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The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter

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by Saxon Andrew

  The War Against Earth

  A Chance Encounter

  Saxon Andrew

  Copyright © 2017 Saxon Andrew

  All rights reserved.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, organisations, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

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  Chapter One • Chapter Two • Chapter Three • Chapter Four • Chapter Five • Chapter Six • Chapter Seven • Chapter Eight • Chapter Nine • Chapter Ten • Chapter Eleven • Chapter Twelve • Chapter Thirteen • Chapter Fourteen • Chapter Fifteen • Chapter Sixteen • Chapter Seventeen • Chapter Eighteen • Chapter Nineteen • Chapter Twenty • Chapter Twenty-One • Chapter Twenty-Two • Chapter Twenty-Three • Chapter Twenty-Four • Chapter Twenty-Five • Chapter Twenty-Six • Chapter Twenty-Seven • Chapter Twenty-Eight • Chapter Twenty-Nine • Chapter Thirty • Chapter Thirty-One


  Books by Saxon Andrew

  About Saxon Andrew


  Kerral entered his ship and heard the alarms going off at full volume. He silenced them with a glance, lowered the crystal cover, and looked overhead where he saw the sky filled with glowing, gold sparks moving away high above the city. He activated the ship’s power and began rising slowly with other ships. He looked around and wondered, Where is she? He touched his panel and sighed. He went to a faster speed and saw the alien warships come warping in above the planet as he entered orbit. This is getting ridiculous. Where are these ships coming from? He touched his panel again and stared at the small screen on the top of it.

  • • •

  The Detection Officer looked at the Commander and whispered, “I have a powerful scan that just hit my computer!!”

  “Where did it come from?”

  The Officer looked around and said softly, “It appears it came from that ship lagging behind the others.”

  The warship’s commander pressed a button, “DESTROY THAT LAST SHIP LEAVING THE PLANET!!! DO NOT ALLOW IT TO ESCAPE!!”

  • • •

  Kerral moved out of the planet’s atmosphere and saw eight-small warships launch from a huge battleship and move toward him at high speed. He wondered what he had done to draw so much attention and he went to a faster speed. He saw the city he just left go up in a gigantic nuclear blast just before he went over the top of the star in the center of the planetary system.


  Kerral added speed and arrived at a huge frozen planet on the other side of the star and flew down to the surface. He landed outside a large hole cut through the planet’s frozen surface and said, “Lissell.” His call went unanswered. She probably didn’t even know what was going on. He said a little louder, “Lissell!” Again, there was no response. Boy! she could focus. “LISSELL!!”


  “You need to come out of there and get moving.”


  “The Aliens have arrived and are currently nuking the planet. You know the rules. Get out of there and get moving.” He saw her walk out of the hole in the ground and move toward his ship. “Aren’t you going to take your own ship?”

  “NO! Open up, I’m going with you.”

  Kerral raised the cover. She jumped in and sat down in the chair next to his. “Eight of them are coming over the star momentarily.”


  “They appear to be chasing me.”


  Kerral went vertical at an impossible speed and then started moving out of the system.”

  “There it is. Go to full-speed on the warp-drives!”

  Kerral allowed them to gain on him and they saw that all eight warships passed the large planet without slowing. “I don’t think they detected your digs. You can come back later.”

  “I can only hope. They are becoming a nuisance!” Kerral nodded. “I wonder how they found us?”

  “I don’t know. I did scan one of their databases and retrieved the location where they came from.”

  “Maybe we should ask one of them here why they’re being such a pest?” Lissell suggested.

  “We did that last time and all it did was infuriate them,” Kerral replied.”

  “These are probably not the smart ones. Let’s go and ask someone in charge where they came from and see if they can tell us.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Why not?”

  Kerral raised his shoulders and touched his panel. The eight-warships were bearing down on them and the small ship flew away at a speed that left them far behind watching it disappear. The eight-pilots were executed for their failure when they returned to their battleship.

  • • •

  Little remained of the ten cities on the planet’s surface. The nuclear devices were precise and exploded high above them so there was little radioactive debris ejected into the atmosphere. The planet was still usable and word was sent back to start sending the colony ships. The warships remained in orbit and the Fleet Commander did not mention in his report that vital information may have been compromised. His fate would have been the same as the eight-pilots who failed in their task.

  Chapter One

  “Why are you so upset? It’s not like we’ve not done this before.”

  “My digs are something special and now I’ve been forced to leave them. It seems I never get to complete any project I start before aggressive aliens barge in and, OH Boy, now we have to leave everything and move somewhere else. This is stupid.”

  “Did you find anything of interest?”

  “I did. There is some sort of metal capsule buried and I think there might be something of interest inside it. But now…”

  “You might be able to go back.”

  “That’s why I want to talk with whoever is in charge and let them know we’re not a problem. Maybe they’ll just leave us the hell alone.”

