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Rich Love

Page 18

by Zoe Adams

  Susanna sat down her drained glass and asked a question that had been bothering her. “Are you going to stuff me up in a house somewhere taking care of babies, so you can go back to working long crazy hours somewhere?”

  He chuckled. “Susanna, please give some credit. I know you can’t be happy without me right next to you.” She thought he was only slightly teasing. “Seriously though, when you and I are married, you will go everywhere with me. I wouldn’t change anything. Would you?”

  Royce had leveled his gaze on her questioningly. She would have agreed, but her throat and head were so dry she didn’t trust them to cooperate.

  He continued in a matter of fact way, “The only thing I have to do is take care of us, and our future. All of the money and all of the houses take care of themselves, as long as we don’t draw too much attention to ourselves.”

  “I would say that landing a helicopter in your yard is not a good way to deflect attention.” Susanna was trying on her Sherlock hat. “So how many men are not protecting us right now?”

  “I know you like your privacy, so I have my men posted out of view and hearing range. Even at a personal threat, we’re alone. Trust me, if we have to run anywhere, you’ll be naked and holding onto my neck.” He was showing his aggressive, protective nature, and she felt her cheeks warm.

  Their romantic moment was broken by the sound of approaching vehicles. Royce snatched Susanna up and placed her in his lap.

  The truck came to a stop, and two men stepped out from the cab.

  Low, foreign voices carried over to Royce and Susanna. They listened intently.

  “It sounds like they just want money,” Royce said quietly.

  The voices were getting louder, and they heard someone yell a command to stop or he’d shoot. The intruder avoided the command, and his steps got louder. There was a thrashing against the truck when two shots rang out.

  It sounded like Royce’s men had a handle on the situation, and the roadside robbers had chosen the wrong dirt-bikes to like. Susanna gasped when they rounded the top of the hill and saw the guards had the intruders facing the barrels of their AK-47s. She was used to guns, but had never seen one pointed at a human. Susanna wanted to lean into Royce, but the look on his face stopped her.

  He waved his arms like he didn’t care what his men did with the thieves, then wrapped his arm around Susanna’s waist, and they walked toward the motorcycle. The thuds and the sound of bodies slumping to the ground were very loud. Royce’s bodyguards cleaned up the mess by knocking the guys out and taking their guns. Within minutes, Royce and Susanna were being shuttled back to the ship.

  Susanna had lost the desire to meander across the island on dirt-bikes. The exotic views could be captured in a few minutes, and after that they seemed like great places for people to hide. The mysteries of the island would remain just that. They’d had their adventure. And secretly, Susanna didn’t mind retreating to more accommodating places with her lover.

  Chapter 15

  Oh, Yes!

  Back in their rolling stateroom, Susanna sat herself at the private round table. Eyeing the large fruit basket, she began to slice a mango. Her eyes and attention wandered as she waited for Royce to shower.

  The master bedroom of the ship was intriguing. Two floors of space gave the room a very tall feel. A blank wall of windows went down the entire length of the room. Right now the walls were covered in blue curtains and panels that went up or down with a push of a button.

  A masculine cupola was above her head, and it was made of beautiful and beveled colors. The stained glass reflected scenes of life’s most beautiful days. Susanna cranked the lights behind it a little higher.

  Royce’s ship was built for secrecy, and many things were not as they seemed. The cupola that seemed so prominent and masculine was actually hidden in the walled room above, and could not be seen from the outside of the ship.

  When Royce emerged from the shower, a nice fruit plate enticed him to the table. He sat down across from Susanna.

  “How was your shower?” she asked.

  “The only way it could have been better, is if you were with me.” He looked at her hungrily.

  Susanna was reminded for the billionth time that he was all man, and just wanted some place to call home. That night they had dinner in a candlelit room. They were well catered and ready for a night on the couch. Susanna removed her makeup, brushed her teeth, and put on pajamas. Royce was sitting centered on the couch with his arms spread out along the backbone. She sat beside him, and the arm behind her was a big protective wing.

