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Rich Love

Page 14

by Zoe Adams

  Susanna sighed unconsciously at the natural and structured elegance of the gardens.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered wistfully.

  “Yes. You belong here.”

  Beside them, a large tree was shading two horses. They nickered and stomped their silver hooves for the encroaching couple whose scent preceded them.

  The horses were tethered and padded with leather straps and fittings. Long blankets had white and blue designs complimenting the plain saddles. A soft white fur covered the seat made of bones.

  That was the only hint at softness when approaching the handsome steeds. Everything else was unforgivably hard gemstones and gold. It was even hard to look at the stirrups without realizing how many diamonds and gemstones it took to make something shine like that. The stirrups dropped down from the saddle in a heavy golden chain. The foot rests were like a cup set sideways. Huge diamonds sent off an iridescent white shining glow on the gold. Other large gems complimented the gold and shone bright yellow.

  Everything was ornate, shiny, and extravagant. The horse’s reins connected little blue flags with as much gold and gems as could possibly adorn the horse of an old knight or a king. The powerful steeds, one black and one white, were mounted slowly.

  Susanna had been comfortable in Royce’s mansion and airplane, but she was right at home on a horse, million dollar saddle or not. Besides having a rifle again, and being in the presence of good company, she was flying high. The simple sounds of horses’ hooves and jangling saddles eased them across the green.

  Over a river and through a slight forest they finally came to another flat field. Trees and bushes were intensely shaped to resemble the animal kingdom. They were spread out in key notes of interest, and balanced equally. Two lions roared at each other. Two giraffes reached their long necks. Two elephants raised their trunks in salute. And so on until the animals became undecipherable.

  There was a round target every fifty feet along the straightaway. The objectives continued into the far distance and turned into multiple color dots.

  The scene was complete with an ancient knight’s tent. Wide blue and white stripes ran up the side of the tent. It had multiple peaks that circled the largest center dome, while little flags and long ribbons waved across the roof.

  Royce and Susanna stepped inside the ancient tent. It smelled like old leather, hot wood, and shady air. Thick sheepskin rugs covered a sturdy wood-planked floor. The fat stripes of blue and white continued throughout the interior. The eaves of the tent glowed like a fluorescently lit room.

  It was a stunning protection. The wall facing the broad target field had been rolled up. Susanna sat down on a fur rug and faced the green.

  Her breath hitched and was stolen by the breeze. She felt small as she considered the distant targets. She cocked and loaded the chamber of the shotgun.

  “Tell me about this tent,” she ordered softly.

  “Every five years for however long, it has had fresh rug, pedestals and pleated whatever you call it,” he obliged. “It’s always ready for war. One of my great ancestors insisted in his will, and well, the rest is history. Our family is an old one, and very dedicated to upholding our traditions. This is just one of the things I protect.”

  Susanna looked down a long barrel and sighted in on a distant target.

  “I would love to see what you do when you are not entertaining a woman all day long,” she quipped and checked the sight.

  “That is not as easy as it sounds,”

  “Oh, come on, Royce,” she said, rolling her eyes, “everything is easy for you.”

  He raised his eyebrows but didn’t say a word.

  His dark eyes were flashing. Susanna felt an unwanted blush rise up her cheeks, but continued to hold his gaze. She hadn’t taken a shot yet, and she courteously held out the shotgun to him. He declined with a curt nod, and her itchy fingers found their scratch.

  The shotgun was warmed up quickly as they shot a few rounds, then Royce started up the clay pigeons device. The remote control they passed back and forth released the clays faithfully. This modern tool was the only piece of the scene that could possibly date the picture of bliss.

  The resounding thunder of rifle welcomed the drizzle of rain that began to fall. Susanna took her time aiming, and the rifle was a dramatic punch to the grey sky. She handed over the metal chamber to Royce silently, and he sighted the rifle. He made her hole wider with his shot.

  “I can do this all day, sweet thing,” he said.

