The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter

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The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter Page 13

by Saxon Andrew

  Lissell shook her head slightly, “If I have to explain, you’re a lot dumber than I suspect.”

  “We attacked your species.”


  Rory sighed, “If we manage to get out of our current dilemma, do you plan to set up future…chance encounters?”

  “Probably. It does keep you out of trouble.”

  “By that you mean it stops us from attacking you?” Rory stated.

  “Something like that. It also stops you from indiscriminate killing of defenseless species. Although that is just a good by product.”

  “You wouldn’t have done this if we hadn’t attacked you?”

  “No, we wouldn’t, but you did attack us. The universe is filled with predator civilizations and they will go out and seek prey. That’s a sort of a check and balance that’s part of the nature of things. We abhor your actions but it was your attack on us that caused us to take action.”


  “Oh, sorry about that. It’s what caused us to introduce you to the Brax. You were so much like them we thought you’d become the greatest of friends. You know, divide the galaxy between you and that sort of thing.”

  “What if I promise to never attack your species again and to stay away from them if we encounter them again?” Rory’s question was greeted with silence. “You don’t believe me?”

  “I do believe you are sincere but you promise means nothing.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you can’t make that promise for your species. You can only make it for the ships you command and I must say I don’t know how much longer you’ll be in command.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “Yes, you do. You sent that remote controlled Brax Warship to buy you some time but that’s all it will do. That crazy fool in charge at your home world has promised to remove my species and he still means it. Don’t even try to tell me you speak for him.”

  “I don’t. But if we can remove him, would resolve the problem.”

  Kerry interrupted, “No, it wouldn’t.”

  “Why not?” Rory asked.

  “Because he has solidified his power over the planet and if he went down, another just like him would take his place.”

  “The people of Earth aren’t bad; they just have a bad ruler, at the moment.”

  “You haven’t been back there recently, have you Admiral?”

  “No. Why do you ask?”

  “The entire planet is cheering the General and pledging their support of his actions. The Brax have made all of them paranoid about what’s out here and they are just as delusional as the General. They’ve begun building a new fleet to go out and conquer the galaxy to insure their peace. I suspect if you take your ships back, they will become part of that peace keeping force. So, your promise is pretty empty.”

  Lise smiled, “Kerry is brilliant and he’s right about this.”

  “Why don’t you go and stop him. You are clearly more advanced than we are?”

  “Sorry, we aren’t allowed to directly harm anyone.”

  “But you caused thousands of my sailors and tens of thousands of Colonists to die.”

  “Uhhh…I’ll try to say this delicately, the Brax did that, not us.”

  “But you caused it!”

  “Admiral, when those seven-Brax Warships showed up, did you even try to communicate with them?”

  Rory lowered his eyes, “Well, no.”

  “And who was the first one to launch an attack?”

  “I had no choice, they had sent a ship to bring reinforcements.”

  “How do you know that for sure at the time you attacked? You attacked without even attempting to communicate. As an impartial witness, I would say you caused your sailor’s deaths.”

  “You’re not impartial!” Rory stated.

  Lise laughed, “Well, he’s not insane. He can at least conduct an argument.”

  Rory thought furiously and said, “How are you going to justify the Brax attack on the Blue Civilization?” Rory waited and heard only silence. After a minute, he said, “That wasn’t part of your plan, was it? They appear to be a non-aggressive society with different species working together. Your actions caused them to be viciously attacked by the Brax and thousands of their vessels were destroyed.”

  Rory waited and was still greeted by silence. “I just ask you to consider this before you go dragging another predator our way. There are unintended consequences anytime something like this is done. I intend to do what I can to remove General Thorpe from power and I want you to at least give me enough time to make it happen. There’s no way he can go out looking for your species while that is happening and I hope you’ll hold off from initiating another ‘Chance Encounter’.”

  Kerry said, “I hope you know your computer is recording this conversation.”

  Rory’s eyes flew wide open, “WHAT?”

  “It’s had a virus installed and it’s saving everything that’s been said on your bridge to send to the crazy idiot on Earth.”

