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The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter

Page 12

by Saxon Andrew

  The three Admirals stood up to leave and Kuchen stayed behind. Rory said, “Kuch, don’t let me down.”

  Kuchen started to speak but said, “I won’t, Admiral.”

  • • •

  They left the conference room and Meredith said, “Sir, you’re sending our best Admiral.”

  “Defending Earth is the most important thing we can do. Kuchen won’t disappoint me.” They left the room and the device stared transmitting.

  Chapter Twelve


  “What is it, Captain Hamlin.”

  “You know it’s only a matter of time until Thorpe sends a ship out here to check up on you.”

  “There’s nothing I can do about that.”

  “There might be.”

  Rory’s eyes narrowed, “What do you mean by that.”

  “They need to see what we want them to see. I want to try something and see if it works.”

  “What is that?”

  “I want to take some Space Tugs to the site of the battle between the Blue Civilization and Brax fleets. I’ll used them to start moving some of the destroyed Brax Warships and haul them out to the front of our lines.”

  “Do you honestly think they’re going to allow you to do that?”

  “We won’t know unless we try.”

  Rory looked at Meredith and she shrugged. “Take two-tugs with you and be ready to run.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  • • •

  Dean and Ginger flew at high-speed with two-Space Tugs and the captains of the two-ships were as nervous as a cat on a floor covered with broken glass. “Just stay with us and take it slow going in.”

  “Easy for you to say; you’re fast enough to get away.”

  “Just act normal.”

  “And just how do you do that, Captain?”

  “You know, fly casually.”

  The Tug Captain shook his head and saw the two-Scouts were slowing down and moving in toward to giant Brax Derelicts. “Alright, hook em up and start pulling them out slowly.”

  Ginger looked at Dean, “This caps the insane plan of the year.”

  “Just be cool.”

  “Dean, there’s twenty-Blue Warships watching us.”

  “I know. Just don’t act like you’re doing anything illegal.”

  “Cute. How do I do that.”

  “Make sure they can see everything we’re doing.”

  “How can they not?! We’re well inside their scanning-range.”

  “Notice they’re not moving…yet.”

  The two-Space Tugs extended their magnetic lines and began pulling the two-giant warships. Slowly at first and then they began picking up speed. The Blue Warships just remained where they were and made no motion toward them. Dean contacted the Tugs before they activated their drive-fields, “Send the others as soon as you get back to the fleet.”

  • • •

  A single-Blue Warship moved toward them slowly and stopped ten-miles away. Dean heard the computer say, “What are you doing?”

  Dean said, “Translate what I’m saying as best you can, computer.”

  “Go ahead, Captain.”

  “We need them.”

  Ginger’s eyes narrowed and her head went back. “We need them? That’s all you can think to say?”

  There was silence and after fifteen-minutes they heard, “Take as many as you want.”

  Dean smiled and said, “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.”

  Dean looked at Ginger parked beside him in her scout and said, “You need to go and tell the Admiral what your plan is.”

  “I want you to come with me.”

  “No, one of us has to remain here to make sure no problems erupt. Now go!”

  Ginger sighed and moved away from Dean’s Scout. She doubted she would be back.

  • • •

  Rory and Meredith stared at Ginger and she said, “Sir, you have to do this.”

  “You’re saying I should send half of my forces to the Colonies.”

  “Yes, Sir. Thorpe knows they are no friends of his and he will be emboldened to go out and wipe them out before they could cause him problems.”

  Meredith shook her head, “He doesn’t have any ships to do it.”

  “He has Kuchen’s Squadron.”

  Rory shook his head, “She’s right.”

  Ginger nodded, “And with all those wrecked Brax Derelicts we’re towing in, you’re going to have to show some reduction in your forces.” Rory and Meredith stared at her and Ginger continued, “And when someone shows up, you need to have some of those derelicts mined with nuclear bombs to set off to make it appear we’re in the middle of a Brax attack. That should make the guest get out of here quickly.”

  “How do you know that?” Meredith asked.

  “Bullies have no courage.”

  Rory looked at Meredith, “Do you think we’re removed all of Thorpe’s informants.”

  “I do. However, I’d send the warships in Donovan’s former Squadron initially. They were formed up before Thorpe began taking power and they’ve not accepted any transfers since Donovan took command.”

  “That is a good idea, Meredith,” Rory remarked. “If Thorpe launches an attack at the Colonies, we couldn’t get back in time to stop them. Captain Bennett is right.”

  “Where do we send them?” Meredith asked.

  “The closest two-Colonies to Earth. We’ll also send two-Carriers with them. One will go to New Georgia and the other will go to Antares.”

  “How will we hide them?”

  Rory shrugged and said to Meredith, “Just keep them on the sun side of the planets. They won’t be visible or give a signature to any vessels moving in from space.”

  Ginger hesitated and said, “Sir, I don’t mean any disrespect but they could send in a ship to scout out the colonies and have it come in from over the top of the planets. The fleets would be seen if they do that.”

  Meredith stared at Ginger, “What would you do?”

