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Real Love 1 (If Only You Were Mine)

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by H. H. Fowler

  Levi smiled, deeming himself a lucky man. To have a woman like Sasha in his presence, even if it was only for ten minutes, was enough to take him through the rest of the week. He was not out to destroy the relationship between Drake and Sasha. But he couldn’t deny the burgeoning feelings that he harbored on the inside for Sasha. As a matter of fact, he’d had his eyes on Sasha for a long time, long before Drake ever dreamt of confessing his love to her.

  The thing was: As children, growing up on the deeply religious island of Devin’s Cay, boys and girls weren’t allowed to play together alone after they reached a certain age. And with Levi being older than both Drake and Sasha by almost four years, he’d long since passed through the rigors of puberty before them. His height and hair that sprouted everywhere on his developing body, made him look like a grown man at thirteen years old. So Levi could understand why mothers would want to keep their nine-year-old girls from the boys of his intimidating size. After all, the preachers on the island assiduously taught that puberty marked sexual maturity, which was a time when boys’ desire for sex was at its peak.

  However, the lack of fellowship with Sasha not only put an unfair distance between them, but it placed Levi at a disadvantage. While Drake and Sasha and the other nine-year-olds continued to play their childhood games together, Levi was forced to pursue other friendships with boys closer to his age, particularly with Drake’s two older brothers. Soon, being the only man in the house, he was thrust into a life of responsibilities and gradually forgot what it was like to tease Sasha about her ponytails and freckled face. It wasn’t until Drake and Sasha joined him in high school and he got to see Sasha on a constant basis that he awakened to her beauty and maturity. But by then, Drake had officially declared Sasha as his girlfriend.

  Levi’s walk down memory lane was interrupted by the sound of Sasha’s voice, who’d just opened the passenger side door of his car.

  “Wow, this is a surprise,” she joked, “I wasn’t expecting you to be here on time.”

  Levi smirked, loving how this girl was messing with him. “Please, come in the car and sit down. I have something I want to show you.”

  Sasha’s gaze brushed passed Levi’s hairy thighs. It was less than a second but her brain had already taken a snapshot of the image from the last time. This time, however, she felt the pressure of temptation heating the tips of her ears. Should she get into the car or should she not?

  “Just in case you need to be reminded,” Sasha said, as she climbed into the passenger seat and shut the door, “people talk. I don’t want my name all over the place saying I’m riding all around with you while my fiancé is in Ohio, trying to make life better for us.”

  “Well, if they knew Drake had assigned me to take care of you while he is not here,” Levi replied, “they would mind their own business, wouldn’t they?”

  Sasha shot Levi a look of reproof. “Now we both know that people’s perception doesn’t work that way. Especially these nosey church folks. The Bible says we are to not let our good be evil spoken of.”

  “So now you’re calling me evil?”

  “Don’t twist my words. You know what I mean.”

  “Maybe I do; maybe I don’t.”

  “And what is that supposed to mean?”

  “Well, let’s see…I practically have to beg you to accept my kind gestures. You don’t call me often enough and I can go on. But please help me understand why you treat me so badly?”

  “Oh my word!” Sasha exclaimed. “Please tell me that we are not having this conversation?”

  Levi laughed. “I’m right, aren’t I? You do think I’m evil.”

  “I don’t think that you’re evil, Levi. I am an engaged woman and I’m simply saying that my spending time with you could be misconstrued.”

  Levi held in his response as he slipped into the light traffic. He was on cloud nine, simply because Sasha was sitting in his car. They didn’t even have to say another word. The chemistry between them was loud enough.

  “Can I ask you a personal question?” Levi inquired after driving half a mile.

  “Does it have to do with Drake?”

  “Am I that transparent?”

  “No…but you and Drake are always talking about each other, so I simply made the assumption.”

  “Well, this question is really about you.”

  Sasha gave Levi a side glance. “Oh?”

  Levi smiled. “What’s wrong? You don’t like talking about yourself?”

  “No, it isn’t that…well, yeah…I do mind a little. It depends on what is being said.”

