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Her Undercover Prince

Page 16

by Carol Moncado

  “I’ve been in weirder situations.”

  “Jacqueline Grace doesn’t know?”


  “Does King Edward?”

  Dave shook his head. “I didn’t think so, but I’ve started to wonder.”

  “I’ve known King Edward nearly thirty years, since I was one of King Alfred’s contingent at University in Auverignon. I would be very surprised if he doesn’t know.”

  That explained some things, like why the king trusted Dave with his daughter and granddaughter’s safety so soon after their first meeting. The knowing smirks made a lot more sense if King Edward knew more about Dave than Dave realized.

  “He’s one of those people who never had to work to remember a name or a face. It’s always served him well.”

  “Does that mean my father knows where I am?” King Edward knew Dave’s father, though Dave didn’t believe the two were more than acquaintances.

  “I have no idea. I don’t believe they communicate often, but as I’m not in King Edward’s inner circle, I could be wrong.”

  Dave would have to keep believing his father didn’t know Dave’s whereabouts. The king of Athmetis seemed to indicate as much. “Any word on why the discrepancies in the scheduling?”

  “Nothing I’m at liberty to discuss.”

  Which meant there was something, but this wasn’t the time or place to talk about it. Maybe he could find out later.

  The royal families situated themselves around several tables, mixing and matching the families. San Majorians and Eyjanians were talking like they were old family friends.

  And maybe they were. Hadn’t Jacqueline Grace said something about all of them coming together for Christmas? That’s where they all learned about the marriage of Darius and Esther and that they were expecting twin girls.

  With a total of fifteen children between the two families, plus one each from Sargasso and Auverignon, there were enough members about the same ages to pair off the older ones at least. Prince Harrison sat with a couple of middle Quatremaine princes. The younger Quatremaine children were at a separate table with the youngest members of the Cordovan family - and Jacqueline Grace.

  She seemed to be supervising the kids’ table. All four infants were with their parents, though Astrid’s son was in a high chair. The four little girls and Jacqueline sat at one end of the table while the three youngest Quatremaines sat on the other end. They all looked to be in their early or mid-teens, though he knew Prince Alfred wasn’t quite twelve yet.

  Why was she over there and not with the twin princesses? They should be close to the same age.

  “She does that all the time.” Thor’s quiet voice caught Dave’s attention.

  He glanced at the other man only to find Thor scanning the room. “Who?”

  “The princess. At Christmas, she volunteered to take care of the younger girls, so their parents could converse with the other adults without interruption or inviting nannies to family dinners.”

  “I see.” Dave took a cue from Thor and didn’t let his attention rest on Jacqueline Grace for too long. He needed to be aware of everything, not just her.

  As dinner wound down, the royal families headed into a gathering room - a sort of large study with walls that opened to view the beach and ocean beyond.

  One of the nannies took charge of the girls, leaving Jacqueline Grace time to spend with grown-ups. She made a beeline for Dave.

  “Kiara and Mary have informed me that Mary will be staying with Kiara,” she told him without preamble. “There’s a cottage for the smaller children separate from their parents or guardians. I know you have other obligations related to security. I didn’t think you would mind but told the girls I would have to check with you before officially giving permission for Mary to stay with them.”

  It relieved Dave. He wouldn’t have to worry about Mary being taken care of while he tried to help Thor and the others in whatever way they needed him. “She’ll like that.”

  “So will Kiara.”

  Thor had meandered away, sticking to the periphery of the room.

  Jacqueline Grace took a small step closer to him. “What’s going on? Do they really think Isaiah is going to try something here?”

  The thought had occurred to Dave, and he believed it had to Thor as well, though nothing had been said in Dave’s presence. “I have no idea what they’re thinking. They may just be overly cautious. What makes you think there might be a connection to Isaiah? He’s been presumed dead.”

  “I heard from one of the Eyjanians that their security isn’t convinced that he’s deceased.”

  So he wasn’t the only one who thought it could be a possibility. “They haven’t said anything to me, but that doesn’t mean anything.” He needed to change the subject. “What did your father say about the passports? Any word on what happened to them?”

  Jacqueline Grace shifted, something in her demeanor becoming very uncomfortable. “He hasn’t heard anything as far as I know. He’ll let me know when he does.” She took a step away from him. “I just wanted to let you know about Mary and make sure you were all right with her staying elsewhere. I’ve got to go.”

  She practically ran away from him, as much as any princess would in a room full of other royals. Something about what happened in Athmetis clearly bothered her, but he had no idea what it could be.

  Unless getting the dissolution wasn’t going to be as easy as King Adrian made it out to be.

  That would be an issue.

  Why did they all have to be at this press conference again? Shouldn’t it just be Esther, Darius, both kings, and maybe the twins?

  Jacqueline Grace didn’t understand, but they were all seated behind the bank of microphones where her father would make the announcement.

