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Xenosaber: Fury of the Stars

Page 3

by Jedaiah Ramnarine

  “Hmph! Is that the best you can do?” Baldr jeered.

  The Void-Star Blade glowed with energy. Jaival could feel the raw power of the Star Blade on the verge of shattering his own weapon. Baldr shoved the moon elf, forcing him back almost halfway across the room.

  “Why have you come here!” Jaival quivered with fury. “You’ve slaughtered innocents – old men, women and children, why?!”

  The mocking look on Baldr’s face vanished. For a moment, he seemed filled with regret.

  “Because when you learn of the truth, that’s what happens. People die.”

  Jaival charged at Baldr again, fueled by the pain of loss. Baldr parried the array of wild attacks with relative ease. The clashing of their blades illuminated the dark room with light. Something about this battle felt fated, and as it went on, Baldr noticed Jaival’s attacks were beginning to match his own.

  Perhaps he allowed the moon elf to carry on for too long. Using the sheer power of the Void-Star Blade, Baldr slashed for Jaival horizontally, expecting the moon elf to block and once he did, Jaival’s weapon was shattered into pieces. Baldr went on to unleash a succession of attacks so quick, he became a blur to the eye. He sliced open Jaival’s shoulder, thigh, and rib cage before ending the combo with a slash across the moon elf’s chest.

  Jaival hacked up blood, shocked by the true extent of Baldr’s skill. He figured the betrayer was holding back, but stars forbid, such ability seemed unreal. Jaival dropped to his knees, blood oozing out of places he couldn’t even comprehend. Baldr backed off and pointed the Void-Star Blade at the newly defeated.

  “What a shame,” Baldr said as void energy wrapped around the star sword, preparing to deliver a final attack. “You could have been a fine ally.” a dark beam of energy smacked into Jaival and sent the moon elf flying across the room. He dropped to the ground, lifeless. The outlaws quivered with fear. Baldr was already dangerous, and now, wielding the Void-Star Blade, he’d ascended to a whole new level.

  “Our work here is finished,” Baldr turned to his men. “Let us be gone.”

  They opened a portal using their twisted void magic and vanished from the temple. Moments later, a shadowy apparition manifested in the room. The dark figure took slow paces toward the fallen Jaival, looked over the battered moon elf and whisked him away.


  A Gathering of Truth

  ARYA PEERED OVER THE HORIZON of Eira in her royal suite’s balcony while she awaited the return of her bodyguard and company. It had been days since she sent Cyrus to the Temple of Gates. His missing presence sparked curiosity amongst both royalty and guard alike. The King himself was no fool. Despite Arya’s efforts to downplay the missing Paladin, the King knew his daughter had her hand in this. Nevertheless, he was a patient man. He wanted to see how her game would play out.

  A rush of excitement flowed over the princess when she saw a small battalion make way into the gates of Eira Citadel. She scuttled down the endless stairs of her luxurious castle, running past guard and noble to meet the Paladin and his company. She opened the entrance doors to the gates of the castle and noticed Cyrus and his band of knights were not alone. Mikael and an unfamiliar face to the princess – Danzul, was riding with them.

  “Cyrus.” Arya greeted the company all excited but was quick to change that. She lowered her tone keeping her noble composure. Cyrus acknowledged her with respect. She was happy he had returned. Cyrus was one of the few people she truly trusted, his safety was important to her. But what made the young princess even more curious was the presence of the ancient hero. The one who’d mentored her brother himself.

  “Mikael.” she faced the champion.

  The men got off their horses to show the princess respect.

  “My lady, it is good to see you.” Mikael nodded.

  “The feeling is mutual.” Arya smiled. She looked at the unfamiliar one, Danzul, with a quizzed look. She’d never seen him. He had no face of royalty and she could sense he was not quite experienced. Still, there was undeniable intent for justice in his eyes. It resonated well with the princess.

  “And who is this?’ She asked the men.

  Danzul grew nervous. He was uncertain if he should speak.

  “Danzul, your highness. Apprentice guardian of the Gates.” he bowed.

