The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter

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The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter Page 32

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  Megan flashed in on a Paben Battleship and fired a power-spike at it. Her Attack Sled was hit by two Paben Blasters but her hardened hull shook them off. She dove below the carnage and allowed the hull to cool, before she moved back in to the fight. She took out two-huge battleships on each side of her Attack Sled and saw they didn’t fire at her in fear of hitting one of their own ships. That was a mistake. Both of them went up in giant explosions. Ten Paben Warships rushed in to fire at Megan and four of them suddenly went up in massive explosions. Megan killed four of the survivors as another Attack Sled took out the other two. Megan heard Harry over her communicator, “Keep your eyes open!! You owe me one!” Megan laughed and killed three more Paben Battleships.

  • • •

  Rory looked at Lisa, “Send the message.”

  • • •

  The Paben Communicator looked up, “I’ve just received a message from the enemy and they sent the coordinates of our home worlds. They say they will be going to destroy them shortly.”

  The Paben Commander’s multifaceted eyes grew bright, “Allow none to survive!! Kill them all!!” The rear Paben ranks immediately turned and dove into the battle.

  • • •

  Thousands of Sagin and Kell Battleships exploded. Even the hardened hulls of his new battleships could only withstand so much. Rory saw that the Paben were not attempting to break through the line and lifted his communicator, “Kuchen, send the Reserve in.”

  “Da, Admiral.”

  • • •

  The Attack Sleds holding station with the Carriers went to full-speed and moved into the giant battle. Dean prayed Ginger would survive as he moved in on two-Paben Warships. They exploded as fifteen opened fire on him. He accelerated and avoided most of the blaster beams but his hull was close to being overwhelmed by the heat. There were just too many of them.

  • • •

  The attack lost all order and became a massive dog-fight between groups of ships maneuvering to kill each other. Rory shook his head and knew there were just too many Paben Warships. He lifted his communicator, “Kuchen, I’m ordering your Carriers back to the Colonies. This is hopeless.”

  “I’ll leave when it is hopeless, Admiral. I will not leave my warriors behind!”

  Rory nodded and sighed. The Paben were starting to get organized to attack in overwhelming numbers. Just as they formed up, the entire formation went up in flame.

  Rory saw the explosions and said, “What in the hell…”

  Paul yelled, “The Blue Ships have arrived!!”

  Rory jerked his head toward the tactical monitor and saw thousands of huge Blue Warships diving into the Paben formations. The Paben were caught in the middle of a devastating cross-fire and thousands of them were blowing up every second.

  The surviving Sagin and Kell Warships launched massive barrages of Power Spikes as the Colony Battleships moved out of the Paben formations and added their barrages. The Attack Sleds swarmed around the Paben and attacked any warship that attempted to move out of the barrages.

  It started slowly, at first, as individual Paben Warships started to flee back toward their Spiral Arm. Then the entire mass turned and fled. The Combined fleets and Attack Sleds went into pursuit and continued the slaughter. The pitiful few that made it back disappeared into the Corina Arm and Rory ordered the Carriers forward. The attack Sleds went on board and rearmed. This time they loaded nuclear missiles. Rory ordered them to attack the Paben Home Worlds.

  The giant mass of Battleships flew into the Corina Arm and destroyed every Paben Warship that met them. Six-days later, the twenty-Paben Home Worlds were burned to their bedrock. The surviving Paben Forces fled and refused further contact.

  • • •

  Dean pressed his communicator, “I thought you weren’t going to do this.”

  “We looked at the technology you gave us and realized that you are worth saving. We decided that you are right and that facing them now is better than later.”

  “Will you agree to becoming a friend of those that fought together against them.”

  “We will consider it. Let us know when you choose to meet on the issue.”

  “Thank you! We would have lost without your intervention.”

  “I’m sorry it took us so long to decide. We won’t be late again.”

  • • •

  Rory looked at the losses and hung his head. More than a thousand Battleships gone and ten-thousand Attack Sleds. Could this possibly be worth the price? Kuchen appeared on his monitor, “I told you it was far too early to leave.”

  Rory forced a smile, “You made a lucky guess.”

  Kuchen saw Rory’s expression, “You think the price was too high.”

  “I guess I do.”

  “So. Let’s look at the numbers. How long will it take to replace the lost Battleships?” Rory frowned and he remained silent. “Ok, I’ll answer for you. They will be replaced within a year. And how many ships do we now have to defend the Colonies.” Rory remained silent and Kuchen said, “I’m glad you asked. We have forty-thousand to defend the Colonies.”

  Rory’s eyes went wide, “Just how do you come up with that. Even Russian math isn’t that bad.”

  “You’re not counting the warships our Allies have. Do you not think they will come to our defense if needed? And a thousand years in the future, no force in this galaxy will be strong enough to take us on. The ones that died today have brought us security both now and in the future. I think the price was worth every life we lost.”

  Rory stared at Kuchen and he said, “I wondered why I kept you around.”

  Kuchen laughed, “Because of my wit and humor.”

  “Yes, I guess that is the real reason.”

