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The Facilitator

Page 3

by Tracie Podger

  My wet skin chilled when he lowered himself, kissing down my stomach. I released my grip on his hair when his tongue found my clitoris. I didn’t have time to prepare. When he forced his tongue inside me, I came. It took me by surprise and I screamed out. He held his hands over my hips, forcing me to keep still when all I wanted to do was arch my back. I covered his hands with mine and clawed at his wrists.

  Sweat beaded on my upper lip as wave after wave of heat, of static, ran over me. I could feel the wetness seeping from me, rolling down towards my arse. He lapped and sucked, he moaned and the vibrations caught my clitoris, sending more shockwaves through me. His fingers dug into my skin, painfully, yet they only heightened every sensation that was causing my nerve endings to fire off electrical impulses. I found out that day, it wasn’t a myth. Light, stars, whatever the fuck they were, flickered behind my closed eyelids.

  I couldn’t catch my breath, my heart pounded inside my chest so much I could hear the rush of blood as it passed my ears to feed my brain.

  It was as he moved away that I finally opened my eyes. His chin glistened and he licked his lips. He kept his focus on me as he crawled back up my body.

  “Lick,” he said, bringing his chin close to my mouth.

  I cupped my hands around his face and licked every single drop of my cum from him. My tongue felt grazed by the stubble covering his chin. I loved the roughness of it. I loved the roughness of him, period.

  He reached over to the bedside cabinet and withdrew a condom from the vanity kit housed in the drawer. Without a word he tore open the packet and rolled it down his cock. He positioned himself over me, and taking one hand at a time, he raised them above my head. He held both wrists in one of his hands. With his other, he slid it down my thigh and under my knee, raising it; I wrapped that leg around his waist. Before I had a chance to do the same with my other leg, he pushed inside me.

  I closed my eyes and cried out as my muscles, which hadn’t been stretched that much in, well, forever, burned. He stilled, waiting for me to relax. When I opened my eyes to look at him, his stare bore straight through me. He moved, slowly at first, grinding his pelvis against mine, rotating his hips slightly, causing a sensation inside me that I’d never experienced before. I tightened my legs around his waist and tilted my hips. I wanted him deeper.

  He upped his pace, pounding into me so hard and so fast, my body jolted up the bed. My overly sensitive skin prickled as another orgasm built. I moaned out loud until I heard myself scream. That second orgasm was like a freight train hitting me right at the core. My stomach muscles tightened, my body shook, and still he kept going. My wrists hurt from being pinned to the bed, and my head spun. I felt dizzy as I lost control. He fucked me through the most intense orgasm of my life.

  He slowed his pace while he watched me come down. Sweat glistened on his chest and on his shoulders. I longed to lick that from him. I wanted to run my tongue up his stomach, inhaling his scent. Before my brain had registered, he had pulled out of me.

  “On your knees,” he said, resting back on his heels.

  I struggled to sit; he flipped me over using my hips. He pulled at them until my arse was in the air, and I propped myself on my elbows. He entered me again. My hands gripped the bedding. I lost track of time, I lost count of how many times he had made me come. With his cock pounding inside me, he reached under and teased my swollen clitoris. I wanted to sink into the bed, and every time my legs shook too much to hold me up, he held my hips, physically lifting and holding me in position.

  The sound that left his lips was guttural, a growl so deep it could have only come from the depths of his stomach. It was primal. That sound alone caused a shiver to run up my spine, causing the hairs on the back of my sweaty neck to stand on end. His fingers gripped tighter, enough to ensure I’d be bruised as he came.

  As he lessened his grip on my body, I slumped face down on the bed. I rolled to my back and looked at him. He had his head flung back, his eyes closed. I could see him taking deep breaths in through his nose, exhaling slowly through his mouth. After what couldn’t have been a full minute, he brought his head forward and looked at me. He didn’t blink, at all, but a slow smile crept over his lips. I’d held my breath, unsure of his reaction at first.

  “Fuck,” I said.

  “Fuck, indeed.”

  I giggled, that turned into gentle sobs. I felt wrung out.

