An Honest Ghost
Page 13
We sat for: Peter Cameron Someday This Pain Will Be
Useful To You 32
“Listen, my dear: Noel Coward Pomp and Circumstance
“You mustn’t be: J. M. Coetzee Waiting for the Barbarians
Eleanor was silent: Ivy Compton-Burnett Parents and
Children 31
“To forgive, it: Charles Burkhart I. Compton-Burnett 13
“Yes, I can: Colm Toibin The Master 206
I was having: Gary Krist The Garden State 139
“The ancients have: Amy Hempel Reasons To Live 47
I wanted to: David Lehman, ed. Great American Prose
Poems 293
“What every man: Glenway Wescott Continual Lessons 359
And I confess: Lydie Salvayre Power of Flies 65
Essentially, we would: Leo Bersani A Future for Astyanax
The whole point: Susan Sontag Reborn 81
It is only: Noel Coward Pomp and Circumstance 124
I disapprove of: Evan S. Connell Mrs. Bridge 8
If you’re going: Fran Lebowitz Reader 120
Eleanor laughed: Ann Weil Eleanor Roosevelt: Fighter for
Social Justice 13
She stopped abruptly: Sylvia Townsend Warner Summer
Will Show 102
She gave a: James Lasdun The Horned Man 52
“I love this: David McConnell Firebrat 122
She is elegantly: W. G. Sebald Unrecounted 94
Right now, finally: Justin Taylor Everything Here is the
Best Thing Ever 13
All at once: David Levithan The Full Spectrum 165
Then something opened: John Banville The Untouchable
“My dear Eleanor: Jane Austen Northanger Abbey 102
Finally, much exasperated: Alfred Chester Jamie Is My
Heart’s Desire 252
“If you ever: J. D. Salinger Nine Stories 31
I don’t know: Richard Rodriguez Brown 92
She could sit: D. H. Lawrence Stories Vol III 647
Ketchup on nearly: Sherrie Eldridge 20 Things Adopted
Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew 20
Neither of us: Justin Taylor Everything Here is the Best
Thing Ever 12
“Wouldn’t you like: J. M. Coetzee Waiting for the
Barbarians 89
She was one: V. S. Pritchett Dead Man Leading 25
“But I hate: Kenneth Silverman Begin Again 87
She is a: Stephen Benatar Wish Her Safe at Home vi
“I could use: Justin Taylor Everything Here is the Best
Thing Ever 12
“When I was: Sherrie Eldridge 20 Things Adopted Kids
Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew 26
It was a: Mark Epstein Psychotherapy without the Self: A
Buddhist Perspective 194
I drank two: Wayne Koestenbaum Moira Orfei in Aigues
Mortes 23
I’ve pulled a lot: Jonathan Ames I Love You 119
Now I am: Walter Benjamin Illuminations 67
I flinched when: Brane Mozetic Banalities 17
Writing is a: Cyril Connolly The Condemned Playground
This night was: David Levithan The Full Spectrum 187
I sat still: Rob Stephenson Passes Through 24
The dahlias were: Jean Genet Funeral Rites 32
My father is: Sylvia Townsend Warner Summer Will Show
He arrived late: Brane Mozetic Banalities 5
One of his: Danilo Kiš Encyclopedia of the Dead 3
Understand that I: Teju Cole Open City 188
A father who: Marie Chaix The Laurels of Lake Constance
Occultism is the: Theodor Adorno Stars Down to Earth 175
I have been: John Banville The Untouchable 307
Think of the: Frederick Seidel Area Code 212 7
That’s corruption: Robert Frost The Notebooks of Robert
Frost 51
From fifteen on: Gertrude Stein Wars I Have Seen 30
But how can: Leo Bersani A Future for Astyanax 167
“Why am I: Hugh Kenner The Pound Era 24
With history piling: David Lehman, ed. Great American
Prose Poems 151
These questions carry: W. G. Sebald After Nature 106
Should a homosexual: Leo Bersani Homos 113
That’s the thing: Edmund Wilson Axel’s Castle 236
If I had: Albert Camus The Fall 21
“The hero is: Bertolt Brecht Galileo 66
The sooner the: J. M. Coetzee Waiting for the Barbarians
Jesus wept: James Joyce Ulysses 38
No spirit exists: Theodor Adorno Stars Down to Earth 179
I surprised myself: Alfred Chester Jamie is My Heart’s
Desire 31
I don’t have: Rebecca Godfrey The Torn Skirt 181
I could use: Wayne Koestenbaum Moira Orfei in Aigues
Mortes 32
Summertime shudders: Richard Strauss Four Last Songs II.
