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My Beginning With Mr. Darcy [Book One]

Page 26

by Lauren King

  Elizabeth explains logically, “I only meant that my Aunt and I could go into a tea shop or dress shop and pretend to look at lace, and then we could ask around. We could feign an acquaintance with such a family through friends. Afterwards, we can say that we do not know if they are of the same family and ask the shop people. We would not plainly blurt out our questions to everyone in the streets.” Elizabeth gently giggles.

  “I know you want to help, but I do not like the idea of you conversing with strangers or approaching them.” Darcy states firmly but not in an upset manner.

  Elizabeth says softly, “I only want to help you and be with you. I do not want you to have to suffer through this by yourself.” She tries not to pout, but she can hear that she is pouting. She hopes that she will get her way.

  “I know; thank you for thinking of my comfort, but I will have Hansen ask around. I am not comfortable letting you talk to strangers. You understand that, right, sweetheart?” Darcy lovingly kisses the back of Elizabeth’s hands again.

  “I understand, darling, but I, very much, wish I could help you.” Elizabeth pouts softly.

  “I know, but I want you to stay home and rest. I do not want you around some unknown town.” Darcy says most tenderly but with finality as he caresses her hands with care.

  Everyone has an enjoyable supper. After a short talk with Mr. Gardiner and Richard in Mr. Gardiner’s study, Darcy chats with Elizabeth in the drawing room for a little while before leaving. Darcy and Elizabeth are the last two people saying their farewells in the foyer.

  “Richard has the next few days off, so he offered to come with me to Reading. Now, I’ll have the assistance of a colonel of His Majesty’s Army at my disposal.” Darcy chuckles, and then he touches Elizabeth’s chin gently. “So, do not be worried about this, alright?”

  “Darling, he will look too conspicuous in his colonel’s uniform. You want to find out about the sergeant furtively, do you not? You do not want Sergeant Denny to find out ahead of time before my Father approaches him, right?”

  “You are right. I will tell Richard not to wear his uniform just in case.” Darcy’s right hand moves up Elizabeth’s left arm, and he soothingly rubs it up and down several times. “I do not want to leave you yet, but I have to let you rest.” Holding both of Elizabeth’s hands in his, Darcy kisses them one at a time. “I will be leaving early tomorrow morning; hopefully, I will get all the information that I need quickly and be back in town by the evening.” Darcy says lovingly.

  “Darling, please be careful with all of this. I do not want you to rush on the road to be back the same day; it will be dangerous if you travel with no light.” Elizabeth gently reminds Darcy. “I will just perish if something bad should befall you.”

  Darcy responds dotingly. “Do not say that, Lizzy.” Darcy caresses her cheek tenderly. “I will be careful. Now, remember, I do not want you to go out anywhere by yourself. I know you do not in London, but please, be aware of your surroundings when you are out and about even with a maid. I will notify you immediately as soon as I reach home. I will see you the day after tomorrow to let you know of all that I discover.”

  “All right, darling. Aunt Madeline, Jane, and I will be going to the dress shop tomorrow morning to get a final fitting for our holiday dresses. Will it be acceptable to you if Georgie comes along with us; that is, if she wants to come?”

  “Certainly; you all will stay together at all times, though.” Darcy gently reminds Elizabeth.

  “We will, darling.” Elizabeth responds caringly. “Thank you for doing all this. I hope everything goes well and you can conclude your search for them quickly. I am so blessed to have such an excellent betrothed. I love you.” Elizabeth smiles tenderly as she squeezes and strokes William’s hand.

  “You are most welcome. I love you.” Darcy lingeringly kisses both of Elizabeth’s hands, and then his kisses travel to her right wrist; he suckles the inside of her wrist quickly before he releases her to walk out the front door leaving Elizabeth breathless with his attentions.

  Elizabeth could not breathe when she felt him suckling her wrist. The sensation was exhilarating, and it made her more curious about what loving things a married couple did with each other. She is thrilled that she will not be in a marriage of convenience; she cannot imagine not loving her husband and living with him for the rest of her life out of duty. She can tell that William is very loving and demonstrative of his affections. He has said that he approves of that behavior when they are in private. Her dreams of having an adoring, devoted, handsome husband will come true with William. Her bliss beyond imagination!