  “Well, let’s give it a try.” Levi proceeded when Sasha appeared to give him the green light with an inquisitive expression. “I know that you love Drake, but are you really in love with him? You two have been exclusively dating from junior high and we both know that desires change as we get older –”

  “Don’t go any further,” Sasha said. “I see where you’re heading with this.”


  “Yes. But let me set the record straight. Drake is the love of my life and I can’t imagine living without him. My love and admiration for Drake has only grown over the years and I can’t see myself being with anyone else. I hope that answers your question.”

  That is such a text-book answer, Levi wanted to say, but instead, he replied with a smile, “Thank you…you can relax now. I promise I won’t ask you any more off-the-wall questions.”

  For the rest of the five-minute commute, Levi let silence rule, but not without the sensual lyrics of R Kelly playing softly in the background. Your Body’s Callin’ – a 1994 old school favorite of those men intending to make a play for the object of their desire. Surprisingly, Sasha didn’t object to the song, which made Levi think that maybe his intuition was not leading him astray. Sasha wanted him as much as he wanted her, but she didn’t know how to make the first move. That nonsense about her still being in love with Drake was a cop out. However, Levi assessed, now was not the right time to make any bolder moves. He was certain to scare Sasha away.

  He pulled into the parking lot of a mechanic shop, right in front of Sasha’s blue Toyota hatchback. The mechanic had just slammed down the hood and was making his way toward them. Sasha narrowed her eyes at Levi.

  “What is my car doing here?” she questioned.

  Levi shrugged. “When Drake told me to take care of you, I took that to heart, which includes fixing your car. Though I’m a bit disappointed you won’t be riding along with me anymore, I wanted to make you happy more than anything else.”

  “Wow, Levi, you didn’t have to do this. I told you –”

  “I know what you told me. Now the only thing I want to hear from you is, ‘thank you’.”

  Sasha was indeed grateful, but she was also not one who benefited off of others for free. “How much do I owe you?”

  “Seriously? Just say thank you…that’s all I want to hear from you.”

  With that devilish smirk on Levi’s face, Sasha was still wary of trusting Levi’s motives. “I mean, for real. What’s the catch? Because no one does anything for free.”

  “Aw, girl, you’re hurting my feelings. But since you insist…”

  Sasha exclaimed. “You see? I knew you had an ulterior motive! Tell me, what is it that you want?”

  If I told you what I really want, you would fall out. “Well,” Levi said, adjusting his perverse thoughts. “I was hoping you would have dinner with me tomorrow night.”

  “And that’s it? Just dinner?”

  “No pressure, no weird questions. I just want to grab something to eat. Besides, we all used to be friends growing up. What harm is there in two buddies sharing an innocent moment together?”

  A lot, Sasha wanted to say. Instead, for the second time that day, Sasha sighed away that uncomfortable feeling in her stomach.

  “I will have dinner with you on one condition,” she proposed.

  “Okay, let’s hear it.”

  “Dinner has to be at a restaurant or some
public place, not at your house.”

  Levi seemed pensive for a moment before he nodded his head. “Agreed. I know just the right place to take you. I promise that you will enjoy it.”

  Chapter Four

  Present Time

  It was well into the evening when Drake and Sasha finally made it into their honeymoon suite at the Pink Haven Guesthouse – just five miles off the coast of Devin’s Cay. They would have stayed at the famous Smithson hotel not far from the church, but the Pink Haven Guesthouse was owned by Drake’s uncle, who offered the couple three free nights in the form of a wedding gift. It was a huge blessing because Drake and Sasha had nearly drained their bank accounts in the process of planning for their vintage wedding, and securing the first and last month’s rent for a cozy cottage.

  While Sasha took to the bathroom, hatching a surprise for her husband with some very sexy items she’d purchased just for this special evening, Drake stood in the mirror, slowly undoing his white tuxedo shirt. He couldn’t believe that he was a married man. After years of promising to make Sasha his wife, he’d finally pulled it off. His father must be turning over in his grave, upset that his malicious words hadn’t come to pass. Even though there remained a few who tossed their negative opinions at his relationship with Sasha, it was Drake’s father who candidly said that Sasha would never marry a preacher, much less be happy with one.