  Mikael peered at him with a frown before looking back at Arya. “He is the only remaining guardian alive, besides myself.”

  Arya’s eyes widened. “What do you mean? What has happened Mikael? Tell me!”

  “Yes, Mikael.” a deep voice interrupted them. The men dropped to their knees and bowed their heads. Arya spun around, her heart racing. A tall, one-armed, broad shouldered man with aged blonde, mid length hair and a beard of wisdom walked into the courtyard, two elite guards at his sides. He had a long, red cape that flowed down to his feet and a golden sword on his hip that acted as an insignia to the royal family. His eyes had seen things men dared not dream of. It was none other the ruler of Eira– King Týr.

  “Tell us what happened.” his prominent voice demanded respect.

  “Father.” Arya was afraid she’d been caught.

  The King raised his hand, issuing a hint to his daughter that she’d do well to save the excuses.

  “Come, let us convene” he said to the lot.


  The King led Mikael, Arya, Cyrus and Danzul into the royal palace halls for a private meeting where Mikael relayed everything he knew surrounding the incident of Baldr’s return.

  “So, it is true,” The King scratched his beard. “The prince has returned.”

  He remained locked in deep thought, reflecting over the repercussions. The Temple of Gates was desecrated and its guardians, slaughtered. It spelled an impending disaster for the people not only in Eira, but other allied nations as well. Not to mention, the Stargate, an artifact that was handed down and protected by the royal family, was stolen.

  “It’s more than just that, sire.” Mikael said to the King without an ounce of humility. Any other man who spoke to the Lord of Eira like that would be risking his neck. These two men on the other hand, had deep respect for each other. They had fought wars and united nations together. Both were men of strength and nobility, peace, and wisdom. The King trusted Mikael’s counsel more than that of his own daughter.

  “Baldr is not the same boy I mentored. He’s changed. There is a darkness that lingers in him.” Mikael continued. It pained him to speak of his former student that way. Baldr had caused grief to everyone in that room. The King had slipped into a depression after his son left. He became distrustful in nature. Arya felt it too. She once praised her brother more than any other. He was her hero. Cyrus was his great friend and fellow sparring mate. Even Danzul was dragged into the mess of late.

  “What are you saying?” Arya found the courage to speak up.

  Mikael glanced at her uncertain if he should say what he knew.

  “When Baldr attacked us, he did not do so alone. There were others with him. I know who they are.”

  “Who?” The King asked.

  Mikael looked over at him. “They are called The Order of the Void. An elusive sect formed by remnants of Nidhogg’s cult. Their purpose was the continuation of Nidhogg’s mission – to re-summon The Dark Lord.”

  The King and his daughter grew uneasy. Both had knowledge of the sect, though limited.

  “We were certain we hunted them to extinction. I always felt that might’ve been wrong.”

  “Are you saying Baldr has joined the same transgressors he fought against?!” Cyrus was appalled. Although Baldr was not alive during the War of the Ancients, he did fight in the Battle of Helion – a war where the once proud nation became corrupted by strange void magic that twisted its denizens into demons ten years ago. Baldr believed The Dark Lord was the perpetrator of that war and sought to find any links to the ancient evil so that he may destroy it. Both Cyrus and Mikael had fought alongside Baldr at the time.

  “That is exactly what I am sayin
g,” Mikael furrowed his eyebrows. “Baldr has joined The Order of the Void. I have reason to believe he is a figure of authority within the sect.”

  “What you’re saying,” The King stumbled on his words and cleared his throat. “Is that my boy, the prince of my kingdom – the once heir to the most powerful nation in the world, is now the agent of our Ancient Enemy?”

  Mikael swallowed. “That’s right.”


  The Sun Guardianess

  JAIVAL SLOWLY OPENED HIS EYES as he came to, out of a deep slumber, only to find himself in a warped world. His surroundings made no sense. He appeared to be laying on invisible ground, high in the deep blue sky over the clouds. He shook his head, believing it to be some sort of hallucination. It didn’t disappear.