  When Elizabeth wakes up the next morning, the first person she thinks of is William. It has been like that for weeks now, but since she has been betrothed to William, William is her first and her last thought of the day. She hopes that he is safely traveling at this moment and that there will not be any trouble in finding out about the Denny family. She is glad that Richard is accompanying William so they can consult each other on what to do and how to assess the situation.

  Elizabeth collects Georgiana and Mrs. Annesley to go to the dress shop. They all get their final fittings done. Afterwards, they come back to the Gardiner residence for luncheon. Elizabeth asks Georgiana to remain at the Gardiner residence until William comes home. A note can be sent to the housekeeper to notify her of Georgiana’s whereabouts. Elizabeth does not want Georgiana to be alone without William or Richard available to her should she need them. She will feel better with Georgiana near her.

  Georgiana plays, reads, and draws with Athena. Georgiana has not played with small children in a long time, so she has much fun with all three children. Elizabeth offers Georgiana her bedroom chambers should she need to rest, but Georgiana declines as she is not tired. Right before supper, a note from Darcy House comes for Georgiana; it is from her brother. He states that he just arrived home and will retrieve Georgiana immediately if she should want to come home straight away. Georgiana writes back without delay to inform William and Richard that they are invited to have supper at the Gardiner residence.

  By half past seven o’clock, William and Richard arrive at the Gardiner Residence. They are cheerfully and warmly greeted by everyone. Since Georgiana will be at the dinner table, they do not want to speak of this problem in front of her. After dinner when Georgiana goes to play with the children, the adults speak about Darcy’s findings regarding Sergeant Denny’s family.

  “Sergeant Denny truly does have family in Reading – his parents, one older brother, one younger brother, and a younger sister who is seven and ten years old. They all still live with their parents except for Sergeant Denny who went into the army when he was six and ten years old; he is currently one and twenty. The parents are in trade. The older brother is an assistant to the local vicar. The younger brother is an assistant to the local solicitor. With the older brother tied to the church like that, it will be easy to impress upon Sergeant Denny not to ruin his family’s reputation by doing his duty to Miss Lydia. I do not think his family will let him escape his duty. I will send an express to Mr. Bennet and apprise him of all this so he can approach Sergeant Denny straight away.” Darcy is glad to impart news that can be used to deal with the sergeant in order to expedite and resolve the Bennet problem.

  “This is great news. However, their marriage must take place very soon before Lydia’s pregnancy is too far along and will be noticeable by all.” Mr. Gardiner says with hope.

  “Yes, I agree. Fortunately, his regiment will leave Meryton in March, so if they are married very soon, then no one in Meryton will really know that the baby will be born before it should be. Miss Lydia can move to the next area where the sergeant encamps until she gives birth so she can avoid gossip in Hertfordshire.” Darcy suggests sensibly.

  “Yes, that is a good idea, Mr. Darcy. Perhaps, you can mention that to my brother Bennet.” Mr. Gardiner says frankly. “I have to thank you again on the behalf of my sister’s family, Mr. Darcy
. You have done more than any son-in-law is expected to do. Some may not have done even half as much. Madeline and I greatly appreciate your assistance in all of this. You have done a great deed for all of us.” Mr. Gardiner proclaims openly with great sincerity.

  “That is quite true, Mr. Darcy; thank you.” Mrs. Gardiner says earnestly and appreciatively.

  Darcy, modestly, brushes his role aside. “Please, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, do not mention it. I am glad I could help.” Darcy says nonchalantly, and then he quickly looks to Elizabeth who has a genuine, loving smile for him. She looks to be beaming with pride. He feels such love for her, and he would do much more for her, if needed. To see her happy is his goal. He will definitely take care of this sergeant if it leads to that.

  Once again, Darcy and Elizabeth are the last two people to say their farewells alone in the foyer. Elizabeth feels better about this entire ordeal, and she is very happy that her family’s reputation may be saved. This will, in turn, prevent anything shameful to reach William and Georgiana which is Elizabeth’s biggest worry. Due to William’s crucial ideas, suggestions, and assistance, they all can benefit from it.

