The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter

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The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter Page 14

by Saxon Andrew

  Giant pieces of the satellite and the Brax Warship flew into Earth’s atmosphere at a horrific speed and hit the city directly below the giant satellite. A two-mile long piece of debris from the satellite hit in Brooklyn and Queens, vaporizing everything in a ten-mile circle around the point of impact. But the real damage to New York was done by the one-mile long stern of the Brax Warship that landed in Manhattan. More than a hundred-nuclear-reactors were in that piece of debris and radioactive debris was blasted out from the point of impact. The six-elected leaders survived the impact but died of radiation poisoning two-weeks later. They were not alone.

  The City of New York was devastated and rendered uninhabitable for years to come by the radiation. Millions died as millions more fled away from the toxic atmosphere around the former beautiful city. Of the millions that fled, most died within two-weeks of severe radiation poisoning.

  • • •

  Thorpe listened to the casualty reports from above Australia and felt something alien to him, fear. Just one Brax Warship had caused a massive catastrophe and he realized that Admiral Mankin’s warning was real. But one thing came out of the attack that made him happy it took place, Earth was now solidly behind him. The planet now felt fear like never before and his men were swept into power in the following elections. They even accepted his staggering tax increases. Now he could build the warships he needed to take complete control.

  • • •

  Rory watched the recording and shook his head. He glanced at Meredith and saw she was also shaken by the images taken by one of the Defense Satellites. “It appears Thorpe survived.” Meredith nodded. They were silent and then the computer began playing news reports of the disaster and the last ones told of General Thorpe’s rise to complete control of the Planetary Government. One showed a new ship building facility going up in Japan.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “I feel awful about what happened to New York…”


  “This was coming. Thorpe already had a majority of seats in the Government,” Rory replied. We have no choice but to place our allegiance with the Colonies. We have to start preparing for Thorpe’s attack on them.”

  “But the Colonies are far behind Earth’s manufacturing capability.”

  “They’re far behind because they lack the materials, Meredith. Contact Ginger and tell her to bring the Colony Leaders out here to discuss what happens next.”

  “Yes, Sir. You know that Thorpe will be scouting the colonies and if he sees any ship building activity he will not delay his attacks against them.”

  “That’s why the Colonies are going to have to demand protection from Brax attacks.”

  “That will insure they are prevented from doing anything.”

  “Do you honestly think Thorpe will send any of his forces to defend them as long as the Brax are an issue. He’ll hope they’re attacked and destroyed.”

  “You’re probably right about that, Sir.” Meredith turned to her panel and pressed her communicator button.

  Rory sighed and knew that now the real war would start; the War Against Earth. Ginger and Dean arrived on the New York and Rory told them the dilemma he was facing. Ginger was stunned at what had happened and shook her head but Dean said, “You just have to make sure any ships being built aren’t discovered.”

  Meredith shook her head, “And just how will we do that?! You know the colonies will be scouted to a fare-thee-well.”

  Dean smiled, “Then we’ll just have to build them somewhere else.” Rory and Meredith stared at him and Dean smiled, “I know a planet that is currently unoccupied and has large stores of metals.”

  They stared at him in silence and then Meredith said, “But it will take years to mine those metals.”

  Dean walked around to Rory’s side of the conference room table and pressed a button. The tactical wall monitor illuminated showing the giant Brax derelicts, “I see quite a bit of metal just waiting for us to use, Sir.”

  Ginger started laughing and said, “I told you he was better at tactics!”

  Rory tipped an imaginary hat, “Admiral, you are wise beyond your years.”

  “I’ve also found three more Brax Warships that can be used to keep Earth distracted. Perhaps that should be done first followed by a message after we use the last one that you’re taking your surviving ships to attack their home worlds. It means far less explaining to do and would remove us from the General’s attention.”

  Rory looked at Meredith, “Does it seem so hopeless now?”

  “No, Sir. It does not.”

  “Contact Mogosagi and get him back out here.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “There is one thing I would like to do, Sir?” Dean asked.

  “What is that?”

  Dean blew out a breath, “I want to tell the Blue Civilization that we caused them to be attacked. I think they’ve made a connection between us and the Brax and they should know what happened.”

  “Do you think they’ll attack us if you do tell them?”

  “I don’t know. But it’s the right thing to do.”

  Rory looked at Meredith and she said, “It’s time we started doing the right thing, Sir.”

  “Tell them, Admiral. I’m going to start moving the derelicts and Senior Captain Bennett, you should bring the Colony Leaders when you bring Mogosagi.”

  Dean said, “You should also send the ships currently hiding out to the planet.”

  Rory smiled, “You’ve obviously given this a lot of thought.”

  “One has a lot of time to think while looking at the stars, Sir.”

  “Alright, get moving. I’m ordering the majority of my ships to the new planet and that’s where we’ll meet the Colonists, Captain Bennett.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Order our ships currently holding station in the Colonies to move out to the new planet as well.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Who’s going to remain in command out here if you leave, Sir?” Ginger asked. “Earth may send another representative here.”