  What the stars! He jolted once his mind struggled to battle with rationality.

  Surely, I am dead. He remembered his fight with Baldr – This must be the afterworld.

  He felt his body in search of the wounds that were inflicted. All of them were gone – healed as if they never happened. Odd. Jaival rose to his feet and looked around, unable to comprehend the place. The ground beneath him had no end – no water, no sea. It was blue and went on forever. All around him appeared to be nothing more than cloud and sky.

  What manner of madness is this? He strolled across the invisible ground searching for answers.

  Suddenly, he bumped into nothing.

  “Nice,” he staggered. “An invisible wall. Real nice.”

  Soft whispers echoed through the air. At first Jaival thought he’d be attacked, but upon further hearing, he realized it was a subtle voice, chanting a language he didn’t understand. Seeing as it was his only lead, he followed the strange chant, occasionally bumping into other invisible walls.

  The chant grew louder the closer the moon elf moved to the source of the mystery. He tripped on invisible stairs, soon realizing he could walk up them, and so he did. The stairway ascended to a patch of clouds that was blocked from view down below. Each step he took, the voice became more audible. He was convinced it was demonic, but upon further listening, he just wasn’t sure.

  Once he finally arrived upstairs, he looked over to find the source of his calling. A robed figure with dramatically long, silver hair that was tied up to imitate horns, chanting and casting a series of void spells with rasped whispers. Jaival got on guard. He debated whether he should call to the individual or ambush them. He took another look at his surroundings.

  Perhaps fighting this creature may not be the most prudent decision.

  “Hello?” he called to the figure.

  The chanting stopped.

  “I see you’ve awakened.” a seductive feminine voice came from the creature.

  “What is this place? How did I get here?” Jaival quizzed.

  The creature turned around. Jaival’s mouth dropped. It was no creature at all; rather, an exotic, beautiful woman with tanned skin, silver long hair, red eyes, and red lips, holding a long staff. Her face was exquisite yet wise and experienced, and she bore tribal markings across her eyelids. She wore a long robe that parted inches beneath her crotch which worked to reveal her inner thighs. Her robe also parted by her breasts, revealing the better bits of her cleavage.

  “Who are you?” Jaival was intimidated by her, but not because of her beauty.

  A deep power emanated from the mysterious woman. It was as intoxicating as it was dangerous.

  “How fitting,” she bit her tongue. “The young moon folk have forgotten of me.”

  Jaival had no clue what she meant. He’d never seen this woman before.

  “Am I dead?” he asked.

  The mysterious beauty gracefully waltzed next to him. Every step she took felt like the ground, if one could even call it that, was vibrating. At last, she was face to face with Jaival, inches away. He was unsure what she’d do next. Suddenly, the mysterious beauty did something rather odd. She whacked Jaival on the head with her staff.

  “Owch!” he yelped and held his wound. “Jeez, what was that for?!”

  “If you were dead, I don’t think you’d be able to feel that, now would you?” she smirked.

  “Yeah, but you didn’t–” he stopped himself and pondered on her words. “Who are you?”

  “I am known by many names, boy.” the woman walked behind him, peering over the horizon. Jaival couldn’t understand why she talked him down like a child. She didn’t seem much older than him. “…some call me The Sun Guardianess, others call me The Succubus of the Wilds,” she turned to him with a sly smile. “But I like the one they used in recent times. What was it again? Ah, yes – Sorata.”

  “Sorata.” Jaival repeated the name, wondering where he heard it. A bolt zapped in his head. He’d heard of her before. She was a legend amongst folklore.

  “The Ancient Witch!” he exclaimed.

  Sorata nodded.

  “I always thought you were a figure of legend. They said you vanished centuries ago after the War of the Ancients – never to return.”

  “And they were right.” Sorata bit her tongue again. There was so much more she wanted to say.

  “Wait, you were the one who saved me!” Memory flooded Jaival’s mind. He remembered seeing a shadowy apparition approach him before losing consciousness. “Why?”

  Sorata chuckled. “It is good you do not foolishly proceed to thank me.”