  Royce pulled her closer. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  Susanna turned her head and kissed him, and he returned the kiss fully. He shifted his body and faced her from the front of the couch. The kiss ended and they both took a deep breath.

  Royce smoothly got down on one knee and held a jewelry box for Susanna. This was a big moment, and she knew what it meant. She wanted to accept it, but she froze like a deer caught in headlights.

  He could move for both of them. He opened the box and began slowly, “Susanna, you know how I have felt a while. Will you be my wife?”

  “Where is the pre-nuptial agreement?” She asked a question that had been lingering.

  “There is no pre-nup. I don’t break my word, and I don’t see any reason why we would split. Why? Do you see any reason why we might split up in the future?”

  “No. How could I project something negative?” She waved her arm and tried to grasp the situation. “Aren’t you worried about me taking half of everything some day?”

  “Susanna, please, you’re not like that. You don’t have a heart for money. Your heart is for making things better. Besides, you’ve never quit anything in your life.” He nodded resolutely. “If you ever leave me, you won’t take half, but you’ll take all of me with you.”

  Susanna watched the dark cloud of fear pass over her man’s face. She knew she would never put that look there again. He was handing over his wealth and his body all wrapped up in a heart shaped box. She nearly swooned. The level of trust that came from him was astounding.

  Through everything they had been through, all the gold leaf armoires and lavish dinner parties with jewels, Susanna was finally shocked silent.

  He was undeterred. “I know that you’re loyal, hotter than hell, and very smart. You didn’t even flaunt the gifts I gave you, so you will fit into my crest nicely.”

  “Being stubborn has its merits, I guess.”

  “Yes,” he said. “You might call it stubborn. I can think of many attributes to linger on. I saw your little house on the prairie, and how you made it flourish. You have a strong spirit that is pure feminine fire. You melded your surroundings to make a dangerous prairie feel serene.” His eyes dropped to bore into hers. “I would like to see you take on another challenge.”

  Susanna was jolted. “Damn, you know how to seduce me.”

  “Oh, yes,” Royce smiled, “I plan on doing that daily. I’m not religious, but I am an honest man. And my promise is not given lightly. I will love you forever.”

  She put her hands in his palms, and his fingers tightened. Their eyes locked before his lips grazed her knuckles. He made her melt when he mentioned love.

  Royce slipped a ring onto her finger; it fit her perfectly.

  “Susanna, say you will marry me,” he commanded just like a king.

  Royce already had a look of possession when he looked at Susanna. This would be the last time she would be able to call him on it. He backed away from her softly.

  “You can’t be surprised that I asked you,” Royce said and held up his hands. “I mean, you knew this was coming, right?”

  “Yes,” Susanna breathed. “Not exactly like this, with no makeup and pajamas. I wasn’t expecting the serious question tonight. Just give me a moment. It’s a lot to absorb, and I’m just a slow prairie girl half the time.”

  Royce built up the fire in the grate. Fire suited many purposes, and the ember and orang
e glow of the room was familiar. He was serving her and easing her through the decision. He lit some more candles, and refilled the wine.

  Susanna tilted her head back and took a long, deep sip of wine. She swallowed, and the aromatic aftertaste danced on her tongue. Carefully, she set her glass down.

  “I think you were going to tell me yes or something like that.” He had returned his full attention to her.

  “Royce, I say yes, every second that I’m here.” She didn’t blink or swallow when she added, “Yes. Royce, I want to marry you.”

  “Thank you,” Royce said in a deep and soft voice, then leaned in for a kiss.

  He had their heads in the pillows in record time. “I love your skin. It looks pure as fresh snow, without marks or tags. You were saving it for me to mark, weren’t you?”

  “Yes,” Susanna gasped in anticipation.

  He kept asking her questions that had to be answered with a yes.

