle, you need to let go of the cliff-face, lean back, grab hold of the ledge, and then pull yourself up using your arms alone. Patiently you wait for a lull in the wind, but when you finally release your grip, a sudden crosswind catches you and blows you sideways. Desperately you scrabble for a handhold, but you are already falling backwards. You scream, until you smash to the ground among the boulders that litter the base of the cliff.

  Tragically your life and your quest end here at Haagadar.


  The creatures latch on to your scent and emit a strange, high-pitched twittering sound which alerts the others to your hiding place. You leap to your feet unsheathing a hand weapon, but before you have a chance to evade them they surround you and attack.


  If you win the combat, turn to 203.


  Your Arrow flies straight and true. It pierces the Zhengha's eye and sends it soaring upwards into the sky, screeching an agonized cry across the desolate plain. At the top of its arc it breathes its last
fiery breath then plummets to the ground with a resounding crash.

  Turn to 265.


  Your words have barely left your lips before they are answered by a volley of bronze-tipped bolts, loosed in the direction of your voice. Two cut through the foliage and speed past your head, but the third is aimed lower and carves a neat notch from your thigh before disappearing into the ground: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

  In the next instant the scouts explode through the undergrowth and surround you, their crossbows ready to fire again should you attempt to resist. One leans forward and pulls you roughly to your feet, demanding that you identify yourself or suffer the consequences. You tell him who you are and suggest that he look in your pocket if he requires proof that you speak the truth.

  Turn to 87.


  The wheels shriek and the chariot veers wildly from side to side as it careers down the bumpy river bank.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have completed the Lore-circle of Solaris add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–3, turn to 57.

  If it is 4 or more, turn to 110.


  Despite the freezing wind and the near-vertical angle of ascent, your basic Kai skills enable you to climb the pitted cliff wall with little difficulty to begin with. However, when you reach the halfway point, you are faced by a ledge of sandstone that juts out several feet from the wall.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess a Rope add 1 to the number you have picked. If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery and have reached the Kai rank of Primate or higher, add 3.

  If your total is now 0–4, turn to 239.

  If it is 5 or more, turn to 279.


  Slowly the slain Khozinda falls to the cavern floor, its broad tail twitching spasmodically. When finally it comes to rest you approach the carcass and examine more closely this creature of the Daziarn. Although the shape of its body appears reptilian, its scales are quite unlike those of any lizard you have seen before. They are thin yet incredibly hard and seem to be formed from a substance more akin to glass than skin or bone. You ponder the origins of this curious beast until eventually the fatigue of your ordeal catches up with you (you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points). Unable to resist any longer, you close your eyes and drift into a deep and dreamless sleep.

  Turn to 264.


  From the depths of the Nahgoth Forest crawls a nightmare army of gibbering Chaos-creatures. They are directed by one sinister being and all are obedient to his silent command. You run towards the Sepulchre with terror in your heart as their writhing shapes pour through the gaps in the perimeter wall in ever increasing numbers. You evade their spears and stones but, as you reach the great door, you are confronted by three tentacled horrors, wearing heavy armour strapped to their warty hides. Their bloated bodies fill the doorway and prevent you from entering.

  Illustration XV—As you reach the great door, you are confronted by three tentacled horrors, the fearsome Octagtah.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, Huntmastery, or Pathsmanship, turn to 213.

  If you possess none of these skills, you can either attack the three creatures: turn to 298.

  Or you can evade them and search elsewhere for a place to hide: turn to 55.


  The cool gloom of the Nahgoth Forest floor seems to continue indefinitely. Then you arrive at a place where one of the massive trees has fallen and torn a gap in the canopy of leaves. There the gloom is brightened by a narrow column of light.

  ‘That's Baylon's Bough,’ whispers Odel, pointing at the decaying trunk. ‘Just another league and we'll be at Tolakos.’

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship and have reached the Kai rank of Tutelary or higher, turn to 59.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 192.


  The stream wends its way sluggishly through a mossy glen to a thicket of red-leaved trees which stand in a semicircle around a pale grey, metallic monolith.

  If you wish to investigate this strange monolith, turn to 275.

  If you choose to avoid it, turn to 53.


