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Becoming Carter (The Carter Series) (Volume 2)

Page 6

by W. S. Greer

  I grabbed my pen out of my Bears coffee mug and got started. I only had four papers to grade so I knew I wouldn’t be too long.

  Kelvin: Okay, Baby. Be careful. Let me know when you get home. I just want to make sure you’re safe.

  Me: I will. Talk to you soon.

  It only took me a few minutes to finish grading, and then I was up and heading towards the parking lot. As I walked, I became more anxious the closer I got to the door. All I could think about was what was going to happen when I went to start my car. I knew the parking lot was full of other teacher’s vehicles, but the Red Lobster parking lot was packed as well, and someone was still able to rig the limo with explosives.

  When I made it to my car, I did a thorough inspection of the outside, and under the hood. I didn’t see anything that seemed out of place, but I didn’t know if I would, even if the car had been tampered with.

  Mrs. Hanie came strolling up to her own car which was parked next to mine.

  “Engine trouble?” she asked as I glared into my engine compartment.

  “Umm, no. Just… uhh… checking the oil level.” I felt like an ass, but better safe than sorry.

  After closing everything up and getting inside, I squeezed my eyes shut as I turned the ignition and the car cranked up. No explosion. I let out a loud sigh of relief, put the car in drive, and headed home.

  Meghan was lying on the couch when I walked in. I threw my purse on my small coffee table and took a seat next to her, and she purred as I rubbed her. It was good to be back home. I had no idea what I was going to do for the rest of the night, but I was determined to get over my paranoia.

  I got up from the couch and walked into my kitchen. I opened the fridge and leaned over to look inside, realizing just how hungry I was. Lunch at the school was at eleven in the morning, and it was five-thirty in the evening now, so my stomach was empty and pissed.

  I stood up to look inside the freezer. Just as the cold air hit my face, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head and looked out the window, through the half-opened blinds. There was a black BMW sitting outside, across the street from my house. I knew my neighbors fairly well, and none of them had ever had a visitor who drove a BMW. Not that I could remember, anyway.

  I scrunched my forehead and made my way over to the window to get a better look. I could tell the engine was still on because there was steam coming out of the tailpipe from the cold air, however, the windows were tinted so dark that I couldn’t see if anybody was inside or not.

  I could feel my heart starting to pick up speed. I’d glanced into my rearview mirror about a million times on the way home, and I hadn’t noticed anybody following me, but I knew for sure that car wasn’t there when I pulled into my garage less than ten minutes ago.

  I hurried over to my phone and sent a text to Kelvin as I stared at the car through my window.

  Me: Maybe I’m just paranoid, but there’s a car outside my house across the street. Is it one of your dad’s people watching out for me?

  My heart was pounding, and I felt like I wasn’t even blinking as I glared at the mysterious vehicle. Luckily it didn’t take Kelvin too long to answer.

  Kelvin: I’m actually with my dad right now. I asked him and he said not to worry. It’s one of ours. You’re good, Babe.

  I let out another sigh of relief for what felt like the hundredth time today. All of this stressing was surely going to give me wrinkles or something.

  I walked over to the window and used my hand to pull the blinds down so I could get a better look. I couldn’t see the license plate number, so I squinted my eyes to see if I could see inside at all.

  The moment I pulled down the blinds, the BMW sped off, spinning its wheels a little as it drove away. Suddenly, my paranoia was back in full affect. I texted Kelvin again.

  Me: Are you sure, Babe? I looked out the window, and as soon as I pulled the blinds down, the car drove away. I’m a little worried about this.

  Saying I was “a little worried” was the understatement of the century. I was a lot worried.

  A few seconds later, Kelvin responded.

  Kelvin: I’m on my way.

  It took ten minutes for Kelvin to arrive, and I felt like I stared out the window the entire time. The navy blue Chrysler 300 stopped in front of my house and parked at the curb. When the driver side door opened, I expected to see James, but it was only Kelvin, wearing a navy blue suit that matched the new car perfectly. When he closed the door, he jogged around the car and up to my front door. I opened it before he had the chance to knock.