  Kerry shrugged, “I’ve removed the virus along with our incriminating conversation. I can say that I did it to prevent direct harm to you from our contact and get away with it. However, you have no idea how deep the General’s tentacles go in your fleet. I don’t give you much hope of pulling it off but we will wait and see what happens…for a while.”

  “Is there someone on board that put that virus in my computer?”

  “Can’t say, Admiral, because then I would place that one in direct danger. I hope you succeed. The odds are against you.”

  • • •

  Rory sat in his chair for an hour and then began pressing buttons. Meredith found him on the bridge the next morning and he said, “I want a briefing from Intelligence in four hours. I’m going to get some rest and you have the ship.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll discuss it later.” Rory walked off the bridge, went to his quarters, set an alarm, and collapsed on his bed. He smiled slightly before he fell asleep. The being said ‘that one’ and not them. That made it easier.

  • • •

  Rory and Meredith were meeting with Major Stanly in his conference room and Stanly was saying, “I’m not sure sending that Brax Warship was a good idea, Sir. If something malfunctions, they’ll know it was you that sent it.”

  “What would you have done?”

  Major Stanly hesitated and said, “I don’t know why you haven’t just taken the fleet back. I’m sure Earth could use it.”

  A tone sounded and Rory said, “Enter!”

  Colonel Maywell walked through the door with a small suitcase. He walked up to Major Stanly and put it on the table beside him. He pulled out a hand blaster and pointed it at Stanly’s head as he said, “Open it!”

  Stanly jerked his head to Rory, “Sir!!”

  “I’d do as he asks, Major.” Stanly stared at Rory saw something in his eyes. He took the suitcase and turned the combination numbers for three-minutes. They heard a click and the top rose. Maywell grabbed it and opened the lid. Inside were numerous listening devices along with several datahubs. Rory picked one of the datahubs up and examined it. He looked at Major Stanly and said, “Is that what you’ve used to insert the virus in my ships’ computers?”

  Meredith was jerking her head back from Rory to Stanly and she said, “What’s going on?”

  Rory shook his head at her, “I asked you a question, Major. Now, I can assume you didn’t set off the explosive in the suitcase because you don’t want to die.”

  Rory stared the Major down and he finally lowered his head and nodded, “I think you’re going to kill me anyway.”

  “You’ve visited more than ninety of my vessels collecting intelligence; is it safe to say that you’ve inserted this virus in all of them?” Stanly nodded. The conference room was as silent as a tomb. Maywell had the blaster up against Stanly’s head and Rory said, “I won’t kill you if you do as I order.”

  “What is that, A

  “You will teach one of my officers how to remove that virus.”

  “I can remove it.”

  “And you can also make it appear it’s been removed when it hasn’t. You are going to instruct someone I trust how to insert it into a portable computer and then you’re going to show them how to remove it. If there’s any trace of it still in that portable computer, I’m not going to shoot you. I’m going to toss you out of an airlock and watch explosive decompression kill you.”

  “Sir, I’m not sure there’s anyone that can follow the process and understand it.”

  Rory pressed his panel and the door opened. Ginger walked in carrying a portable computer; Stanly’s eyes closed. “I think I can handle that issue, Major.”

  “Sir, he has my family hostage.”

  “That means he doesn’t really trust you or he wouldn’t have had to use them as a threat. If you go back, you and they are as good as dead. If you can’t see that, you should die.”

  Stanly sighed and took the small computer from Ginger.

  • • •

  Meredith stared at Rory, three days later, in his conference room. Rory dismissed Ginger and, after she left, Meredith asked, “How did you find out about the virus?”

  “I had a conversation with the Beings that led the seven-Brax Warships to my Squadron.” Meredith stared at him. “I’m reasonably sure if you ask them to talk with you over a wide-frequency they will. I recommend that you do it in privacy.”

  “What did they say?”

  “They have another chance encounter with another advanced predator civilization planned for us in the future.”


  “Because we’ve attacked their species twice! And I can’t assure them it won’t happen again, as long as Thorpe is in charge of Earth. Matter of fact, Thorpe promised them he would find them and eradicate them.” Rory paused and said, “What about the virus?”

