Page 18
“Mrs. Megan Torretti, I love you too,” he whispered back.
And she knew, when she caught a glimpse of Sam’s broad smile as the church attendees applauded, that she was the luckiest woman in the whole world.
Dear Reader,
I’ve always been fascinated by the forensic work of crime scene investigators. Science was my favorite subject in college, and I’m impressed at how tiny microscopic details can assist in capturing the bad guys. As a result, I decided to make CSI work the focus of my next few stories.
In this book, Megan suffers the tragic loss of her sister, causing her to give up her career as a crime scene investigator. But when Interim Sheriff Lucas Torretti needs help processing the crime scene of an innocent young girl, she can’t bring herself to refuse.
Luke is struggling in his relationship with his teenage son, Sam, who appears to be a magnet for trouble. Circumstantial evidence links his son to the crime, and a kernel of doubt forms in the back of his mind. Megan’s support helps to keep him focused on the case. But soon, tragedy and danger bring Luke and Sam together, especially after Sam risks his own life to save Megan from a deranged killer.
Faith, love and danger are the themes of Lawman-in-Charge, and I hope you enjoy Megan and Luke’s story. I’m always thrilled to hear from my readers, and I can be reached through my website at
Yours in faith,
Laura Scott
In the beginning of the story, Megan thinks she’s going crazy after she imagines she hears her dead sister calling her name. Have you ever felt this way? Why or why not?
Early in the story Megan and Luke both feel as if they are outsiders in the small town of Crystal Lake. Has there been a time you felt like an outsider, and how did you overcome that feeling?
Luke struggled very hard to overcome the loss of his wife and nearly losing his son. He renewed his faith to get his life back on track. Has there been a time when your faith has helped you to get over a horrible mistake that you’d made? If so, how?
Luke quickly becomes Megan’s protector even though he’d rather keep his distance on a personal level. How does his turbulent relationship with his son influence his growing relationship with Megan?
Megan has to cope with her guilt over her sister’s death. Has there been a time when you’ve had to cope with guilt? Please discuss.
At one point in the story, Luke begins to fear his son Sam might be involved in the murder he’s investigating. His instinct is to protect his son over doing his job. Did you agree with his actions? Why or why not?
Megan finds herself in the back of the small-town church with Luke by her side. Discuss this scene and how it became the turning point emotionally for Megan.
Megan begins to pray when she’s run off the road by the murderer. Describe a time when you realized the power of prayer.
Luke’s son, Sam, accuses him of letting his relationship with Megan distract him from finding his girlfriend’s murderer. Luke pushes Megan away, because deep down he feels his son might have been right. Has there been a time when you pushed a loved one away, instead of leaning on them for support? Discuss.
When Megan is captured by the murderer, Sam risks his life to save her. Have you ever had to put your safety on the line for someone else? And if not, how do you think you would handle a similar situation? Why?
At what point in the story does Megan fully support her faith in God? Discuss if you’ve ever had a similar experience.
How does Luke convince Megan of the true depth of his love? How did his faith impact this realization?
ISBN: 978-1-4592-0632-8
Copyright © 2011 by Laura Iding
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
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