  Chapter 16

  A Place For Love

  Susanna looked at the map of the world. They were somewhere on the way to America. The ship lurched with another heaving gasp, and she felt a purple queasiness come from within.

  Royce went to her and said, “We don’t have to float back up to the top. We can take the jet to the prairie. Come on.”

  “You mean there’s a shortcut?” Susanna teased him.

  “Well, of course there is, but for some reason you make me want to go the long way.” Royce stood facing her. He didn’t drink his beer or fidget while he waited for her response.

  “I like the long way too.” Susanna shrugged. “Maybe we should go by land and go the super, super long way.”

  Royce took some time with his answer. He drank his entire beer and then said, “How about a compromise? We’ll fly to the closest big city and drive the rest of the way.”

  Susanna was intrigued. “That sounds fun. Is that where you want to live?” Susanna’s voice cracked under the loaded question.

  “We can live wherever you want. Actually, that is something I want to talk to you about.” Royce retrieved an envelope and handed it to her. “This is my wedding present to you.”

  Susanna quickly realized that it was a deed in her hands. “Royce, this is my neighbor’s farm.” She turned it over. “Is this real?” She squinted at the registrar’s seal in disbelief.

  He cleared his throat. “Yes, it’s definitely real. That old farmer Johnson is a tough old son of a gun.”

  Susanna giggled. “Just knowing he won’t be my neighbor anymore is present enough.”

  He stood up determinedly. “I decided you couldn’t have crazy neighbors taking down your fence. The day you were bitten by that rattlesnake, I bought out old farmer Johnson.”

  Susanna shook her head. “I don’t understand. Mr. Johnson made it clear many times that his land was not available to me.”

  “Exactly.” Royce winked at her. “It was not available to you. Mr. Johnson thought I was someone who would continue the feud between you two.”

  Susanna sputtered and he gave her another answer. “He didn’t want to sell, because he didn’t want to pay taxes. All he wanted was to retire in the tropics. ”

  “Royce, you didn’t,” she gasped and put a hand over her mouth.

  “Of course not. He got a condo, and a suitcase of cash.”

  Susanna leaned forward and gave him a smooch of appreciation. “You are such a good gift giver.”

  “You can do whatever you want with the land.”

  He put some blueprints in her hands. She looked at the diagram of the house and smiled. A peaked roof, tall, balanced windows, and a wrap-around veranda completed the Victorian home.

  “Oh, my God.” Susanna blushed. “I love it. It’s brick, and looks old. It doesn’t look ostentatious enough to build on a goldmine, though.” She looked up at him questioningly.

  “That is the house I thought you would like to build on the Johnsons land. It can be our prairie home where you and I can visit whenever we like. If we start now, it can be done by spring.”

  Susanna considered silently. She hadn’t really thought about moving her things from her grandparents’ farmhouse. Obviously, Royce had been thinking about things, and she was grateful. “It’s really great, Royce. Thank you.” She leaned forward and gave him a generously thankful kiss.

  “Wait, there’s more.” Royce pulled back and unrolled another sheath of paper.

  “The house in Deadwood won’t be done for a year, and construction on the Johnson plot will be starting soon. In the meantime, we still don’t have a home on the prairie.” Royce looked at her with concern in his eyes. “I was thinking of doing a quick remodel on the Johnson home, and we can stay there temporarily, if we had to.”

  Susanna nodded as she looked down at the transparent sheet. It was a good idea, and he was so full of them.

  Royce highlighted various points of interest. Susanna’s attention was equally divided between the hot breath on her neck, and the cold blue lines of the draft. They pored over the paperwork for an hour. Exhausted, she sat back to absorb the information.

  “I have got to hand it to you Royce,” she said, stretching. “You seem to know exactly what I like.”

  “So you wouldn’t change a thing?” he asked seriously.

  “No,” she said and shook her head. “I like all of your ideas.”

