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Dreamer: Book 7 of The Steel MC Montana Charter

Page 13

by Michel Prince

  Rage surged through his veins. She needed him and he couldn’t get to her. Pushing his way through the crowd, he made his way to Dreamer.

  Steel, Shark, Lynch and Hawk were there as well, having pulled Dreamer from the man and creating a wall only a fool would try to get through.

  Freaky made his way to her side. Once he reached her, he put his hand on her back. “Dreamer, you okay?”

  She instantly curled into him. “I’m okay,” she lied, her bottom jaw was trembling and her voice shook. Tears were flowing down her cheeks.

  It took every part of him to focus on her hurt and not causing major pain to the man with his hands up in the air.

  “Clive you need to leave.” Dell stepped up to the man trying to take Meadow.

  Freaky turned to Steel. “Shouldn’t we be getting this clown out of here?”

  “Yeah, for Hack and Preacher Girl I suppose.” Steel nodded. “But there’s something about a man who’s shit staining his drawers because my sweet innocent wife is saying scoot.”

  “Didn’t she beat his ass when she rescued Dreamer?”

  “Dreamer?” Steel questioned.

  Freaky glanced down to Meadow. “How much do you want him gone? Gone? Or gone, gone.”

  Dreamer’s eyes blinked a few times unsure of the distinction. “Gone,” she replied.

  Freaky passed her off to Maggie and Camille who’d took her back into the safety of the church.

  “I’m with you.” Steel grabbed Clive by one arm and Freaky snatched the other.

  The pussy ass, woman beater squirmed, but wasn’t stupid enough to engage with the two men. Especially with Shark, Hawk, and Lynch following them down the block. Once they reached the street, they pushed him away from them.

  “Stay the fuck away from Meadow,” Steel commanded. “She’s a Steel and you can’t reach her. If we see you back here, we do have ways of disappearing a man.”

  Amens for Steel’s sentiments were echoed by all the men around, but Freaky was glad Steel was making them. All he wanted to do was beat the man into a withering pulp and he figured his warning would be more punch than preach.

  “She’s mine,” Clive spit out. “I’m taking her with me.”

  “Really? Haven’t seen any sign she belongs to anyone,” Steel answered. “She wants to go with you?”

  “Yes, she will go with me!” Clive tried to push his way through the line of men, standing on the sidewalk.

  Freaky snatched the man by the back on the neck, the force enough to slam him to the pavement. Pinning him down with his knee to the Clive’s chest, he pressed in, making sure every pound of pressure he could muster was hopefully crushing his sternum. “He didn’t ask will she, he said does she want to,” Freaky snarled as he watched the man’s face redden as he gasped for air. “See… will and want are two different things.”

  “Fuck you,” he spat his hands slapping at Freaky while he tried to knock him off as he wheezed, desperate to find air.

  “Are you stupid?” Freaky asked. “Or just slow? We all know you aren’t a man.”

  “Man enough to fuck Meadow.” The man’s eyes became wild.

  Freaky had to wonder if he was on drugs.

  “I saw you try to hold her. That’s not what the bitch likes. She likes it rough from a real man.”

  His words were only damaging because Freaky hadn’t tasted the woman he was currently craving. Whose tears a few moments ago made his kill dial hit eleven. Worst thing was this man actually tried to do the whole dick measuring with him.

  “I’m taking Meadow with me when I leave this shit town!” Clive spat finally shoving Freaky hard enough he fell back on the sidewalk.

  Grit and small rocks digging into his palms as he slid back.

  Clive scrambled to his feet.

  Both men stumbled getting up, but where Clive was hunched over Freaky was standing tall.

  “Ah, see now you’ve insulted my adoptive home. You really need to check that dick sucker of yours.” Freaky’s fist flew making contact with the fucker’s mouth. The strong uppercut, sending Clive’s head backward and a spray of red flew in a perfect arch like a fountain at the Bellagio.

  The men of Steel howled with laughter as Clive tried to recover. When was the last time this man had to face a person willing to fight him back? Never is what Freaky determined. Maybe that was why he was so embolden when he swung back and Freaky dodged the blow, and shoved him once again to the ground.