  “I don’t know if this is a good idea. You know the rules about contacting aliens.”

  “We can’t threaten or harm them. I don’t intend to do either of those things. I just want to have a reasonable discussion with them and that’s all.”

  Kerral sighed, “Why do I sense trouble?”

  “You big wimp; you worry too much.”

  We’re close to the planet they originated. How do you want to handle this?”

  “Just move close to the planet and I’ll ask to speak to their leader.”

  Kerral stared at Lissell, “Really? Take me to your leader?”

  “Well, something like that. Just get us there!”

  • • •

  Kerral blew past the outer planets and approached the civilized planet at a high speed. “What are you doing, Kerry?”

  “If you haven’t noticed, there’s a large number of satellites around that planet. I think I can assume the one leading them is not on one of them.”

/>   “I suppose you’re right. Find a channel on one of them and I’ll ask for the Leader’s frequency. Give me a moment to learn their language.”

  Kerral shrugged and stopped the ship just above the planet’s atmosphere. Lissell nodded, “Got it.”

  He stared at the closest satellite and then tapped his panel, “One of them is active.”

  Lissell said, “I’m wondering if perhaps you can give me a contact frequency for the one in charge around here.” Kerral rolled his eyes and Lissell punched him on his arm.

  • • •

  Grinder saw his panel illuminate and heard the question. He came out of a doze and lept to his feet. He snapped his head from left to right as he visually scanned the long row of monitors. The last one on the right, showing the view behind the satellite toward the planet, revealed a small red ship that was pulsating a gold glow. “HOLY CRAP!!” He hit the intruder alarm and they went off at high volume. He was shaking his head when the Satellite’s Commander came running through the door pulling on his shirt. Grinder pointed at the last monitor, “I don’t know how it got there!”

  The Commander saw the small vessel and hit a red button. A moment later a face appeared, “Do you know what time it is?”


  • • •

  Lissell smiled, “That one must be in charge.” She changed the frequency and said, “I was wondering if I might ask you a few questions.”

  “Who are you?”

  “We just came from a planet you sent warships out to attack and we were wondering why you did it?”

  The being on their monitor pressed a button and said, “LAUNCH THE SLEDS NOW!! WE HAVE AN INTRUDER INSIDE THE SATELLITES!!”

  Lissell looked at Kerral as she said to the being, “There’s no need for that. We’re just here to talk with you.”

  The being looked at her with obvious rage and said, “YOU WON’T BE THERE LONG!!”

  “Why? We’ve not done anything to harm you? Lissell replied.


  Lissell looked at Kerral, “I guess that explains it. They’re insane.”

  “I think the actual term is paranoid.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  The being on the monitor said, “You know I can hear you.”

  Lissell waved a hand at him, “That’s ok, you’re crazy anyway. Do you attack any civilization you encounter?”

  “We will remove all threats! Including you!”

  Kerral looked at his panel and said, “It appears there are quite a few small warships headed our way.”

  Lissell looked at the being, “Do you see us as a threat? All we asked was to talk with you and see if you would back off your attacks.”

  The being lowered its eyes, “You are inside our defenses and you are definitely a threat, which I will remove!!”

  Lissell looked at Kerral again and sighed, “It’s impossible to have a rational conversation with an irrational being. It’s clearly insane. We’ve wasted our time.”

  Kerral nodded and accelerated away from the planet. The small ship disappeared in an instant and the giant defense satellites weren’t able to fire on it before it was out of the range of their giant disruptors. The being pounded his desk.

  • • •

  The Being began receiving reports on the intruder’s speed and pressed a red button on his panel. A face appeared and he said, “I’ve had an alien vessel move inside our satellite coverage.”

  “Bring what you have, along with your Senior Staff, to the main defense center in Washington.”

  “Yes, Sir. We’ll be there shortly.” The Senior General took out the drive from his computer and walked out of the room. He boarded a War-Sled and left Los Angeles headed East; he arrived ten-minutes later. No alien was going to threaten Earth!! Not under his watch!! And calling him crazy…he’d make them pay for that remark.

  • • •

  “Well! That was a huge waste of time!”

  “All you did was make it mad, Lise.”

  It needs to get a life.”

  “Lise, while you were having your discussion, I took a look at some large vessels off to the left of us. I looked at their drive computers and they’re going to go to the planet we just left. It appears they plan to move some of their population there.”

  Lissell blew out a breath and said, “There goes my digs.”

  Kerral nodded, “You won’t be allowed to go near them as long as they’re there.” Kerral’s eyes closed slightly as he looked at his panel, “Uhhhh…the Elders have directed us to come and see them.”

  “Oh no! Did they say why?”


  “I’m so sorry, Kerry, I’ve gotten you in trouble again.”

  Kerral shook his head, “I wonder why I ever let you talk me into things? They always turn out bad.”