  The Arrow strikes the ornate dragon which decorates the visor of his helmet, and shatters in two against its hardened steel. He utters a mocking laugh, his green, cat-like eyes glinting through the visor slits, and hurriedly drops the Lorestones into a small velvet sack tied to his sword belt. Angered by his laugh, and your failure, you shoulder your Bow and draw a hand weapon as you run forward to prevent his escape.

  Turn to 22.


  The flickering patterns draw into focus and you see before you a panoply of strange scenes, and the faces of many unknown creatures, some human, some bestial, and some that defy description.

  ‘Many of the events which have befallen your world are mirrored here in the Daziarn,’ says Serocca, as you watch, with growing fascination, the image of a battle taking place between men and beasts. ‘We too are threatened by the forces of darkness. Many ages ago we triumphed over evil, but our victory was incomplete. Now our nemesis has come in the guise of the Chaos-master. Everywhere his seething corruptions encroach upon the goodly realms of the Daziarn, twisting and consuming all they touch.’

  The vision of the battle fades and is replaced by a living map, similar to the light-picture you were shown by the Beholder of Yanis. ‘Here are the realms that lie between the elemental strongholds of Earth and Water. Once this region was rich and populous with the creatures of light, but now it lies ravaged by the cancerous Realm of Paradox. Only Vhozada and Meledor continue to resist; the others have either disappeared into the Neverness or been transformed into desolate wastelands. Here … ’ she says, pointing to the middle of the table, ‘is the Nahgoth Forest, once the most fertile of the great timberlands; now the scourge of chaos splits it asunder. And here, the Plain of Guakor, the mightiest realm the Daziarn has ever known, reduced to dust by a plague of fire-breathing Zhengha.’

  Tears well up in her eyes and you sense that the vision of Guakor has stirred painful memories.

  If you wish to ask what troubles her, turn to 288.

  If you choose not to intrude on her grief, turn to 345.


  You leave the treasure vault and recommence your search for the Lorestones. You concentrate on the source of their radiant power and your eyes are drawn inexorably towards the ceiling. Nothing stirs in these shadowy reaches, yet you sense that the Lorestones are there. Then you notice the stairs and the circular portal and at once you realize that they must provide access to the flat roof of the Sepulchre. With your heart pounding in your chest you race up the steps, confident of finding the two objects of your quest waiting for you on the roof.

  Turn to 320.


  Your advanced Magnakai skill enables you to understand what these beings are saying. One demands to know why you are violating the sacred burial tomb of Ztuul, one of their most revered hunters, and the other asks how you came to be here, alone and without any means of transportation. You sense that they speak not in their native tongue but in a language they assume to be yours.

  If you wish to tell them that you are from the world of Magnamund and that you arrived here after having fallen through a Shadow Gate, turn to 156.

  If you choose to ignore their questions and remain silent, turn to 280.


  A loud click issues from the lock and the portal creaks open to reveal a long, dark corridor. Quickly you step inside and swing shut the heavy door to deny entry to the screaming horde of Chaos-creatures assembling outside. Tubes of green glass set into niches in the wall cast a faint glow by which you can see your way to the chamber at the heart of the tomb. Here lie the remains of Baylon, ancient ruler of Meledor, encased in a sarcophagus of gleaming, gem-studded

  To the rear of the chamber you notice a stair that ascends to the ceiling where, like the Grand Sepulchre, there is a circular portal that gives access to the roof.

  If you wish to search the chamber, turn to 154.

  If you wish to investigate the sarcophagus, turn to 66.

  If you choose instead to go up on the roof and spy on the advancing horde, turn to 27.


  T'uk T'ron runs to your side, his face and crystal sword spattered with the black blood of his foes. ‘Hurry! This fight lost. You go … go now!’ he snaps, and points across the bridge to the hills beyond. A cursory glance confirms his grim statement. Only he and two of his guards remain standing and one fights left-handed, his right arm swinging broken and useless by his side. The others, including all the onipa, have been slain by the howling creatures of chaos.

  Reluctantly you obey T'uk T'ron's command and hurry across the bridge, whilst he and his brave Ookor guards fight to cover your escape. Not until you reach the first ridge of hills do you look back at the bridge, hoping to see T'uk T'ron and his guards victorious. But your hope is in vain — all that remains alive at the bridge is a ghoulish grey horde of feasting Agtah.


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