The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter

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The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter Page 31

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  Dean was sitting with the Great-One, the Kell Military Commander and the Granal commanding the Sagin Fleets. “Where are your forces?” the Great-One asked.

  “They’re coming. I expected them to arrive a week ago but something must have slowed them up. Don’t worry, they are coming.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Have you decided on the command structure, Great-One?”

  The Great-One looked at the Granal and said, “We have not fought a major battle in more than a century.” He turned to Dean and said, “I believe your Fleet Commander should lead our efforts…if he’s really coming.”

  Dean rolled his eyes and the Sagin sitting in front of a large console said, “Our outer sentries are reporting a large formation of warships is approaching.”

  The Great-One smiled, “Contact them and ask for the Commander to come and meet with us. Ask him to leave his Fleet at the edge of our planetary system.” Dean’s eyes narrowed and the Great-One said, “That is where we’ll have to be to meet this coming enemy. There’s no need to waste power in coming here. I’ll be ordering my forces to join your forces momentarily.” He turned to the Kell Commander, “When will your forces arrive?”

  “They’re also on the way. They’ll be here in a week.”

  The Great-One smiled, “It looks like things are falling into place.”

  Dean nodded, “Indeed it does.”

  • • •

  “Sir, I have a message coming in.”

  “Put it on my panel, Lisa.”

  Rory saw a Sagin appear and it said, “Our Leader has requested that you come to the planet to attend the planning session. He asks that your fleet remain at the edge of our system where the other forces will join you shortly.”

  “I’ll leave immediately.”

  The Sagin said, “May I say for myself and my people that we thank you for your sacrifice to defend us.”

  Rory smiled, “I hope you’d do the same for us.”

  “Maybe we wouldn’t have in the past but I believe you can count on us in the future…if there is one.”

  The monitor went dark and Rory looked at Ginger, “I want you to and my three-admirals to come with me. Lisa, contact Dan, Jim, Kuchen, and Sol to come to the New York and we’ll go together.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  • • •

  The Admirals boarded a shuttle and left for the planet. The shuttle passed thousands of White-warships on the way into the system and he looked at Ginger, “It appears these Sagin have a rather large fleet.”

  “Sir, this is just the warships to defend this planet. It’s larger than the fleets at the other ten Sagin planets but there is a lot more than you’ve seen here.”

  “I think I understand why the Paben have taken so long to prepare for this invasion.”

  Ginger nodded, “We’ll still be heavily outnumbered. But not nearly as bad if the Sagin had to face them alone.”

  “And when are the Paben launching?”

  “In a little more than six-months, Sir.”

  “That at least allows us time to get our forces organized to meet them. We’re going to need it.”

  Ginger nodded, “I hope none of them make it through our lines.”

  Rory nodded and stared at the growing planet on the tactical monitor.

  • • •

  Rory arrived at the large conference room and was introduced to the group. He was told by the Sagin leader that he would be in command of the combined forced and then sat back as the Kell Commander and the Sagin Granal told him how he should conduct the fight. He sat back and listened to them quarrel among themselves and wondered if two-years would be enough time to prepare. It was clear they weren’t now.

  The Great-One sat back and listened to the argument and watched Rory carefully and was surprised he remained silent. Was he the one to lead them? Finally, Rory said, “Everyone will be quiet.” the two-Commanders stopped arguing and stared at Rory and was angered by his disrespect. Rory waited until the room was silent and he said, “We will not be following your suggestions. You’re being quite shortsighted in your plans.”

  The Kell Commander sneered, “And you know more than we do?”

  “If we decide to meet them outside this system, what happens if all of our forces are occupied by the Paben and they send ten-thousand warships around us to attack the planet?” The Kell Commander was silent and Rory continued, “We will be meeting them in the gap between the two-Spiral Arms. We will keep a reserve force behind our lines that will intercept any Paben that make it through. The gap will provide open space for us to maneuver and to meet whatever formation they choose to use against us.”

  The Great-One smiled, “From this moment forward, we will follow your orders without disagreement.” He looked at the Kell and Sagin Commanders and said, “Is that clear?!” The Kell and Sagin nodded.

  Rory said, “We are not just protecting the Sagin but the Kell and, ultimately, my species as well. We will do that at a place that gives us an advantage.” Rory looked at them and said, “I understand that Admiral Hamlin has given you the blueprints for our Guided-Power-Spikes. Where are you in getting them built?”

  The Granal shrugged, “We’re making progress. They’re coming off the assembly lines now and should be arriving at the Fleets shortly.”

  Rory looked at the Kell Commander, “We are also just starting to produce them. We aren’t as far along as the Sagin.”

  Rory nodded, “I’ve brought fifty-freighters with my fleet loaded with them. We will start loading your ships with what we have and send them back to bring more. We’ll start that process when we arrive at the gap. Maybe by the time this kicks off, we’ll have enough to make a difference.”

  The Great-One stared at Rory and then turned to Dean, “I apologize for my earlier remarks about your species. I was wrong.” He turned to Rory, “I thank you for coming and I know what a sacrifice this is. If we survive this invasion, my species will never forget it.”

