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Fire In His Embrace: A Post-Apocalyptic Dragon Romance (Fireblood Dragon Book 3)

Page 22

by Ruby Dixon

  I growl low in my throat, utterly pleased.

  “Oh god,” she pants, breathless. “You’re pleased? I don’t even have words.” She is still shaking inside, her body reacting with little jolts. Aftershocks, she thinks of them. She is satisfied—and dazed—in the aftermath of her pleasuring. Good.

  I give her a few moments to recover and then begin to slowly kiss my way across her soft belly and thighs. Perhaps I will tease her again like this. I like that her scent is all over my hands and my lips. I do not even miss my claw. I suspect other drakoni would nip theirs if they knew what joy it would bring their human mates.

  Her hands stroke over my shoulders, her movements languid. “That was…really intense. Thank you.” She still sounds breathless.

  Why do you thank me? You are my mate. It is my job to make you call out with pleasure.

  Her thoughts have a tiny flare of embarrassment, but she tamps it down quickly. “It’s not your job.”

  Is it not? I am your mate. Who will pleasure you if not me?

  “Mmm, you’ve got a point.” She caresses my cheek, then lets her fingers glide along my jaw. “Can I…touch you for a bit? Just until I get my breath back?”

  I gaze up at her, curious. Touch me? You touch me right now.

  “You know what I mean. Explore you. All of you.” Her thoughts are full of her hands on my cock, learning my length, my girth. Touching me.

  I cannot stop the rumble of arousal that moves through me at the realization of her thoughts. Her hands on my cock? The idea is enticing. Do you not want me to mount you now?

  “Mount me?” She blinks, then shakes her head. “Plenty of time for that sort of thing later. Right now can’t we just enjoy ourselves?”

  She wishes to enjoy…me. It is another way she is different than a drakoni female, but I cannot find that I dislike this idea. What would you have me do?

  Emma’s lips curve in a smile. “Well, for starters, you can lie back. Unless you’d rather stand.”

  I will lie down, I decide. You are small and will not be able to reach my mouth if you so wish.

  Her soft laughter is appealing, as is the excitement I feel in her mind. She is looking forward to touching me. I am fascinated by this. Most drakoni females would take a mounting and expect the male to pleasure her. The female does not give to the one that defeated her. It is fascinating how different human females are from ours.

  Emma gets on her hands and knees, her hair falling forward over one shoulder. She eyes me with fascination and then reaches out to slide one hand up one of my thighs.

  I can feel my cock jump in response to that quick touch.

  Her thoughts jump, as well, and then she chuckles. “Ticklish?”

  Drakoni are no such thing, I tell her stoutly.

  She giggles, pleased at my response. “Is that so?” Her fingers skate up my sides, along my abdomen, and then she flutters them against the muscle there.

  I am surprised at how skittish it makes me feel—and how hard it makes my cock. I grab her hands, otherwise I will spill all over myself in a shameful manner.

  She peals with laughter. “You should see the look on your face.”

  I do not like tickling, I tell her, feeling strangely unsettled. It is too much.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she tells me, and her voice takes on a sweetly playful tone. “Is it okay if I put my hands on you otherwise?”

  I enjoy your touch, I tell her. Do as you like.

  “Except no tickling,” she teases again, and she puts one hand on each of my thighs instead, then begins to rub. Her voice is playful, but her touch is anything but. I find myself fascinated by the play of her small hands against my skin. She rubs back and forth, kneading my muscles, and I am reminded of the massage she gave my wings yesterday. It did not feel quite the same.

  Now I am going to think of her like this when she touches my wings next. Of Emma straddling my thighs, her cunt wet from pleasure, her breasts pert and upthrust, her hair a tangle around her flushed face.

  No drakoni warrior was ever so lucky as I am, I think.

  Her attention focuses on my cock, and her hands slide higher up my thighs, until she lets her fingers play against my hips. “You have a really beautiful body,” she says softly. “Look at all this muscle. You’re all strength and no weakness.”

  It is as it should be, I tell her, proud of her admiration. I must be strong and fierce to protect my mate.

