Book Read Free

Rich Love

Page 7

by Zoe Adams

  “Susanna.” The baritone voice on the other end said her name like it was the biggest accomplishment.

  She remained silent on her end.

  “I have been waiting the longest day to talk to you.”

  “Is this Royce?” she asked.

  “Yes.” Indignation came through the air waves. “Who were you expecting?”

  Susanna was quick with her comeback. “I was just making sure it wasn’t one of your employees.”

  “Hah,” Royce laughed deeply into the phone. “No, it’s me. I told you I would talk to you today, but I’d like to do a lot more than just talk to you.”

  Over the phone it was a lot easier to deflect him, and Susanna kept her voice smooth. “I bet you would,” she agreed.

  It was a good pickup line, and she leaned against the wall heavily.

  Royce was oblivious to his staleness. “I just thought you couldn’t wait to see me, or hear from me.”

  Shock forced air from the depths of Susanna’s diaphragm. “Ha,” she said drily. “Why would I be in a hurry for drama?”

  His voice took on a low growl. “Because you’re bored. You need someone to stimulate you. All of you.”

  She was jolted. How did he know that? She had only just realized it herself, not even a minute ago. She was reminded one more time that there were things about herself he could easily pick up on. It was a new experience to find someone who understood her.

  There was no sense in denying it, and she kept her voice light. “Yes, you are right. That’s why I was planning on going to the bar tonight.”

  “Which one?” Royce asked quickly.

  “My brother’s band is playing at Jill’s Night Light.” She named off the bar easily.

  He was quiet for the first time.

  Susanna wondered why she couldn’t come right out and invite him. As it turned out, she didn’t need to invite him.

  “I really want to see you, so I think I’ll meet you at the bar.” He said like it was a challenge.

  Susanna had butterflies in her stomach. She hadn’t felt anything inside of her in a long time, and it was a new level of stress knowing all of her body was excited about him. She hoped her good impressions of him were right.

  “All right. I guess that’ll be all right.” Susanna shrugged at the blank wall. “I’ll see you there later.”

  She hung up the phone and folded her arms across her chest, then walked thoughtfully to the other room.

  Chapter 5

  Starry Nights

  Royce had been sitting in the bar for an hour. George sat beside him, with Sarai and Lawrence sat across from them. Sitting in a bar like this, without a girl, was not Royce’s style. He was edgy and tried to play it off.

  He redirected his attention to everyone else in the room. The band was pretty good at running down a list of cover songs. The bar was loud and most conversation was a buoyant yell. This was not how he wanted to spend his time. He had a lot of plans for Susanna. But first, he would have to wait for her in her world, before he could take her into his.

  Susanna finally walked into the bar like a tall glass of fresh water for a thirsty man. Everything around him stilled, and Royce got tunnel vision. His analytical mind narrowed and fell on Susanna.

  Her body demanded attention. She was tall and strong, and her arms were deliciously curved, falling gracefully from the sleeveless shirt. There were no sequins or bling, just a well filled out garment. Her chest was full, and the waist looked so tiny that Royce clenched his hands. A white skirt looked thin and bounced above her knees.

  Susanna was seductive in a plain way. She didn’t hide her femininity and didn’t downplay it either.

  She was beautiful for other reasons besides the right amount of curves. She had walked into the bar alone, and Royce couldn’t think of any woman like that. She was brave, and he liked her even more.

  Susanna waved at a table across the room. A few waves were returned, and she continued to look through the room. She finally saw Royce and smiled. It was not a huge smile, just a friendly one. She raised her hand and half waved it and her purse at him.

  For half a second she looked awkward, like she didn’t know if she should say hello to her friends, or join Royce. She gazed at the rest of the bar with a ready look.

  Royce was ready to stand up and tell her what she wanted. He didn’t think he could ever let her stand alone in a doorway ever again. On the other hand, she was very easy on the eyes.