  Susanna could not believe her eyes, or her luck. Royce could hit any mark straight on. Her fingers got sweaty on the binoculars. He took out the next target that was three hundred feet away.

  She was impressed the shot was dead center, and didn’t bother to hide her admiration. “Nice shot.”

  Susanna was getting to know more and more about the man she was winning, and he was just the kind of man to keep her interested. Somehow he could keep her feeling sedated and tested at the same time.

  It was easy to keep her A-game when all she had to do was keep up with him. Royce had a selfishly happy outlook on life. He held onto his happiness, expecting it to unconditionally bring someone else happiness, and it happened because they were with him and covered in his wealth.

  Susanna could easily acknowledge that his happiness had brought her happiness as well. She also knew he was holding onto her to insure his own happiness. She wondered how long she would be able to hold his attention. There was a reason he was an unclaimed bachelor, and she guessed it was because he was hard to keep entertained.

  Susanna didn’t know what to make of it and wondered what he was like in big city crowds. There was no reason to think about it until it was a problem. She shrugged it off and enjoyed it for what it was.

  She took her time as she relaxed on her belly. She got ready for the target and lined up her best shot. It was slightly left of bull’s eye.

  “You are not making this easy for me,” Royce groaned through the binoculars, before dropping the lenses to the floor. He took his shot and smirked over at his lover.

  “Ethereal Susanna. The best present ever.” His massive fingertips stroked her slender neck. He acted as though nothing else existed, except for her.

  She was flipped onto her back. Later, the drizzle was turning into a downpour, and Susanna became chilled. The rain had seeped inside the tent to run along the seams. The water would gather until plopping weighty drops to the plank floor. A quick splash in the hollow of her neck invited goose bumps and shivers. Another dropped and a river ran to her chest bone. She was ready to go inside, and she was glad that Royce was way ahead of her, and waiting.

  They made a dash for the horses. He picked her up and placed her on his horse, and she was soon burrowed into his protective shoulders. She relaxed in his masculine hold. They huddled together as the hooves splashed slowly through the flooded lawn. Sluggish progress finally produced the cliff estate.

  Lawrence had been watching for their return and ran out with an oversized umbrella. They stepped into the expansive side entrance. Susanna wrapped up in an offered blanket. Royce jerked off his boots, and he looked like a wild savage when he shook out his hair. Her eyes winced shut, and her body wracked out a sneeze, and then another.

  “Hot tea, soup, and warm clothes to the grotto in thirty minutes,” Royce ordered to a scurrying retainer, and then he was hustling her off.

  Royce took her to the pool room. It had every conceivable water feature, including a lazy river and a pool, and a large slide went under a waterfall. He turned on the sauna, and they sat in the hot tub.

  Susanna was warmed up quickly. She smiled absently and closed her eyes. A few servants entered the room and laid out dry clothes and hot food on separate tables.

  She showered and put on cashmere, amazed at how convenient and easy the good life was.

  Chapter 10

  Real Black Water

  The next morning Royce carried Susanna into the closet. It was mostly Royce’s clothe
s, but a few boxes of new clothes for her had already been received. She sat on an ottoman and opened a box, gasping at the luxurious black dress inside.

  “This dress is way too fancy. Where are you planning on taking me today?” She held up the dress as she questioned him.

  “I was thinking we could just stay home again.” Royce turned around and held up the three-piece suit. “This is what I’m going to wear today. I think the dress you’re holding will be just fine.”

  She realized that she was no longer on a ranch, and the days of worn jeans and frayed cowboy shirts were over. It was somehow both frightening and liberating. She slipped the silk dress over her shoulders, looked in the mirror, and liked what she saw. The dress was smooth and sophisticated, but best of all, it was comfortable.

  She felt more human after the bathing, coffee, and dressing.

  “I swear, Royce, it’s like you put something in my coffee that puts me in a good mood.”

  He smiled mischievously. “Maybe I did.”