  “I’ll leave Admiral Donovan here on the Babylon along with three-squadrons. I’ll meet with him and get him on board with what’s happening. Now, everyone get moving; we have a lot to do!”

  • • •

  Lissell looked at Kerry, “We need to bring the Paben in now.”

  “No, we said we would give the Admiral time and the Elders’ peace will not be violated for a while. They deserve the opportunity.”

  “But they are in a worse place than before, Kerry!”

  “Perhaps, but you know how many peaceful, primitive civilizations are in this sector of the galaxy. If the Paben come here, there will be consequences to their existence. Are you willing to accept the responsibility for that?”

  “Maybe you’re right.”

  “You’re just impatient to get back to your dig.”

  “I guess.”

  “We probably have time to go and check it out. I’m pretty certain the humans did not send colonists to our former planet.”

  Lissell’s eyes narrowed and then, she smiled, “You’re probably right. Will you come with me?”

  “I’m not going back and get sent to the Academy. Let’s go check it out.”


  • • •

  Rory remained at the gap getting everything cleaned up. The tugs were towing the Brax Derelicts away and space was starting to clear up. He left Admiral Donovan to see to the removal of the remaining derelicts and headed toward the planet where he first fought the seven-Brax Warships. He arrived and saw the planet was surrounded by the derelicts and ordered the New York to hold station with the Fleet. He boarded a shuttle with Meredith and she looked at him, “The Colony Leaders are waiting for us on the planet.” Rory nodded and though about what he was going to say. Meredith glanced out of the starboard viewport and jumped up and ran over to it. She said, “COME OVER HERE!!”


RE NOW!!” Rory released his seatbelts and walked over to the viewport. He looked out and saw a Space Tug pulling a Blue Colored Warship into orbit. Meredith smiled, “It appears they accepted Dean’s apology.”

  Rory smiled, “It does appear they did.”

  • • •

  Thorpe looked at Kuchen on his monitor, “We need to get rid of the colonies.”

  “That might not be a wise thing to do, at the moment, General.”


  “Two-reasons, Sir. First, if the Brax do have stealth scouts, they probably know the locations of the Colonies and I hope they launch attacks at them instead of Earth.” Thorpe sat back slightly and nodded as Kuchen said, “Secondly, there are still a large number of dissidents on Earth that need to be moved to the colonies and killing them here will cause your great reputation to take a hit. Using the Colonies to move the most vocal out will help solidify your power. The population will also think you’re being magnanimous by sending them to the colonies instead of executing them. Even their families will appreciate your mercy.

  Thorpe smiled, “I knew there was a reason I like you so much. I like the way you think.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Should we send a ship to check up on Mankin’s Fleet.”

  “Not unless you want to run the risk of a Brax Fleet following it back. It does appear his Fleet is under constant attack and I don’t believe his survival is a given. We need to hasten the building of a new more advanced fleet.”

  Thorpe nodded again and said, “Let me know if you think of anything else.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Kuchen boarded a shuttle to go back to his Flagship. He wondered why he had never told Thorpe what Rory had told him about Techs moving to the colonies. Mankin had been fair with him and treated him with respect; he just couldn’t reveal information that might get him executed. What a dour and pitiless world they lived in. Friends were rare and he hated he was on the opposite side of Rory. But he hitched his wagon to Thorpe and now he was committed; there was no way out.

  • • •

  Rory slouched in his command chair and stared out at the huge number of Brax derelicts surrounding the planet. Thank Creation his fleet had not had to fight them. He looked around the bridge and saw the bridge crew talking among themselves as they performed their duties. Russell was doing something on his console and he looked over at Greta Johan, “I’ve been meaning to congratulate you on your engagement to Midshipman Cowart. When’s the wedding?”

  “Sir, I’ve been wanting to ask if you would conduct the ceremony.”

  “Why haven’t you?”

  “I wanted to catch you in a good mood, Sir.”

  Rory stared at her and forced a smile, “I’d be honored to do it, Lieutenant. You could have asked me at any time.”

  “You refused Ensign Halbert and I wanted to ask at a better time, Sir.”

  “We were in the middle of Battlestations!”

  “I know, but I just wanted to make sure. We’d like to do it today or tomorrow, if it meets with your approval.” Rory’s head went back and Greta shrugged, “We don’t want to waste any time together. Sir.”

  “Let me know when you’re ready and I’ll be there, Greta.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Paul La Plant turned around in his pilot’s chair and said, “Admiral, how have you managed to remain single for so long?”

  Everyone on the bridge suddenly stopped talking and turned to hear his answer. Even Meredith turned around and was smiling. “I haven’t found anyone that interested in me.”

  Lisa Cambridge said, “Sir, I’ve known quite a few women who have shown you they were interested and you pretty much ignored their efforts.”

  Rory looked around the bridge with his lips pursed and said, “In case any of you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of war. What sense does it make to have a relationship when it could be ended abruptly by a disruptor beam?” He quickly looked at Greta, “I mean no offence to your decision.”