  “Ginger discovered a rather long code that if sent to an infected computer it will remove the virus and its saved data.”

  “What about the ships we sent to the colonies, some of them were infected?”

  “The virus will send all the information it collected if it receives another code. Thorpe doesn’t know those ships are at the colonies and we’re out of communication range. It hasn’t been sent yet and Ginger went to the colonies and sent the code to remove the virus to the infected ships.”

  Rory stared at Meredith and said, “You’re not telling me something.”

  Meredith tilted her head and said, “The virus would also accept a code that would cause it to set off an infected ships self-destruct circuit. Thorpe could have destroyed most of the ships our senior commanders are on.”

  “Why were you reluctant to tell me?”

  “You said you wouldn’t kill Major Stanly; I thought this bit of information might change your mind.”

  “If he’s right about Thorpe holding his family hostage, I can understand his irrational behavior.” Rory stared at Meredith and said, “What’s wrong?”

  Meredith started shaking her head and crying, “The deeper I get into this, I feel more and more helpless. We don’t have a chance!”

  Rory took her hands and said, “As long as we live, we have a chance.”

  The wall speaker in the conference room came on at high volume and they heard Lisa say, “Sir, an Earth Warship is moving our way and one of the Service Leaders is on board.”

  “Notify Donovan to go to plan Gamma now!”

  “Yes, Sir.

  Rory looked at Meredith, “Pull yourself together.” Meredith wiped her eyes and nodded. “You should be happy.”


  “You get to see how our little present was received.” Meredith forced herself to smile and followed Rory out of the room. Rory went to his command chair and said, “Lisa connect me with the ship moving our way.”

  “It’s the Santiago, Sir.”

  Rory nodded and said, “Attention, Santiago. You are entering a battle zone and I recommend you move no closer.”

  “Admiral, I’ve been sent to make a personal report to General Thorpe.”

  “Then take a shuttle to my ship. You’ll present a smaller target.”

  • • •

  General Thomas Haley looked at Captain Gomez, “Sir, I’m detecting nuclear explosions at the edge of my scanning range.”

  “I’ll be back shortly; keep the Santiago here.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  • • •

  Haley boarded the shuttle and saw a massive blast far ahead of the New York. “GET MOVING!!”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  Chapter Fourteen

  General Haley walked on the New York’s bridge and saw the orange battle station lights flashing and crewmen running to their stations, “Sir, you chose a bad time to arrive!”

  “Admiral, a Brax Warship attacked Earth five-days ago and General Thorpe wants to know how it managed to get through your lines.”

  Rory exhaled sharply and looked at Meredith, “It looks like Admiral Logan didn’t stop all of them.”

  “We had no way of knowing, Sir.”

  “What are you talking about!?!”

  “Admiral Logan’s Squadron confronted a Brax Fleet trying to go around our lines. All his ships were destroyed in the ensuing battle and we didn’t detect any surviving Brax Warships when Twelfth Squadron arrived. One must have managed to get away. What happened at Earth.”

  Haley handed Rory a datahub and Rory said, “I’ll have to look at this later, Sir. I’m moving to my Twentieth Squadron to stop a Brax attack.”

  “What is the current situation?”

  Rory looked up impatiently and said, “Show General Haley the tactical view in front of our forces.”

  The huge tactical wall monitor came on and Haley’s eyes flew as wide open as possible. Thousands of Brax Derelicts were shown floating in space a few hundred-miles out from the New York. Rory said, “We’re holding our own against them, Sir, but they are attacking more often. We could use some more ships if Earth has them to spare. I’ve lost forty-percent of my fleet holding them off. I’ve also lost my Senior Intelligence Officer. He was killed with Logan’s Squadron and I need a replacement.”

  Haley stared at the images with his mouth wide open and Rory Said, “SIR, I HAVE TO GO. DO YOU WANT TO GO WITH ME TO THE SITE OF THE CURRENT ATTACK?!”

  Haley started shaking his head so hard Meredith was surprised he didn’t snap a neck vertebrae. “NO! Keep up the good work. I’ll let General Thorpe know what’s going on.”