  “You must be very tired. I am very sorry for all this trouble put upon you. I appreciate you so very much.” Elizabeth states compassionately.

  “You are quite welcome, dearest.” Darcy says thoughtfully as he tilts her chin up with his thumb and finger. “No more of this talk about troubling me, all right?”

  Elizabeth nods with a smile.

  “Now, did you get much rest?”

  “I did. How about you?” Elizabeth inquires caringly. “I hope you got a good night’s rest before this morning’s travels.”

  “Yes, I slept, but I kept thinking about you and about us before falling asleep.”

  “Why, darling?” Elizabeth poses innocently.

  “I cannot wait until we are husband and wife. I will have you by my side every day. I will be able to see you, talk to you, dine with you, and kiss you – among other things – every day.” Darcy smiles roguishly.

  Elizabeth cannot pull her eyes away from William while she fully blushes from his statement. Is he alluding to their marriage bed? It makes her so bashful to know that he thinks that about them – about her. She, finally, is able to look away from him and down to her hands which he is holding.

  His hand goes to her chin and tilts it up again so that she is gazing directly at him. “We will be married soon, so you do not have to be shy when it is only us two. Do not be timid or embarrassed about my expression of love for you or yours for me, dearest. I revel in your care and passion for me. I want you to be open with me, especially if you want to convey your love for me, all right?”

  Elizabeth nods silently and bashfully as her blushes dissipate. She must get used to his demonstrative ways when they are in private with each other. He wants her to be expressive towards him; he encourages her to be that way. He does not think she is improper or brazen like some common girl.

  “All right, sweetheart.” Elizabeth answers softly.

  “Now, go rest, and I will call upon you tomorrow at eleven o’clock. Will that be a good time for you?”

  “That is fine, darling. If Georgie wants to come, will you invite her? I do not want her to be alone. She enjoyed playing with the children today. She was showing Athena some things on the piano forte, and Athena was ecstatic to have her company. Georgie does not have to play only with the children; Jane and I are here, too. She can do whatever she likes here. I just want her around more people.” Elizabeth explains compassionately.

  “I will invite her. I am very pleased that the two of you are such good friends. You have made her less shy and a little more confident; she needs a lady’s guidance. She has my Aunt Helen, but Aunt Helen is much older, so I think she remains shy. Perhaps she cannot be herself completely with older adults around. My Aunt Helen certainly loves her, but, obviously, their relationship will not be like yours and hers.”

  “I am glad to be her friend. She is very easy to get along with, and she is very sweet and very kind. She is like a younger sister to me already.” Elizabeth smiles tenderly. “I am happy to spend time with her any time she likes.” Elizabeth squeezes William’s hand to show her affections.


  At eleven o’clock the next morning, Elizabeth joyfully greets William and Georgiana in the drawing room. Since they have been engaged, William kisses her hand in greetings and farewells; she is thrilled by it. She has become accustomed to his polite show of affection for her, and she revels in it. Athena comes in and greets the guests, and then she asks if Georgiana can watch her play a new song on the piano forte. Georgiana, warmheartedly, agrees; hence, they leave for the music room.

  “Did you sleep well, darling?” Elizabeth inquires thoughtfully with a bright smile.

  “Thank you, dearest; I did. Did you?” Darcy asks most caringly as he offers her his arm.

  “I did too.” Elizabeth readily takes his arm to walk into the drawing room.

  “Good. I have been used to being with you all day this past week; therefore, I missed you very much yesterday.” Darcy says fondly as he holds her hand.

  “I missed you too.” Elizabeth says shyly and quietly. “That is partially why I wanted to come with you yesterday, but I do understand your reasoning; it was perfectly sound.” Elizabeth entwines their hand and then squeezes his hand to show her affection. “Did you write to Papa yet, darling?”

  “Yes, I sent out an express at dawn. Now, it all depends on Sergeant Denny to be an honorable man and do his duty to Miss Lydia.” Darcy continues to caress their entwined hands adoringly.