  The reporters seated on the other side were whispering and taking pictures of them, though she didn’t know what purpose multiple pictures would serve. They all wore appropriate clothing. The princesses from both families were in skirts and heels, except for the youngest two. They could get away without heels since they weren’t yet eighteen. The princes all wore suits and ties.

  “Jacqueline Grace, who’s the mystery man?”

  She couldn’t believe the obnoxious reporter had been invited and ignored the impertinent question. He knew better than to ask something before the press conference started. He also knew better than to address her so informally. It didn’t stop him from doing it anyway. He was one of the ones who published stories that led to Astrid’s marriage to Jordan.

  In the back of the room, more security entered, including Dave. He wouldn’t catch her eye. Probably just as well. She’d managed to avoid him the day before, though they both attended the church service provided for anyone who wanted to come. Best to keep doing the same until she could find a way out of the stupid contract.

  Before he could ask again, both kings entered with Esther, Darius, and Queen Mother Eliana behind them. The former queen took a seat next to her oldest daughter as questions were shouted toward the front of the room.

  Her father waited until the room quieted before speaking. “Thank you all for joining us here today. Over the last sixteen months, many of you have asked where Princess Esther has been, or Prince Darius for the Eyjanian media. For reasons that we will not elaborate on today, they have been living privately outside of both countries. In March 2017, they were married by King Benjamin with myself as the witness. They chose to live the first year plus out of the public eye but have chosen now to come forward.”

  Questions were shouted, but he didn’t answer any of them.

  When he could be heard again, he spoke. “In May, Princess Esther gave birth to twin daughters, the first joint heirs between our countries in over two centuries.”

  More questions.

  More waiting.

  “You will be provided with more information about the children as well as several photos momentarily. I will take a few questions. Esther and Darius may or may not choose to answer a few as well. Ho
wever, we will not discuss the reasons for the secrecy or where they are currently living.” He pointed to a reporter from Eyjania, likely one he knew had a reputation for honesty.

  “Where did their royal highnesses meet? Is Princess Esther still considered an heir to the throne of San Majoria and Prince Darius to Eyjania’s? What about the newest princesses?” She looked like she wanted to go on, but the king stopped her with a raised hand.

  “One question at a time. They met a number of times as children but were on holiday at the same resort where they spent quite a bit of time together and realized there was more between them. Legally, Esther is not required to give up her place in the line of succession unless Darius were to become king, so her daughters are also in line. I believe that to be the case in Eyjania as well. However, it is highly unlikely either would ever be called on to take the throne. The amount of tragedy that would have to befall our family is astronomical.”

  “What are the princesses names?” Another reporter shouted.

  “Their full names and titles will be included in the information you’ll be given, but their given names are Her Royal Highness Princess Alexis of San Majoria and Eyjania and Her Royal Highness Princess Victoria of Eyjania and San Majoria.”

  “Why the change in order the countries are listed?”

  “Because both princesses are from both countries and their titles reflect that.”

  “How did they decide which country went first?”

  Darius leaned forward. “We flipped a coin. There was no other way that was fair to both countries.”

  “Where will you make your home, long term?”

  “Those decisions will not be made until they have finished University.” Her father called on the obnoxious reporter.

  “How serious is the relationship between Jacqueline Grace and the unidentified man in New York? Who is he?”

  “We’re not here to discuss Jacqueline Grace and any relationship she may or may not be in.”

  A diplomatic way of telling the reporter to stick it.

  “Why was the marriage conducted in secret?” Another reporter got back to the topic at hand. “Why in the king’s office?”

  “The reasons why are between my daughter and son-in-law. As for why the ceremony took place in King Benjamin’s office, we were in Eyjania, he issued a special license for members of the royal family that does not have to be filed immediately to be legal. That allowed them to begin their lives outside of the public eye.”

  “How does the Eyjanian Resolution regarding marriage to members of another royal family come into play?” That was one of the Eyjanian reporters. “Will Darius be exiled?”

  Benjamin stepped to the microphones. “It doesn’t, and he won’t be. The marriage took place prior to the resolution taking effect. After further consideration, I’ve decided to recommend its repeal. However, I cannot do so until a full year has passed.”

  “Knowing Prince Darius had already married Princess Esther, why did you recommend it in the first place?”

  Benjamin had to be grateful for the subject change. He gripped the sides of the podium. “As most of the Eyjanians present know, I allowed my late father’s brother, Isaiah, to exert more influence over me and the affairs of my country and her people than I should have. Though my signature was on the proposal, it was one of several he proposed through me that I should have questioned more than I did.”

  “There are rumors that an incident at the Eyjanian home of Prince William of Mevendia lead to Prince Isaiah’s eviction from the palace. Would you care to elaborate on that incident?”

  Benjamin took another deep breath. “When Isaiah arrived late for a ball being held at the Mevendian home, his spot at the head table was occupied by someone else. When Princess Margaret refused to rearrange the seating to accommodate his arrival in the middle of dinner, he raised his hand to strike her. Fortunately, Prince William and I arrived, and I was able to step between them. We had words, and I informed him he was no longer welcome in the palace.”