  “Hey. Are you okay?” he said. I could see the worry on his face.

  “I’m fine,” I said as I opened the door wide to let him in. “I don’t know what’s going on, Babe. I just feel so paranoid all the time. Everything that’s happened just has me spooked, and being out of the loop when it comes to what your family is gonna do about it all isn’t helping. I need some reassurance here.”

  Kelvin reached out and took me in his arms. I took a deep breath as I laid my head on his chest, and filled my nostrils with his perfectly masculine cologne. I could hear his heartbeat as I laid on him. It somehow made me feel more at ease.

  “I’m sorry, Baby,” Kelvin said in my ear. “I’m sorry all this shit’s happening, and I’m sorry it’s got you all stressed out. But, you’ve gotta trust me when I tell you that you’re gonna be fine. We’re looking out for you. I’m looking out for you. And you don’t have to worry about what my dad’s gonna do about the Baskovs. I don’t even get involved with that shit. Just let him do whatever he’s gonna do. My only focus is us. It’s all about me and you.”

  “I know. But, I’m still scared. All this stuff is new to me, and I’m only dealing with it because I want to be with you, Kelvin. I just don’t know how to handle all the shit that comes with you.”

  Kelvin looked down at me like he was offended, and I suddenly realized how bad that must’ve sounded.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, trying to backtrack. “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. That’s not what I meant. It’s just a lot to take, that’s all.”

  “I know it’s a lot to take. But, as long as we love each other, we can deal with anything. We deal with it together. That’s how we’ll beat it all. Together. Don’t let this shit erase everything good that we have between us.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean for it to sound bad. I love you, and of course I want to be with you, no matter what. I just wish I didn’t have to worry so much.”

  “I know, Babe.”

  I led Kelvin into the kitchen and he took a seat at the table while I went back to looking in the refrigerator for something to eat. Now that he was here, I knew I wouldn’t feel safe if he left. So, when I pulled the chicken breasts out the freezer, I knew I’d be making this meal for the both of us.

  “Do you like chicken tacos?” I asked, assuming I already knew the answer, because who the hell doesn’t like chicken tacos?

  “Of course. Am I being invited to dinner?” Kelvin said with a smile.

  “Yes. Yes you are,” I replied with a grin of my own. I was finally starting to feel the tension lifting off of me.

  About an hour later, our meal was finished and Kelvin and I sat at the table talking. Even Meghan had joined us and was rubbing up against Kelvin’s leg begging for his attention. He reached down and rubbed her back, and I knew he would never get rid of her now.

  It was seven-thirty and I had a full stomach. I didn’t know if Kelvin had any plans for the night or not, but he was with me and I didn’t want him to go just yet.

  I got up and walked over to the window, half expecting to see another mystery vehicle parked outside. The street was dark and empty.

  “Still paranoid, I see,” Kelvin said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  “I can’t help it. But, you being here makes me feel so much better. I know dinner is finished, but will you please stay a little longer?”

  “Of c
ourse. You don’t even have to ask. I’ll stay as long as you want me to.”

  “Good. I have to go jump in the shower really quick. I’ll be back in a little bit, okay? Don’t leave.” I said as I leaned in to kiss him.

  As I headed towards the hallway, Kelvin sat down on the couch. Meghan immediately jumped onto the cushion and threw her body against him, begging to be petted. I smiled as Kelvin obliged my cat and turned on the TV.

  I made my way into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Knowing Kelvin was still sitting in my living room made everything so much easier to deal with. I didn’t have to worry about somebody coming in while I was in the shower. I’d seen him in action and I knew nobody was getting passed Kelvin. So, when I stepped into the shower, I decided that I was going to use this as an opportunity to wash off all of the stress I’d been feeling. The past six months of my life had been full of excitement, passion, and love—everything I had been looking for before I met Kelvin. I’d gotten everything I was hoping for, and I had no right to complain about it now. This was what I wanted, and I gladly accepted it. More than anything, I gladly accepted Kelvin and everything that came with him.

