theory of effect 11–12
Venus and 28–9
see also carbon emissions; coal; gas; methane; oil
Greenpeace 123
Guardian newspaper 191
Climate Risk Index 179
disasters 178
Hamilton, Clive 24
Hannay, David 211, 228
Hansen, James 30
Storms of My Grandchildren 28–9
Hayek, Friedrich von 98
health and disease
effect of climate change 166
Millennium Declaration 214
UN and 212
heat waves 115
Hedegaard, Connie 191
Heinberg, Richard 33
Helm, Dieter 43
Hillman, Mayer 158
Climate Risk Index 179
housing and buildings
planning and 145
sea level rise and 171–2
sturdy insulation 168
UK tax incentives 154–5
Howell, David 36
Hu Jintao 190, 223
Hubbert, Marion King 36
Hugo, Victor 113
Huhne, Chris 194
Hungary 197
hurricanes and typhoons
Andrew 176
insurance 174–5
Jeanne 178
Katrina 115, 174, 175, 177
hydroelectric energy 127
Brazil 225
in Europe 167
Kyoto projects 189
Norway 81
present technology 131
status of 138
Sweden 78, 81
hydrogen power 130, 131
present technology 132
carbon tax 153
geothermal energy 135
IKEA 126
Illarionov, Andrei 187
Implementing Sustainable Development (Lafferty and Meadowcroft) 61
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) 65
India 231
climate change policies 224–5
Copenhagen negotiations 190
democracy of 209
economic growth of 46, 214
increasing emissions from 7
Kyoto negotiations 188
public attitudes 105
Tata Nano car 46
weather events 180
inequalities and poverty
the bottom billion 213–16
carbon rationing 158–9
developing countries and 165
development and 62–3
intensification of 17
state traps for 214–16
taxes and 154–6
technology and 141–2
coping with hazards 62
catastrophe bonds 176–8
flooding and 171
scales of damage 173–5
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Programme 169
interest groups 114
see also business; civil society; green movement
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the UN (IPCC)
controversies 22–3
geoengineering 137
NGOs and 123
nuclear power 133
origins in Montreal Protocol 185
political body of 20
predictions of 15–18, 20–1
radicals disagree with 27
scenarios 100
sceptics and 19
UN role and 208
International Energy Agency 136
peak oil 37
international institutions
embedding issue in 3
Lovelock’s lack of faith in 30
mirage of world order 209–13
see also international negotiations; United Nations
International Labour Organization 177
international negotiations 3–4
abrogation of 213
aiming for consensus 116–19
Bali conference 189
Cancun conference 193–4
coalitions and collaborations 220–2
Copenhagen conference 190–2
failure in practical results 194
historical view of 185–9
role of UN 227–8
Iran 45, 213
Iraq 213
Petropolitics and 217–18
Israel 35
energy conservation 35
Fukushima leaks 78, 81, 92, 133–4
geothermal energy 135
political consensus 118
US military bases in 207
Millennium Declaration 214
renewable technologies and 146–50
Jones, Philip 21–3
Jones, Van
The Green Economy 149
Kagan, Robert
The Return of History and the End of Dreams 209–13
Kazakhstan 208
Kerry, John 90
Kingdon, John
Agendas, Alternatives and Public Policies 113–15
Klare, Michael 207, 222
Krieger, Martin 52
Kunstler, James 161
Kuwait 215
Kyoto conference 77, 83, 87
carbon markets 199
Clean Development Mechanism 188
common denominators 117
EU meets targets 195
negotiations for 186–9
regional approaches 220
Russia and 219
Kyrgystan 208
Lafferty, William
Implementing Sustainable Development (with Meadowcroft) 61
Laos 180
Latin America 226–7
Latvia 197
Lawson, Nigel 42–3
Leeb, Stephen 37
Lieberman, Joseph 88, 90, 222
Limits to Growth (Club of Rome) 59
Lipton tea company 126
Lithuania 197
local governance
EU subsidiarity 168
green principles and 51
integrated approaches 97
levels of governance 5
planning 98
Lomborg, Bjørn 191
The Skeptical Environmentalist 19
The Lomborg Deception (Friel) 19
Lovelock, James 29–30
Lovins, Amory
hypercars 143–4
natural capitalism 139–40
Lovins, Hunter
hypercars 143–4
low-carbon living
investing in technology for 89
jobs and 146–7, 147
positive models of 8
present technology and 131–40
promoting 110
as utopia 160–2
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio 225–6
McCain, John 88
MacDonald, Christine
Green, Inc 125–6
McKee, Martin 25–6
Major Economics Forum 221
Manmohan Singh 224
Mann, Michael 21–2
Mao Zedong 216
case against 48–9
environmental goods 4
GM crops 69
state intervention in 95–6
see also carbon trading
Markey, Edward 88
Marsh, Marcia 125
Marx, Karl 229
Meadowcroft, James
Implementing Sustainable Development (with Lafferty) 61
Merkel, Angela 81
agriculture and 69
greenhouse effect 11
peat bogs and 27–8
Mexico 207, 226–7
public attitudes 105
Michaels, Patrick 19
Middle East
imperialism and 34
oil resources of 9
Petropolitics 217–18
sp; resource conflicts 207
US and 47
see also individual countries
Millennium Declaration 214
