Her Forever Dreams (A Coverton Mills Romance Book 3)
Page 13
They all seemed to talk at once. “Does he know?”
“I can’t believe he’s our brother, but I’m kind of proud of it.”
“I want to meet him.”
“Damn, Dad,” Hunter said over the rest of them. “That means I’m not the only boy any longer.”
“You’ll always be my boy, son.”
“Does Andrew know he’s our brother?”
“I don’t know what he knows, Jessica.”
“I don’t think he knows,” Hunter said. “I’d have picked up on it when I got the interview. I found him to be an open and honest guy. His mother seemed super nice, too. I can see why you loved her so much, Dad. Remember, I told you earlier she was a looker.”
“I got a glimpse of her as we were leaving, and I agree.” He looked at them. “I hope you’re not disappointed in me because I had the affair with Julia. All I can say is, she’s the only woman I’ve ever truly loved. In fact, she taught me what real love was.”
Jessica put her arm around her father. “I want you to see her again, Daddy.”
After they went back to the den and stated chatting and eating, Ashley said, “May I say something?” They looked at her and she went on. “Hunter’s not the only one to meet Julia Singleton one on one. She interviewed me, and she had no more idea of who I was than I did her. She knows me as Bradshaw. I can honestly say I found her to be one of the most gracious and charming women I’ve ever met. I thought I’d be beholden to her if she gave me a job, now I realize I’m beholden to her forever for giving me my father. I can understand doing what she did for her own children because I’d do it for mine. But to do it for someone else’s children must mean she has the capacity to love at a level deeper than any of us can possibly fathom.”
She turned to Seth. “You’ve got to go to her, Daddy. The love she must have had for you was so great I’m sure it never died. Now that I know how much you loved her, I realize you two should be together for the rest of your lives.”
Before anyone could say anything, the trap in the bedroom banged and they all knew the raccoon was caught and locked in.
Seth finished telling Chief Richard Staples about the threat of a rabid pet and they were now having coffee over the sweet rolls Norma put on the coffee table.
“Would’ve give you chocolate chip cookies, Chief, but somebody around here ate all of them last night.” She glared at Seth.
“The girls are the ones who snatched your cookies, Norma. When they set them before me how could I resist when they’re so good? If you were a bad cook I would’ve left them for someone else.”
“I guess that means you want me to bake some more for the kids.”
“They’d like them, I’m sure.”
“I swear, Mr. Armstrong. You cause me more trouble than a polecat in a perfume factory. I don’t know why I put up with you.”
“I’ve told you before, Norma. It’s because you love me.”
“Love you, my foot. That’s the same as telling me my favorite pastime is playing in a hornet’s nest.” She filled their coffee cups and left the den.
Seth noticed she limped a little, but didn’t say anything. She’d complained about arthritis a few times and he figured that was what it was.
Richard looked at Seth. “Does your housekeeper talk to you like that all the time?”
“Ninety-five percent of it.”
“I don’t think you should put up with that. There’re a lot of people out there looking for jobs. You could fire her ass and hire somebody else.”
“I could never do that, Richard. I couldn’t make it without her. Together, she and I raised my three kids with very little help from Eve. Norma would die for me, and I know it. She knows it, too. That’s why she tries to act tough around me.
“You should’ve seen how she took care of me after I was shot. She even had the nurses jumping, and the way she pushed me through physical therapy you’d have thought she was a drill sergeant. Like raising the kids, I could’ve never lived though that without her. Now she’d tell you it was because she needs the job and if I died nobody else would want to hire her. She still hovers. When we had the big snow, she gave me a lecture about staying inside so I wouldn’t fall and mess up my other hip. Said she didn’t have time to look after me and didn’t want me around here crippled up worse.”
“Maybe she’s in love with you and is hiding it.”
“No, it’s not that. I’m sure she loves Ward. Though we’re about the same age, I think she looks at me as the son she lost in the Gulf War.” He picked up his coffee and he had a twinkle in his eyes. “Speaking of love, I’ve found Julia.”
“Really?” Richard looked shocked. “When did this happen? What did she say? How does she look?”
“Slow down, Richard. I only got a glimpse of her, but from what I could see, she’s as beautiful as ever. I’ve got to call her and set up a meeting and I’m trying to figure out how to handle it.”
He would have told him a little more about Julia, but Richard got a call about a wreck on one of the mountain roads and had to leave. Seth closed the door behind him and turned toward the kitchen.
The telephone rang and Norma answered it. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll see if I can find her. It might take a minute. This is a big house and people scatter everywhere in it.” Norma laid the phone on the counter and looked at him. “That’s the Mrs. Singleton Ashley has been waiting to hear from. Do you know where Ashley is?”
“In the playroom with the children, I think.” It was all he could do to get the words out. Julia was on the line and he could grab the phone and hear her voice. Did he dare do it?
He was still staring at the phone when he heard Norma go up the back stairs to get Ashley.
In a minute, his daughter came down the same steps two at a time. “That’s her, Daddy. What do I say? How can I talk to her? Do I tell her who I am?”
“Calm yourself down, Ashley. This call is about a job. It’s nothing personal, so don’t let your emotions enter into the conversation.”