  I leaned my head back and let the water wash over my hair. It was still fairly short, though I was starting to grow it out so I could put some different styles to it. As I rubbed the shampoo into my hair, I closed my eyes so that I wouldn’t get soap in them. It only took a minute to wash, and another minute to rinse out, but as I rinsed, I heard the click of the bathroom door.

  “Hello? Kelvin?” I said.

  There was no answer. I leaned my face into the steady stream of the shower so I could hurry up and rinse off any lingering soap, and then I quickly turned and looked through the door to the shower. I gasped when I saw him. Kelvin was reaching for the handle to the door, and from what I could tell, he was completely naked.

  When the door swung open, my eyes bulged as Kelvin stepped into the shower with me. I felt my mouth drop open as I marveled at his ridiculously sexy body. As the water hit his chest, the tattoo of the angels fighting the demons glistened, and the water trickled down his chiseled stomach, bringing my attention down to his perfect cock. All I could do was stare as the water dripped off of it. I felt mesmerized by the size of him, even as he stood there. I’d never called a man’s penis beautiful before, but that’s what it was. His dick was beautiful.

  “I figured it’d be better if I came in here with you,” he said in a deep, sexy tone. “You know, to keep you safe.”

  The smile on my face must’ve stretched from ear to ear as I continued to look him up and down. He smiled back at me and I realized that he knew exactly what he was doing; as usual. He knew exactly how to remind me what it was that he brought into my life.

  Kelvin placed his hands on my hips as he leaned in to kiss me. He ran his tongue across my top lip slowly, making me wait for the kiss, and I smiled as he teased me. I reached out and rubbed his stomach with the tips of my fingers, taking my time to trace every single blocky muscle, then I quickly grabbed his hardening cock.

  It felt so good in my hands as I stroked him, loving the sensation of his dick growing harder and harder. As I stroked him, he reached down and began rubbing my clit. Just the sight of him was making me unbelievably wet, but things went into overdrive when he touched me. He was so good at it. He knew me so well.

  Kelvin spun me until my back was against the wall, then he forced me to raise my leg and put my foot on top of the ledge of the shower, kissing my neck with every movement he made. I kept stroking his cock with my hands, using the water as a lubricant and smiling to myself as he moaned in pleasure.

  Suddenly, Kelvin smacked the underside of my elevated leg, right next to my ass. The water made the spanking sting a little more, and I found myself even more aroused by the subtle pain. He spanked my leg a second time and I let out a small scream in satisfaction.

  “Yeah. You fucking like it, Baby?” Kelvin said as he rubbed the spot where he’d just spanked me.

  “Yes. I love it, Baby. I love you.”

  “You love the way I take it, don’t you?”

  “Yes. I love it, Kelvin. Take it.”

  I felt Kelvin reach down and take ahold of his dick. As he positioned himself closer to me, I prepared myself for the intense sensation of him thrusting himself into me, but instead, he began rubbing my clit and the outside of my pussy with the head of his dick. The splashing and warmth of the water seemed to heighten the intensity as he rubbed my clit faster and faster. It was a completely new feeling. It was like he was both inside and outside of me. The tip of his cock would slide slightly in me, and then slide out, rubbing my clit as it exited. I could barely stand as the intense feeling shot through my body.

  “What the… oh my god!” I said as my legs trembled.

  Then, right on cue, Kelvin reached up and grabbed my wet hair. He only pulled it enough to elevate my head as he kissed my neck, continuing to use his cock as a vibrator the entire time.

  He continued his masterful assault on my clit and my moaning turned into loud screams. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on as he continued massaging my pussy, and I felt the orgasm coming up, getting ready to hit me like a fucking freight train.

  I couldn’t do anything to hold it back, and my body flexed all of my muscles all at once as the orgasm struck me. Right as it hit, Kelvin lifted my other leg off the floor of the shower and thrust the full length of his dick inside of me as he held my body in the air. I buried my face into his neck and screamed as he thrust in and out of me with long, deep strokes, giving me the longest orgasm I could ever remember having.

