Book Read Free

Fury's Bridge

Page 9

by Brey Willows

  “You haven’t said much about your family. Tell me about them?”

  Alec smiled, but Selene could see she was uncomfortable.

  “Like I said, not a lot to tell. And it’s boring stuff, really.”

  “We’ve got a long drive ahead of us. Plenty of time to bore me.”

  Alec laughed. “Well, Meg likes to throw parties and cook. Tis, my other sister, is the bookworm of the family. She was a lawyer for a long time, but gave it up when the cases started to get to her.”

  “Who’s oldest?”

  Alec looked vaguely surprised, then started to laugh. “I didn’t mention we were triplets, did I?”

  Selene laughed. “No, you forgot to mention that. Wow, I’ve met plenty of twins, but never a triplet. Identical?”

  “No. We have some similar traits, but we look very different.”

  “So, if Meg is the outgoing cook, and Tis is the bookworm, what does that make you?”

  Alec flexed her bicep and grinned wickedly. “I’m the jock. I love to read too, but I’m all about the outdoors. I love experiencing new things, and I’ve rock climbed on pretty much every continent.”

  Selene tore her attention away from Alec’s defined biceps, ignoring her sudden urge to lick the line of muscle and feel it flex under her tongue. “Every continent? Including the poles?”


  Alec looked like she might shut down, as though the memory bothered her, and Selene decided to change the subject. “So, where did you go to school? I don’t take you for a California native.”

  “You mean I don’t fit in here? I’m distressed.”

  Selene lightly touched Alec’s thigh. “No, goodness no, I’m not saying that. You’re just so down-to-earth, so genuine. You don’t find a lot of that in people living in Venice.”

  Alec raised an eyebrow and glanced at her. “That’s a rather sweeping generalization, Professor.”

  Selene felt her face flush. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I didn’t used to be that way. I suppose my years with Mika have changed me a bit.”

  Alec shrugged. “There’s no question there’s a falseness about California, especially Southern. There’s an element of needing to be more, different yet the same, but better, always better. But I’ve met some really amazing people here too. People who know what it means to live tough lives but still see the magic in life.”

  “Magic? What kind of magic would that be?”

  Alec shrugged, looking shy. “The kind of magic we’ll have to discuss later. Right now, I need you to guide me to your place.” She pulled off the exit leading to Selene’s little mountain town.

  “How…that’s not possible. We can’t possibly already be here.”

  Alec laughed. “Magic, I tell you. My Hummer can get anywhere in an instant.”

  Selene was utterly out of sorts. They hadn’t been talking that long, and her place was a good hour and a half from the university. She stared at Alec, baffled.

  “Selene? I need to know which way to go.”

  “Left. But I don’t understand.”

  “Do you need to?”

  “Left here. Of course. Understanding leads to knowledge.”

  Alec deftly maneuvered the Hummer up the long mountain pass. “Always?”

  “Usually. Or at least an understanding of what other questions need to be asked.”

  Alec motioned at the passing scenery of pine trees and desert scrub. “How long have you lived here?”

  “Changing the subject? Okay. I’ve lived here for eight years. I can’t imagine living anywhere else now. It’s my sanctuary.” She poked at Alec’s shoulder. “We’re going to come back to that once I figure out what questions to ask.” She tried to cover a yawn. “How long have you lived at your place in Venice?”

  “Tired already? We’ve got a long night ahead of us. I’ve lived there for about ten years now.”

  “And before that?” Selene didn’t want to admit she wasn’t sleeping well, that dreams of a certain woman were invading her most private thoughts.

  Alec looked lost in thought for a long moment before she said, “Europe. I moved around a lot before I settled here.”

  “That sounds idyllic. You said you taught while you were there?”

  Alec nodded. “It was idyllic, in many ways. But every place has its demons. And I spent time there not teaching as well. Just enjoying the landscape and history.”

  Selene gave a few directions once they entered the village, and Alec pulled up outside her cabin. “I’ll pick you up at six thirty, okay? That should give us plenty of time to get there fashionably late.”