  “Rory, every civilization that fought here has bought the new alliance with the blood that was shed. Now you need to make sure we make an alliance that will last.”

  Rory nodded and saw the Great-One appear on his wall monitor, “I’ll get back to you.” Kuchen nodded and the monitor went dark.

  “It looks like you saved us; along with those Blue Warships.”

  “And I’ll come to save you again if the need arises.”

  The Great-One stared at him and smiled, “Perhaps we should formalize this.”

  Rory smiled, “I agree.”

  Come back to my planet and please invite a representative from those Blue Ships to join us.”

  “I’ll contact them and perhaps we should schedule it thirty-days from now. We have a lot to do to search for survivors and take care of our wounded.”


  The monitor went dark and Rory knew Kuchen was right. This was worth doing.

  • • •

  Megan looked at Harry as he climbed out of his damaged Attack Sled. Antonio smiled as he exited his cockpit, “I told you he was alive.”

  Harry shook his head, “We have got to stop meeting like this!”

  Megan laughed and hugged Harry, “It’s just good that you made it…again.”

  “That’s it for me, Megan. I’m settling down with Jenny.”

  Antonio laughed, “That will last about a week.” Harry laughed with them.

  • • •

  “Thank heavens you survived.”

  Ginger winced, “It was a close thing. I burned my arm on the cockpit’s glass. If the Blue Ships hadn’t arrived, I wouldn’t be here.”

  “But you are here and they did come.” Dean kissed her and led her to the Babylon’s hospital. His Attack Sled was burned beyond recognition but it lasted long enough to get him back. Perhaps they could live in peace for a while.

  • • •

  Lisa sat beside Jeffery’s bed and waited. He had lost his ship’s atmosphere and he was so low in the small bit of air in his armor. She refused to leave and after five days he opened his eyes. He looked at her leaning over him and asked, “I hope we won.”

  Lisa leaned down and kissed him, “We did but I thought I had lost you.”

/>   “And my Knights?”

  Lisa sighed and shook her head, “None survived. You’re the only one.”

  Jeffery’s eyes moistened and he closed them. Lisa took his hand and he said, “And the Zombies?” Lisa was silent and Jeffery said, “I have to make sure they’re not forgotten.” Lisa squeezed his hand and nodded as he went back to sleep.

  Lisa didn’t tell him that he was the only one that had something to live for and that made the difference. She watched the recordings of the battle and it was clear the Knights were not going to allow Jeffery to die, he was their last Royal. The knights died during the battle to make sure he didn’t. A Knight Attack Sled had towed his ship in and the Knight lived only long enough to get him back to safety before he died.

  They made sure he lived to tell their story but that was something he couldn’t accept right now. But when the time was right…she’d tell him and show him the recordings.

  • • •

  The meeting between the four-civilizations was more than Rory ever hoped it would be. The four were now bonded by both commercial and military commitments. They were all committed to the agreements, especially the Sagin. They knew but for the Humans intervention, their civilization would be enslaved. All four agreed to go back to the Corina Arm and start freeing the planets enslaved by the Paben. Rory signed the agreement on the behalf of humanity and insured his place in history. He insisted that Dean sign with him and resigned as Fleet Commander when they arrived at the Colonies and turned the position over to Dean.

  Meredith looked at him as she held Connie, “Are you sure about this?”

  “For the first time in such a very long time, I’m at peace, Meredith. My days of war and killing are over and I long to be at home with you and Connie.”

  “Do you think Dean is the right choice?”

  “We all do, Meredith. He chose the right path every time and he did the right things when needed. Without him, the Blue Civilization would have never come. He was the only one they would listen to and it was due to his going against his orders. He forced me to look at going into the fight and without him, we would still be in danger. He is the perfect person at the perfect time.”

  Meredith smiled and nodded, “I’m glad you’re coming home, I can use the help.”

  “I’m sorry I’ve left you to handle it all.”

  “I can handle one.”


  “Three is too many.”


  “Twins, Rory.”

  Rory’s mouth fell open and he pulled Meredith into his arms. Life had a way of throwing a curve, this was a doozy.

  • • •

  Earth had a new government that was being sworn in. Sherry shook her head and sighed. At least her luck was consistent. She waited for the ceremony to end and then pressed her communicator.

  • • •

  The new President stood up to address the representatives, when one of the recording crew ran up and spoke to him. He talked with the tech for a moment and went to the podium, “I’ve just received a call from the Colonies and I need to see what this is about. I’ll be right back.” The President walked away and was gone for a few minutes. When he returned he said, “I want to congratulate all of you on being here to represent those that elected you. We have a lot of work to do and we’ll get to it. The Colonies request that a speaker come to address us and I’ve agreed to allow it. I’ve also agreed that the safety of the speaker and I’ve set up the meeting one week from today. It will be broadcast to everyone so plan to be here one week from today.

  • • •

  Earth was beyond curious about what was going on and the number watching their TVs and computers were beyond any prior event, other than the former Emperor’s Coronation that was something they were all trying to forget. Imagine their disgust when a man walked on the stage dressed in the black uniform of the Emperor’s Knights.

