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The Vampire King’s Nanny

Page 43

by T. S. Ryder

  The Geisterwolf leaped at Will, mouth gaping wide. Will stood his ground, biting at the Geisterwolf's throat. Elena gasped, her hands pressed to her mouth. Lukas pulled a knife from his belt and slashed himself across the palm.

  "Elena Aldana, I am your mate and I will be forever more," he said rapidly, quoting the words Xavier has drilled into his brain. "I love you and I do give myself willingly to you from this day forward."

  He turned the handle of the knife to her. She took it, her shoulders hunched and head bowed, as though she was desperately trying to ignore the fight going on just beyond their circle of candles. A chill wind blew over them, making the flames flicker. Will howled in pain.

  "Lukas Shultz, I am your mate and I will be forever more. I love you and I do give myself willing to you from this day forward," Elena said in a rush.

  She drew the knife across her palm without any hesitation and grabbed Lukas' hand. Their blood mingled, and the Geisterwolf let out a pained howl. It stumbled, giving Will time to regain his footing and redouble his attack.

  Lukas jumped to his feet. He Shifted as he leaped from the circle of candles. His connection to Elena had been cemented, weakening the Geisterwolf, but they had to move quickly. It was Will's turn to perform the ceremony, and it was Lukas' turn to hold off the Ghost Wolf until that was done. A howl ripped from his throat as he dodged in, ramming the Geisterwolf with the full weight of his body.

  The Geisterwolf stumbled, falling close to the edge of the mountain cliff, but as Will retreated, the Ghost Wolf snarled a deep, terrifying sound. Lukas charged it as it charged him. When they collided, Lukas felt the impact jar throughout his whole body. It knocked the wind out of him. He bit at the Geisterwolf but had to release it because he couldn’t breathe.

  The Geisterwolf had no such weakness. Its teeth clamped around Lukas' shoulder, sending pain jolting through his body, and flipped him onto his back. Lukas kicked and bit at it. There was a look of triumph in the ghost's eyes as it used its weight to crush down on him. Its jaws locked around Lukas's throat. He was able to get in a single gulp of air and then nothing.

  A streak of a creamy white jumped over him and rammed into the ice-white of the Geisterwolf. Will.

  No, Lukas wanted to say. Leave me. Protect Elena.

  Will pounced on the Geisterwolf's back, savagely tearing at its neck. The creature released Lukas and turned, snapping at Will. Lukas rolled to his feet, but his brain spun from lack of oxygen and he stumbled. He shook his head, trying to regain his senses.

  An unfamiliar howl echoed in the air. The Geisterwolf's ears pricked, and it turned its head briefly. It howled in answer, and Lukas froze in horror as a second Wolf shape started to form. This one was a rusty brown, glowing with a duller light than the Geisterwolf. Its paws were planted the ground, its whole body leaning away as it was dragged by an invisible force towards Elena.

  The Geisterwolf's mate. She was here.

  Lukas jumped at her, barking and growling in desperation, but he merely melted right through her form. And then the Geisterwolf howled again, and its mate was pulled forward, thrown into Elena's body.

  Elena screamed, clutching her head. Fur began to sprout all over her body. She twisted, contorting, her head leashing back and forth. Her ears grew sharp then rounded again. The fur shrank back into her body only to burst out again, thicker than ever. Lukas was horrified, but a bark from Will broke him from his transfixion. The other Wolf was pinned to the ground, blood spraying from a wound in his shoulder.

  Fire filled his belly. He was not going to lose his mate! Lukas jumped, snarling, onto the Geisterwolf's back. He clamped down on the Ghost Alpha's spine, shaking his head side to side in an attempt to break the creature's neck. It howled in pain, and Will retreated. He jumped over the candles and landed in his human form beside Elena.

  The Geisterwolf shook Lukas off, but the smaller Alpha dodged in front of it, not letting it closer to his mate and partner as Elena recited the words of the ceremony. Lukas may have been told all his life that he wasn't good enough to be Alpha, that he was from weak stock and his father's weakness had been passed onto him, but at that moment he didn't care.