  He climbed from the bed, pulled the condom off, and deposited it in the bin. He sat on the edge beside me. He reached out with one hand and tenderly brushed my hair from my face.

  “I take it you’re done?” he whispered.

  “You’re not?”

  “No, I want to fuck you all night. That was a warm up.”


  He laughed as he pulled the covers from under me and climbed in. I shuffled over giving him room.

  “Rest for a little while,” he said.

  I closed my eyes, promising myself I’d open them again in ten minutes. I just needed enough time for the residual ache from multiple orgasms, something that was new to me, to leave my stomach.

  When I opened my eyes and glanced at the digital clock on the cabinet beside me it was five o’clock the following morning.

  Fuck, I thought.

  I gently turned my head towards him. He was lying on his stomach, his head facing away from me. His arms were under the pillow that he rested on. The sheet was been pushed down low on his hips revealing a muscular back.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck, I thought, again.

  As gently as I could, I slid from the bed. My legs felt weak and my thighs were coated in my tacky cum. I grabbed my trousers from the floor, pulling them on; I stuffed my bra in the pocket and put on my shirt. I grabbed my shoes and bag then crept to the door. I winced at the sound of the click as I opened it and stilled. I heard him shuffle but nothing more. I closed the door gently behind me and rushed, barefoot, for the lift. I kept my finger on the call button, praying it would arrive empty and quickly.

  When the doors slid open, I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped into the empty carriage. I pressed for my floor, and as the doors closed, I turned to look into the glass wall.

  “Fuck,” I said, aloud.

  I had dark circles under my eyes from mascara that had run. My hair was a tangled mess, my lips slightly swollen. In my haste to dress, I hadn’t done the buttons of my shirt up correctly. I ran my fingers through my hair, wet the tips of my forefingers and dragged them under my eyes.

  The lift doors slid silently open on my floor, and I hesitated before stepping out. I listened for any noise. When I was confident I was on my own, I made that walk of shame to my room.

  I opened the door, stepped in and closed it. The adrenalin I’d been running on left, and I slumped against the door.

  “Good Lord, what the fuck did I do?” I said.

  I wanted to giggle; I wanted to cry. I’d had sex with a stranger, someone I’d met in a bar at a work conference. How fucking cliché was that?

  I held my hand over my mouth to stifle the giggle/cry.

  When I felt the strength return slightly to my legs, I walked into the bathroom. I stripped and turned on the shower. I could smell myself; I could smell sex. I stepped into the shower cubical and just stood under the jets of water.

  “Oh my fucking God,” I said.

  I wasn’t sure whether I should be shocked or applaud myself. Whoever he was, I’d had the best night of sex ever. Scott could never, in a million years, have produced that many orgasms, that intensity, or kept it up for as long as he had. Then I remembered his words, ‘that was a warm up!’

  “Oh no,” I said. I cringed as I remembered that I’d fallen asleep on him.

  I scrubbed myself clean, washed my hair, and wrapped one towel around my body and one around my head. I made myself a cup of tea and crawled under the bedcovers. I sat and drank, and I thought. Just the act of thinking about the night, of thinking about him, had my clitoris throbbing.

  A wave of s
adness washed over me. I brushed away the thought that I’d never see him again from my mind. He hadn’t wanted me to know who he was. That in itself meant the evening was just what I’d told him I’d wanted: one night of sex with a stranger. He’d fulfilled a fantasy, one that hadn’t been in the forefront of my mind initially, but had proven to be quite exciting and so totally out of character. I sipped my tea until eventually I did giggle, and then laughed out loud. I wouldn’t feel any shame; I was a single woman, who did what tons of single women did. I had an amazing night.

  Chapter Four

  I was dressed, hair styled and makeup on, when room service brought breakfast to my room a couple of hours later. Was I hiding? Probably. The thought that I might bump into him at breakfast had crossed my mind. I wanted to save him, and me, that embarrassment.

  I sipped my coffee, ate my pastries then collected all I needed for the conference. I opted for the stairs, again, not wishing to bump into him while travelling down from his floor in the lift. I scuttled across the foyer and into the back of a waiting taxi. I breathed a sigh of relief as we pulled away.