  According to his father, there wasn’t any real money in preaching and Drake was only wasting his time pursuing a degree in theology. But Drake was not in it for the money. He had a genuine passion for ministry and had sensed a strong calling upon his life ever since he was a child. But if his father could see him now, Drake thought with a feeling of accomplishment, his father would have no other choice but to accept that he’d been wrong about everything. Drake had successfully obtained a BA in Biblical Studies with honors, installed as an Associate Pastor and now he’d married the woman of his dreams, all of which he’d done before the age of twenty-five.

  It hadn’t been easy growing up with a father who found it hard to validate his son. He remembered that first year at Valor Christian College in Columbus, Ohio being a year of constant tears. His father continued to insult him and had refused to pay one cent toward his pursuits. Thankfully, Drake had obtained a full three-year scholarship from Rev. Henderson, and with the monthly financial assistance from his mother, he was able to live abroad without going to bed hungry. God had been good to him.

  But Drake would not be telling the truth if he said that he’d cried when his father collapsed from a heart attack two years ago. In fact, he didn’t really feel anything except anger and deep hurt for what his father had done to him over the years. The man never apologized. Maybe it was because his father was expecting him to follow in the paths of his two older brothers who were incredibly successful by the world’s standards.

  His father may have even been expecting him to exceed their accomplishments. And even though Drake never got the opportunity to show his father that he had what it took to be a success, which he’d done by choosing a completely different path from his brothers, the only thing left for Drake to do was to ask God to help him forgive his father – just so that he could move past the hurt and live his life without remorse.

  Bringing his mind back into the moment, Drake stuck his hands in his pants pockets to clear them out, but he decided to forego the thought when he heard the bathroom door click open. Sasha waltzed out wearing black and white lingerie with white fur running along both the sleeves and neckline. Her feet were firmly snugged into a pair of red heels, which she used to show off her naturally sexy sway.

  “You like?”

  Drake laughed. “I hadn’t any idea that you were so courageous, considering this is our first time.”

  “I thought I would be all panicky and nervous with you, but…” Sasha paused to reveal the custom-designed jewelry pieces Hunter Rose had given them. She then pulled Drake in for a hot kiss. “But then I saw what was written on these beautiful bracelets and thought about how long I’ve been waiting for this moment – for more than twelve years – I realize I haven’t anything to be nervous about. I love you and my whole desire is to make you happy.”

  “Well, Mrs. Beckford, you certainly have my attention,” Drake said, taking one of the bracelets to read the engraved words. “Nothing shall separate us. Good God, what a powerful declaration of our commitment to each other. Your friend knows real love when she sees it.”

  “I said the same thing when I read it,” Sasha said. “She’s a sweetheart to have designed such special pieces for us. And I was emboldened by it.”

  Drake locked his fingers around Sasha’s waist. “Are you sure you are ready to consummate our marriage? I assumed you would be tired from all of today’s activities and would need to rest…”

  Sasha quieted Drake with another hot kiss. “Stop talking, baby and let’s get this show on the road.”

  Drake didn’t object, but he did ponder for a brief minute the haste with which Sasha wanted to make love. It was in stark contrast to her innocuous, reverent-type personality. And with both of them being virgins, Drake assumed that Sasha would want to take things slowly. However, when she pushed him onto the mattress and straddled his thighs, Drake immediately became aware that the Sasha he knew growing up probably wasn’t the same Sasha who’d said ‘I do’ six hours ago – or maybe he was just getting acquainted with this side of her. Nonetheless, he was beginning to immensely enjoy this fiery switch in his new wife.

  About five minutes into the heavy kissing, Sasha slid to her feet, pulling Drake up along with her. She swayed a little ways from him and struck a provocative pose.

  “I want to dance for you,” she said. “Stay right where you are. I’m coming to you.”