  Rory smiled and said, “Let’s get our forces moving. We need to start maneuvers to get us ready.”

  The meeting ended and Dean walked up to Rory, “Where have you been?”

  “I went to see the Blue Civilization to see if they would join us.”

  Rory’s eyes widened, “And?”

  Dean sighed and shook his head, “They declined the offer. They are of the opinion that they will not see the Paben for thousands of years.”

  Rory’s eyes closed and he said as he opened them, “Sounds like someone I know.”

  Dean shrugged, “I violated some more orders, Sir.”

  Rory’s eyes narrowed, “Oh?”

  “I downloaded my entire weapons-database to them. I told them I hoped it would help them survive when the Paben did arrive.”

  Rory shrugged, “I don’t fault you for that. They gave us one of their warships to use and I don’t believe they are a danger to mankind. It was the right thing to do.”

  “Thank you, Sir. They are a good species.”

  “You need to get the Scouts out and keep us informed on what’s happening, Dean. Ginger, you should join him.”

  “What about commanding the New York?”

  “I have enough qualified officers to do that. I don’t have scouts like you and Dean.”

  Ginger nodded and smiled, “Thank you, Sir.”

  Rory turned and walked out of the conference room with his Command Team. The Granal looked at the Great-One and said. “I was wrong about him.”

  The great-One nodded, “He has been prepared for this moment by war. He is what we need and you will follow his orders.”

  “Yes, Great-One.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “Sir, I don’t believe we are going to be able to mix our forces.”

  “What’s the problem, Dan?”

  “Our ships are too different, Sir. The Kell and Sagin ships are too slow to keep up with our battleships and maintaining a formation will be next to impossible.
If we slow down to stay with them, we’ll give up our speed advantage. Our Attack Sleds are also far faster, as well. Meeting them on a united front will be extremely difficult once the fight begins.”

  “What does the Kell and Sagin say about this?”

  “They agree, Sir. They’re frustrated and I don’t blame them.”

  “You know what this means?”

  “Yes, Sir. We’ll have to go out and meet them while the others standoff and fire at their formations from a distance.”

  Rory sighed. He had arrived at the same conclusion. “I think we’ll have to try another approach.”

  “What is that?”

  “We’ll allow them to go out and initiate the initial contact and we’ll come in over the top.”

  “What about our Carriers?”

  “They’ll have to be the reserve force to take out the leakers.”

  Dan shook his head and said, “It will be an all or nothing if we are forced to do this.”

  “It will anyway, Dan. We have to cause a massive hit on them early on or they’ll overwhelm us. One thing I intend to do is announce to the Paben the coordinates of their home worlds and tell them we’re headed to destroy them.”

  “That will keep them fighting to remove us.”

  “I hope that’s true. I’ll contact the Commanders and let them know the new plan.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Rory sighed. What a mess! The Paben will see them and move to flank them and there was little he could do to stop it. Paul saw his struggle and said, “Sir.”

  Rory looked at him, “Yes.”

  “Do we know how many Scouts the Paben will be bringing with them?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Well, with such a long scanning range, I don’t think they depend on high numbers of Scouts to keep them updated. What if we take out their Scouts as they enter the gap from the Corina Spiral Arm?”

  “Their warships have the same scanner, Paul.”

  “But they will only see two-light years ahead of them. It’s the Scouts that will tell them what they’re up against. We can be on them in a few moments at two-light-years distance. If they can’t see us, or any unpowered Attack Sleds as they approach…”

  Rory smiled, “Lisa, get Admirals Hamlin and Kuchen on my panel.” Paul was proving to be a good Ship’s Captain. Let’s see how this idea can be used.

  • • •

  Kuchen looked at the Carriers on his tactical monitor and shook his head. They looked like giant hornet nests with angry hornets flying around them. The eight Carriers had two-thousand Attack Sleds to service and only fifteen-hundred could be on board them at a time. They had been working on the new attack plan and he hoped the Scouts would make it work. Oh well, they’d find out shortly. The Paben should be launching soon and then he’d adapt to the conditions as they evolved. He looked over his shoulder as Hank said, “Sir, I’ve just received word that another Carrier is on the way from the Colonies with another four-thousand Attack Sleds.”

  Kuchen smiled, “Do tell. It looks like the reserve force can be used in the attack.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Kuchen looked at the monitor again and knew the servicing of the Attack Sleds would be more difficult but more was better. This should be an interesting confrontation.

  • • •

  Dean watched his scanner monitor and said, “Ginger, how many scouts did we determine the Paben would be using?”

  “Around eight-hundred, give or take a hundred.”

  “Are all of them targeted?”

  “Yes. We’re going to hit them three-light years out from the Fleets.”

  Dean nodded, “That means they won’t be able to launch another wave before the Fleets hit them.”

  “That’s the plan. If the Paben come to a stop, they might get another wave out.”

  “We’ll just have to hit them again if they do.”

  “I’m concerned about them detecting the Attack Sleds, Dean.”