  “Apparently so, in your magic carpet Hummer. Did you want to come in and change here?” Selene swallowed hard as she considered the offer she’d made without thinking. Alec, naked in her house.

  “Thanks, but I’ll go check in at the little hotel down the street and get ready there. See you in a few.”

  Selene climbed out with her new packages in hand, and before she could shut the door, Alec said, “Oh, and, Selene? Thanks again for inviting me tonight.”

  Selene smiled as Alec pulled away. She juggled her packages, and her hands began to tremble slightly. A date. She had a date with a sexy, funny woman, for a party at Frey Falconi’s house. The pressure began to weigh on her, but she tried to shake it off. I can do this. People do this all the time, and I can too.

  Chapter Ten

  Alec sat in Selene’s living room, waiting.

  Every few minutes, she heard a frustrated sigh come from the bathroom, and it made her chuckle softly. When time began to get short, and they were going to be my-time-is-more-important-than-yours-late instead of fashionably-late, she knocked tentatively on the door. “Selene? Everything okay? Anything I can help with?”

  Selene cracked the door open, but not so Alec could see her. “I’m having some hair issues.”

  “You know, because of my sisters, I’m pretty good with hair. Want some help?”

  The door slowly opened, and it took all of Alec’s willpower not to laugh. Not at Selene, or the distressed look on her face, but at the frizzy mess she’d made of her hair.

  Selene looked ready to cry. “I don’t know what happened. Granted, I don’t usually do anything with my hair. I just blow-dry it and go. But I thought I’d try a few curls tonight, because it’s our first date, and an important party, and all that stuff. But every time I tried, it got worse, so I tried again, and well…” She motioned at the puff of hair almost obscuring her face.

  “Okay, sit down. I’ve got this. Where are your hair products?”

  Selene’s shoulder’s slumped. “I’ve only got a few. In that cupboard.”

  Alec rummaged for a moment and found a few things that could help. She poured small amounts into her hands and turned to Selene. “Trust me?”

  She shrugged. “You can’t exactly make it worse, can you?”

  “That didn’t answer the question, but I’ll go with it.” She ran her hands slowly through Selene’s hair, and soon her hair was straight once again. She picked up the blow-dryer and slowly ran a brush through it as she blew it out. Within ten minutes, Selene’s hair was glossy. “Want some waves at the front?”

  Selene nodded slightly. “Whatever you think works. I’m all yours.”

  Alec’s mouth went slightly dry at the thought, but she pushed it aside. She expertly used the brush and blow-dryer to give some wave to Selene’s hair and then held the tools up with a flourish. “And…done.” She set them down and grinned. “Now, you’d better get dressed before we’re even later.”

  “Alec…Oh my God. I don’t think it’s ever looked this good.” Selene was staring at the mirror, her eyes wide. “Thank you so much.”

  Alec smiled as she shut the door behind her. “Get ready, woman!”

  Fifteen minutes later, Selene entered the living room, and Alec decided she would’ve waited another decade if necessary. The black dress hugged every curve, and the material crossed over her full breasts, but left exposed he
r smooth, pale chest and a small diamond cut flash of stomach below, before the material gathered together and fell in a waterfall effect down to her ankles. Classy black heels, a thin silver necklace with a tiny book charm on it, and small diamond earrings completed the outfit. Alec quickly gave silent thanks she wasn’t a man, because if she had been, she wouldn’t have been able to walk, let alone hide the effect Selene had on her. As it was, she was going to have wet underwear all night.

  She stood and took Selene’s hand. “You look stunning. Stunning isn’t the right word, really, but I’m at a loss to think of others. I can’t believe I get to show up with you.”

  Selene blushed. “Thank you. You look pretty impressive too.”