  As my own orgasm finally began to subside, I felt Kelvin’s body tighten, and I knew he was ready. He put me down and pulled himself out of me, and I immediately dropped to my knees and took him into my mouth—water be damned. I stroked his dick with my hands as I sucked and his own orgasm rushed over him. He exploded into my mouth and I swallowed every bit of him, rubbing the entire length of his shaft as his body jerked above me.

  “Fuck. That was so fucking amazing, Baby,” he said, still trying to catch his breath.

  “Tell me about it,” I replied with a satisfied smile. “I don’t know exactly what you were doing, but I’ve never felt anything like that before. Shit, that was incredible.”

  Kelvin and I took another ten minutes to actually get clean, using the loofa to wash each other off. I slowly ran the loofa over his back, eyeing the tattoos that covered him, and feeling myself falling deeper in love with him with every passing minute.

  When we were finished, we didn’t bother getting dressed, choosing to jump into bed without any clothes on instead. As I’m sure he predicted I would do, I’d asked Kelvin to stay the night with me. I figured he could go back to the penthouse when I left for work in the morning. He didn’t even answer when I asked. Instead, he put his arm around me and closed his eyes, with that sexy little smirk on his face.

  When I woke up, it was only one o’clock in the morning. Kelvin was still asleep, and I was still in the safety of his muscular arms. However, I’d fallen asleep by accident, and I knew I hadn’t done my nightly ritual of double checking all of my locks. I’d gotten into the habit of double checking everything after the night Tim had broken in and tied me to a chair.

  I slowly got up out of the bed, careful not to wake Kelvin, and made my way into the living room. The lights were still on in the kitchen and dining room, and the front door was still unlocked from when I let Kelvin in. I flipped the switches on all of the lights and locked the door, and then went and checked the locks on all the windows.

  As I checked the one on the window leading to my front yard, I saw it. The BWM was back. Only this time it was parked two houses down from where it was earlier, and the lights were off.

  As the panic began to rise in my chest, I took a deep breath and thought about what Kelvin had told me. He said the car was one of theirs, and that I was good. I even remembered what Senior had told me just yesterday mornin

  Someone will be watching your house at all times, Lily. Just to make sure that nothing happens, even when you’re not there. You probably won’t see them, but there will be someone there.

  The words ran through my head, and I used them to calm myself down. I trusted Kelvin. And I didn’t know why, but I trusted what Senior told me. So, I double checked the window, and then headed back to bed.


  “What’s the matter?”

  “I forgot to set the alarm,” I exclaimed in a panic. “I can’t believe it’s fucking six-forty-five. There’s no way I’m gonna make it to work on time.”

  I jumped out of the bed and ran into my closet. I was in such a rush that I forgot I was naked, and that Kelvin was still lying in the bed naked as well.

  I ran into my closet and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a white and red Bulls sweater, and then ran back into the room and threw it all on the bed. The sweater landed on top of Kelvin’s chest and I heard him laughing as I basically jumped into the pair of jeans, and struggled putting on my bra.

  “Damn. Good thing you aren’t throwing anything heavy, or I’d be dead right now,” he joked. I was in too much of a rush to think it was funny. “Babe, can’t you just call Lex and see if she’ll cover for you for a little bit until you get there. She can hook you up, right?”

  I tried to answer, but the toothbrush I’d shoved in my mouth was keeping me from saying anything that sounded like English. Kelvin chuckled once again as he got up and walked into the bathroom with me. I stood at the sink and stared at him as he sauntered in completely nude. His impressive member swayed back and forth, begging me to reach out and grab it, even though I knew I didn’t have time. Kelvin smiled at me as he entered.

  “Looking pretty sexy with that toothpaste dripping out of your mouth. Ooh lala.” He joked as he grabbed the extra tooth brush he’d bought for the occasions when he stayed the night. He’d also brought over a few suits to go along with the drawer full of socks and underwear.


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