  And she was quick. She held up her index finger and mouthed the words “just a minute.”

  Royce tilted his head slightly. He would not give her the courtesy of breaking his gaze or contact from her, but he motioned he would be waiting.

  The bar was full of people having a good time, and one more addition could easily get slowed down. She began to pick her way through the lurching crowd.

  Susanna joined her friends at the other round table. Her head bobbed up and down as she said hello to them. She had arrived just in time for a shot. She tilted up the shooter and smiled before downing it quickly.

  There were a few laughs, and it looked like she had good friends. Royce smiled at George, and Sarai winked at Lawrence.

  Susanna said something, and all of her friends looked to Royce’s table at the same time. For the millionth time he felt silly just sitting there. He felt de-based waiting for Susanna. Patience had never been his strong point, and this was a true test. He smiled and held up a hand in acknowledgement.

  Susanna smiled very widely and waved back.

  Royce pointed his big, wide finger at her, and then pointed down at the space in front of him.

  Every girl at Susanna’s table melted and inched toward him.

  She looked at her friends impishly and shrugged before excusing herself to cheers and whistles.

  She was easy to follow through the crowd. She literally looked down on women, and was eye level with most men. More than two tables watched her walk through the room.

  Susanna broke contact with him and veered to the side of the aisle as she waited for people to pass her and a server went by with a large tray of food. More people flowed around her and she was still in the aisle. Royce stood up as she neared. There were many things he wanted to do when he greeted her.

  They were both caught off guard by the drunken cowboy who pushed his friend back and caused Susanna to fall into Royce’s arms. She looked up at Royce, startled, and he was grinning from ear to ear as he pulled her safely to his chest.

  “Are you all right, Susanna?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “You fit really nicely right here, but if you want, I can teach those cavemen some manners.” He did not want to pull back from her blonde hair. It smelled like fresh flowers on damp morning air.

  He went from wanting to protect her to wanting to curl up and nuzzle her. He was weakened by her again. Susanna was dangerous to him; just like heat could bend a sword, or water could wash away ink, she could make him forget what he was standing there for.

  She shook her head softly and said, “No, I’m fine. At least he didn’t step on my toes.” She smiled and tried to lean back.

  Royce let his gaze sweep over her curves, to land on her feet. She was wearing open toed sandals with shiny beadwork. Even in flat shoes she was tall and filled the space in front of him so well.

  “I should say it is a good thing; look at those cute little red toes. You look amazing. I’ve been waiting all day to see you.” He stopped himself from nuzzling her hair. “It’s been a really long day.”

  “Bored in our little town already?” she said with a smirk.

  “Far from it.” Royce was broken from her spell when his friends stood up from the table. “You remember my friends.”

  The trio smiled at Susanna and said hello. They left in a minute, and Royce was closer to being alone with her.

  He stepped aside for her to sit down. She went to his previous seat and faced the stage, and Royce sat beside her on the bench. He leveled
his gaze on her, and everything else was just background noise.

  Susanna sat silently. She had already done all of the work in getting to him, and it was his turn to reach out. He was ready to take her in any way he could.

  “I would like to thank you properly, for helping out at my motorcycle accident. This is a start for what I have in mind, but yelling in a bar isn’t exactly my style.”

  Susanna blushed. “Helping strangers isn’t exactly my style, either.”

  A server arrived and interrupted with artificial sweetness when she asked, “Want something to drink?”

  Royce looked to Susanna, and she ordered.

  He looked at the college student and handed her a fifty-dollar bill. “You can keep the change, if we can get our drinks right away.”

  He turned his attention back to Susanna. “Your brother is the lead singer.”

  It was more a statement than a question, and Susanna nodded.

  Their drinks arrived, and Susanna took a small sip of the sweating ice cubes and whiskey.

  Royce swished his drink out of habit and asked, “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  “I work all day, but tomorrow night, I’m free.”

  “I want to take you out to dinner,” he said.