  He lunged again, this time getting a killing grip on the Geisterwolf's throat. The larger Wolf pawed at him, claws scraping over his face. One of them tore into the delicate skin of his eyelid. Blood blinded him, but he tightened his grip until his jaw felt like it was about to crack. He wasn't going to let go and let this thing hurt his mate!

  The Geisterwolf began dragging him towards the circle. It was choking, blood staining its white fur, but it determinedly pulled him along inch by inch. Lukas could see from the corner of his eye what was happening. Elena drew the knife over her hand again and passed it to Will. Her eyes rolled in pain, teeth too large for her mouth, clothes starting to rip as her body transformed.

  Will recited the words quickly, stumbling over them, as Lukas tried to find purchase on the ground and pull the Geisterwolf away. His efforts were in vain. As soon as its paw stepped into the circle, Elena threw her head back. A pained howl ripped through the air as her body Shifted, turning into the form of a Wolf.

  "I love you and I do give myself willingly to you from this day forward," Will shouted.

  He grabbed Elena's nearest paw. A bright flash of blinding light, then Elena was human again. She crumbled to the ground.

  Lukas' heart stopped. Was she dead?

  The Geisterwolf tore itself from his grasp and charged towards Elena, but Will was quicker. He used his body to knock the Ghost Wolf off course, tearing at it as he snarled. Lukas jumped onto the Geisterwolf's back, trying to find his previous purchase. The creature swiped at both of them. Chunks of fur went flying. Blood flew every which way. It showed no sign of weakening. How were they meant to stop it?

  The cliff.

  Lukas' eyes met with Will's, and he knew that the other Alpha had the same idea. Together they threw their weight on the creature, not only keeping it separate from Elena but now fighting to drive it towards the cliff as well. They worked in perfect unison, the technique honed over the month they had spent fighting this thing already. Lukas danced around it, nipping and biting, distracting it just enough for Will to get a good grip, to use his weight to push it backward.

  When the Geisterwolf's back paw slipped off the edge of the cliff, Lukas could see in its eyes that it knew what was going to happen. It jumped forward, clamping its jaws onto Will's scruff even as the other Alpha threw his weight onto it one last time. The Geisterwolf fell backward, dragging Will with it.

  Lukas jumped forward, latching onto Will's leg and yanked him back to safety. The Geisterwolf's grip loosened. The two Alphas tumbled back towards safety as the Ghost Wolf fell from the cliff, howling as it disappeared into the dark.

  Behind them, Elena moaned. Lukas scrambled to his feet and rushed to her, Will close behind. They both Shifted and gathered her into their arms. Her eyes fluttered.

  "You're both here," she whispered.

  "Yes," Will said. He kissed her gently. "We're here."

  A smile crossed her face, but she flinched. "I feel... strange. Something's different."

  Lukas clutched her hand, worried eyes meeting Will's. Had they been too late after all?

  Chapter Ten – Elena

  She was getting used to running on all fours.

  Elena dashed through the trees, Lukas on one side, Will on the other. Everything was more vivid when she was in this form. The smells, sounds, the feel of dirt beneath her paws. It took a lot to get used to, but with her two mates running on either side of her, she wouldn't trade it for anything. Lukas yipped happily at her, and she replied in the like, changing her trajectory slightly so that when she wagged her tail it brushed against his side.

  When she first transformed, it had been terrifying for all of them. It had happened involuntarily; things were getting heated between the three of them, lying in bed swapping kisses, and suddenly she was a Wolf. All three of them had been afraid that it meant
that the Geisterwolf's mate was bound to her and would eventually take over her body again.

  It didn't take much for them to find out what really happened. Xavier had already been researching the side-effects of Elena's brief possession and assured them that the Geisterwolf's mate was gone. Something had changed in Elena's biology, though, in order to accommodate her during the brief moment when the ghost had inhabited her body. That change had stayed, and with a little practice, she found herself after to Shift at will into a rusty-brown Wolf.

