Page 5
The description of the lingas in the riverbeds, caught Aven and Kavani's attention. The cataclysmic event had, since ancient times, been depicted with wave symbolism and the modern code also seemed to have water themes. The fact that this natural site was also considered the most holy, the very birthplace of the Khmer Empire did not slip their notice either.
Returning to the hotel, Kavani called her contact Derrick, at Water is Life. He had recently reported success in accessing ancient "holy water" tributaries to provide clean water sources on the peninsula city of Myeik, in Myanmar. His positive experience with this culture could prove beneficial in negotiating with the Social Science Research Council, the Buddhist Monastery and the Khmer Rouge. Kavani's legal mind was fully engaged, as she attempted to foresee any potential outcomes or obstacles and then develop resulting plans to counter or overcome. She preferred to be prepared.
Aven had used the stealth phone to text some new terms to Langley... Kelun, lingas, waterfall, Adulis, Jashar... to keep that engine moving forward as well, and then was jumping into the shower. He came into view, in just his tight CK trunks, trying to grab Kava's attention. She had much on her mind, but was easily distracted. Aven hadn't shaved in a few days. She loved just the right amount of stubble framing his jaw line.
"Shower with me?" His blue eyes undressing her.
"Think through a couple scenarios with me first”. Business first was her motto, but Aven in almost nothing was going to require stern self control to stay on task.
They worked through a game plan relatively quickly and soon ideas to expose the inner sanctum of the mountain gave way to exposure of a different kind. Aven had positioned himself behind Kava and was randomly nuzzling the back of her neck to her ear, whispering words reserved only for her. He had worked his hands under her shirt, messaging her breasts and turning everything 'on'. Soon she was wearing even less than him. She could feel him growing behind her. Entangled and naked they moved to the shower. Washing each other's bodies never got old, even after thousands of years the connection was commanding - All of their senses focused on each other. The evening progressed into the bedroom. Their union was powerful. Passionate and tender their movements a pounding expression of their love. Kava was amazing on top. Rotating and leaning, keen to find the most pleasurable positions. Tossing her about, in rough play, Aven loved pushing in deep, slowly and then quickly. Holding off the climax was near impossible, but oh so worth it. The tease of her scratch on his skin the ultimate satisfaction. A series of embraces ending in both bodies shaking, yet utter peace.
The morning would begin with the ascent of the 487 meter peak, but the evening's activities had proven a better work out, as they both lay sprawled on the bed covered in sweat.
The forested plateau at the mountain peak coupled with the crashing falls was breathtaking, but the energy here had both a drawing and revolting effect on Kavani's spirit.
"Something noble is linking me to this place", Kava told Aven. "Whether it is the staff or not is yet to be seen, but it is shrouded in magic that is opposed to my presence".
Both were barefoot and had brought head coverings to approach the sanctuary. "Perhaps I should enter the sanctuary alone, while you show your Water is Life credentials to the scientists at the preserve?" Aven suggested. He could sense a pending conflict in the spiritual realm and assumed the scientists might pose the weakest threat on that level.
The Buddhist monks were rather receptive to Aven's questions and respected his scholarly opinions in their discussions. Kava spotted one of the scientists at the mouth of the waterfall near one of the diverted bathing pools. As she crossed the bridge approaching the water, a surge of energy refreshed her mind. Across the face of the waterfall was an image of the goddess Venus cupping the crescent moon. Directing her gaze down, the image turned the water see through, making visible a cave behind the fall.
Another quake began to rumble the mountain, as Kava discovered the probable resting place of the moon controlling device. Inside the sanctuary, Aven knew Kavani was likely in a bit of a scuff. The monks also appeared to be more concerned than afraid of the earthquake. He followed their lead down a backside, spiral-stone staircase. The high spiral walls hid the staircase in what appeared to be a supporting pillar. The bottom steps spilled out into the pool created by the cascading waters. Aven rounded the last bend, just in time to see Kava slip behind the waterfall. The pounding water shielded her from view, but the monks did not hesitate to follow, knowing their destination apparently prior to descending the staircase. Aven continued his pursuit.