  Susanna laughed. “Let’s just see how much I like you after tonight.”

  He shook his head. “Somehow, I knew you would put me off. Why don’t you want me to take you on a date?”

  “For some reason, I feel like you just want to take me away from my ranch.” Susanna scraped her napkin with a fingernail.

  “Fair enough,” Royce agreed.

  Royce placed his arm behind her head and leaned in closer to her. “I can see you don’t trust me, and that’s fine, for now. But I am just a man, and you my dear, are all woman.” He gave her an appreciative look, then continued. “It’s quite a surprise. I’ve been all over the world and seen many people. I come to the smallest, most out of the way town, and meet a ranch girl with a stellar body. When we are apart, I am convinced I have you built up in my imagination, but then I see you again and am reminded that it’s true.”

  Susanna smiled. “Thanks. I don’t know very many people and wouldn’t be able to compare myself to people in other places of the world. But I know myself very well. I can withstand blizzard, drought, and fifty mile an hour winds. I’m strong, and all of my pets weigh more than two thousand pounds.”

  Her simple acknowledgements of facts gave her a nice sense of humor. She was a red, white, and true blue American. She didn’t act like a heart broken widow, or a dependent. She acted like she was loved, and she loved what she was doing. Even her things looked well-cared for.

  Royce shuddered at the thought of a woman who could do so many things by herself. Underneath her strong exterior, she carried a steady inner fire. He had caught a glimpse of frustration, and wondered vaguely at its direction. He was somewhat surprised to find that emotion in her. Yet fire was fire, and it was very attractive.

  “I know my figures, and without even opening your mouth, that hourglass figure is a perfect ten.” His hand strayed to her neck, and he stroked her hair with his thumb. “I have my ideas about you, but please tell me in your own words, why you are so special.”

  “Well, for one thing, I stay very busy working. It seems the only way I can catch a few hours of sleep is from working to death.” Susanna eyed him warily but continued, “I spend so much time alone it’s hard for me to talk to other people, unless they have something really interesting to say. Sometimes, I go weeks without talking to my friends, or even accepting outside opinions from the TV.”

  Royce watched her try not to fidget. She drained her drink and set it aside.

  “I think it’s really sexy that you drive a truck, and have all the tools on board to help someone. I’m sure that carries over into all the other areas of your life. You’re probably always prepared for life’s little mishaps.” Royce smiled at her knowingly.

  “Actually, I just try to avoid mishaps. I’m sure if I were a mother or in a relationship, I would be more adjusted to them. I live alone and don’t rely on anyone to help me. It’s a weird sort of life to live so independently, but it gives me a lot of pride.”

  Royce nodded like he completely understood. “Have you eaten dinner yet?”

  Susanna shook her head. “I burned it.”

  Royce raised his eyebrows at her honesty.

  “Come on. I’m starving.” He stood up and extended his hand. He did not release her as she was led from the vibrating bar. They used the side escape, and when Susanna started to head down, Royce stopped her and took her up to the roof.

  They reached the top of the low skyscraper that was probably the tallest building in the young western town. The city lights went in every direction until they were swallowed up in darkness. Underneath a brilliant sky of diamonds, a crisp, white table with delicate chairs waited for them. Royce was finally alone with her, and the world was a lighted backdrop that fell away.

  “Now, this is better.” Royce pulled out a chair and seated her at the table. “First, we celebrate.” He reached for the bottle of bubbly and opened it. He poured them each a glass and said, “To new friends.”

  Susanna’s glass clinked in agreement.

  Two men dressed in identical black tails and white gloves appeared silently with cold salads and hot bread for the table.

  “I didn’t know there was a restaurant up here,” Susanna remarked.

  “There isn’t,” Royce said, leaning back and propping his ankle on his knee. “I rented the rooftop, and brought in my own chefs.”

  Susanna beamed with a wide, coy smile. “It sounds like you pack a table everywhere you go.”

  “Unlike you, who packs a gun,” Royce countered.

