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The Black Planet

Page 33

by J W Murison

  He wasn’t the only one speculating. The news footage was already being watched across the great barrier. As it spread from race to race amongst the news channels more and more races began to take heed of what was happening. Until now many had bet on the outcome as a win for the Albany race. After footage of Charlie being shown around the universe; the odds began to swing in favour of the humans. The Modloch Emperor was also cashing in on the phenomena. He was charging a small amount for each download of the human documentaries. As the news spread, downloads increased. Within a few hours he had made enough to build a whole new battle fleet. He had watched all of the documentaries the humans had sent him. Until now they had never shown documentaries about their own race or how they had come to be the dominant species on the planet. Now he believed he knew why. He also realised that these humans would petrify many species out there. With them at his side no one would dare challenge him. There was only a few questions left to answer. Did he have the courage to take them on as partners? Could he keep then under control? Right now they were at their most vulnerable, should he strike now while they weren’t expecting it?’ Should he strike at all? Not too do so would be dangerous. The other races in the Universe would no doubt thank him.

  He had a whole planet of people that could take over the Humans planet. It was an idea he had been toying with. They would become rich without precedent. Yet he still had doubts. The humans had access to all his people’s battle tactics. It would take every ship he had to defeat them. His empire was vast but the recent war had depleted his fighting force. Once they were through the barrier it would leave the rest of his Empire unguarded. Those ships and their crews could never return home. His new ambassador, his brother’s old engineer had survived and he knew he could train the rest of his people to fight. Indeed there were many already serving him, but that planet was known for the quality of their engineers not their fighting ability’s. To many of his people they were considered a joke. They took the abuse from the rest of the empire with great dignity and served him with great honour and pride. Yet once across the great barrier they would be untouchable. He had just fought one bloody civil war, would he soon face another?

  He checked the download figures again and smiled. In his few moments of contemplation he had already made enough money to build a command carrier. The first harvest of the new grasses was now complete and as the news spread about their origin, the bales were commanding never before heard of prices. Would a whole planet producing these grasses command the same price? He knew they wouldn’t. His ambassador was also screaming about the fruits from this planet. It seemed the humans actually ate only a little meat and were in fact omnivorous. That would go a long way to appeasing the Universal council. There were two new words he had been introduced to, vegetarian and vegan. Humans who were not only herbivores but a sect that used no products at all from animals.

  He checked the latest figures and smiled again; he had a lot of thinking to do.

  Chapter 71

  Sargent Kelly held onto the strap as the landing craft swung out of the Troopship. ‘Ten minutes men. Check each other’s equipment, check each other’s suits for rips or tears. Make sure your helmets are properly sealed and the little green light comes on when you push the test button. Switch on your weapons and make sure they are fully charged before we hit the beach but keep your bloody fingers off the trigger.’

  He was finding it hard not to compare these men with the one he had landed in Europe with almost a hundred years before. He knew it was all about propaganda when they asked him if he would like to lead the assault with the same regiment and platoon as he had landed on Omaha beach with. He hadn’t hesitated for a second. Despite the years very little had changed. His lieutenant approached, ‘I’m glad you’re with us Sargent.’

  ‘You have said that before sir.’

  The man blushed furiously, ‘sorry. I checked up on your records Sargent, it would seem most of your officers never lasted very long. I just hope I last a little longer.’

  Kelly had a flash back to Omaha beach. This young officer was black but the one that day had been white, as white as snow and puking into the scutters. He hadn’t even made it off the landing craft. As the ramp fell MG 42 fire swept the deck. A slug had torn the young man’s throat out before he had even taken a step. It was true though, there was no denying it. Every officer he had served under had been killed in action within a few days or weeks. In the end his commanding officer had just left Kelly in charge.

  ‘Most of those young fellers died because they were hunting glory and medals sir. Take some advice sir. The smart officers, the ones that survived all took a step back and let their sergeants run the show for a while. Kept their head down and learned the trade from the veterans. There will come a time when the reins will slip naturally to you.’

  The young man nodded and smiled, ‘I will try. So is it any different this time?’

  ‘Oh hell yes sir, these suits are great. The only shit you can smell is your own.’

  The young officer burst out laughing as did those closest who overheard the remark. ‘You know what I mean Sarge.’

  ‘Hell yeah I know what you mean sir. The uniforms and weapons might be different sir but it all comes down to the same thing in the end. Boots on the ground, muscle and the courage to see the job through. Guts and determination sir. If you have those you will always win in the end.’

  ‘I get that.’ He looked round, ‘were you this nervous your first time into battle?’

  ‘Oh hell yeah.’

  ‘Does it get any better?’

  ‘Nope, if anything it gets worse. The second time round you know what’s coming at you, third, fourth, fifth too.’

  ‘Holy shit!’

  Kelly grinned, ‘there are a few tricks to keep your mind and the men’s off it sir.’