  Susanna had been joking, but now she wasn’t so sure. She thought of the age-old adage. “It was made with love, right?”

  “Yes, of course.” Royce cleared his throat like he had a big secret. “That is what I put in the coffee.” He was role-playing a businessman. “I have big plans for you. So many things I have to do. Should I sedate you and keep you in bed? Should I energize you and go out on the town? Maybe I should just leave you alone, but on the other hand, I do like you in my hands so much.”

  Susanna laughed when he broke out of character.

  Royce always had something he wanted to show her, and it turned out there were many things they could be doing that didn’t require leaving the manor. They sat together in a little sitting room in front of a fire. Royce talked on his telephone, and Susanna checked in with her friends on hers. They both finished their calls at about the same time and looked at each other.

  “This is a nice room. Do you ever use that fireplace?” she asked.

  “I like to start fires all the time. Speaking of which…” He stood up abruptly and left his sentence unfinished.

  He lifted an ornate heavy gold box off the mantel and held it out to her. Just the box alone was adorned with more wealth than she had ever held. She stared at the diamonds that were shaped into stars. Pyramids of sapphires and rubies twinkled around it, and Susanna just stared.

  “You are supposed to open it.” Royce grinned.

  She did as bid, and wasn’t surprised to find a strand of outrageously large diamonds inside. It was far too conspicuous for Susanna to feel comfortable. She looked at him questioningly.

  “I want you to wear it.” He lifted the heavy necklace and clasped it to her neck.

  The metal was cold, and it gave Susanna a shiver. She didn’t know what to say, but seeing his face light up eased her mind.

  “Would you like to go outside and see the gardens?” he asked.

  “That sounds nice,” she agreed.

  She loved the outdoors, and maybe some fresh air would help to clear her senses. Royce picked her up and carried her outside.

  “Aren’t you tired of carrying me around everywhere?”

  “No, I actually kind of like it.” He looked at her seriously. “I would hate to see you in a wheelchair. Besides, you belong in my arms.”

  She looked toward the large fields beyond them. “I guess you really need the exercise, because that’s a long way to walk.”

  He stopped and looked at her gravely. “I will save all of my energy for you.” He set her down on the ground and stole a kiss, then stood back, looking well pleased with himself. “What’s your vehicle of choice?”

  She turned to the sound of a door opening. Lined up and spot free sat a four-wheeler, a couple of dirt-bikes, a golf cart, a miniature work truck, and a tractor.

  She sputtered, “What do you usually ride?”

  “The dirt-bikes,” he answered quickly.

  Susanna looked at the dirt-bikes. “I don’t mind riding motorcycles, but you have kind of a bad track record with them.”

  He looked at her seriously. “That accident was the best thing that ever happened to me. Trust me, you will be safe, and we will have fun.”

  He sat down on the motorcycle, and she climbed on behind him. She was obscenely over-dressed, and she gathered the dress above her knees.

  The motorcycle took off slowly, and they clipped across the lawn. A few minutes later Royce stopped the motorcycle beside a bench.

  “Do you want to climb off right here?” he asked over his shoulder.

  She climbed off the bike, then he pulled forward and parked the motorcycle in the shade.

  Royce joined Susanna on the wrought-iron bench in the corner of a very old garden. Heavy pruning helped to keep walkways, arches, and trellises clear. Thick, green grass kept flowers landlocked in curvy designs.

  Three sides of the little garden were filled in with shrubs and trees. The fourth side opened onto a field. Across the grass was a large pond. The center of the pond had a grouping of fountains that sprayed water in an oval arc.

  It was a serene and euphoric view. Susanna leaned back appreciatively and let the sun warm her face. After a few minutes of silence, she opened her eyes and looked at Royce.

  “It’s so peaceful here,” she said with a hint of nostalgia.

  “Yes, this is just a corner of the park.” He pointed to the group of trees straight ahead.