  “No offense taken, Admiral. We thought about it and decided that some time together is better than none if we wait.”

  Meredith said, “I think it’s more than that.”

  Rory looked at her and sighed. “I watched my parents and younger sister die at the hands of a bunch of street thugs. I swore I would never feel that sort of loss again. Everything in my life was ripped away.”

  “Who did it?” Paul asked.

  “A bunch of Unity thugs.”

  Meredith tilted her head, “And you went out and joined the Unity’s Military?”

  “It was either do that or starve to death. That decision has cost me long hours of sleep. I was eighteen-years old and there was no stopping the unification of Earth. I survived and that was what motivated me to get off Earth and on a warship.”

  “So, your decision to give your loyalty to the Colonies wasn’t very hard to make.”

  “What do you mean, Meredith?”

  “You’re no longer working with them but against their agenda. You might have an opportunity to make those that killed your family pay for their actions. And in the process, you’ll be defending those that thought like your family.” Rory stared at Meredith and she said, “Perhaps you’ve rejected everyone because you felt you didn’t deserve their attention. Now that you’re making up for your former decisions, you can finally forgive yourself.”

  Rory stared at her and blinked. “Thank you for the psycho-analysis, Doctor Legion. I’ll pay you next Tuesday.” Rory looked around the bridge, “I’m doing just fine, so don’t worry about me. Let me know when you’re ready, Greta.”

  “I’ve just contacted Arnold and he says right now is a good time.”

  Rory laughed and smiled, “Then tell him to come to the bridge; I’m pretty certain everyone here will want to witness the happy occasion.” The crew cheered and Rory sighed. After the ceremony, and having witnessed their extreme happiness, he wondered if he really was fine. No one had ever loved him as much as Greta loved Arnold. He looked at Meredith, “You have the ship, Captain.”

  “Yes, Sir. Is anything wrong?”

  “You figure it out, you’re the resident psychologist.” Rory walked off the bridge and went to his quarters and pulled out the only family picture he possessed. He missed them so much.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kerral arrived at the site of the Lissell’s dig and jumped through the crystal cover on his ship. Lissell’s ship appeared next to his and she shouted, “GO ON DOWN TO THE PLACE I STOPPED DIGGING. I’LL SEE YOU THERE AFTER I GATHER MY TOOLS!”

  Kerry nodded and started walked through the hole cut into the large planet’s frozen surface and started moving down the steep slope. He activated his illuminator and the darkness was broken by a bright yellow light. He continued walking and, after fifteen-minutes, he arrived at the place where the tunnel ended. He stopped about a hundred-feet from it and waited for Lissell. He looked to his right and saw the sharp corner of something protruding from the wall. He extended his hand and moved it over the object and a rectangular shaped object began appearing below a layer of encrusted dirt. He swept the dirt off and saw a large piece of metal about eight-feet high and six-feet wide. There was something written on it and he cleaned it off some more. He focused and said, “Do we have a record of this language?”

  While he waited, Lissell ran by him and began removing dirt from the end of the excavation. He shook his head at her enthusiasm and turned back to the large metal rectangle as he heard, “Yes, this language is in the Academy’s Alien Culture Wing.”

  “What does it say?” The ship began reciting as Lissell rapidly removed dirt from the object she was attempting to reach. After a few moments, Kerry saw Lissell clear the last remaining dirt from the Artifact and extend her hand, DON’T TOUCH IT, LISSELL!!”

  Lissell snatched her hand back, turned around, and looked at Kerry, “What’s wrong with you?! You almost scared the wits out of me.”

  “Come back here now!!”

Lissell looked at the Artifact and it took a supreme force of will to walk away from it. She walked back to him and Kerry asked, “Why didn’t you uncover this?”


  Kerry pointed at the metal rectangle, “This!”

  Lissell looked at it and, for a moment, didn’t seem to see it. Then her eyes widened and she tilted her head, “Where did this come from?”

  “It was right here sticking out of the wall! Why didn’t you inspect it!?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t notice it.”

  “This language is in the Alien Culture Center. Read what it says.”

  “I can’t pull it up. What does it say?”

  “Beware you who have entered this place. Inside the Capture Cave lies a demon that has killed trillions of beings to feed its appetite. Leave it as it is and never return. Releasing it will release a plague on all life in the universe. Run, cover it back up, and never return.”

  Lissell stared at Kerry. “You don’t believe this, do you?”

  “The question is, do you?” Lissell looked back at the uncovered artifact and began shaking her head. She turned and walked toward the Artifact and Kerry said, “If you touch that thing, you and I are over.”

  Lissell’s eyes narrowed and she turned around and looked at him, “WHAT?”

  “You’ve made some stupid errors in the past but you acted somewhat rationally with the evidence you had at hand. You have evidence here screaming at you that an extremely dangerous lifeform is inside that artifact and you’re casually going to open it. If you touch that device, I’m never coming near you again.” Lissell started shaking her head as she extended her arm toward the Artifact. Kerry said, “Perhaps Lydia will be more fun.”


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