Mitchell, Cynthia 101
Mongolia 179
Montreal Protocol 185
Morganthau, Hans 211
Morris, William 50, 51
Munich Re 177
Myanmar 179
Nakhle, Carol 36
nation-states see states
National Academy of Sciences 24
National Adaptation Programme of Action 183
benevolence of 58
mystical reverence for 55
staying close to 54
Nature (Emerson) 50
Environmental Assessment Agency 23
IPCC controversy 22–3
new protein sources 101
political consensus 118
New Zealand
Copenhagen conference 190
geothermal energy 135
Nicaragua 179
Nigeria 207, 208
Nike 124, 223
El Niño/La Niña 27, 28, 102
stars reveal 182
non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
business and 125–6
ensuring standards 121
as pressure group 121–3, 124–5
role of 121–3
scientific research and 123
Nordhaus, Ted 148–9
North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) 210
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Arctic security 204
counterpart organizations 208
North, Richard 20, 60
Norway 81, 219
Arctic resources 203–4
carbon tax 153
environmental performance 77
nuclear power
Chernobyl 134
France and 35, 42
Fukushima leaks 78, 81, 92, 133–4
Germany 80–1
IPCC on 133
Iran 45
present technology 131, 132–4
states phase out 51
Sweden 78
UK 85, 86
USA 88
waste disposal 133
Obama, Barack 88–9, 223
Copenhagen conference 190–1
Arctic resources 203–4, 206
conflict and security 207–8
dominance of 33
future generations and 120
imperialism and 34
new sources 36–9
North Sea 81, 85
OPEC and 34–5, 78, 81
peak in supply 8, 36–9
Petropolitics 217–220
price of 7, 9–10, 35, 37, 156
spills 39–40
state resources 215
Sudan 205
transport by sea 207
oil embargo 78, 81
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 34–5
OXFAM 193–4
Pacala, Stephen 140
Pachauri, Rajendra 46
Pakistan 180, 207
Parks, Bradley 178–9
Pearce, Fred 26–7, 30
peat bog methane 27–8
percentage principle 74
Peru 182, 226
PetroChina 41
Pew Foundation 89–90, 106
Philippines 179, 180
planning 6
backcasting 100–2
communities 100
democratic processes and 99–100
energy needs 72 flexibility of 145
job creation 148
multi-level 95
previous experiences of 98–9
polar and glacial ice
Arctic resources 36, 203–4, 206
data of 13–14
dynamic and volatile 27
European climate and 167
IPCC controversy 22–3
predictions for 17–18
politics of climate change
absorption of green ideas 48, 54
aiming for concord 116–19
concepts of 71–5
economic competition 150
foregrounding 112–16
future discounting 2–3
global scope 229–30
holistic approach 91
left-right thinking 7, 49, 91, 116
measuring sustainability 65
Petropolitics 217–220
politicians awareness and 3–4
profound changes and 4
transcendence 74
urgency of 2
Pollin, Robert 149
polluter pays principle 121
adaptation and 165
carbon tax 148, 152
ensuring state and 95–6
politics of 71
responsibility and 66–7
pollution and toxic substances 62
aluminium mining 126
economic impact 64
public right to know 121
right-to-know legislation 121
Popper, Karl 6
factor in adaptation 181
feeding billions 67–8
increase of 17
relation to poverty 214
environmental performance 82–3, 92
poverty see inequalities and poverty
power relations
of humans 229–230
relation to money 116
state sovereignty 209–13
UN intervention 211
world-view of 213
Pralle, Sarah 115
precautionary principle
arguments of 55–9
compared to adaptation 164–5
green movement and 51
rejection of 6
Protection of the Earth’s Atmosphere (German parliament) 79
public attitudes
accepting risk 231
Brazil 225
clusters of 105–8
concern about environment 103–5
developing vs developed states 104–5
emphasizing the positives 108–12
fatalism 115
foregrounding environment 112–16
Giddens’s paradox 2–3
green presentation to 123–4
information and 104
interest groups and 114
planning and 102
reaction to weather events 10
right to know 121
shifting 107–10
US view on environment 89–90
see also civil society
Putin, Vladimir 209–10, 219
active reaction to events 10
green viewpoints 26–31
lack in international agreements 194
‘of the centre’ 116
political transcendence 74
renewed cause of 49
rainfall see droughts and floods
Rainforest Alliance 126
Rasmussen, Anders Fogh 191
Rasmussen, Lars Lokke 191
recycling and waste 126
carbon tax 155, 156
jobs and 147
Reduced Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) 193
Rees, William 53
coalitions and collaborations 220–2
Kyoto agreements 220
see also local governance
handicap for business 7
short-termism and 99
renewable energy
biofuels 70–1
Brazil 225–6
Chinese investment in 9
conservationists and 54
economic competition 7
EU and 195
feed-in tariffs 79–80, 91, 131
job creation 146–50
lobbying for 122
Portugal 82–3
smart grids 143
and Portugal 82–3, 92
status report on 138
turn towards 35
US-China cooperation 223
resources see environment and resources; fossil fuels
The Politics of Climate Change Page 31