Four days pass: David Leavitt The Indian Clerk 281
“I need some: Colm Tobin The Master 302
This is not: Theodor Adorno Stars Down to Earth 181
“If you get: Alfred Chester The Exquisite Corpse 178
Thanks for everything: Justin Spring Secret Historian 158
The solitude was: Harry Mathews The Journalist 5
I want to: Mark Scott A Bedroom Occupation 62
But nobody comes: Franz Kafka The Complete Stories 337
Because Joe was: Ron Padgett Joe 185
Joe answered: Ron Padgett Joe 63
As compensation what: Charles Dickens Great
Expectations 164
Ignorant and lazy: James Merrill The Changing Light at
Sandover 15
“Come and sit: D. H. Lawrence Collected Stories Vol IV
He is the: Addicted: Notes from the Belly of the Beast
(Whitaker) 200
“In a recent: Adam Phillips On Balance 162
Yes, he says: Sarah Bakewell How to Live 53
The reasonable man: Edna O’Brien James Joyce 224
“You cannot train: Edward Mendelson Early Auden 20
That, I think: Adam Thirwell Delighted States 26
As the nineteenth-century: Sarah Bakewell How to Live 53
He was soon: Joseph P. Lash Eleanor and Franklin 386
For too many: Marion Meade Eleanor of Acquitaine 267
“I do hope: Douglas Crase Both 195
A letter from: Joseph P. Lash Eleanor and Franklin 345
She felt that: Jack London The Game 92
“Come to Spain: Barbara Pym Jane and Prudence 200
“You know, Joe: D. H. Lawrence Collected Stories Vol IV
Women are not: Henry James Portrait of a Lady 247
There is, I: Fran Lebowitz Reader 105
“What about this: Patrick White Vivisector 419
The next day: D. H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers 105
Her gaiety had: Robert Walser The Assistant 156
She behaved flawlessly: Edna O’Brien James Joyce 148
“Hello, sweetheart: J. D. Salinger Franny and Zooey 188
You see I: Edith Wharton The Age of Innocence 21
“As you know: Colm Tobin The Master 265
I doubted that: Binnie Kirshenbaum Pure Poetry 49
“All my life: Charles Kaiser The Gay Metropolis 192
Certainly there was: Proust Sodom and Gomorrah 52
Maybe a chemical: David Gilbert Remote Feed 206
For Eleanor, the: Marion Meade Eleanor of Acquitaine 238
Presently the lad: D. H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers 4
She said a: Paula Fox The Coldest Winter 78
That is when: Ralph Sassone The Intimates 35
He was still: Richard Ellmann James Joyce 139
She is absurdly: John Banville The Infinities 69
A dim antagonism: James Joyce Portrait of the Artist as a
Young Man 218
Her eyes, however: Henry James Portrait of a Lady 150
But Joe said: James Joyce Dubliners 173
He has a: Richard Ellmann James Joyce 137
“I need a: John Banville The Untouchable 274
The more clearly: Patrick White Vivisector 424
“Yes,” she sighed: Patrick White Vivisector 436
“So there’ll be: Rachel Ingalls Mrs. Caliban 80
Strange words to: J. M. Coetzee Elizabeth Costello 28
“Look here,” he: Sherwood Anderson Winesburg, Ohio 141
“A person’s a: Dr. Seuss Horton Hears a Who (no page
So adult did: Evan S. Connell Mrs. Bridge 11
Then, on a: J. D. Salinger Franny and Zooey 134
The ways of women: David Leavitt The Indian Clerk 282
This was a: Charles Dickens Great Expectations 80
“I just can’t: T. J. Parsell Fish 290
“She thinks I’m: Sherwood Anderson Winesburg, Ohio 206
We have heard: Alex Ross The Rest is Noise 541
Later Joe was: Ron Padgett Joe 14
He was one: Vladimir Nabokov Laughter in the Dark 72
He’s a funny: David Gilbert Remote Feed 88
Normality is a: Herbert Marcuse Eros and Civilization 246
But many things: Franz Kafka The Complete Stories 286
Inadequate as he: Sarah Bakewell How to Live 54
His waking hours: Edmund White Nocturnes for the King
of Naples 130