  “Doesn’t hurt that being strong and fierce also means you’re pleasing to look at,” she tells me, and I am surprised again. She likes to look at me? She gets pleasure from gazing upon me like I do her? It never occurred to me, but I enjoy the thought of her appreciating my appearance. Then you should be doubly glad I do not bother to cover my body with the silly coverings as you do.

  She giggles again, and the sound makes my cock stiffen even more, makes my sac tighten in response to her pleasure. “Yes, well, if we’re ever around others again, you might want to rethink that.”

  Do you want to be around others again? I ask her, curious.

  She hesitates. “I don’t know that I do. Humans naturally cluster together for safety, you know, but I’ve always been taught that it’s smarter to be alone.” She shrugs. “Sometimes I think it might be wiser to go back to a fort and play with the devil I know. To hide amongst their numbers. But I’m not a big fan of people overall. They always disappoint you. I’ve only met a few who didn’t.” She thinks for a moment. “Jack, for example. You always knew what you got with Jack because he’d tell you to your face if you were being an idiot. And Sasha. That’s Dakh’s girlfriend. Or mate, I guess. I don’t think there’s a mean bone in her body. She’s very sweet and gentle.”

  You are sweet, I tell her.

  “But not gentle,” Emma admits, and grins. “All the gentle was beat out of me a long time ago.”

  I prefer you as you are.

  She smiles at me, and her hands play at my hips a moment longer before her gaze drops to my cock. She hesitates. “Can I…touch you?”

  I groan. Please.

  I can feel her moment of indecision, and then she slowly reaches forward to touch me. One hand curls around my shaft and she gives me a light squeeze.

  All the breath leaves my body. I have never felt anything as good as that one small squeeze.

  “Wow,” she says softly. “Doesn’t feel like I thought it would.” She licks her lips and then unwraps her fingers and lets them glide up and down my length. “It’s funny because I read a book that Sasha was gushing about, and the heroine went on and on about how the hero’s dick felt like velvet over steel. I thought that was crap, but now that I’m touching you, I kind of see what she means.” She has a fascinated look on her face as she lightly strokes me with one fingertip. “You’re really, really hot here, and very hard, but your skin feels really soft under my touch. It’s so strange.”

  Do you not like touching me? My thoughts feel as strained as my cock does. Her caresses are small, teasing torments.

  “No, I like touching you,” she admits. “Are you okay with it? You seem a little tense.”

  It is…because…I am fighting my instincts, I manage.

  “Your instincts?”

  To force you down onto your belly so I can mount you and slam my cock into your cunt. To pump you full of my seed.

  She gasps, her mind full of the visual of that, and I get a glimpse of what happened between us that fever-filled night. I groan aloud at her memories. I took her hard and fierce that night and she loved all of it. Unfair that I was so fevered I did not remember.

  “We’ll make new memories,” she promises in a low voice, and wraps her fingers around my length again. “Starting right now, if you like.”

  I like, I growl, fascinated by the sultry look on her face. I like very much.

  “Good,” she whispers, and then squeezes my cock. She leans forward, her hair tumbling, and then licks the tip of my cock.

  I growl. Pleasure and need flare through m
e, hard and fast. I have never felt anything so good as her small, soft tongue against the head of my cock.

  “Oooh,” she breathes. “You taste different than I thought you would.”

  How do I taste? I am finding it difficult to concentrate. Her breath plays along the head of my cock, tormenting me.

  “Like cinnamon, almost. Hot,” she licks. “Sticky,” she licks again. “Definitely cinnamon.”

  I groan fiercely, clenching my fists at my side. Her mouth is the most enticing torture ever. I am fascinated as she licks me again, the pink length of her tongue darting out to caress the head of my cock. Then she lowers her head even more and takes the entire head of it into her mouth. I feel hot, wet suction, feel the graze of her tongue against the underside of my cock, and I nearly come off of the bed. Emma!

  She makes a little noise of pleasure in her throat, her grip holding my shaft tight. She sucks harder, then swirls her tongue over the tip, and her thoughts are filled with desire. Tell me if you want me to stop and I’ll stop.