  “Freaky leave him alone,” Dreamer’s cry broke through the haze of rage as she crouched down and took his face in her hands.

  “Meadow, he said he’s taking you with him,” Freaky defended himself in vain. The way she cradled Clive’s head and the man played up his pain made Freaky’s stomach turn. “You can’t really want to be with this man can you?”

  “Let me talk to him. You all can just leave us alone. I can deal with this.” Meadow waved everyone away.

  Steel and Hawk took a few steps back, but were close enough to intervene if necessary.

  Freaky clasped hands with Steel and pulled in for a quick hug. “Watch her,” he said. “I can’t stomach it.”

  “I got you,” Steel replied. “Dell ain’t gonna let me leave.”

  Freaky pulled back, glancing over at the sight of Meadow digging in her camera bag of tissues and dabbing Clive’s face as the man worked eyes on her. Better than any damn dog.

  If she couldn’t remember that son-of-bitch had a bite who was he to remind her? The addict in her when it came to the man was pulling her back and there weren’t any words he could say to change that.

  Freaky walked back toward the church with his head down. He couldn’t believe Meadow was choosing that loser. She wanted to talk to him alone and that meant one thing, she was going to forgive and forget.

  “I tried to stop her,” Porsche said as he turned the corner where his bike was parked. “I really did.”

  “Guess she made her choice,” he replied, scanning Porsche’s curves, the fact her hands were trembling made him want to go back and take another round out of the son-of-a-bitch’s flesh.

  “I missed my ride to the reception. Now I’m just trying not to be seen.”

  “He can’t have you,” Freaky assured taking Porsche’s hands in his.

  “It hasn’t been long enough,” she said, her face pale in the late afternoon sun. “Meadow is just confused. I see how she looks at you.”

  “Did you see how she was caring for him?”

  “No.” Porsche shook her head. “But trust me, if she leaves with him, she’s dead.”

  Cold washed over Freaky as he closed his eyes and fought every urge to go all caveman on Dreamer. Fling her over his shoulder to drag her ass kicking and screaming away from Clive. “It has to be her choice,” he said and mounted his bike. “Come on, at least I can get one of you away from him.”

  Porsche gave him the space he needed on the ride out to the ranch. Maybe she was caught in her own dreams and nightmares when it came to Clive. At least, she didn’t hold tight around his belly. Instead, she was leaning back and only holding on to his shoulders when they hit curves. The place was already packed with Steel members and the women. He didn’t want to socialize. All he wanted was a beer and way to forget that Meadow meant anything to him.

  Walking into the clubhouse, he was surprised the place had been decorated with wedding stuff. The food had all been cooked and they had the entire clubhouse set up for the dinner. Freaky walked to the bar. “Give me a beer. Fuck it… two.”

  Lyna gave him the beers.

  He drank the first in a few hard swallows then set it onto the bar before taking in the room.

  Lynch walked up to him. “Freaky, how are you?”

  Every part of him wanted to ask about Dreamer. Why had Lynch left? Steel and Hawk were the only ones still with her or had everyone decided to leave? Shit. He took another swig of beer as if that would wash away the memory of her lips on his. “Good. Just enjoying a beer.”

  “Heard you
all were thinking about running guns?”

  “Yeah, we’re thinking about it.” Freaky wondered who he’d heard that from. “Some more than others.”

  “You being the some,” Lynch said.

  Freaky took another drink, whiskey might need to be in his future. Or tequila. His eyes cut to the glass bottles along the wall as he tried to consider who would be his best pal tonight. Jack, Jose or Jim.

  “Well, it is a way to make some money.” Lynch said ordering a shot with the wave of his hand. “We’ve done a few in our club and it worked well for us.”

  “You gonna be around for our meeting?” Freaky chuckled.

  “Why, you having issues getting it to pass?”

  “Yeah, Red doesn’t want to, not sure why. A few of us do.”

  “Well, the President does have the say after all. Can’t say as any of us had any problems with it. You ask him?”

  “We’ve been a bit preoccupied.” Freaky waved his beer bottle at the growing crowd. “Not really a priority issue.”