  Jeffery landed and was escorted to the main chamber. He ignored the disgusted expressions of those he passed in the giant government building and stood in front of the elected representatives and listened to their boos and invectives. Finally, the President said, “We need to allow him to speak and get this over with!”

  The room grew silent and Jeffery handed the President a datahub, “Please play this before I speak.”

  The President sneered at him and took the datahub to the video-team. The recording started and the room was shocked into silence. The massive fleets attacking each other were beyond comprehension. The video showed thousands of Attack Sleds slam into the gigantic fleet of grey warships. The audience watched as thousands of the Attack Sleds were blasted into rubble. Jeffery watched the wall monitor with them and the monitor went dark after the people of Earth watched the devastation taking place.

  Jeffery looked out at the Representatives, “What you’ve watched is a recent battle that took place between four-civilizations attacking an aggressive civilization that is moving toward us with the intent of enslaving all of us. The Attack Sleds that you saw attacking their fleets were piloted by Knights. Every one of them knew that they had caused great evil here on Earth and have suffered greatly for what they have done. They came to realize that the Emperor had deceived them and lied about who he was and what he led them to do. They have wept for all the things they did in his name and all of them sought to find retribution for their actions. They decided that the only way they could possibly find it was to give their lives defending those they harmed. They attacked an overwhelming force and died fighting to insure Earth and Humanity would never be enslaved by the Paben. They died willingly and knew it was the only way to show their sorrow for what they did here to the innocent they attacked. I’m the only survivor of that attack and I’m here to offer their sincere apology for what they did on Earth.”

  Jeffery paused and the room was deathly silent. “The trouble with being young is that they can be misled and all of the surviving Knights came to realize they had made a terrible mistake in following the Tyrant called Thorpe. All of you were victims of their actions. They died willingly fighting for you and I know they looked forward to dying for a just and noble cause. I pray that you will find it in your hearts to try and forgive them...and me.” Jeffery looked at the President, “I thank you for your allowing me to deliver their message.”

  Jeffery turned to leave and the President grabbed his arm, “It took a lot of courage to come and tell us this.”

  “The dead deserve to have their story shared, Sir. They are this planet’s young and they loved Earth. Their sorrow was too much for them to bear.”

  A Representative stood up and started slowly clapping. Soon the entire room was applauding and the President saw tears rolling down Jeffery’s face. He pulled Jeffery close and hugged him. The camera zoomed in and the audio picked up him saying, “They suffered so much, Sir. I pray they can see this wherever they are now.”

  The Audio was transmitted around the planet and the people felt his sorrow and suffered with him. Jeffery was racked with sobs and the President patted his back, “I’m sure they can.” The President released Jeffery and he stumbled off the stage. He swore those would be his last tears. He was wrong.


  One-year later, to the day, Earth met with the leaders from the four-civilizations and joined them in their Agreement. The President signed the document and announced that the former Colonies were welcome to come home to visit or stay. He vowed that Humanity was now united again would never be splintered in the future. The cheers lasted for almost an hour before the President managed to get the room silenced. He looked at Dean and the other representatives with him and said, “We have one last ceremony and then this gathering will be considered official. If you’ll follow me.”

  The President led them out of the building to the park in front of the giant Government Center. A giant crowd was gathered and Dean saw a huge drop cloth covering something huge at the entrance to the park. He looked at Jeffery and he shrugged. Ginger, Kuchen, Rory
and Meredith were also at a loss at what was going on. Jeffery held Lisa’s hand and waited as the President said over the loudspeakers, “This is something all of us insisted on being here. He held out a rope and said, “Jeffery, if you will, please.”

  Jeffery started shaking his head and Lisa pushed him forward. He took the rope from the President’s hand and pulled it. The covering flew off a massive sculpture and Jeffery’s eyes flew wide open. There was a huge statue of him and ten other young people around him wearing their Knight Uniforms with tears in their eyes. Jeffery had his right hand on the ladder to an Attack Sled, as they all stared up at the sky. A large plaque at the bottom of the huge monument said, “Earth’s Youngest and Greatest Defenders.”

  Jeffery broke down and Lisa rushed forward and wrapped him in her arms. He smiled through his tears and said, “They can rest now.”

  Lisa kissed him on the cheek and said, “And this insures they will never be forgotten.” Jeffery hugged her tightly and wept as the huge crowd cheered.

  • • •

  Kerry looked away to wipe a tear from his eye and saw Lise wasn’t trying to hide her tears. “We can go home now.”

  Lise nodded, “I guess we didn’t do as much harm as we thought.”

  “No, I guess we didn’t.”

  “Kerry, I love you.”

  “And I think you’re cute, too.”

  Lise’s eyes narrowed, “Does that mean the same thing?”

  “I does and it always has, Lissell. My life would be empty without you.”

  Lissell smiled, “That is something you’ll never have to worry about.” Kerry smiled and turned the small ship toward home.

  The End

  Message me at [email protected] and let me know your thoughts. I treasure your feedback.


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