  I never want her to stop. I want her mouth to keep teasing me forever.

  I will not last nearly long enough, though. Already the tease of her hair along my thigh is a reminder of what she does, and the hot suction of her mouth reminds me of the tight grip of her cunt. I can see why humans do this. I look down, and the sight of her face as she feeds my cock into her mouth is the most fascinatingly erotic thing I have ever seen. The image of it will be burned into my mind forever.

  I nearly come right then and there. I can feel my body clench with the need to release, to spill my seed. But this is her mouth, not her cunt. I cannot. I want her to be on my shaft when I come. I want to be buried deep inside her. I want to fill her with my seed and give her my young. I want my scent to mingle with hers.

  And that will not happen if she continues to milk me with her mouth.

  So I can enjoy this pleasure, but I cannot let it overwhelm me. That is…not so easy. My sac feels tight with the need to release, and I can feel sweat breaking out on my body as I try to hold myself together. I must concentrate on enjoying this…but not too much. It is clear she is having a good time, and she likes my reactions. Let it be no more than that.

  A pleasantry. I struggle to calm myself. Pleasant. Nothing more.

  She sucks hard again and her fingers brush against my sac, sending a bolt of intense feeling through my body.


  Her tongue drags against the head of my cock once more.

  I cannot take it. Enough, I growl.

  Emma immediately lifts her head, confusion on her face. “Everything okay?” Her mouth is wet and pink from her efforts, and I can feel more precum glide down the head of my cock just at the sight of her.

  I need to be inside her. Now.

  Everything is perfect, I tell her, and sit up. She backs off, surprised, and I get on my knees. Turn over on your stomach.

  “Oh. Again?” she asks, surprised. “I thought we could…” Her mind fills with images of us, mating, our faces close together, belly to belly.

  Humans do such a thing?

  “All the time,” she tells me. “Do you not?”

  A female is always mounted from behind.

  “Oh. I just…” She shrugs. “If you want.” But she is bothered by the thought. She does not like the idea of being mounted. It feels cold to her. Uncaring.

  I do not want her to think this way. We will do it as you like, I tell her. We will try it. I caress her cheek. You mounted me before and that was different. I can try different again.

  She blushes, but it is clear from her thoughts that she is happy with this compromise. “I just thought it might be more intimate to try it that way. If you don’t like it we don’t have to do it again.”

  I am sure I will like it, I reassure her, and I know it is true. I will like mating with her any way she likes. It is claiming my mate and filling her body with my seed, no matter how we do so.

  She smiles and lies back on the blankets, then raises her arms to me. She looks lovely and soft this way, her hair spreading out around her head.

  I run my claws lightly down one arm and then down her thigh, then push them apart. Are you still wet for me?

  I sense her shyness at such a question, but she nods. I ease my body between her legs, getting on all fours and moving over her. She touches me as I do, her hands moving over my arms and on my chest. I take one of her thighs and run my hand along her smooth skin. She immediately hooks her foot behind my back and tugs me a bit closer, pulling me down until my cock rubs against the soft flesh of her cunt. She is as eager as I am, my Emma, and I rumble with pleasure at the realization.

  My mate, I send to her, feeling a fierce, possessive pleasure at the sight of her under me. I like this, because I can see the soft expression on her face, can see her breasts rise and fall with her excitement.

  I take my cock in hand to guide it into her warmth, but I cannot resist teasing her a bit more as she did to me. I drag the head through her folds, slicking it with her juices, and I love the sweet sound of her little cries. Are you ready to take my seed? I demand, the possessive feeling growing with every moment. I itch to claim her, to fill her soft cunt with my release. To let the soft clasp of her body milk me and take everything I have to give her.

  “Please, Zohr,” she pants. “I need you inside me.”

  The sound of my name on her lips is fascinatingly erotic. Tell me again, I order, and rub my cockhead along her folds once more, grazing it over her clit.

  She squirms underneath me, crying out. “Zohr! Please!”

  Do you want me to claim you?