  “Both Colonies have a planet closer to their central stars that are tidally locked to the Star and always have the same side facing the star. Move the ships above the dark side of the two planets. If a ship is detected moving toward the Colony, the Squadron will shut down their power and move in closer to the planet. Hell, the Battleships and destroyers can land on the planet. The Carrier can move around to the sun side of the planet and keep the planet between it and the Colony.”

  Rory stared at Ginger and looked at Meredith. He saw in her eyes what he was thinking and he turned to Ginger, “Captain Bennett, you are promoted to Admiral and you will go with the ships to the Colonies.”

  Ginger shook her head, “Sir, I’m good at strategy but I’m out of my depth in tactics.”

  Meredith smiled, “Do you have anyone in mind that could do it?”

  “Admiral Donovan.”

  “He’s needed here to pull off this mascaraed.”

  Ginger started shaking her head, “I know what you’re thinking but I’d rather you choose the one to go.”

  Rory looked at her, “Why are you so reluctant to suggest Captain Hamlin?”

  “Because you’ll think we have something going on and that’s not happening!!”

  Meredith smiled, “Why not, Captain?”

  Ginger looked at her and knew she could see it, “Because he won’t have it!!”

  Rory smiled, “He won’t have it because we expect it, right?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Who can we use to replace him, if we send him?”

  “Mark Anderson is the best Scout other than Dean; he could handle the scouts.”

  “You know he’s going to be furious that he’s going to be ordered to do this.”

  “I can honestly tell him I didn’t recommend it.”

  Meredith started laughing, “Yes, you can. I think the two of you work better as a team anyway. We’ll promote Dean and make you a Senior Captain. We expect the two of you to make sure the Colo
nies aren’t harmed.”

  “Do you think we’ll have enough ships to prevent harm, Sir?”

  Rory shrugged, “You’ll have two-Carriers they won’t have. That should make the difference.”

  Ginger nodded, “You’re right. We can use some of the Scouts on the Carriers to keep a close eye on Earth.”

  “Make sure they’re ones you trust.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Rory pressed his communicator, “Lisa, order Mark Anderson to report to my office.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Rory looked at Ginger, “You need to get back out to where Dean is and let him know about what’s been decided and that I expect him to get back here as soon as Mark Anderson arrives.”

  Ginger smiled, “I appreciate you allowing me to tell him, Sir.”

  “You will be taking his orders with you. I’ll send them to your computer.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  • • •

  Dean watched the Tugs pulling Brax Warships out of the Perseus Arm and moving them to the fleet’s location. He heard a beep and looked at his scanner-monitor…Ginger was coming back. He sighed and watched her move in and make contact with his wing. He looked at her and said, “How long do I have?”

  “How did you know?”

  “I imagine you tried to convince them to use someone else.”

  “I suggested Admiral Donovan.”

  Dean shrugged, “That would be worse.”


  “Because I would replace him and be stuck in the middle of Admiral Mankin’s Fleet. There wouldn’t be any freedom. And you’d be going to the Colonies.”

  “Why would that matter?”

  “It just would.” Dean looked at her and shrugged, “I’ve gotten used to having you around.”

  “I’m so sorry, Dean. I know how much you love the Scouts.”

  “We could have just remained silent and kept things as they are but I do think Thorpe will make a move on the colonies. It was the right thing to do.” Dean shrugged, “So, do I report to you?”

  “No, I still report to you.”

  Dean’s eyes narrowed, “How did that happen?”

  “I told them I’m pretty good at strategy but lost in tactics. Trust me, you’re better at getting things done. After all, you’re a doer.”

  “So, what forces are being sent to the Colonies.”

  “Donovan’s Former Squadron along with two-Carriers.”

  Dean tilted his head and nodded, “That’s a wise decision.”

  “I told them we should hide our ships at the planets closer to the Colony’s stars.”

  “That’s not wise.”

  “Why not?”

  “They’ll send in scouts to take a close look and they will see the ships. You know how hard it is to see the Scouts when they’re at reduced power. Someone on one of the ships will transmit something ship-to-ship and they’ll know it.”

  “What should we do?”

  “Move the Squadron closer to Earth and hide it at another star system. We’ll use our scouts to keep track of anything coming from Earth.”

  “Why would you want to do that?”

  “You’re assuming that Earth will attack the closest Colonies. Asia has made the most progress at building up the Colony because of the abundance of natural resources. I suspect Earth desperately needs those resources to build a fleet.”

  Ginger shook her head, “And if we’re at the closest Colonies, we wouldn’t be anywhere near the course they’d use to get to Asia.”


  “I’m so thankful you’re the one in command, Dean. I’d have missed that.”

  “No, I think you’ve seen it and are fibbing slightly to make me feel better. But that’s ok.” Ginger stared at him and Dean shrugged, “You’re the one that suggested sending warships to the colonies. I know you would have examined all of the options before broaching the subject. You saw the value of Asia and would have mentioned if I didn’t see it.”

  “I guess you know me.”

  Dean smiled, “Yes, I do. So, let’s not play games. You knew I’d get sucked up in this enterprise and it’s partially my fault.”


  “Because I made an issue of your IQ and that led to Captain Legion looking at my file and seeing my scores. My days of being a scout were numbered at that point.”