  “Red’s a smart man, but I noticed he’s a bit cautious.” Lynch downed his shot then signaled for another. “Not a bad thing, but it can slow you down when there isn’t an immediate threat. Talk to him. Man to man. He’ll respect it and you’ll know why he’s not ready to pull the trigger, so to speak.”

  “Thanks for the advice. I’ll catch you later.”

  The wedding party had walked in and everyone was seating at the tables. Freaky took his place at the end of the bride’s table alongside the rest of them. Wishing he was being blinded by Dreamer’s flash and very aware she was nowhere in sight. Worse yet, Dell and Steel had walked through the door.


  “We have a past together, but not a good one,” Meadow said as she dabbed Clive’s split lip, she’d never been a fan of hurting someone. “I like it here. This is my home now. I’m gonna stay with these people, at least for now. Go back to New Mexico and leave me alone.”

  “Meadow, you don’t want this. Come on just leave with me?” Clive begged her.

  Meadow didn’t want to see him hurt. She couldn’t push aside the love she had for him even though she knew it was over. She felt safe here in Turnabout. It was a relief to finally have some freedom, not judgement and a man who softly kissed her. No matter how sad Clive’s eyes were, they weren’t enough anymore. They couldn’t take away the pain in her arm he’d just caused. Porsche was right when she tried to pull her away, but Meadow knew if she didn’t find her own strength to leave him, she would be just a scared girl, running for the rest of her life. “I’m not leaving with you Clive.” Meadow stood to leave, very aware Dell and Steel and half dozen men were close enough all she had to do was scream. “Go home.”

  Clive snatched her arm as he rose, tugging her toward his old sedan. “What you’re failing to realize Meadow, is you are mine.”

  It was like there was a place on her arm his fingers locked deep into each time. The bruises that had healed over the week were now being reborn as pain shot down her arm.

  “There isn’t a world where we are not together.”

  “Yes, there is.” Jerking her hand free she shoved him, sending him stumbling into the street as he tripped on the curb. “And I’m there. Leave. Me. Alone.”

  Steel, Hawk and Lynch stepped between her and Clive.

  He pushed off the ground pointing at her. “I own you,” he called back to her.

  “Are you sure you don’t want him gone, gone?” Steel asked, keeping his eyes on Clive.

  “We’re soulmates Meadow. You can’t function without me!”

  Tears were rushing down her cheeks, but she wasn’t sure where they were coming from. Years wasted? Ruining the wedding? Having her drama disrupt the day? Or fear he would never stop?

  “Take a hint,” Hawk said. “You’re already bleeding, you really don’t want us to make that an internal issue.”

  “They’ve got him.” Dell stood by Meadow and stroked her upper arm. “You got all your stuff?”

  Meadow shook her head, snuffing back her tears. “I have equipment in the church.”

  “I’ll help you, Steel and Hawk will get Clive away.”

  “I’m not dumb,” Meadow explained as she took down her smaller cameras and started packing them away.

  “Never thought that, Dreamer.”

  Meadow turned sharply on her heels toward Dell who was breaking down the tripod.

  “What?” Dell quipped. “You think I hadn’t heard? The men around here are worse than a cheerleading squad, talking about the hot new quarterback. Especially, when a man’s made a claim on a woman. The men here don’t hand out nicknames to buddies.”

  “Freaky calling me a daydreamer isn’t just him teasing me?”

  “No sweet Dreamer, that’s him choosing you. The man was defending your honor and stopped the moment you said to. Men don’t stop when they are in fight mode until the opponent is unconscious or dead.” Dell stroked Meadow’s cheek. “Or the only voice in the world that matters to them breaks through the haze.”

  All of this was too much for her. It hadn’t been long enough. Then again, she’d taken her time with Clive, moving slow at first and missed so much that was right in front of her.

  Now, she was glad she was driving herself back to the clubhouse, she blasted the stereo to drown the voices overwhelming her. She still had hours of shooting left to do and even with her escort the thought that Clive could be around any corner made her fear sleeping alone in the trailer that night.

  Following Dell and Steel into the clubhouse, she tried to pick the best table to sit at. Or maybe she should just wander around? The head table was already seated and eating.