  “Tell him to beef up the defenses at Earth. Some more Brax Warships may manage to break through.”

  Haley nodded and ran off the bridge. Rory waited until his shuttle left the New York’s landing bay and he immediately had the New York’s drive-field activated and the warship disappeared. Haley arrived on the Santiago and Captain Gomez looked up as he walked on the bridge and said, “The New York sent me a current tactical recording and it appears they are in for the fight of their lives out here.”

  “Get us out here!”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Lisa looked up from her console, “The Sentry Scouts report that the Santiago has left at maximum speed.”

  Rory said, “Donovan, keep the nuclear blasts going for another twenty-minutes.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Rory looked at Meredith, “Want to open a present?” Meredith smiled and nodded. “First things first.” Rory pressed a button and Major Stanly appeared on his panel. “I think you should hear this, Major.”

  Rory played the conversation he had with General Haley and Major Stanly’s eyes closed slightly as he heard his death reported. He sighed and said, “Thank you, Sir. My family is probably out of danger now. Why did you do it?”

  “Because I don’t think you’re a lost cause. I hope you prove me right.” Rory punched a button and his monitor went dark. He inserted the datahub into a portable computer he pulled out from under his console. The
screen illuminated and Rory paused it, “Yeoman, bring us some popcorn.”

  Meredith smiled, “What’s a good movie without popcorn.” Rory laughed as nuclear explosions continued to go off in the distance.

  • • •

  The Brax Warship moved through the gap between the Perseus Spiral Arm and the Orion Spur. It dove and moved under the millions of stars in the Orion Spur and finally went vertical. It shot by Acrux, the brightest star in the Southern Cross, and picked up speed. It turned toward a Class-G Star and its weapon arrays began powering up. The target was now clearly on its sensors.

  • • •

  General Thorpe was sitting in his office talking with six of his henchmen that had been elected to planetary leadership positions. He laughed with them about the upcoming taxes and then alarms went off at high volume. A wall-speaker began blaring, “AN UNIDENTIFIED DRIVE-FIELD IS MOVING TOWARD EARTH AT HIGH SPEED. IT IS NOT ONE OF OUR VESSELS. AN UNIDENTIFIED DRIVE-FIELD…”

  Thorpe shut the speaker off and jumped out of his chair. He ran out of the room leaving the elected leaders wondering what was going on. He punched the code on his personal elevator and it shot to the roof of the tall building in downtown New York. He ran out and yelled, “Power up the sled!!” He jumped in the second-seat and the Attack Sled shot off the top of the building. He yelled at the pilot, ‘PUT THE SATELLITE FEQUENCY ON THE SPEAKER!!”

  “…has been identified as a Brax Capital Warship. It is still moving at maximum speed and has blown through the outer defense ring of Attack Sleds and Warships. The Quito opened fire but was unable to hit it with power spikes…”

  “Where to, Sir.”

  “Away from the side of Earth that ship is moving toward!”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Normally, warships slow to attack; battles are impossible at normal drive-field speeds. The Brax Warship showed no interest in attacking other warships but flew in toward the planet at a speed that was nearly impossible to track. But the Defense Satellite’s disruptor beams were twenty-miles wide and the Brax began taking hits as it moved closer to Earth. It began weaving and was only being hit sporadically by the massive disruptor beams flashing around it. It arrived above one of the largest Defense Satellites and opened fire with its huge disruptors and launched a massive barrage of anti-missiles and tridents. Now it was being hit by numerous Satellite Disruptors and it shrugged off the hits as it fired its weapons at the single Defense Satellite. Thousands of power spikes moved in on the Brax at high speed and it fired barrage after barrage of tridents to keep them at bay. The Defense Satellite began blowing up in several of its huge arms and still the Brax refused to die; its hull could withstand direct nuclear explosions and the twenty-Defense Satellites within range of it opened fire with their full complements of disruptors, darts, and power spikes. Finally, the Brax’s Hull was breached and it turned and flew into the Defense Satellite at full speed. The ensuing explosion was blinding and huge pieces of debris shot out in all directions.


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