  Alec had grabbed her outfit quickly, not wanting to risk Selene coming into her place yet. There were too many artifacts from her previous life, too many things she might have to explain. Like furniture placement, which necessarily left large open spaces for her wings. So she’d grabbed an outfit she’d worn to Meg’s last big party, which was a suit with an onyx black button-down shirt and patent leather shoes. Her only color was the deep purple tie and matching cufflinks. The outfit had gotten her plenty of welcome female attention at the party, and she was glad to see the appreciation in Selene’s eyes.

  “Then we’ll be a hell of a good-looking couple. You ready to go?”

  Selene grabbed a small handbag. “I think so. To be honest, I’m pretty nervous.”

  Alec held her hand and helped her into the Hummer. “Why is that?”

  Selene waited until Alec was back in the car and pulling onto the street before she answered. “I’m so awkward at these kinds of things. I never know what to say or how to act.”

  “Why act at all? Just be yourself.”

  “You know what I mean. If I were just myself, I wouldn’t laugh at stupid jokes or smile at people I don’t like. And you can’t get away with that kind of thing at parties. Or in general, really.”

  Alec frowned. “No, I don’t suppose you can, if you’re talking about your career. But if it’s more important to be true to yourself than about what people think of you, then maybe you shouldn’t be around people you can’t be yourself with anyway.” She looked over at Selene and felt her pulse skip. With the streetlights highlighting her silky hair, her smooth skin, and her full lips, she looked like something from a fairy tale. A sexy fairy tale, she thought, looking at the expanse of skin showing.

  “That’s part of the problem. I’m going tonight, but I’m not sure I should be.”

  “Why? Is it a party full of zombies? Or drunk hippies?”

  “Both of those would be more fun and probably more interesting. The person throwing the party, Frey Falconi, wants me to come work with him on a major project. But I’m not sure about it, and this invitation is meant to provide me with impetus to say yes.”

  At Frey’s name, Alec shivered slightly, an ominous feeling coming over her. She’d heard of him, but hadn’t paid much attention, figuring he was just another bag of wind blowing meaningless words at people. “What makes you uncertain about it?”

  Selene laughed. “You ask me so many questions, but I can’t seem to ask you any.”

  “You can ask me anything. But I told you, I’m boring.” Alec hoped Selene wouldn’t ask her anything that forced her to outright lie.

  “I think you need to turn right on the street ahead,” Selene said as she scanned the directions in her hand.

  “I think you’re right. Look at the line of cars.”

  Selene looked up, and Alec thought she saw her visibly pale. “I don’t think I can do this.”

  Alec pulled into the line of cars waiting to be taken away by the valet and turned to take Selene’s hand in her own. “I’ll be right beside you, okay? And if I think you’re getting stuck, I’ll jump in. Like I said, my parents made me go to all kinds of these types of things. I can make small talk with the best of them. And if you need my help, just nudge me.”

  “Nudge you? How?”

  Selene’s smile lit up the Hummer, and Alec melted just a bit. “Step on my toes or pinch my arm or something like that. I’ll get it, I promise.”

  Selene seemed to relax. “Okay. If you promise.”

  The valet tapped on the window. “May I?”

  Alec held up her finger to ask him to wait. She reached into the glove box and handed Selene a small bag. “I got you a little something for tonight.”

  Selene touched the bag almost as though she was afraid it would disappear. “What is it? Why?”

  “Open it and see, and because I wanted to.”

  Selene took the small box out of the bag and opened it to find a slim silver bracelet with a round charm. She held it up to look at the flat circle and smiled. “The tree of knowledge.”

  Alec tilted her head and shrugged slightly. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d given a gift to someone outside her family or co-workers. “It seemed appropriate. Do you like it?”

  Selene held out her arm. “I love it. Will you put it on me, please?”

  Alec slid the bangle over Selene’s thin hand and tightened the sliding clasp. It looked perfect on her, just as Alec had known it would when she saw it.

  The valet tapped on the window again, looking more impatient.

  Alec looked at Selene. “I’m ready if you are?”

  Selene took a deep breath, and Alec tried to keep her eyes above Selene’s chest.