  He grabbed a piece of cardboard from a ration pack and stood out in front of the men, ‘listen in.’ He held it out in front of himself as if he was reading off it. ‘This has just came in from high command. There will be no loitering on the beachhead. Anyone found skinny dipping or fishing with grenades will be put on a charge. Two marines have already been disciplined for this offence.’ A few men laughed and he smiled. ‘Also there will be no fraternisation with the local female populace. This will not be tolerated. High command believe they may well carry some exotic disease our doctors may not be able to treat.’ That brought a little more laughter. ‘Again two marines have already been disciplined,’ the rest of his sentence was drowned out by the laughter. He waited until it died down again. ‘In their defence the marines stated that the females plied them with a local beverage made from coconuts. As there doesn’t seem to be any coconut trees in space the high command disbelieved their story. So don’t try it, you won’t get away with it.’

  He waited until they had finished laughing, ‘OK brace yourselves. When we hit the beach move off the landing craft as quickly as possible. Watch your feet and keep your balance, their gravity isn’t as heavy as ours. Keep it down to a gently trot until you find your space legs. If we are under fire get into cover as quickly as possible. Locate the enemy and open fire. Listen in for words of command from myself, your officer and squad commanders.’ He hesitated a second, ‘good luck men.’ He took his place beside the young officer and he could see the gratitude in the young man’s eyes. Seconds later the craft lurched and Kelly knew something had exploded nearby. He grasped the strap above his head and many followed suit.

  The landing craft slammed into the deck of the city ship and seconds later the ramp dropped. ‘Squad leaders screamed at their men as they chased them off the landing craft. Kelly looked up as it took off. Enemy fighters snapped overhead firing at the landing craft. One was hit and tumbled through space until it exploded. Something’s never change Kelly thought.

  There was no incoming fire and he huddled with his Platoon commander over a map. ‘We are right where we are supposed to be Sarge.’

  ‘Order the lead elements out s

  He gave the order and Kelly moved up to join the lead element and make sure they never got lost. Five minutes later he found himself staring down the barrel of a weapon. His eyes locked on to the coldest set of blue eyes he had ever seen in his life and he knew he was staring into the eyes of a veteran. The weapon dropped. ‘First division?’


  ‘This way.’

  Kelly followed the man’s back. A short while later they came across Colonel Howe. Howe held out his hand and Kelly shook it, ‘Nice to see you again Colonel.’

  ‘And you Sarge, I see you found your way home.’

  ‘Only until the battles over sir.’

  He indicated the soldier that had guided them, ‘this is Charlie, he is a personal friend of the Captain and may well be joining the crew in the future.’ The two men sized each other up and liked what they saw. They simply acknowledged each other with a nod. ‘Charlie here will guide you to your start point. From there it will be up to you to breach the walls and gain entry to the ship. You have your objectives.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Right get going.’

  Howe nodded to Charlie who moved out silently. Kelly followed closely behind. When they were out of sight from Howe he moved up beside Charlie. ‘What are the enemy like?’

  ‘Determined. I haven’t seen one run yet. They get together and charge with their heads down and fire from the hip. Their heads are huge and an easy target. Their wounded fight on so make sure all are dead before you break cover. Their grenades are pretty ineffective, more of a flash bang designed to stun rather than kill, they will lob a dozen at you then charge. Ours are bloody lethal. Make sure you are in good cover before you toss one. The ricochet is a bitch. They have something that looks like a 20 mm cannon and is as effective. I have only seen two entrenched, most are on mobile wagons, lightly armoured. Crank your rifle up to near full power that will take care of them if they don’t get you first. Our rifles cut through the walls easily on high power but it sucks up your batteries. They are slowly becoming organised and will come at you from every direction all at the same time. We noticed venting of the main complex and think someone has decided to fire up the main control room. From there they can undo everything we have achieved so far and light up those guns out there. The rest of my battalion is trying to take them out now with conventional explosives. We got all the big ones but the smaller ones will kill a landing craft no problem.’

  Charlie paused, ‘what’s your objective?’

  ‘Our division is supposed to gain entry and spread as far round as we can. The brass are in a panic because these bastards can shed whole sections of this city if they want to. They want us to get a foothold in every sector then spread out.’

  ‘Aye well they won’t be able to do that until they regain the main control room and switch all the systems over.’

  ‘Every second counts then,’ Grunted Kelly.

  ‘I would say so.’ Charlie agreed. ‘The best method of entry is through the roof. As soon as you cut a hole some kind of shield comes up to keep the air in. You can’t bust your way through it. You can interrupt it though. When the plate you have cut drops away just stand over the open hole. The shield will hold you up. Fire a shot through it and it cuts out long enough for you to drop through.’

  ‘Thought a plug like that would blow out, not in.’

  ‘That’s what we thought. Steven recons the shields in place before we finish cutting so they drop in under gravity.’

  ‘Sounds a bit hairy, how far is the drop?’

  ‘About twenty feet in most cases, at this gravity though it feels more like ten. I’d advise you to look first though.’ Charlie added with a grin.

  ‘Did you boys take a lot of casualties?’

  ‘About fifty percent; fifteen of that fatalities. On the upside, if you don’t get hit in the head or a vital organ, you have a good chance of making it. These energy weapons also cauterise wounds.’