The cave was damp and dark, but the glow of Kavani's eyes lit her path. The hole was non- descript; plain compared to the grandeur and detail of the rest of Kulen. A pungent smell filled the small space - a true hell hole amidst the surrounding beauty. A pile of rods lay on the ground, dismissed of all worth to any visitors. The monks had entered the cave, many carrying rods themselves. They encircled Kavani, moving into fighting stance. Aven had also entered, ever ready for battle, with a lit flare he had tucked away in his backpack. The sparks from the flare easily lit the grotto. The orange robed monks appearing as a circle of fire. A few of the monks threw down their rods, which became vipers, hissing as they slithered toward Kavani. Without the slightest fumble, she reached into the pile and pulled out the rod calling to her. It instantly began budding in her hand. Blossoms of narcissus. She plucked the flowers, encircling herself in petals. The poisonous ring magically grew to shield off her potential attackers.
"Give up the rod. There is no honor in its power. You cannot stop what has already been put into motion”. The leader of the monks chanted, trying to cover the slight bit of hesitation in his voice. The poets of old had written to future keepers, the dangers of the staff. Anyone's skin who had ever touched it broke into leprosy. It was their enemy's tool. To their demise, the rod's power was reserved for a chosen few.
She threw down her rod and it also became a serpent, swallowing up the smaller snakes of her new found enemies. Under the lacey veil which covered her head, her eyes shown even brighter. She looked God-like. Her enemies were frozen in fear. She bent down to pick up the serpent by the tail and it instantly transformed back into her rod. In her hand the rod began to radiate white light and in a twinkling of an eye she vanished.
Aven dropped the flare. He couldn't believe she was gone. Still in shock, he realized the monks were moving towards him. He turned and ran, pushing through the waterfall and not breaking stride until he was deep into the Cambodian jungle. Bracing himself against a tree to rest, he remembered the moments in the cave. Unable to fight back the tears, he began to cry. He missed Kavani already.
His emotions were all over the map.
Excitement that Kavani had found a power source so obviously made for her...
Concern for what the bond meant and where she might be...
Sadness over their separation...
Fear from his lack of resources and able pursuants...
Wonder of what this all was leading towards and what more had been learned about the code...
He pulled out his SAT phone to pinpoint his location. The US Embassy in Phnom Penh was over 3 hours away. Assistance was not likely anyway, the ambassador didn't even know Aven was in his country. Best to find a way back into the populace, keep out of harm's way and wait for the extraction. They had what they had come for after all, at least he thought they did. He activated his emergency beacon, still anxious over Kavani's absence.
Kavani blinked her eyes, as the dark of the cave gave way to bright sunlight. She was alone, but recognized her surroundings immediately. Straight in front of her was the Roman Coliseum, she was standing on the grounds of the forum amidst the ruins of the ancient Temple of Venus. Within Venus' cella, Kava noticed the alter where newlywed couples could make sacrifices. Venus represented love (Amor in Latin). AMOR is ROMA spelled backwards, a back-to back symmetry which had always connected the Goddess and the city. She thought of Aven. She knew he could "take care
of himself," but was concerned all the same.
Looking up she noticed two women approaching from the Palatine Hill. She had all but forgot the budding staff she clutched in her hand. No place to conceal the rather large element now, besides her visitors seemed a welcome presence.
As they became more visible, one of them spoke, "Greetings Kavani, the poets of old foretold of your return”.
"Malin & Citlalli, I've missed you my sisters!" Kavani replied as she squeezed them both.
"Our journey to earth has been delayed, waiting for you to embrace your true self”. Malin Ali explained. "In your original time Kavani, the prophecy was written of the great flood, many cultures have warned of the coming event, but thousands of years have passed since you were linked to Aphrodite and her many names throughout time... Ishta, Hathor, Cypris, Acadalia, Venus. Now is the time of your calling”.
"My calling?" Kava questioned with a giggle. "You two are the actual Goddesses, I'm the mere mortal here”.