  And now she was able to run with her mates whenever she wanted to.

  Will barked at her and Lukas before putting on a burst of speed. Elena fought the urge to roll her eyes as she and Lukas kept their steady pace. He was faster than both of them, and he liked to show it off. By the time Elena and Lukas got to their destination, a beautiful, open lake, he had already Shifted again. He floated on his back, buck naked. Lukas Shifted as well and jumped into the water, but Elena sat down on the shore to admire them for a bit.

  They were both beautiful specimens. Strong bodies, built differently but neither really more attractive than the other one. And neither of them were making decisions about her without her anymore. They had even discussed the original agreement that they had had–that she would have Will's children first–and both had agreed with her when she said that they'd leave it up to fate. Elena was certain that it wasn't a big deal to either of them anymore, anyway.

  Of course, in order to have children, certain things had to happen first. Elena felt a tight stirring in her loins as she considered it. It had been a conscious decision to abstain from sex for the time being. With everything that had happened, it was a roller-coaster and Elena wanted to be able to focus all her energy on her first time. She didn't want to be worried about turning into a Wolf.

  But she could control it now.

  She Shifted and plunged into the water with her two Alphas. The water was pleasantly cool, and her boys were quick to pull her into deeper water, to where she could barely touch but they were still well above the waterline. Lukas pulled her onto his hip and grinned down at her.

  "Are you happy?"

  Elena nodded. "I've never been happier."

  And it was true. Bad things had happened, yes, but facing down the Geisterwolf had given her the courage to face her father as well. She finally put her foot down and stopped him from treating her as if she owed him everything. She didn't. It was his job as her father to take care of her as she grew up, and she had been giving him next to free labor since the time she was sixteen–and free labor from when she was twelve. If it wasn't for her, he never would have built his company in the first place.

  So, with that in mind, she had insisted on becoming a partner in the business. She already did most of the administration anyway, but now she had the power to not only get paid for the work she was doing but also hire people to help her with it. She also had a fee from the company dedicated to paying off the mortgage on the piece of land that had been given to her father by Lukas's father.

  All in all, life was good.

  "Almost sundown," Elena said, letting her dark hair soak into the cool water. "It's going to get cold. We ought to do something to keep warm."

  At just her words, both of her Alphas took on desirous looks. Elena could feel how Lukas took her meaning, and she laughed. It came out more nervous than she intended, but she didn't really care. She had been looking forward to this for such a long time. And now she was ready.

  "Are you saying it's time to do the mating part of being mates?" Will asked, gripping her hips under the water.

  Elena nodded. She reached for his hand, and when she found it, he guided her to another part of his body. Her eyes nearly bugged out of her hand. They got ready fast! Another nervous giggle. She hid her face in Lukas' shoulder, giggling like mad.

  "I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me."

  "I know what's about to get into you," Will growled in her ear. He brushed up against her, making her moan. "So… have you ever had sex in a lake before?"

  Lukas shifted her to his other hip and frowned at Will. "We discussed this."

  "Excuse me?" Elena narrowed her eyes at them. "What have you decided behind my back again?"

  "Only that we were going to set the proper mood. And bring lots of lubricants. So we could… you know. Both have you at the same time. So neither of us feels left out. If that's okay with you, of course. The biggest thing was that we didn't want to pressure you."

  "Pressure me, please!"

  Will didn't need any encouragement. He spun Lukas around so he could steal her from him. He parted her thighs and spread them over his hips. The water splashed around them as he ground himself against her. Not to be undone, Lukas quickly took up a spot behind her and crushed her between his body and Will's. He began kissing her neck, nibbling at her sensitive skin. Will dove into her other side, his huge hands spreading her ass as he supported her. Lukas slid a hand around her body and between her thighs.

  "Oh!" Elena let her head fall back, gasping her breath as her body bucked between them. There wasn't any room for her to go anywhere, but her movement made both of them groan. Pleasure coursed through her, leaving her breathless.