  Freaky was on the edge of one and shifted in his chair, leaning forward at the table.

  Following Dell and Steel up as they greeted the couple with hugs and a sealed envelope slipped into a satin purse on Preacher Girl’s wrist.

  “Dell, can I talk to you?” she said finally finding some of her nerve as they worked their way down the table and stopped toward the end.

  “Sure Meadow. What’s up?”

  “I want to return to New Mexico, can I go with you?”

  “If that’s what you really want to do Meadow. But are you certain this is what you want to do?” Dell asked, concern marring her face.

  Freaky shoved back from the table and stormed straight to the bar. His fist clenched as he ordered a drink making Meadow’s stomach flip.

  “Hey, you can’t make everyone happy,” Dell assured her. “Only yourself. You know what you need to be healthy.”

  “Do I?” she replied as they made their way to the buffet line. Meadow made up a plate of food and sat down at the table with Dell and Steel. Not much to shoot beyond people stuffing their faces. But the kids were always good for a show.

  Pulling out her camera, she walked around and took a few pictures then sat back down to eat her food before it got cold.

  “Meadow, I need to talk with you,” Dell said. “Steel and I think it’s a good idea for you to stay here in Montana.”

  “Why?” Meadow had a life in New Mexico, she still had things at the trailer and maybe even a job. She knew how to sell her art there, Montana was a new place whose big city would be a minor suburb compared to Albuquerque. How could she possibly survive long term here?

  “We sent Porsche this far to get away from Clive. Just because you sent him packing for the moment, doesn’t mean he’s given up. He’d stalked her for months after she left him. If he hadn’t, the cops might have never caught up with him.”

  “We still keep track of Clive even after all these years,” Steel added. “We just didn’t piece two and two together that he was the same man when Dell had you in tow.”

  Meadow was surprised at what Dell was saying. “So you mean the Steel MC has been keeping track of Clive for six years after Porsche left?”

  “Yes, I just found this out from Steel.” Dell’s head turned to her husband as he placed his arm protectively around he

  “The thing is Dreamer,” he said using the nickname again, as easily as one would use her own name. “Montana rescues all the time. They’re part of a network, they know how to hide people. We take in women occasionally in New Mexico.”

  “Roadkill pushed for the club to have a mission,” Dell explained. “It’s given them a whole new perspective and us too. Though they put in time, major time, talents and effort helping the abused. They understand stalkers and prepare for them. We react.”

  “True,” Steel replied. “With force, but if I’d have realized who you were running from, people would have missed the wedding to patrol.”

  “That’s crazy. Okay, if you think it’s a good idea for me to stay here I will. I like it already, so it won’t be so bad.” Meadow finished her food. “Is there any way my stuff could be shipped up here?”

  “We’ll send someone over now,” Dell said pulling out her phone. “Any chance you keep a key under a pot?”

  “No, but it’s not like the door is reinforced.”

  Dell smiled. “Ah man, you’re making me sad I’m up here and not gonna be in on the party.”

  Freaky glared as Dreamer wandered around with her camera. Snapping shots of smashed wedding cake, by not only the bride and groom, but the kids too. When the dance started, she circled the floor with the couple, then she slipped back to the wall to be out of the way. Soon, people were spilling out of the building and she followed, capturing the joy of others while her face stayed stone still.

  The alcohol tasted acrid on his lips and Freaky gave up trying to drown his sorrows. There was no white picket fence for him. No running guns to make a little extra cash to take his best girl on a vacation. Or putting in a hot tub, so she could straddle him on a cold night with the scalding water all around them to contrast the cool air. The idea that he’d be dancing in the middle of the clubhouse with a red headed kid on his hip with his wife wasn’t in the cards.

  Why the fuck did he have to be sober in this moment? In the far corner, Porsche sat with her eyes trained on the door as if she feared what might walk through. When he saw the way she was holding a bottle of vodka, he realized it wasn’t because she was thirsty. It was a weapon. Approaching her slowly, he put his hands up before snatching a chair from a table and sitting next to her. “Wanna share?” he asked and held his hand out.


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