  Fill you? Possess my mate?

  “Take me,” she tells me eagerly. “I’m yours.”

  I slick the head of my cock along her cunt again. You are my mate, I tell her fiercely, possessiveness overcoming my need to tease. No one touches this but me. No one claims this but me.

  “Yours and yours alone,” Emma agrees eagerly. “You’re the only one I want to touch. Ever.”

  Her thoughts tell the truth of this. She has never been enticed by another male before me. I am the only one that holds her fascination, and I growl with pleasure at the realization. I am the first to touch her, ever, and I will be the only one to claim the sweet heat of her cunt.

  With that pleasing thought, I fit myself at her entrance and push deep with one fierce thrust.

  She cries out as I do, pleasure bursting through her mind. She is overwhelmed at the feel of my cock, and I groan at the sensation of her thoughts, even as her cunt squeezes my length.

  Did I think her mouth felt good? Nothing compares to the clasp of her body. I can feel how she trembles with the sensation of my cock inside her. The urge to spill nearly overwhelms again, but I concentrate on giving her another release instead. Once she screams her pleasure a second time, I can fill her with my seed. No sooner.

  Do you feel good? I ask her, even as I pump slowly into her body again. The slick feel of her as I sink in is the most satisfying of sensations. She moans in response and raises her other leg to lock around my hips, and when I sink deep, I push even farther in than before. This time, my groan matches hers.

  “Feels like so much,” she breathes, her lips parted in ecstasy. “Oh, Zohr. You feel so damn good.”

  I growl, because her words fill me with enjoyment. I like that I can please her with my body, that she gets joy from touching me as I do from touching her. I thrust again, and her breasts bounce enticingly with the movement. Fascinated, I reach for one even as I begin a rhythm, teasing the nipple.

  She arches and cries out, her body tensing under mine, and I can tell it makes her pleasure amplify. I snarl my own need and rock into her, over and over. The tension in my own body builds, but my concentration is solely on her. Only when she comes can I take my own pleasure.

  Her cunt tightens around my cock, rippling, and she gasps as I continue to flick and tease her nipples. Her mouth opens and her eyes close, a
nd she is enticingly close. I send her visual images of her breasts under my hands, the repeated, steady pump of my cock into her warm body, the slap of our thighs when they meet—

  She comes with a cry, pleasure rippling and cascading through her. Her body bows and locks tight around me, and her cunt grips me more tightly than ever. The breath hisses from my throat, and I continue working into her, pushing over and over, determined to make her pleasure last for as long as I can. It ripples through her mind into mine, wave after wave of enticing physical pleasure as I thrust into her.

  My sac tightens once again, and I give in to my release, pumping my mate full of my seed and letting the joy of claiming her wash over me. I shudder and then fall forward over her, our sticky skin pressed together as we both pant.

  Her thoughts are as dazed as my own. Slowly, she eventually moves one hand and strokes my arm. “Was that okay for you? Doing it that way?”

  I ease my weight off of her, not wanting to crush her smaller body. We will do that often, I declare to her. I enjoyed watching your face as you came.

  She sighs happily, and when I lie down next to her, she leans in and puts her arms around my neck, burrowing close. I feel a surge of possessive pleasure and inhale deeply of her scent. I push my hand between her thighs and feel how wet and sticky she is with my seed, and push it back inside her, where it belongs.


  Sometime later, we wash with a bit of water and then laze about in the blankets, drowsing and talking. My Emma is sleepy, her head resting on my thigh as she sucks on one of her candy canes and makes plans. She scribbles her human words on a pad of paper with a small stick. “Definitely need bottles,” she says around the candy cane. “And a book on homemade weaponry. Oh, and I’m making a list of all the places we need to hit up to set up our fortress. Army Navy store, a hunting supply store, a grocery store, camping.” She thinks for a moment and then writes again. “We might be able to find another big box store around here, but I’m not sure we want to go out that far.” She pauses and then scribbles it out. “Safety’s best. We should travel by night. Oooh, and oil. We can use a lot of oil provided we can find a way to heat it.”


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