  In one way, I wished I’d left him a note, to thank him for the smile that I could not keep off my face. I was ready to fight the world that morning. I had a secret and knowing that, was a powerful thing.

  “You look very happy,” Jenny said, as she met me at the conference centre.

  “I’m a morning person,” I replied.

  “Urgh, anyway, I got you a coffee,” she said, as she handed me a takeout container from Starbucks.

  “Thank you. Right, let’s get started.”

  We unboxed the brochures we’d had delivered and placed one on each seat. I connected my laptop to the lectern and ran through the presentation Jerry was to deliver. I checked that the microphone worked and I could be heard, speaking at normal levels, all the way at the back. Jenny had given me a thumbs up as confirmation. I made sure to tape down any loose wires and charger leads I could find, I didn’t want Jerry falling over.

  “I’m going to head to the hotel. I need to check with the event manager, there were a couple of changes to be made to the seating plan. You stay here and greet everyone. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  She smiled and nodded. She placed her hand on my arm and squeezed. She’d seen right through me. “I’ll keep a place, just there, front row, closest to the door, for you.”

  I didn’t want to be there when Scott arrived. I’d do my utmost to avoid him.

  “Thank you.”

  I grabbed my handbag and left the conference centre. I didn’t hail a taxi; instead I walked to the nearest coffee bar and queued for a fresh drink. I took out my phone and sent a text to Jerry, letting him know we were ready to go. I stood in the coffee shop, near the door, sipping from the cardboard cup and watched to see if any of my colleagues came in. Thankfully, no one did and when I thought it was time, I quickly headed back.

  Jenny was standing by the auditorium door. “I was about to call you,” she said.

  “Got held up, sorry.”

  We walked in, the lights were lowered and we took our seats at the edge of the first row.

  I tuned out when Jerry started with his presentation. I’d heard, and read it, many times. In fact, I made it. My mind wandered to the previous evening. I recalled every single minute, from being in the bar to sneaking out in the early hours of that morning. I relived every breath of his on my skin, every touch.

  “Will you sit still?” Jenny whispered.

  I looked at her, wide-eyed. I’d been so engrossed in my night, I’d been wriggling on my seat.

  “Sorry, uncomfortable, that’s all.”

  The presentation was scheduled to last about four hours; we’d timed it. Afterwards, the staff had a few hours to relax, use the gym or spa, before the evening event started at seven o’clock.

  I checked my watch, Jerry was bang on time, and I smiled, knowing what was coming next.

  “So, folks, that’s about it. Bored you shitless yet?” he said from the lectern.

  A ripple of laughter followed. No matter that he could jest, everyone there had the respect for him to not heckle or call out, and I was pleased about that.

  “I have an announcement to make. As some of you know, I’ve been in talks with various companies over the past year, looking to build our communications division abroad. I’m pleased to announce that I’ve taken on a partner, someone who has the capability to help me realise my dream. Remember, world domination and all that shit?” Another round of laughter followed.

  “You’ll all get to meet him this evening, but I’d like to welcome Mackenzie Miller.”

  “Oh my God,” Jenny said.

  “Oh my God,” I said, at the exact same time.

  “He’s fucking hot,” she added.

  I covered my mouth to quell the nausea as I watched the stranger from the previous night walk to the stage, climb the steps and shake Jerry’s hand, and then smile. I sunk a little in my chair. Although he scanned the room, his eyes didn’t settle on me. I racked my brain, had I said which company I worked for? I’d told him I was here for a conference, but there could be others. I prayed there were others.

  “Thank you, Jerry, for that welcome,” he said.

  “Oh, that voice,” Jenny whispered.

  As Mackenzie placed his hands on the lectern and his shirtsleeves rose, I saw the scratch marks on his wrists.

  “I feel a little sick, I’m going to sneak out,” I said.

  She looked at me. As quietly as I could, I slid from my chair. Instead of heading to the door beside me, I crept alongside the tiered seating to a door at the rear. I knew it led to a corridor that connected back to the foyer of the centre. I’d been given the tour.