  “I pray that he will do his duty.” Elizabeth states hopefully.

  While sitting on the sofa, William remains holding and caressing Elizabeth’s left hand. Then, he says, “Dearest, I have a gift for you.”

  “Darling, you do not need to buy me anything.” Elizabeth objects lovingly.

  Darcy releases her hand and then retrieves a small jewelry box from his side jacket pocket, and then he gives it to Elizabeth. “This is not just a regular gift; it is your engagement ring. Open it, dearest.” Darcy announces dotingly.

  Elizabeth opens up the cute little red velvet jewelry box, and then she gasps at the beautiful ruby ring sitting inside. It is large and opulent looking. The center ruby stone is round and it is the size of her thumb; it is being held in place by eight gold prongs. The setting is a gold band with small round diamonds inset in the middle of it. There is another identical unattached band without a center stone on it. This must be her wedding band that she will be given at church. These are the most beautiful rings she has ever seen. She never thought she would ever wear anything this magnificent.

  “Darling, they are absolutely exquisite! These are for me?” Elizabeth asks with astonishment and glee.

  “Indeed; they are for you.” Darcy removes the ruby ring and places it on Elizabeth’s left hand wedding ring finger and then says, “I will put this band on your finger on the day of our wedding ceremony. Do you like them?” Darcy leaves the single band inside the box as Elizabeth admires the ruby ring in fascination.

  Cheerily Elizabeth replies, “Unquestionably! They are stunning. Thank you!” Elizabeth smiles radiantly, and then she becomes bold, thus she brings one of William’s hands to her lips and tenderly kisses the back of it quickly before holding his palm up against her cheek. Afterwards, she entwines the same hand with hers and holds it on her lap. She could not help expressing her natural feelings for William in that manner; the sense of love overpowered her, and she did it instinctively. She knows that William will be very pleased with her show of affection for him.

  Darcy is awestruck at her gesture. He has never felt anything more loving and passionate as her simple thank-you kiss. He never imagined that his hand would be kissed. Her lips are warm and soft. She amazes him, and he is completely gratified with her show of love and appreciation for him. He must contain his heart or else he may grab her into his e
mbrace for a most ardent kiss to her tantalizing lips that he has been dreaming of for weeks now. He wishes he could kiss her like he does in his dreams for a quick second – just to taste those delectable red lips. Darcy is pleased to see that Elizabeth continues to marvel at her ring with delight; she seems delighted. He cannot help but kiss her other hand, tenderly.

  “It looks beautiful on your finger. Will you wear it always, dearest?” Darcy asks joyfully.

  Elizabeth responds instantly, “I will not take it off for any reason.” She beams at William and continues, “It is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen; they look so very elegant. Thank you, sweetheart. I will always treasure them.” She encompasses his one hand in both of hers and brings it to her chest to squeeze with great enthusiasm. Next, she does the unthinkable (next to her kissing his hand spontaneously); she caresses his cheek gently several times back and forth. Her hand caresses him so naturally that she feels as if it did it on its own volition. There is love and admiration in her eyes that cannot be missed by anyone looking, but luckily, there had not been anyone else in the drawing room.

  As she pulls her hand from his cheek, he grasps her palm to kiss, and then he suckles her wrist. Once again, she is enthralled by his show of affection; she does not shy away from looking at his actions. One day she will suckle his wrist and surprise him with her fervent love for him. He makes her yearn deeply for his love and for their married life together. She cannot believe her fate and fortune in having such an admirable, loving, and generous betrothed. She cannot say enough good things about him.

  When Darcy finishes suckling her wrist, he holds her hands securely and says, “I am glad you like them because I chose the design myself. I thought a simple graceful design would be more to your liking. You are beautiful without fuss. You shine brightly without fanfare. You appeal to people without undue display. You are like this striking ruby that is magnificent all by itself without force upon anyone. That is why I chose this stone for you. I know your personality fits this ring because you are a passionate person. Red reminds me of love and passion; this ruby reminds me of you.” Darcy says most candidly and explicitly.


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