  ‘Burns then, not bleeding.’

  ‘Aye, I believe it still hurts like hell.’

  Kelly grinned, ‘I’ll bet it does.’

  Charlie reached the central super structure and looked around. ‘There’s about a thousand of the buggers right behind this wall but the corridors underneath seem pretty clear.’ He concentrated hard. ‘There’s a stairwell a few hundred meters farther in, you could come up behind them. If I was you I would blow out some holes here and engage those inside, then sneak some of your lads up the stairwell behind them.’

  Kelly tried to scratch his head, ‘how the hell do you know that?’

  ‘One day I will tell you, in the meantime trust me.’

  Kelly grinned, ‘fancy coming along for a bit?’

  ‘Thought you would never ask.’ Charlie grinned back. ‘I’ll lead the boys inside, you engage the bastard’s from out here.’

  Kelly gave the orders and the men fanned out. He fixed explosives to a section of wall and cut about a thirty foot hole, shoulder high. Out of sight Charlie cut a hole into the corridor below. When Kelly blew the charge Charlie kicked in the plate and dropped inside out of sight. The men quickly caught on and followed. The ringing of the explosion carried right down the stairwell and along the corridor they were traveling in. When Charlie had thirty men he gathered them around. He spoke in as plain an accent as he could.

  ‘Every man have a grenade ready. We will be in a stairwell. There is a thousand of the bastards in there so don’t fuck about. I go first and kneel by the door. You will run past me and hand me a grenade as you go. Keep going up until the last man is past and I toss the last grenade. Once I move you follow. Spread out right and left. Kill everything you see. Keep in contact with each other. I don’t want to find out the first man up hasn’t stopped running until he reaches the roof because no bugger told him to stop. Right let’s go.’

  Charlie put on a burst of speed and reached the stairwell in a matter of second. The Americans were caught flat footed.

  ‘Who the hell is this guy?’ Spluttered one.

  His squad commander gave him a shove, ‘just bloody move it.’ They were panting by the time the caught up and all were staring wide eyed at Charlie.

  ‘Take a second to catch your breaths. There are two sentries this side of the door above. I will go take them out. You follow.’

  Charlie didn’t wait. He caught the two guards firing through the open doors at the men outside. He shot both in the head and dragged their bodies clear. He was waiting with a hand out stretched as the men arrived. The first passed a grenade and ran on. Charlie had pulled the pin and tossed it before the second reached him. The enemy didn’t know what hit them. As the grenades began to go off they began to mill in panic. A few spotted Charlie and opened fire but he killed them with the next grenade. When the last one went off he charged inside light spitting from his weapon. The men followed spreading out and finding cover where they could. An Albany officer got control and pulled his men back.

  Charlie got his men ready. ‘They will charge, be ready.’ More men began to arrive under the command of a young officer. Charlie filled him in on what was happening and he spread his men out. A few minutes later the Albany charged and were slaughtered.

  The young officer approached Charlie with a grin, ‘thank you for your help Sargent.’

  ‘Think nothing of it sir, a pleasure to help.’

  ‘We have to hold this spot as a bridgehead. Sargent Kelly has taken charge outside.’

  ‘I will have to get back as well sir. Do you have men guarding that entry point?’

  ‘I have a whole squad down there.’

  Charlie clapped him on the shoulder and took off. He bust through the shield. Kelly barely had time to blink before Charlie appeared before him and it took another second for him to find his voice. ‘Did you just bust through that shield? I thought you said we couldn’t do it?’

  ‘I can you guys can’t.’

  Kelly shook his head, ‘is my officer still alive.’

p; ‘Aye he is fine, as is your boys. He looks like a good one. You might be here for a while. I would rest the men while you can.’

  ‘Good idea. Listen in boys take five minutes for a smoko. Give your nicotine patches a rub. Anyone caught removing their helmet and lighting up will be put on a charge.’

  Charlie laughed all the way back.

  Chapter 72

  Steven was very disappointed. They had alerted the admiral that he thought the Albany were going to reoccupy their main command centre. By the time a destroyed appeared to blast the command centres to smithereens it was too late. The command centre’s shields were already up. He jumped involuntary as the guns it had cost them so much to disable roared back into life. They took out a half dozen landing craft in as many seconds and they scattered. The Earth fighters came roaring in and within a few seconds the guns were silenced, but they had taken many lives.

  Buzz gripped Stevens arm, ‘relax bud, the boys did what they could.’

  ‘We should have done that to start with.’

  ‘No we did exactly what we were told to do. We kept them underground and the deck of the ships clear of their troops so ours could land safely.’

  ‘Yeah I suppose you are right Buzz.’ Steven rubbed his face, ‘I don’t think I have ever been so tired.’

  Sid Tulane tuned in his seat, ‘Captain we have been ordered clear of the area. We are to report to the hospital ship to off load our wounded and dead. Then you and Captain Komoru have to report to The Burning Wind.’

  ‘OK.’ He closed his eyes and heard Komoru’s voice. ‘I received the order Steven, we will follow you.’ He opened his eyes; Hailey was watching him waiting for an order.


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