  “How do you feel about commanding Warships?”

  “As long as they’re not killing defenseless aliens or humans, I’m ok with it. I can assure you I’ll resign from the Service if I’m ordered to do that.”

  “So, will I.”

  “I do want to plan one little thing before we leave for the colonies.”

  “What is that?”

  Dean pointed at a Brax Warship that a tug was hooking up to and said, “I’d like to send Thorpe a present.”

  Ginger looked at the Brax Vessel and said, “That ship doesn’t look like it’s damaged.”

  “A power spike penetrated a reactor line and flooded the ship with toxic gas. It’s pretty much operational.”

  Ginger started laughing and Dean knew she could see what he was planning. She knew him better as well.

  • • •

  Dr. Mogosagi looked at Rory, “Well, it’s taken a while but I think it’s ready, Admiral.”

  “Are you sure it will perform as you’ve described.”

  “I’ve installed more than a hundred computers to control its systems. It also has an algorithm to be intuitive in its attack profile.”

  “So, what do we have to do to get it going?”

  Mogosagi smiled and handed Rory a small device, “Just press the red button.”

  Rory looked out of the shuttle’s viewport at the giant Brax Warship and said, “Just press the red button?”

  “Yes, the red button.”

  Rory looked at Meredith and handed the device to her, “I think you might want to do this.”

  Meredith smiled, “Oh, yeah!” She pressed the red button and the Brax Vessel activated its main engines and accelerated away. It’s drive-field activated and it disappeared.

  Rory smiled, “Doctor, thank you for coming out here and helping us with this.”

  “Glad to do it. I’m headed back to Asia if you don’t mind.”

  “I’ll get a Scout to take you. And again, thank you.” They watched him leave and Rory shook his head, “I’m really glad a lot of the Techs moved to the Colonies before Thorpe took power.”

  “I’d give my left butt-cheek to see what happens.”

  “I suspect we’ll find out.”

  Meredith looked at Rory, “Do you think we’re ready.”

  “Yes. How many squadrons do we have on the line?”


  “I want eight of them moved out of our line and sent to the Colonies.”

  “That increases the chances of them being seen.”

  “Admiral Hamlin is the best at remaining unseen. I want Logan to take command of the remaining twelve-squadrons remaining here and Donovan will take command of the Carrier Force. I want two of his Carriers moved away from our lines and hidden.”

  “I’m surprised Kuchen didn’t ask for more squadrons.”

  “He knows they are inexperienced and would require a lot of work to get them ready for combat. He has the defense satellites to help defend his ships and I suspect he wouldn’t see more ships as an asset.”

  “I think Thorpe would think differently.”

  “You’re right, Meredith. He wants to collect as much power as possible and he’s probably letting Kuchen hear about not bringing more of the fleet with him.” Meredith nodded and Rory smiled, “But I know Kuchen. He’ll ask Thorpe where he would rather stop the Brax attack, at Earth or out here.”

  “Our little present should drive his point home.”

  Rory laughed, “We can only hope.”

  “I just wish I could see Thorpe’s expression when it shows up.”

  “We still don’t know if it’s going to
function properly.”

  ‘If Mogosagi says it will, then you can take it to the bank. He’s the best Tech ever at using computers in warships.”

  “We’ll see. I hope you’re right.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rory sat on the New York’s bridge and listened to the beeps and Pings of the various systems in operation. It was two AM ship’s time and he couldn’t sleep. Most of the nightshift were at their stations along the walls and he was by himself in his Command Chair. He sent Captain Mosum to get some rest and he sat back and stared out of the huge viewport. He couldn’t see the Brax Derelicts that were towed in; they were too far away to be seen by naked eyesight. But he knew they were there. He thought about all that had happened and knew General Thorpe would be turning his attention his way soon. Right now, the General was frightened about an attack on Earth but the longer that went on without an attack, the less his fear would become.

  He pulled up the recording of the first contact with the Brax and enlarged the image until he saw the small ship they were pursuing. He stared at it for a long time and then pressed a button on his console, “Computer, I want my panel’s communicator to broadcast on a wide frequency band.”

  “Change made.”

  Rory lifted the microphone and said quietly, “Are you still out there watching what’s going on?”

  • • •

  Kerry looked up and nudged Lissell, “Who is he talking to?” Lissell shrugged.

  “I’m talking to the beings in the small red and gold ship?”

  “Oh snap! What do we do, Lise?”

  “I’m always for having a rational conversation. He appears to know we’re involved in what’s going on.” Lissell touched the panel and said, “Isn’t it rather late for you to be up?”

  Rory sat up straight, “Couldn’t sleep. I’m worried about what you have up your sleeves, if you have sleeves, next time.”

  “Whatever do you mean by that?”

  “It was you that led the Brax to my Squadron.”

  “Oh, that was just a chance encounter.”

  “And entropy doesn’t exist.”

  Kerry shook his head, “I told you that excuse won’t work.”

  Lissell punched him on the arm, “He can hear you!”

  Rory smiled, “It was obviously a deliberate action on your part. I’m wondering why you did it.”


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