  The reporter persisted. “But is he really dead?”


  What did the Americans call it? The $64,000 question?

  Dave knew King Benjamin didn’t want to answer the question but had no choice.

  “His remains have not been found, but neither has any definitive evidence that he survived the incident at the house in San Majoria. With the amount of blood found on the scene, it is highly unlikely anyone could have survived the loss.”

  The party line.

  Dave watched as King Benjamin traded places with King Edward, who answered a few other questions then dismissed the journos.

  Several of the security members, along with Dave, watched as the dozen or so journalists packed up their equipment.

  Once they had it all packed, they were escorted by other security men to a boat waiting for them. After they were gone, the release of tension among the men was palpable. Dave had seen the daily schedule. The number of security team members on duty was scheduled to be reduced as he’d seen in his binder. He wondered if Thor had gone with the lighter schedule or if there were more men undercover as it were.

  Since Dave was scheduled to have the afternoon off, was he one of them?

  He ate lunch in the staff lunch room. As he finished, he received a text from Jacqueline Grace asking him to join her and the girls on the beach. Once he put his dishes in the bin, he hurried back to his room to change then found Jacqueline Grace’s quarters. No one answered the door, so he went around until he found the path to the beach.

  There he found the girls, but no Jacqueline Grace.


  Mary ran toward him, and he swung her up into his arms. “Hello there. I was worried you’d forget about me.”

  She shook her head, a nearly crestfallen look on her face. “I never forget you.”

  Her lifetime of losses sprung to the forefront of his mind. “Of course not. And I would never, ever forget you.”

  “I know.”

  “Where’s Jacqueline Grace?”

  Mary shrugged then squirmed her way down. “Wanna swim!”

  He laughed as she ran to the water. She wouldn’t go very far out, he knew that, but he marveled at how far she’d come in the last couple of days. He’d kept up with what she was doing even though he hadn’t seen her since before his meeting with Thor and the others.

  The nanny - one of these days, Dave needed to remember her name - went with Mary, making sure she stayed safe.

  Dave sat on a lounge chair and watched Kiara join her in water up to their mid-calf. The waves in this area were nearly non-existent at the moment.

  After about an hour, they all went back inside. The nanny took the girls to get cleaned up and take naps.

  Dave went inside the main building to the area where security had been set up. When it was just him and Thor in the conference room, Dave broached the subject.

  “How many security guards are officially off-duty but really on?”

  “How many do you think?”

  “All the ones who were supposed to be scheduled to work.”

  Thor gave a half-shrug that Dave took as confirmation.

  “What’s the threat?”

  Thor sighed and leaned forward, his arms resting on the table. “I really don’t know. Something in my gut is churning, but I can’t figure out what it is.”

  “Then we stay vigilant.”

  “There’s nothing else we can do. For now, you’re off official security detail. Stick close to Jacqueline Grace and the rest of the family. Keep your eyes and ears open. Let me know of anything hinky.”

  “Hinky?” Dave wasn’t familiar with the word.

  “Odd. Weird. Something that’s not quite right.”

  A quick knock on the door was followed by the entrance of a man from San Majoria. “We may have an issue, Thor.”

  “What is it?”

  The man looked at Dave then back to Thor who nodded. “Seventeen people came in with the news crews.”

  Thor nodded. “That’s how many were cleared.”

  “Only twelve left.”

  That’s how many Dave counted.

  Dave stood as Thor reached for the paper the man held in his hand. “You’re certain?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Who was responsible for making sure everyone left?”

  The man pointed to the paper.

  Thor’s lips set into a thin line. “Where is he?”

  “Off for the afternoon. His current whereabouts are unknown.”

  “Find him.”

  The man nodded and left.

  “Who is it?”

  “One of the men close to my boss. For years I’ve had the feeling he’d replace me with this guy if he could.”

  “So what now?”

  “Find the princess and stick to her like glue. She is your first priority. If you’re near either king and no one else is, they’re your priority. Otherwise, you’re the last line of defense between Jacqueline Grace and whatever might happen. That means you stay with her, day and night. You even stay in her quarters until we get this cleared up.”

  She wouldn’t like that, but Dave understood the rationale.

  And technically, they were in a civil partnership legally, in Athmetis anyway, so it was kind of acceptable.

  “I’ll go find her.”

  Thor checked his tablet. “She should be in her quarters. She said she wanted a nap.”

  Dave talked through a couple other things then went to her quarters. There was no answer to his knock, so he opened the door slightly. “Jacqueline Grace,” he whispered.

  No answer.

  He opened it further and said her name again, a little louder. Peeking around the door, he found her sound asleep on the couch near the open doors leading to a patio overlooking the ocean.

  Rather than taking it in like he wanted to, Dave took a seat near her and pulled his binder out of the satchel he’d carried with him.

  Studying the layout for the resort, he tried to make sure he knew the best ways to get Jacqueline Grace and anyone else who happened to be under his care to safety from any location they might be at.


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