Time would take: Evan S. Connell Mrs. Bridge 23
But few people: Richard Ellmann James Joyce 138
“Oh, I know: John Banville The Untouchable 209
Joe shuffled down: Sarah Schulman The Child 18
“Let me deceive: Giacomo Casanova History of My Life
Going upstairs, the: Patrick White Vivisector 456
“Dad understands that: Kenneth Silverman Begin Again
This rings absolutely: Gore Vidal Inventing a Nation 175
“What should I: Paula Fox The Coldest Winter 68
“That’s just what: Charles Dickens Great Expectations 168
Even as they: John Ashbery April Galleons 2
Her influence over: Edna O’Brien James Joyce 135
Is dead: Christopher Isherwood A Single Man 13
He was destined: James Joyce Portrait of the Artist as a
Young Man 219
Eleanor did not: Bertolt Brecht Galileo 81
“He was born: Amanda Michalopoulo I’d Like 112
How can they: Michael Cunningham By Nightfall 31
She builds an: Stephen Benatar Wish Her Safe at Home ix
Eleanor’s view prevailed: Joseph P. Lash Eleanor and
Franklin 175
It was life: James Joyce Finnegans Wake 478
Silence: MiKiš TheodoraKiš Journal of Resistance 155
Now that’s what: Sam Massey Return of the Greek 45
“Well, this would: F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby 88
There is a woman: Susan Sontag I, etcetera: Stories 15
David closed his: Eleanor Porter Just David 193
“Life has been: Colm Tobin The Master 230
“Sounds dreadful: Evan S. Connell Mrs. Bridge 27
He was smoking: Mary McCarthy The Group 159
He was freshly: Colm Tobin The Master 220
And it begins: David Thomson Have You Seen…? 37
Style is an: H. G. Wells The Time Machine 78
I turned on: James Lasdun Horned Man 41
Nothing and everything: Edna O’Brien James Joyce 16
“Chopin, eh?: David Leavitt The Indian Clerk 127
It was Stravinsky: Alan Bennett Writing Home 39
Despite everything that: Ben Marcus Notable American
Women 70
Messages from an: Alan Bennett Writing Home 229
And then there’s: Elizabeth Gilbert Last American Man 217
To cook is: Shunryu Suzuki Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind 53
How much my: Franz Kafka The Complete Stories 285
Every moment it: Montaigne Selected Essays 25
At this moment: Honoré de Balzac Lost Illusions 611
“Darling, is there: Andrew Holleran Dancer from the
Dance 217
To this crucial: Lydie Salvayre The Award 74
“Oh God,” he: Andrew Holleran Dancer from the Dance
Every time he: Sherwood Anderson Winesburg, Ohio 144
He is ill-mannered: Edmund Wilson Axel’s Castle 79
Seen from a: Alex Ross The Rest is Noise 527
He tops, for: Justin Taylor Everything Here is the Best
Thing Ever 119
I consider my: Rebecca Godfrey The Torn Skirt 164
It is made: Hugh Kenner The Pound Era 182
Just a few: Addicted: Notes from the Belly of the Beast
(Whitaker) 193
And that’s what: Adam Phillips On Balance 223
That’s just the: Denis Donoghue American Classics 234
How was it: Edmund Wilson Axel’s Castle 139
You’re always hearing: Binne Kirshenbaum Pure Poetry 49
Such are the: James Lasdun Horned Man 61
There are moments: Thomas Dumm Loneliness as a Way
of Life 12
In the real: John Ashbery Flow Chart 197
I remember that: Rudyard Kipling Kim 259
But, in all: James Blake The Joint 155
To be is: Hugh Kenner The Pound Era 164
David, at the: Eleanor Porter Just David 88
“Do you want: J. D. Salinger Franny and Zooey 147
I came here: Sherwood Anderson Winesburg, Ohio 162
Funny is almost: Justin Taylor Everything Here is the Best
Thing Ever 136
David was one: Honoré de Balzac Lost Illusions 567
“Is it naïve: Elizabeth Gilbert Last American Man 254
He Kišsed my: T. J. Parsell Fish 160
“I cannot tell: George Eliot Middlemarch 18
Indeed, I thought: Heinrich Kleist Selected Prose 267