"You are more than a mere mortal Kavani, the chosen vessel for Venus is unique and powerful. We are unable to manifest ourselves in a human spirit, only the Moon Goddess herself has this gift. She has poured her very essence into you... the two of you are one”.
"The Stars and flowers, our patron subjects, bow to your command”. Citlalli added.
"Yes, your Narcissus flowers have already come to my aide”. Kavani confirmed, gesturing to the budding rod. "What can you tell me of Aven's well being?"
"Alas, Antipater is safe. Aven befits him as a namesake in this modern era. The beauty of your love is true to your identity”. Malin smiled as she thought of their endless passion for each other across time and space.
Being back in Italy reminded Kavani of her time together with Antipater on the Costiera Amalfitana. They had experienced so much of life together, she could not imagine, not being close to him. "Is he still near Cambodia?"
"The stars reveal his destiny keeps him where you two parted”. Citlalli answered.
Indeed Aven had been extracted and set to rendezvous with the SEAL reconnaissance team, tracking the missing Russian captain. The Chinook, carrying the team, landed outside the US Embassy in Phnom Penh. The entry palms were bending in the sudden tsunami from the blades of the helicopter. Ushering everyone into a meeting room, the commander began the brief.
"We have been tracking Captain Anton Vasily's movements. He is using an alias, but his face popped up on our radar and we tagged him in northern Pakistan. He is currently in Nepal. His south-eastern path indicates an intersection point in Thailand. We have been monitoring his engagements, but nothing has proven suspicious enough to 'spook him' with outright contact. We anticipate an increased threat ratio once he crosses the border into Thailand and intend to be in close proximity for any random exchange”.
Aven was relieved to learn that Vasily was being monitored, but too many pieces to the puzzle were still missing and so was Kavani. The door to the conference room burst open. The ambassador's aide entered the room, grabbed the remote for the flat screen monitor, and clicked on the news.
"Ambassador, excuse my interruption, but you had instructed me that in my monitoring of the Thai situation, if there was any change, to inform you immediately”.
It was a live report on the status of the government in Thailand. Realizing the relevance of the topic, all eyes focused on the screen.
"Initially, we held out hope that the military would move relatively quickly to transfer power to a civilian government and move towards free and fair elections. However, recent events have shown that the current military coup is both more repressive and likely to last”. A crawler along the bottom of the screen indicated the report was coming from the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs.
"The ruling military council has continuously summoned, detained, and intimidated hundreds of political figures, academics, journalists, online commentators, and peaceful protesters. It continues to censor local media sources and the internet, and is attempting to block international media as well. The borders have been closed with one of our five treaty allies in Asia. Our increased military coordination and cooperation via joint exercises has developed and strengthened the Thai position. We have called for the immediate restoration of civilian rule. The coup is a threat to regional as well as global stability. This step backwards, in an attempt to solve political frustrations is not..." The broadcast began to fuzz and then fade to black.
"The threat has escalated. I will get an update on our mission parameters from D.C. Be ready to move at a moment's notice. Let's stop this soup sandwich, from being force fed to the rest of the world. Hooyahhh!" Hooyah was the response as the Commander dismissed the team.
The embassy had retrieved their luggage from the hotel in Siem Reap. Being escorted to a room to wait, Aven was pleasantly surprised to see his bags. He quickly checked the side pocket of his messenger bag in search of his personal cell. He powered it on, ecstatic to see the lock screen indicating a text from Kavani, "I'm in Rome, the Temple of Venus”.
336 B.C.
Antipater returned to Kavani's room after breaking the grip of the royal guard. Allatore was by her side, ready in defense.
"Aristotle traced the poison to the wine, my gift to Alexander”. Antipater explained. "We must return to Aristotle's secret cellar, drawing little attention to our movements. The only other who knows of this refuge is Alexander, and he is in no position to reveal the secret”.
After some time Aristotle returned home, not too surprised to find his hiding guests. "The toxin in the wine is a poison ivy. The dregs remaining in Alexander's glass dyed a pinkish hue, so not likely the common green ivy, but the white variety from Rhodes. Your glass contained no trace of poison Antipater. I can only withhold my findings for a short time. It does not look good for you my friend”.