  “I do not trust anyone so easily, not even demigods.”

  “Wise,” Sorata closed her eyes with a thin smile. “Perhaps I have chosen well.”

  Jaival scratched his head. The riddles she spoke began to annoy him.

  “I’m in debt to you, aren’t I?”

  Sorata reopened her eyes. She shot a cold gaze at him. “Yes.”

  “Then out with it. Tell me what you desire without coy.”

  “Very well.” Sorata held her free hand out and charged a bolt of void energy. She released the spell and it formed a magical screen that showed the current happenings of Eira. “I want you to go to Eira Citadel. There is a man there of great power and wisdom. His name is Mikael.” Sorata extended her hand. A golden bracelet covered with insignias and markings from an age long gone materialized in her palm. “Give this to him and tell him, I sent you.”

  “And what good would that do for me?” Jaival quizzed.

  “Big things come in little packages.” Sorata hissed. She began unhinging her robe, pulling it off from the shoulder. A puzzled look came to Jaival’s face. He wasn’t sure if the demigoddess was about to strip nude, not that he minded the invitation. Sorata was hard to resist. Instead, she stopped stripping after exposing herself just enough so that Jaival could see the tattoo on her shoulder. A cold chill ran up his spine. It was the same one as his.

  “You think I do not see into your heart?” Sorata had his attention. “I know what the prince has taken from you and I know your burning desire to have revenge.”

  Jaival remained speechless while Sorata fixed her exposition.

  “Now, be a good boy and take my band to Mikael,” she extended the bracelet toward him. “You want justice for the wrong that was done to you, yet you cannot match the one who wronged you. He is far too powerful and you are reckless and untrained. You will need the tutelage of Mikael if you are to have any hope, and as one who is always busy, he will only give ear to you if you take what I am giving.”

  Jaival felt his palms sweat.

  “They closed the gates to Star World years ago. After the war, they allow no one in.”

  “Oh, how adorable. Well, I neither care what those little mongrels think, nor have I any need for the toy gates they control.” Sorata pointed her staff on her right and shot a blast out. Jaival jumped instinctively. The blast formed into a portal some ten paces away. It was her own magical gateway to the land Jaival had long dreamed of returning. He didn’t know what to make of it.

  “…now, do you accept my offer?” Sorata asked him again, this time with a serious gaze.

  Jaival w
eighed his options. Sorata didn’t seem malevolent, though he sensed she had a plan of her own. Still, it resonated in his gut she was there to help him as strange as it seemed. The tattoo on her shoulder only added to Jaival’s curiosity. He wanted to know more but he knew well Sorata was not in a hurry to give away her secrets. He’d have to be patient.

  “Fine.” Jaival took the armband from the demigoddess.

  Strange energies emitted from the bracelet, it seemed to be both light and shadow – pure and void.

  “There’s a good boy.” Sorata smiled.

  There was a hidden deviant allure underneath her carefully arranged composure. Perhaps it was there to test the moon elf. Jaival moved to the portal and took one final glance at The Sun Guardianess. She fluttered her hand for him to get going. His uncertainty was beginning to annoy her. Jaival looked at the portal, took a deep breath and jumped into the abyss.


  The Fairy, The Monster, and The Twilight

  THE LUSH FIELDS OUT PAST EIRA’S CAPITAL glittered with harmony as the two suns rose overhead and the roosters crowed, glorifying the start of a new day. A portal opened near the pathway to Dream Forest, a place that acted as the eastern edge of the landscape. Rumors surrounding the forest claimed it was haunted. Jaival walked out of the portal and slipped on his face.

  “Cool.” he announced to an invisible audience, amused, and annoyed by his entrance. He dusted himself off and rose to his feet to take a good look at his new surroundings. The air in Star World was thinner, the atmosphere, colder and less humid than on its sister planet. Sunlight shone over the low-cut grass. The field extended for miles, and in the far distance, Jaival saw a series of tall castles surrounded by fortified walls and gates. He immediately identified the fortress. After all, it was his destination – Eira Citadel.


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