  Lissell smiled, “You do it because I’m cute.”

  Kerry rolled his eyes, “If only it was that simple.” The red and gold glowing ship changed course and sped across the Milky Way.

  • • •

  The Defense Satellite Commander looked at his crew, “Did any of you get a line on that ship?”

  “It left on the same course as the fleet we launched a few weeks back, Sir.”

  “Send the Commander there a message and tell him to be on the lookout for that ship!”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  • • •

  The Fleet Commander received the message and closed his eyes. That damn ship had used the information it took from one of his computers and went to Earth. He had the computer operator poisoned and hoped no one else heard their exchange. It could prove to be…deadly.

  • • •

  Kerry flew the ship in to the new planet and saw the majority of the city had been built. The other cities were completed first and he hoped the Elders weren’t present. “Bring your ship to the museum, we’ll meet with you there.”

  Kerry closed his eyes and headed toward the planet. “I’ll tell them it’s all my fault and that I made you take me.”

  “Lise, you can’t force me to do anything and they know it! I am a willing participant.”

  “Well, they know I’ve been able to convince you to do something stupid in the past.”

  “That’s true. I think they won’t be cutting me any slack this time. I should have learned my lesson.” Lise shrugged and watched the Museum getting larger.

  • • •

  They sat in front of the six-Elders and waited respectfully in silence. Finally, Pasgal looked at them and said, “Please explain to us why you went to the alien’s home world.”

  Lissell glanced at Kerral and said, “I simply wanted to have a reasonable discussion with them about why they’re attacking us. I was hoping that they wouldn’t see us as an issue and leave us alone.”

  Mergoh chuckled and asked, “How did that work out for you?”

  Lissell stared at her and said, “A reasonable conversation is not possible with an insane species.”

  Delar sighed, “What made you think a rational conversation was possible in the first place?”

  Lissell shrugged, “They are obviously intelligent. They build starships and have reasonable technology. I guess I thought they had us confused with another species.”

  Perla smiled, “Now that is a novel defense. I’ve never heard that one before.”

  Kerral glanced at his mother and knew this was not going to be good. Lissell looked at Perla and said, “What other possible reason is there for them to attack us with no attempt to communicate?”

  Pasgal smiled, “What determination did you make about them during your visit?”

  Lissell hesitated and said, “We believe they are basically insane. They exhibit extreme paranoid behaviors.”

  Garwin asked, “What does a paranoid do when someone enters their close personal space, Lissell?”

  Lissell turned to him and w
as silent. Kerral said, “They see the intruder as a nightmare enemy that must be killed at all costs.”

  Garwin smiled, “Very good, Kerral; you learned your lessons well. Now that one of us has done just that, what do you expect them to do now?”

  Kerral saw Lissell’s head lowered as he said, “They will focus all their efforts on finding us.”

  Perla smiled, “At least they understand the consequences of what they’ve done.”

  Pasgal nodded and stared at them. “I expected them to come in and try to defend their actions and I’m reasonably surprised they didn’t. We will discuss this. Lissell, Kerral, wait outside.”

  • • •

  Kerral sat on a bench with Lissell beside him and she said, “I’m really glad you spoke up.”


  “I was going to tell the Elders we did nothing wrong and argue the point until they silenced me. I think you reduced the amount of trouble we’re in.”

  “Lissell, honesty is the only way to deal with the Elders and you know it.”

  “I wouldn’t be dishonest, Kerry. I believe we had the right to try and convince them to stop.”

  “Then you’re right, I’m glad I spoke up as well.”

  “What do you think they’re going to do?”

  Kerry shrugged, “Tell me to stay away from you and assign both of us a few years in school solving social issues among aliens.”

  “The last two-years we had to do that were boorrrinnnggg.”

  Kerry looked at her, “Is that why you’ve devoted yourself to digs away from the planet?”

  “It’s hard to get in trouble at the bottom of hole.”

  Kerry chuckled, “You make a good point.”

  • • •

  “You may come in now.”

  Lissell grabbed Kerry’s arm, “I don’t want to have to stay away from you!”

  “Me, either. But you have to admit, we’re not very good together.” Lissell sighed and walked back in to the museum with Kerry.

  • • •

  Pasgal looked at them and said, “The two of you are troubling. None of the other young members in our society have caused nearly as many issues as the two of you. We’ve tried sending you back to the Academy in an attempt to give you wisdom and that hasn’t appeared to work. We’ve discussed separating the two of you and Perla says that would cause more harm than good. It appears Lissell’s long absences from our community in her digs has caused Kerral much sadness.” Pasgal looked at Lissell, “We discussed having Kerral go and dig with you but that is no existence for him, he shows great promise to one day being one of our leaders.” Pasgal stared at them and asked, “What would the two of you recommend to end these foolish mistakes you constantly make?”


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