  It was more than enough for Lukas. Elena felt him pressing against her. Another gasp escaped her as he slowly made his way in. There as a bit of pain, but it felt so good that she didn't mind. Her grip tightened on Will, her fingers digging into his shoulders. His mouth caught hers as Lukas drove home. A shock of mingled pain and pleasure had her crying out. Lukas rested his head against her and sighed in ecstasy.

  "This is as better than I ever imagined."

  Elena felt her cheeks warm as she remembered Lukas telling her that he, too, was a virgin. This was a first for both of them… actually, all three of them. Will had never shared a woman like this before. His entrance was slower than Lukas' was, and it was a good thing, too… Elena grasped and scrambled at both of them, tears pricking her eyes. It hurt, but it felt so, so good that she didn't know how to deal with it. Both of the Alphas held her gently, waiting until she adjusted.

  Will took the lead and began to move. Lukas followed, matching his rhythm in an alternating fashion. Elena felt like her heart was about to stop. It felt too good for her to breathe, and she was helpless to the waves of pleasure that washed over her.

  She didn't last long. The ripples of pleasure grew to a head until she couldn't hold it in. She threw her head back and howled, every muscle in her body tensing. Lukas followed her, and Will came last of all. They sagged against each other, dipping low in the water. Elena's eyes grew droopy. The tension in her muscles eased away.

  "Amazing," Lukas whispered. "Can anything be better than that?"

  "There is," Will said. "With practice and as we get to know each other better. But for now… I have to say I have never been happier."

  "Me, either," Elena said. She grinned. "And it is only going to get better from here."



  Night of the New Moon


  What do you do if you’re forced into the King’s harem?

  Matheus Lindgern is the new Vampire King and interested in only two things: repairing the badly damaged relationships with neighboring kingdoms and finding a mate to become his queen.

  The moment Alice walks into his manor, his blood is on fire. He knows her wants her, but what he doesn’t know is that she is a powerful witch who could easily destroy him if she wanted to.

  Curvy and beautiful Alice is a warrior who has served in the war against the Vampires. When the war finally comes to an end, she retires to a small village far away from the politics of the courts. But her plans to become a healer are cut short when she is abducted and forced into the King’s harem.

  Alice is determined to hate the King and escape as soon as possible. But she knows she’s in trouble when she discovers just how sexy he is. Even though every instinct is warning her, she is slowly falling f
or the king, who might not be the monster she thought him to be. Her determination to get home begins to waver, especially once she discovers something is growing in her belly...

  But she soon finds out that not everyone in the Vampires’ courts has good intentions. Someone is planning a deadly attack and Alice must do what she can to stay alive and protect the ones she loves.

  Chapter One

  The sunset painted the sky in rich, golden tones above towering evergreens. The world seemed to be ready to settle in for a long night. A basket full of spring’s first flowers and herbs resting against her hip, Alice made her way down the foggy path towards her cottage, determined to reach home before day slipped completely into night. Pulling open the door to her small shop and home, she went inside and pulled her damp cloak from around her shoulders, allowing a cascade of curly chestnut hair to fall down around her shoulders.

  “You were out an awfully long time,” a velvety voice drawled from the corner of the room. Sprawled out across a stack of books on Alice’s disorganized desk was a slender black and white cat, who stared back at her with a pair of bright yellow eyes. “I figured you would hurry home, what with the new moon tonight,” he continued, licking his paw with a nonchalant look on his face.

  “If I was concerned with the townsfolk taking advantage of my temporary weakness I would have hurried, but since I no longer serve as a mercenary I am not worried. Thank you for your concern, Talon,” she said, setting her basket full of goodies on a table and starting to sort them out to let them dry.

  Talon had been her companion for almost a hundred years. She had adopted him after finding him in the crumbled ruins of a town destroyed by one of the many warlords she had been hired to fight against. He had been just a kitten, and after so many years of exposure to magic he had not only gained immortality but a place at her side as a familiar. He was her dearest companion and, for the longest time, had been her only friend.


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