He began to: W. Somerset Maugham The Razor’s Edge 141
But in a: Richard Wollheim Painting as an Art 285
“I was once: Mary Jo Bang/Dante The Inferno 17
This had never: Charles Kaiser The Gay Metropolis 198
Is he just: Michael Cunningham By Nightfall 6
“I was not: Giacomo Casanova History of My Life 685
David was radically: E. F. Benson David Blaize 301
“David, you are: Philip Roth Professor of Desire 125
“I’m beginning to: Brenda McCreight Parenting Your
Adopted Older Child 189
Is that not: James Joyce Portrait of the Artist as a Young
Man 137
David smiles, shyly: John Waters Role Models 225
How well I’m: Justin Spring Secret Historian 169
David had been: John Waters Role Models 221
“Fertilize your inner: Lydie Salvayre The Award 76
“Shall we speak: Bertolt Brecht Galileo 89
Who wrote this: David Gilbert Remote Feed 152
Dinner was not: Bruce Duffy The World As I Found It 450
Far from it: Søren Kierkegaard Works of Love 219
To put it: D. A. Powell and David Trinidad By Myself 1
He suffered tortures: D. H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers 330
From there on: Geoff Dyer Out of Sheer Rage: Wrestling
with D. H. Lawrence 26
I left him: J. D. Salinger Franny and Zooey 141
The end of: Henry James Portrait of a Lady 130
Something must be: Brane Mozetic Banalities 18
He selected a: Andre Tellier Twilight Men 57
know how: Stephen Benatar Wish Her Safe at Home 13
And so the: Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange 33
I will not: James Joyce Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 113
But the Milky: H. G. Wells The Time Machine 106
That is the: Fritz Zorn Mars 241
That is how: Hugh Kenner The Pound Era 5
It is too: Frederick Seidel Poems 1959-2009 411
Writing is no: Roland Barthes Mourning Diary 230
Too late: Milan Kundera Testaments Betrayed 191
Of all the: Fritz Zorn Mars 154
The light that: Andre Tellier Twilight Men 50
No man knows: Montaigne Selected Essays 22
All my life: Fritz Zorn Mars 134
It called for: Fritz Zorn Mars 41
The psychologists know: Lynne Sharon Schwartz
Emergence of Memory 46
But I’m very: Virginia Woolf Diaries Vol V 306
I don’t want: David Levithan The Full Spectrum 186
One thing is: Gregory Woods History of Gay Literature 340
Given how our: Gregory Woods History of Gay Literature
A friend of: Richard Rodriguez Brown 217
The fairies broke: Sylvia Townsend Warner Kingdoms of
Elfin 199
Life mirrors art: Binnie Kirshenbaum Pure Poetry 52
This tickles Joe: Ken Kesey Sometimes a Great Notion 176
“He must have: Rachel Ingalls Mrs Caliban 20
What other point: Michael Warner The Trouble with
Normal 196
Life in New York: John Ashbery April Galleons 32
“And I want: Kenzburo Oe A Quiet Life 86
My conscience pricked: Susanna Pinney, ed. I’ll Stand by
You: Letters of Sylvia Townsend Warner 7
I wanted to: George Orwell An Age Like This 3
And I can: Guy Hocquenghm Screwball Asses 60
I must have: Franz Kafka The Complete Stories 278
David was sitting: J. M. Barrie The White Bird 43
Had they remained: Geoff Dyer Out of Sheer Rage:
Wrestling with D. H. Lawrence 52
As he had: Gustave Flaubert Sentimental Education 212
“I suffer every: Giacomo Casanova History of My Life 664
It takes ages: Brane Mozetic Banalities 21
To which David: J. M. Barrie The White Bird 102
I think that: Plato Collected Dialogues 76
He is tortured: Montaigne Selected Essays 20
My real type: John Waters Role Models 229
Meaning is never: Roland Barthes Reader xvii
But in the: Michael Warner The Trouble with Normal 17
It hurts: Brane Mozetic Banalities 28
I don’t know: Jonathan Ames I Love You 161
David sighs: John Waters Role Models 224