"This is the work of Olympias”. Kavani asserted. "Part of her ritual ceremony in Rhodes involved potions with the toxin of the white ivy. Olympias is very familiar with this tonic”.
"As it sounds, so are you", was Aristotle's quick response. "I have no desire to challenge your loyalty or doubt Antipater's judgment, but your being here will also be viewed as suspicious. It was not difficult to work the city into a frenzy over your presence. In your short time with us, you have obtained the title of 'witch' and been held under house arrest to investigate your own intentions toward Alexander. I hate to bear this news, but the time for you two in Macedon is closing quickly. I will champion your cause in the courts, but I counsel you to defend your honor from afar”.
"As my teacher, your words have directed my path many times before. I'm tempted to argue, but now have another to protect. As well as a companion to enjoy life, apart from title and free to take pleasure in without judgment or threat”, Antipater replied. "Keep us informed of Alexander's outcome. In his death, Macedon will face many dangers”.
"Where will your travels lead you?" Aristotle asked, but all present were curious as to Antipater's response.
"To Rhodes”. He replied with a bit of a question in his statement.
"Perhaps for a short time my love, but it is an obvious choice, leaving us easy prey, should Alexander's outcome be for the worst”. Kavani interjected.
"Sage advice Kavani”. Aristotle commended. "I still have contacts on Miletus, explorers who are colonizing the Italian Peninsula. My word would be enough to grant access on an expedition ship, under the guise of seeking further studies with the Roman scholar Lucan. The Roman Empire is not an enemy of Alexander. In fact, in many ways they praise his feats of battle, and maybe more importantly, Alexander nor Olympias are likely to pursue you in this direction... Alexander's eyes are set to the east”.
"The reports of the region of Calabria do describe a land secure and lush”. Antipater agreed. Their plan was taking shape quickly and would need to be implemented equally as fast. Allatore had secured them a vessel with safe passage the previous night, simply awaiting a destination.
/> Kavani and Antipater bid their allies farewell and set sail for the Isle of Rhodes. Within days they had word of Alexander's return to consciousness as well as warnings of patrols being dispersed searching for their whereabouts. The largest garrison being dispatched to Rhodes.
"My friend, Alexander the Great still lives, perhaps we should return to Macedon and petition our state of affairs?" Antipater posed, learning the news.
"One does not drink poison to kill an enemy. We know not if Alexander is a friend or foe." Kavani responded.
"Fleeing, we may always be running”. Antipater countered.
"But running together! We put ourselves in grave danger by exposing our position to our attacker”. Kavani continued. "While he is away from his campaigns in the east, his forces are at full strength. Let us move away from Alexander's immediate grip. Even to Andalusia if needed. Aristotle has prepared passage for us let us not dismiss this opportunity. I'm sorry if I cause offense, but Alexander is no longer your brother, supporter or friend”.
"He did hold you in house arrest against my will”. Antipater conceded.
Screams from the outer room stopped their conversation short. Antipater looked out of the balcony to the natural harbor below. Recognizing Alexander's flag from the ship in port, he reached for his sword and entered the outer room.
Soldiers, bearing Alexander's sun crest, were ripping their way through the chambers, assaulting everyone in their path, with no regard for their threat level, age or gender. It was a massacre, child servants lay wounded as well as Kavani's maidens, as the attackers turned over tables and burst open doors in search of their final quarry.
Antipater struck hard, beating down the advance team. Telios and Eliyon, Kavani's personal guards were at his side until the confrontation was complete and no further aggressors were left standing. They set the ship on fire to ensure no stowaways would provide any further surprises. Returning to Kavani, they found her sitting in the moonlight, lost in deep meditation. The wounds of the children healed and the presumed dead returning to differing stages of consciousness. Her power was well beyond what Antipater had even imagined. She opened her eyes, looking about at her healing household and finally setting her gaze on Antipater.