  They laughed together. It was a comforting sound, and they looked at each other for a moment. Susanna picked up her fork and scrutinized a slice of tomato before putting it in her mouth.

  Royce couldn’t contain himself and had to ask. “What were you thinking just now?”

  She blushed and set her silverware down. “You don’t want to know.”

  “Please, humor me,” he said.

  She gave a half smile and said, “Well, I was thinking these tomatoes aren’t as good as the ones I grow.”

  He grinned. “I agree, and I haven’t even seen your tomatoes.”

  She looked at him, then took another bite of salad. The next course arrived, and the subject changed to less volatile things. Susanna put her fair share of the rich pasta and champagne away. The waiters had been virtually invisible, and it heightened the closeness they were sharing.

  She was warming up nicely. She could drink, eat, and hold a pleasant conversation. Royce opened another bottle of champagne.

  “Here’s to us.” He held up his glass.

  Susanna smiled and finished the salute, but a cloud had settled in her blue eyes as soon as he had said the word ‘us.’

  She set her stemware down carefully and gave him her full attention. “Royce, I didn’t do any research on you at all. I didn’t check Google or Facebook. I’m silly because I thought I would like you longer if I didn’t know everything about you.” She shrugged. “Now I’m surprised to find fun with you and wish I would have looked.”

  “You’re surprised to find fun with me?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “No, I don’t.” Royce wanted her to explain it. He wanted to know how she could not be interested in him.

  “You think men are the only ones allowed to have expectations?” Susanna raised one eyebrow at him.

  That sounded like a trick question to Royce. There was no way he was going to answer it.

  “Who do you think I am?” he asked.

  Susanna hedged. “I don’t know, and I’ve been drinking.”

  He was tired of her shaking him off. He gave her a look that compelled her to buy him.

  Susanna rose to the challenge. A smile crossed her face and she
leaned forward. “This has been so romantic. The dinner was nice.”

  Susanna was acting like a friend instead of a conquest. It grounded Royce instantly, but he wasn’t ready for what happened next.

  Susanna stood, folded her napkin, and set it gently on the table. Without breaking stride she stepped in front of Royce.

  “It’s been really nice to spend time with you. It would be nice if it went further. I could definitely imagine us doing other things, but I am slow. I wonder if I will like your hands.”

  Royce could think of a lot of things he wanted to give her. Just about everything he had was gone along with his breath. Susanna picked up his left hand, and Royce was ready to give her more.

  “I just want to look at it.” She held his hand possessively and admonished him like a teacher.

  She rubbed her thumbs down each side of his hand, then turned it over, both of her hands cupped around his knuckles.

  Susanna looked up and smiled. “No nicotine stains on the fingers. You have very smooth hands with no calluses. Only one ring, with some kind of crest, obviously not a wedding band.” She raised her gaze sarcastically. “And there is no evidence of hastily removed rings. Your posture screams education. You are a man of experience who is used to getting his way, and knows how to win without a fight.”

  She dropped his hands as though they were on fire, but continued anyway, “You are alarmingly sexy, in a dark, classic way.” She blushed before stumbling past the confession. “It’s like you let your list of exploits speak for you. Your comfort with someone you just met makes me feel nervous.” Susanna held up her hand, “I work hard at everything. But you just expect me to fall at your feet like a helpless person.”

  She shut her mouth and stuck out her jaw.

  “You are right on all counts, Susanna. If you are a psychic, then it will really cut down on our conversations,” Royce tried to joke.

  “Studying is not the same as psychic,” she replied with a wave of her hand.

  Royce could easily catch onto her exasperation. “You’re right. It’s a big deal to find someone you can’t wait to see again. I want you to know everything about me. My name is Royce Blackwater. My parents died when I was seven, and I was raised by my grandmother. We are old money, and there’s a lot of property in other cities. I travel around a lot. I have penthouses and mansions; it’s a fast life.”


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