Ashley nodded and picked up the phone on the counter.
No, he wanted to scream. Don’t talk to her from this phone. Go into another room. I don’t want to be this close to Julia’s voice and not be able to hear it.
It then dawned on him he could leave the room, though he knew he wouldn’t.
Ashley pushed the phone on. “Hello, Mrs. Singleton. I’m so sorry you had to wait. I was upstairs playing with my children.”
“That’s no problem, Mrs. Bradshaw. I just have a couple of quick questions for you.”
“Yes, Ma’am. I’ll be happy to answer anything I can.” “I know you applied for a job as one of the department managers at Singleton’s.”
“Let me assure you’re being considered for one of those jobs, but I have another position I want to talk with you about. There are two other people in the running for it, but after reviewing your resume and meeting you, I felt you might be interested.”
“I’d love to hear about it, Mrs. Singleton.”
“Good. It’s the position as assistant store manager. It’s harder and there are a lot more responsibilities, but I felt you could handle them if you’re interested in being considered.”
Ashley’s mouth flew open and she swallowed. “I sure would,” she stammered.
“Very good. I will tell you that you’d be working closely with me since I’ll be managing this store for a while.”
“I think that would be wonderful.”
“Then, I’ll suggest your name for consideration. I’ll let you know in a day or two, and in the meantime, rest assured that if it doesn’t work out, you’ll be offered a job as one of the department managers. I’m just not sure which department yet.”
“Oh, thank you, Mrs. Singleton. Thank you so much.”
“You’re quite welcome, and I look forward to talking with you again.”
“I look forward to it, too, and again, thank you so much, Julia.�
Hanging up the phone she turned to her father. “Daddy she’s considering me for assistant store manager. Can you believe that? And she said if that didn’t work out, I have a job as a department manager. I’m so thrilled. I can’t believe this. She’s wonderful.”
He stared at his happy daughter. “Congratulations, honey. I’m glad it worked out for you. I’m just puzzled about one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Why did you call her Julia?”
She looked frightened. “Did I do that?” He nodded, and she said, “Oh, Lord. I hope I didn’t blow it. I didn’t realize I said that. She’ll probably forget to consider me now. She may even take back the department manager job. How could I have been so dumb?”
Seth put his arms around his daughter’s shoulders. “I’m sure Julia won’t hold a little thing like that against you. She’s not that kind of woman.”
“How do you know, Daddy?” She answered her own question. “Of course, you know. Now, I’ve said another dumb thing.”
•♥ •
Julia hung up the phone with a puzzled look on her face. Why in the world would Ashley Bradshaw call her by her first name? She shook her head. Probably the young woman was excited, and it was a slip of the tongue. It didn’t matter. Julia still had every intention of making Ashley her assistant manager, and they’d be on a first-name basis soon, anyway.
She leaned back in the swivel chair. Now all her management staff was in place. She wasn’t unrealistic enough to think she had the perfect people and she knew some of them wouldn’t work out, but it was as close to ideal as she could make it at this time.
Her mind drifted to Andrew’s concert last night. Her son was talented. She smiled. It made her feel good that now his father knows how talented he is. Does Seth realize Andrew is his son? He has to. One look at Hunter and there’s no question.
She only hoped Seth was pleased with the way his youngest child turned out. She was sure the glance they shared told her he was very pleased. It told her something else, too. Seth hadn’t forgotten her in all these years. He might be a married man, but she still had a place in his heart. And now, the world would know they had a son.
She bolted upright. It’ll come out any time now and I’ve never told Andrew who his father is. I have to do that, and I have to do it right now. I can’t let him go to Armstrong Farm not knowing what he’s walking into.
She grabbed the phone and dialed the number to Andrew’s room. He answered on the first ring. “Son, I have to see you this morning.”
“You know Hunter asked me to visit his father’s farm today. I’m expecting him about lunch time.”
“Will you call Hunter and postpone it? It’s important, Andrew. Very important.”
The urgency in his mother’s voice must have let him know she wouldn’t ask this if she didn’t think it was important. “Okay, Mom. I’ll call him and you and I’ll have lunch. How’s that?”
“Great. We’ll eat in the restaurant here. I’ll make reservations for us for 12:30. Is that okay with you?”
She hung up with a sigh of relief. At least she could pave the way for him to meet Seth, if that was what he intended to do.
The phone rang and she wondered if he was calling back. “He better not cancel our lunch,” she muttered and picked it up.
“Hello, slut. Looks like it might snow again today.”
There was no mistaking the voice. “Dorie, how did you know I was here?”
“I know everything you do, whore. I have ever since you roped my brother into marrying you and taking on your son. Why, I even saw the bastard singing his songs last night. He sure does look like his father and I’m talking about the sperm donor, not my brother. Not the wonderful man who played father to him.”
“Dorie, why are you doing this to me? I was a good wife to your brother and Andrew was a good son. Can’t you leave us alone?”
“Nope. Saw the donor at the concert, too. I was surprised when you two didn’t head to a motel together. That’s your style, isn’t it”
“Dorie, you’re sick.”