  When I’d exited the building, I flagged the nearest taxi and headed back to my hotel.

  I knew Jerry would be mad, I’d tell him the same as I had Jenny: I genuinely, at that moment, felt ill.

  My heart pounded as I lay on the bed in my room. I could feel a headache coming on. I reached above me and switched off the lights. My phone beeped in the bag I’d thrown onto the bed.

  “Shit,” I said, as I reached for it.

  You okay? J

  Sorry, migraine, give me an hour?

  Okay, but call me if you need anything x

  I hated lying to him, but luckily I’d suffered with migraines in the past, it was a stress related thing. I didn’t want to even begin to imagine what my stress level was at. I groaned as I lay back down. I closed my eyes, hoping I could get an hour’s sleep, not because I was tired, but because I didn’t want to think.

  It was a knock on the bedroom door that woke me. I blinked a few times, waiting for my vision to come back into focus after I’d switched on the light. I crept to the door and looked through the spy hole, then breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn’t him. I opened it.

  “You okay? You look like shit,” Jerry said as he walked in.

  “I was absolutely fine then got hit with a massive headache. I’m so sorry, did I miss much?”

  “I don’t know if you managed to meet Mackenzie or not.”

  “No, I left as you introduced him. I’ll introduce myself tonight.”

  “He’s staying here if you want to join us in the bar. I’m going to grab a drink with him now.”

  “You go. It’s okay. I’m sure you’ve got tons to talk about. I need to shower and get ready for tonight.”

  “Is it him, has he upset you?”

  I wondered which ‘him’ he was referring to. “I can still throw the bitch out,” he said.

  “No, it’s fine. She’s obviously his partner. A little crass to bring her but others have brought their partners. Mind you…”

  I grabbed the folder from my bed. I hadn’t thought to check whether he’d added a plus one for the meal. I hoped he hadn’t. I sighed when I saw that he had. Jenny must have missed it when she did the final head count. I pulled out the table plan. We had one cancellation on Scott’s table, fortunate f
or him but a shame in that we could seat her.

  I called over to the event manager and asked her to change the name card.

  “Should have left it, had the bitch standing there not knowing where to sit,” Jerry said.

  “Then I’d be laughed at for doing something petty. It’s fine; go have your drink. Let me get rid of this headache so I can enjoy this evening.”

  “I should have fucked him off,” Jerry said.

  “Go, I’ll see you later. And congratulations, that was a great presentation.”

  “Of course it was, one of my favourite people wrote it.” He laughed and gave me a wink as he left.

  I made a cup of tea and settled in the large armchair in the corner beside the windows that overlooked a small garden. I read for a while and sipped my tea, trying to calm my nerves. There was no ducking out of the evening event, and I realised I would be sitting at the same table as ‘him.’

  His name hadn’t been on our list, just ‘guest’ of Jerry. We never knew who that guest would be. Sometimes he’d bring a ‘friend’ to an event, other times his mother, who I loved. There was a little part of me that was sad that he hadn’t settled down, found a woman to share his life and wealth with. But I guessed, that wealth was why he chose to keep his circle very small and his bed empty.

  I’d tried not to, but I continually checked my watch. I was hoping time would slow down, it didn’t. With an hour to go before I had to arrive, earlier than the rest to ensure the room was set out as expected, I ran the bath. I pinned my hair up, not wanting it to get wet.

  I washed, climbed out then wrapped a towel around me. I sat at the small dressing table and applied my makeup. I knew it was a dumb thing to do, but I bought all new: new makeup, new underwear, new dress, and new shoes. I’d had my hair cut. I wanted to walk into that room looking stunning, or as stunning as I could. I wanted to show Scott what he’d thrown away. As I stood in front of the wardrobe and inspected the red floor-length silk dress, with a slit up to the thigh, I cringed. There’d be no hiding in that.

  I styled my hair, dressed, pulled on the shoes, and picked up my clutch. After taking a deep breath, I left the safety of my room and took the lift down. I crossed the foyer and waited for the doorman to flag down a taxi.


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