  “I’m ready.”


  They entered the enormous white mansion, replete with stone lions standing guard at the entrance. Stone animals and statues always made Alec think of Medusa, and although she’d long been gone, Alec still missed her occasionally. She’d had a wicked sense of humor, often pulling pranks on people, like turning their food into stone right as they were about to take a bite. History hadn’t been kind to her, and Alec wished she had the capability to change that. But history will be what it is. All we can do is try to live for today and plan for the future.

  Selene shivered and Alec took her hand. The massive living room was overflowing with people, the conversation a cacophony of false laughter and fake interest. Even from the landing above the room, Alec could feel the tension and desperation in the room, but she couldn’t get a handle on the source. She smiled at Selene, hoping she couldn’t see Alec’s unease. “Why don’t we start with a drink? Looks like the bar is over there.” She lifted their linked hands to motion in the direction she meant, and Selene nodded gratefully.

  Alec deftly led the way through the crowd, with one or two people stopping them to say hello to Selene, but only briefly when Selene failed to respond with the expected false enthusiasm. At the bar, she asked Selene what she’d like, and noticed the slightly panicked look at the variety of cocktails and wines. There wouldn’t be any Guinness at a place like this. Alec leaned over as though to nuzzle her ear and asked softly, “Alcohol, or no?”

  “No, please,” she murmured back.

  “Can I get a red wine, and a Shirley Temple with orange juice, in a wine glass, please?” Alec grinned at the bartender and winked, and the woman practically fell over herself pulling together the request.

  Alec handed Selene her glass. “If anyone asks, it’s just something the bartender whipped up for you.” She tapped her glass to Selene’s. “To a night of adventure.”

  Selene’s eyes sparkled. “To adventure in general.”

  Alec took a healthy sip of her wine and let her hand linger on Selene’s naked lower back. The dress left the small dimples in her back exposed, and Alec imagined running her tongue over each one.

  “Selene! You made it. I was beginning to think you’d declined my invitation after all.”

  Alec turned toward the booming voice, and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Dark, swirling energy surrounded the man who shook Selene’s hand for a moment too long, and she recognized it as the same energy that had been stuck to Selene once before. Her impulse was to step in front of Selene and protect her, although
she kept her place. Somehow, the energy seemed to surround him, rather than come from him. Strange. Whose energy does that?

  Selene managed to extricate her hand and gave him a polite smile. “Frey Falconi, I’d like you to meet my friend and fellow professor, Alec Graves.”

  He glanced at Alec and gave her a smile that looked genuine. “Nice to meet you. Selene, I’ve got several people I’d very much like you to meet. Come with me?”

  Selene stiffened next to her and Alec said, “You really should, Selene. And if you don’t mind, I’ll tag along and meet some new people too, so I don’t continue to use you as my only social outlet.” She felt Selene’s body relax a little, and knew she’d made the right call.

  Falconi shrugged and grinned. “Of course, the more the merrier, as they say.”

  He led the way, and stopped here and there to introduce Selene to various people. Producers, both TV and film, writers, and other philosophers went by in a whirlwind. Selene was polite to all of them, though Alec could tell she hadn’t really taken much of it in. Falconi seemed to think she should be suitably impressed, however, and when he wasn’t getting the overawed reaction he was clearly expecting, he seemed deflated.

  “If you don’t mind terribly, I’m afraid I should attend to some of my other guests. Please, Selene, mingle and talk to people about the vision we’re running toward. Anyone here could answer at least some questions, and I’d really like to put your mind at ease about the project.”

  He gave Alec a cursory nod before he moved off into the crowd.

  Selene gave a heavy sigh and leaned against Alec, who put an arm around her. She tried not to notice that Selene fit perfectly against her.

  “Can we go, do you think?”

  Alec laughed. “I could. I have a feeling he’ll notice if you’re gone. But do you care?” The man’s intense energy was wearing on her, so it must be tiring for Selene.


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