“For a long time, I thought I’d kill you, but then I didn’t want Woodrow to be mad at me. He liked you, for some reason. Thought about killing your son, but that would make him mad, too. Eve and I talked about it and decided the best thing I could do would be to kill the donor. Too bad she failed when she tried it. Poor thing, she had it all wrong. She thought Hunter was your son, and was going to kill him first.”
“What are you talking about?” Julia was getting frightened. “Nobody is trying to kill anyone.”
“That’s what you think. I had the perfect shot at your lover the other night, but the damn gun jammed. By the time I got it unstuck, he left the window.”
“Why would you want to kill Seth, Dorie? He doesn’t even know Andrew is his child.” Julia looked around, but she was alone. There was no one to help her.
“It’s simple. I don’t know why Woodrow thought you were a smart woman. You can’t even see the simple plan.”
“Then why don’t you tell me what the plan is?”
“I might as well since there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s like this. I’m going to torture the kids for Eve’s sake. You know how all of them love their horses. I tried to kill the girl’s horse, but the dynamite didn’t go off. Then I killed a woman who thought she was my friend, but she was really only a bother to me. I put her on the girl’s horse and thought maybe it’d drive the horse crazy, but it didn’t.” She laughed. “At least, I got rid of my friend. Now I know which horses belong to the other kids, and I’m going to kill all of them. I tried the other night, but the damn security thing rang until it almost busted my ear drums.”
“Dorie, where are you? Maybe I could meet you and we could talk.”
“Don’t you wish I’d do that? I know what you’d do. You’d bring the police to protect that lover of yours. I have no intention of getting caught until I complete my mission.” She laughed again. “I put a rabid raccoon in their house the other day. Some of them may be dying already. Wouldn’t that be a hoot? I might be lucky enough to pick off the grandchildren. Now that would give him a start, wouldn’t it?”
“Dorie, please…”
“Don’t please me. I have a mission and I’m working on it. Remember, I told you the first of the year what was going to happen. Well, it’s happening. When the Armstrong family is wiped out, you won’t have anyone to concentrate on but Woodrow, cause they’ll all be dead. He’d like that. He always said he wished you could love him like you did the man who made you pregnant. Gotta go, slut. Just wanted to touch base and catch you up on things.”
The phone went dead.
Julia was dumfounded. What should she do? Call the police? Call a private detective to find Dorie? Tell Andrew what was going on? Call Seth and warn him?
Right now, she couldn’t do anything. She was too numb.
“Hey, Dad. I just got a call from Andrew. He can’t make it out there today. Said he wanted a raincheck, though. He’s going to be in the area a couple of more days.”
“Maybe that’s best, son.”
“I thought you wanted to get to know him.”
“I thought so, too, but now I wonder if it’s the best thing. I’m not the man I was. I’m an old crippled horse farmer. It might hurt his career if the truth about me was to come out.”
“I doubt that, Dad.”
“Right now, I’m having snack time with my grandchildren and don’t want to think about it.” Call waiting buzzed his phone. “I’ve got another call coming in. Let me think about it and I’ll get back with you.”
“Sure. Talk with you later.”
Seth pushed the button and said, “Seth Armstrong.” Silence.
“Hello. Is anybody there?” He looked at Ashley and she shrugged.
Still no one spoke.
“Look, if you’re on the line, say something or I’m going to hang up.”<
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A soft voice finally said, “Seth.”
He went white and gripped the side of the chair. He looked as if he might faint. For a minute, he couldn’t speak, either. Finally, he mumbled, “Julia?”
“I can’t believe it.”
There was a long pause. “I need to talk with you, Seth.”
“I need to talk to you, too, Julia.” He watched as Ashley ushered the children out of the den. He was thankful she’d left him alone for this conversation. When she said nothing, he went on. “I’m glad we have a son.”
“He’s a lot like his father.”
“I heard Mr. Singleton was a good man.”
“I’m talking about you, Seth.”
This filled him with pride. “Does he know about me?”
“He knows he has a birth father. He doesn’t know who. I’m going to tell him at lunch.”
“He was supposed to come to the farm today.”
“I know. I asked him to postpone his visit. I wanted him to know who you were first, but I want him to come. He needs to meet you.”
“I want to meet him, too.”
“I’m glad. I was afraid you’re resent the fact that he existed.”
“Never. You know how I feel about children.”
“Of course I do.” She took a deep breath. “Could we meet, Seth?”
“Oh, yes. I want to see you, Julia. When?”
“Could you possibly meet me this afternoon or tonight?
“Where are you? I’ll come right away.”
“I’m staying at the Grove Park Inn.”
“What time?”
“Is four o’clock okay?”
“It’s fine.” He let it sink in that he was actually going to see her. To touch her. Well, maybe not touch, but at least, she’d probably let him shake her hand. “I need to tell you something first.”
“All right.” She held her breath. “I’m not the man you knew.”
“I’m not the same woman either, Seth. Age has taken care of that.”
“I’m not talking about age, Julia. I took a couple of bullets in my hip a little while back and I have a pretty bad limp. I have to use a cane now. There are a lot of vicious ugly scars in the hip and joint area.”