  Susanna could faintly see splashes of color across the pond, and she exclaimed, “Wow, this place is huge.”

  Royce grinned. “That is one of the reasons I chose the dirt-bike.”

  She looked back at him sarcastically. “Only one of the reasons?”

  He was a character who could change his facial expressions in a flash. He didn’t need the gravity of words when talking to Susanna. She was starting to pick up on his emotions before he even spoke.

  His dark eyes flashed. “I like you close to me.”

  Sometimes his possessiveness was just a little too much, and Susanna had to call him out. She kept her voice calm when she looked at him. “You just want me close to you because of the wealth around my neck, and this watch that never leaves your sight.”

  Royce looked at her throat tentatively, and his gaze fell to her wrist. “I like every square inch of you, with or without diamonds, and definitely without clothes.” He looked at her with a growing urgency. “You are right,” he said, “I won’t let you out of my sight. You are beautiful in diamonds and gold, but I have something else I want to give you.”

  He unbuttoned his clothes and threw them aside, and Susanna was caught up in the moment. She unzipped her dress and let it fall around her waist and pulled up the bottom of the dress. They were both ready in record time.

  Susanna leaned back on the bench. “I like it when you give me things.”

  She only had one thing on her mind, and she put it inside of her. They both exhaled a deep breath and stared into each other’s eyes.

  Royce found the best use for his arms and held her tightly. She wrapped her legs around his midsection.

  He rocked her deeper and deeper. Sweat began to collect between them, and Susanna started to lose her grip on his shoulders.

  “Put me down,” she said breathlessly, as she felt herself slipping.

  “No.” He held her tighter. “You’re not going anywhere, unless I’m coming with you.”

  Fifteen minutes later, that moment had come and gone, and they were both breathing heavily on the grass.

  “I’m so thirsty,” Royce complained. “Come on, let’s go to the fountain.”

  Susanna nodded and tried to get dressed. She was still a little lightheaded and stepped on the hem of her dress when she tried to pull it on. She climbed onto the back of the motorcycle, and Royce shuttled them to the fountain.

  The windy ride dried off their skin. Royce parked beside a low black line of stones. Susanna looked over at the stone circle. Aside from its age, nothing was conspicuous.

sp; “Royce, this water is a like a pond,” she said nervously. “Are you actually going to drink it?”

  “This is the Black Waters. It’s a fresh spring,” he replied. “Come on.”

  She sat on the rim of the pool. “It looks ancient.” Her comment oozed across the water.

  Royce put his hands in the water and splashed. Ripples fanned out across the black surface. They got wider and moved across the middle of the pool, revealing the tops of shiny rocks.

  “Wow, it’s pretty,” she said with a sigh.

  “The water gurgles out of those rocks. The spring was made camouflage by turning it into a pond.” Royce proudly patted the stone walls beneath his hand. “This concrete has lasted about eight hundred years.”

  Susanna looked down and agreed. “It looks that old. All of the hard edges have been smoothed away. Even the cracks are blackened. How does it still hold water?”

  “The inside of the pool gets maintained regularly,” he said.

  She nodded, and Royce continued to make waves.

  “It’s supposed to last forever,” Susanna said.

  “No, nothing lasts forever. The spring inlets have been replaced a few times. A lot of things have to go right for a spring to be successful,” he explained.

  “You finally sound like a scientist.” Susanna smirked at him.

  He smiled at her, then looked back at the water.

  “So this is something you inherited?” Susanna mused, more to herself than to him.

  “Yes.” Royce waved. “Having fresh water is what battles used to be fought over. This land has been a Blackwater stronghold for centuries.”

  “So this is where you got your name?”

  “Yes.” Royce was silent for a moment, then added, “It’s time for me to continue my family name.”

  Susanna smiled and tilted her head. “Any girl would love to have your babies. Why me?”

  He looked at her smugly. “Any man would love to be your daddy.”

  “Sugar daddy,” she accused him.


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