  Drake found himself amused. “Where did you learn all this stuff? Because I must say, you’re blowing every inch of my mind right now.”

  Sasha smiled in response, comforted by the look on her husband’s face. She could tell that he approved of her, and it was very important that he had. Because if he hadn’t approved, after waiting to be together all these years, it would crush Sasha’s heart. She wanted to be everything that Drake had envisioned in a wife. His standards were high and Sasha couldn’t stand disappointing him.

  She soon noticed Drake’s jaws relaxed from one end to the next and that stiffness in his shoulders had all but disappeared. Maybe her decision to initiate the fireworks had paid off, because she’d somehow gotten Drake to loosen up. He wasted no more time watching her dance moves, which were substandard at best. He rushed toward her and in one swoop, picked her up from the floor and carried her to the bed. Sasha never dreamt in a million years that Drake’s touch would have been as electrifying. She melted in his arms like wax and wished the moment would never end.


  The Blue Marlin was one of the three exclusive night clubs on Devin’s Cay where patrons were required to gain entry by a monthly subscription. Of course, being a member came with several perks, one of which included free cocktails on the weekends, along with free passes to voyeurism in a private spot called the Champagne Room. Levi was the head bartender and was considered many of the patrons’ preferred server, who wouldn’t think twice about leaving him substantial amounts in tips. It went a long way in helping Levi to purchase a three-bedroom house on one of the nicer properties of Devin’s Cay.

  A well-known cougar who simply went by the name Mama Dee sauntered toward the bar, pulled out a stool and sat on it. She was outfitted in a black leather jumpsuit, which looked as if it had been painted on her. She was a longtime member of the Blue Marlin and was rumored to have had many memorable escapades with the young men who worked at the night club. Her long fake eyelashes, and glistening red lips were her trademarks used to entice. However, there was one young man she couldn’t sway to her bedroom. No matter the amount of money she tossed at his feet.

  She took one puff of her Virginia Slims, locking her Jezebel gaze on him. “Levi, d
arlin’,” she purred. “Why the long face tonight?”

  Levi cracked a half-smile, although he preferred to be left alone. “Why do you care?” he spat. “The only thing you want from me is my body.”

  “And what silly woman wouldn’t?” Mama Dee countered. “You’re one hell of a catch! Tall, dark and ridiculously handsome. You must work out every day at the gym.”

  Levi ignored Mama Dee’s attempt to swell his ego. “Well, you know that I’m off of the market.”

  “So you keep telling me. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop trying.” Mama Dee slapped a U.S. fifty-dollar bill on the granite countertop. “Fix me the usual, so that I can get drunk and lure some other unsuspecting young blood.”

  The DJ began playing a string of old school love ballads as opposed to the party rhythms that sent the crowd into its usual frenzy. Freddy Jackson’s, You Are My Lady was one of Levi’s favorites because the lyrics described the exact way he felt about Sasha. Soon, the lyrics began to eat away at the hole in Levi’s heart – more so than it ever had in all the years he’d known Sasha. Today was the day he’d lost the love of his life to his best friend. The pain was indescribable.

  “You know, darlin’, I can fix whatever is bothering you,” Mama Dee offered. “I’m really good at what I do.”

  The only thing you’re good at is passing on your sexually transmitted diseases, Levi thought. No thank you! He slid a mug in front of Mama Dee that was half-filled with an alcoholic concoction known as ‘Red Death.’ Bright red in color, and sweet to the taste, but was by no means considered a girly drink. Levi then turned his back to Mama Dee, refusing to entertain her vile advances any longer.

  “Go ahead, Levi. Continue to ignore me,” the middle-aged woman spat. “You will need my services one day. I promise you that much.”

  She grudgingly grabbed her drink and slid down off of the stool. She made a beeline to the dance floor and in no time found a dancing partner, who no doubt would leave with her by the end of the evening. Levi was more than relieved to have that brute off of his back. And he was even more relieved that the scene wasn’t as busy as other nights. It gave him time to reflect on the good times with Sasha without being constantly distracted.


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