  Royce picked up the paperwork and put it away. “All right, my love, it’s time to consider our betrothal. I would like it to be short. I feel like we’re already joined, and this public display should be done and over with.”

  “I agree.” Susanna put her hand on his wrist. “How about the first week of January?”

  “Sounds great, and cold.” Royce tilted his head, as if to get a different view of Susanna. “It will be a real white wedding. Then off to Italy for a honeymoon. Then after that I’ll be working at the mine in Deadwood. It will be my life’s work to make that mine comparable to the one in South America. I’ve already bought land in Deadwood, and I’m going to build the biggest mansion. I’ll be able to go downstairs and right into my mine, any time I want. I might not live there all the time, but I’m still going to have the biggest mansion in town.”

  Royce looked at Susanna fully. “I was thinking you’d want to spend time in Deadwood, and also on the prairie. Maybe we can have two houses, and go back and forth. Then when we travel it will be more normal.”

  Susanna liked what Royce said, and the feelings she got from him were becoming very comfortable.

  Chapter 17

  Blasted Prairie

  Royce and Susanna were quite unprepared for the northern states. Winter was churning up blasts of cold air, and the drive was reluctantly slower. The Suburban was packed to the gills with presents and trophies of fine living when they neared the center of North America.

  Susanna was so excited to be home. She had been sitting on the edge of her seat since crossing the state border. The vast prairie fed virgin winds, and she relaxed in the familiar territory. After being a tourist for months, she was looking forward to the comfort of the little house on the prairie. The single lane highway was almost to the Hanson homestead.

  An RV park that was the twenty-minute mark to her house came into view a minute before they passed it. It had been for sale for as long as Susanna could remember, and it was finally perked up with new ownership. Royce slowed down as they passed the drive in. Various changes were easily acknowledged by the neighbor.

  “Wow, that place looks a lot different,” Susanna observed. “It looks so much better. They added an awning, and a new office.”

  The very clean windows seemed to have eyes. An average man, with a broom in hand, glanced up. He nodded with a friendly jerk of his head. All of this was noticed in a second, and then they were past it. Susanna looked at her escort.

  Royce’s gaze fell on her after the bout of silence. “I couldn’t help it. I bought every piece of property for sale that I could find. This campground is great cover for my people to v
isit from. Visitors can just blend right in.”

  “Usually, our RV parks and campgrounds are empty and boarded up in winter,” Susanna said suggestively.

  “Well, this one has new owners, and maybe they will catch on this winter,” he teased.

  She smiled and touched his shoulder. “Are you sore from driving?”

  “Oh yeah, that feels nice.” Royce leaned forward so she could scratch his back.

  They had developed a new closeness from sitting in the car. She had learned a few more of her partner’s buttons.

  They were both smiling broadly when they arrived at the ranch. Sunlight still warmed the short day and held off an early evening. The gravel road that led to the farmhouse fought off the weeds and prairie. The dust-ridden Suburban stopped short of the farmhouse.

  The front door opened, and her youngest brother met her on the porch. Jason offered Susanna a beer, and she took it gratefully. Leaning against the porch railing, it was easy to take in the idyllic surroundings of a successful outpost.

  She surveyed the unending yard. It already looked neglected since her departure. Things had changed indeed. The new caretaker entertained her warily.

  Jason spoke of his day-to-day chores at the ranch. Susanna gave him tidbits of advice, but he wasn’t listening, so she withdrew into herself and looked around. Things had changed indeed, because Royce was getting service on his cell phone. He walked around the car and absently gestured while he talked.

  He ended the call, with a satisfying click, and his cellular leash disappeared into his pocket. He smiled easily as he climbed creaky steps and joined the party. He took a beer from the ring of a six-pack. Standing with his back to the railing he studied the siblings.

  Jason seemed to really focus on his sister for the first time and said, “So what about you two?”

  Susanna was very vague about everything. She passed off Royce’s luxury yacht as a cruise ship. His estate and private condos were not even mentioned.


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