  “I know. But we’ve only been able to detect them inside a quarter of a light-year. That’s not enough time for them to change their approach vectors.”

  “Everything has to happen on a very small time-frame. Getting that many warships working together is not easily done.”

  “Let’s just focus on our part in this. Others will have to hold up their ends and that’s not something we can control.”

  “I know, Love. But it’s such a monumental task.”

  “We’ll do our part and get back to pick up our Attack Sleds. We’ll join the reserve force and get our hands dirty.”

  Ginger sighed, “Do you think our Scout Pilots are going to be able to fly the Attack Sleds?”

  “Most of them were chosen from the Carrier’s Attack Sled Pilots. It’s like riding a bicycle, they’ll get back up to speed,” Dean replied.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Dean sighed and thought, “So do I.” Dean looked at his panel, “Dot has just sent a message that the Paben are starting to move away from their planets toward the edge of the gap. I’m ordering a War-Alert and sending Rory a warning.”

  “And so it begins.”

  “I’ll see you at the reserves, my Love.”

  “See you there.”

  Dean accelerated toward his assigned target and hoped everything went according to plan. He forced the doubt out of his mind and focused on his assigned target.

  • • •

  Rory heard the alarms going off and he connected to the Sagin and Kell Commanders, “We will be going to full-speed shortly. Make sure your lines are tight and fire on my command.”

  “Yes, Admiral.”

  Rory turned off the klaxons and looked at the scan coming in from the Scouts. They were going to hit the Paben Forces when they were ten-light-years into the gap. The timing had to be perfect and he waited for the Paben to start moving out. The war with Earth had prepared him for what was coming. He never imagined he would be thankful for anything Thorpe had done…but the experience fighting against him was a gift. Now was the time to open it.

  • • •

  The Paben Scouts were three-light-years ahead of the mass of Paben Warships leaving the edge of the Corina-Sagittarius Spiral Arm and they were not detecting the oncoming Scouts. Ginger saw her assigned target ahead and increased speed. She rushed in and hit the Paben Scout with a Guided-Power-Ball. It went up in an explosion and she stopped and waited. She knew if everything went well, the other Scouts had pulled up and were waiting for the Paben Wave to launch more Scout Vessels. They didn’t have to wait long. The Paben formations slowed as another wave of Scouts flew out of their ranks. Ginger knew she had responsibility to remove any Paben Scouts in her vector. Two-Paben Scouts were flying out and both were in her assigned attack coordinates. She sighed and accelerated toward them. She moved in and fired two Power Balls and turned abruptly to avoid the Paben Fleet from detecting her engines. Both Paben Scouts blew up and she heard over the short-range frequency, “Drat, you beat me to it.”

  Ginger smiled, “You snooze, you lose, Mark. Get out of here, the Fleets will be arriving in a few moments!”

  “See if you can keep up!” Ginger laughed and passed Mark. It helped she was flying a Speeder.

  • • •

  The Scouts pulled up and went vertical. They flew at their maximum speed and barely missed the Sagin and Kell Warships flying under them at max-speed. The Paben were shocked at the wave of warships moving toward them and they dropped out of their drive-fields and began organizing to meet the attack.

  The mass of Paben Warship didn’t all come to a uniform stop and the rear-ranks rushed into the front ranks. There was bedlam as they moved erratically to avoid ramming into each other. It was at that moment that the Sagin and Kell Warships rushed in on them and launched a massive wave of Guided-Power-Spikes. The entire front of the Paben Formation went up in a giant explosion. The Sagin and Kell Warships moved above and below the Paben Formations launching wave after wave of power-spikes.<
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  Rory said over his communicator, “Move through them and make it count!”

  • • •

  Dan watched as his battleship moved through the expanding explosions and entered the ranks of Paben Warships behind it. He ordered, “Launch the dart-cloud and don’t rush. Don’t leave any behind our advance.”

  • • •

  The line of warring ships was more than a hundred-miles wide and the entire line looked like it was on fire. The Sagin and Kell Warships moved above and below the Paben formations launching barrages, while the Colony Battleships moved through the middle of the formations killing every Paben Warship they encountered.

  • • •

  The Commander of the Paben forces ordered his rear ranks to move out and flank the attackers. Thousands of Warships turned and moved to the left and right to surround the enemy ships. The Paben Commander looked at his monitor and said, “It appears the Sagin and Kell have united against us.”

  “Who are those new ships?”

  The Paben Commander shook his shoulders, “I don’t know.”

  • • •

  As the Paben moved around the main attack, they were hit by thousands of small ships that blew into their formations from both sides. The explosions grew too numerous to count.

  • • •

  Jeffery led the eight-thousand Knights into the right-flank of the Paben Formation and lined up a Battleship. He fired a power-ball and hit another Paben Battleship in the bow with both disruptors. They exploded as he whipped the Attack Sled around and hit two more. He screamed as he flew into the middle of a giant Paben formation. The Knights blasted a huge gap into the Paben Ranks as the Zombies blew a larger gap on the opposite side of the formations. The other Attack Sleds exploited the Gaps and flew into the middle of the Paben Warships.


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