An Honest Ghost
Page 16
“Let me guess: Ralph Sassone The Intimates 87
Sometimes staying in: John Ashbery April Galleons 20
“I don’t believe: Dorothy Gallagher Life Stories 18
I could hear: James Wood The Book Against God 252
She did not: D. H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers 41
The alert host: James Joyce Dubliners 86
“Is there anything: Andrew Holleran Dancer from the
Dance 96
“If you would: Graham Greene The Heart of the Matter 228
I’ll be brief: Danilo Kiš A Tomb for Boris 5
It’s creepy, the: Rebecca Godfrey The Torn Skirt 140
“I am a: Geoff Dyer Out of Sheer Rage: Wrestling with D.
H. Lawrence 40
“I’m doing a: Andrew Holleran Dancer from the Dance 144
Art, on this: Richard Wollheim Painting as an Art 246
The artist, like: James Joyce Portrait of the Artist as a
Young Man 184
Excitement is muddling: Umberto Eco Mysterious Flame
“You’ll succeed at: Ralph Sassone The Intimates 93 But isn’t it: John Cheever Stories 497 Seated, she opened: J. D. Salinger Nine Stories 24 Next he showed: Albert Camus The Plague 135 It was difficult: Glen Baxter The Further Blurtings of Glen Baxter (no page numbers)
By now it: Sandor Marai The Rebels 5
“They never have: Andrew Holleran Dancer from the
Dance 135
Frustration had been: Ralph Sassone The Intimates 141
As the evening: Glen Baxter Atlas (no page numbers)
Her mean, hunted: Georges Bataille The Blue of Noon 14
His waking hours: Edmund White Nocturnes for the King
of Naples 130
I don’t know: Anne Carson Nox (no page numbers)
We believe in: Ralph Waldo Emerson Essays 258
An hour goes: Rob Stephenson Passes Through 28
The rest of: Andre Tellier Twilight Men 80
That night, I: Lydie Salvayre Portrait of the Artist as a
Domesticated Animal 26
I am teaching: Ted Hughes Letters 34
So far, so: Albert Camus The Plague 132
More or less: Frank Lentricchia The Italian Actress 39
I spent twenty-four: Giacomo Casanova History of My Life
I didn’t understand: Brane Mozetic Banalities 16
Is this the: Emilio Lascano Tegui On Elegance While
Sleeping 46
I was so: Lydie Salvayre Portrait of the Artist as a
Domesticated Animal 50
Played the piano: Pyotr Tchaikovsky Diaries 25
“You can either: Adam Phillips On Balance 41
I remembered that: Edmund White Jack Holmes and His
Friend 201
You had your: Sarah Bakewell How to Live 59
I ruminated for: Jean Genet Funeral Rites 17
Obediently the body: Christopher Isherwood A Single
Man 13
I owe my: Giacomo Casanova History of My Life 944
That night there: Sylvia Townsend Warner Kingdoms of
Elfin 197
White streets, white: Karl Ove Knausgaard My Struggle:
Book Two 246
As I walked: Jean Genet Funeral Rites 12
Yes, I am: Guy Hocquenghem Screwball Asses 55
‘Tis very strange: William Shakespeare Hamlet (Yale) 26
Homosexuality does not: Guy Hocquenghem Screwball
Asses 55
Nothing is abnormal: George Orwell An Age Like This 12
Yes, but what: Plato Gorgias 13
To whom could: Roland Barthes Mourning Diary 213
It is when: Guy Hocquenghem Screwball Asses 47
Repression is a: Guy Hocquenghem Screwball Asses 23
One ages quickly: James Blake The Joint 89
There is a: Guy Hocquenghem Screwball Asses 55
This morning, more: Roland Barthes Mourning Diary 161
Parenthood, it seems: Michael Cunningham By Nightfall
Across the sky: Bruce Duffy The World As I Found It 31
The inquest concluded: W. G. Sebald Rings of Saturn 6
I got there: Giacomo Casanova History of My Life 964
They were waiting: Giacomo Leopardi Canti 317
The house was: Sylvia Townsend Warner Kingdoms of
Elfin 197
I urinated, emitted: Diane Williams The Stupefaction 89
David’s face assumed: E. F. Benson David Blaize 8
“Put me to: Honore Honoré de Balzac Lost Illusions 564
Does he think: Lydie Salvayre Portrait of the Artist as a
Domesticated Animal 23
It was one: Lydie Salvayre Portrait of the Artist as a
Domesticated Animal 174
“But, David, you: Sylvia Townsend Warner Summer Will
Show 89
He got drunk: Giacomo Casanova History of My Life 988
He would never: James Joyce Dubliners 119
“I am a: Fyodor Dostoevsky The Idiot 81
You must yield: Giacomo Casanova History of My Life
“Oh, damn!,” said: E. F. Benson David Blaize 5
“—Suck it yourself: James Joyce Finnegans Wake 480
Sometimes when I’m : Justin Taylor Everything Here is the
Best Thing Ever 118
But he must: Helen Keller The World I Live In 19
He himself repeatedly: Gilbert Highet Poets in a
Landscape 181
Our entire reasoning: Blaise Pascal Pensees 124
At all events: W. G. Sebald Vertigo 6
Joe was taking: Jack London The Game 67
“Say that I: Giacomo Casanova History of My Life 931
She depresses me: E. M. Forster Passage to India 131
He knew that: Jane Gardam Faith Fox 83
“Certainly not, it: Giacomo Casanova History of My Life
What were you: John Banville The Untouchable 196
Are you allowed: Franz Kafka The Castle 22
Why would someone: Adam Phillips Equals 73
“Why not,” he: E. F. Benson Freaks of Mayfair 118
“What are you: Andre Tellier Twilight Men 29
“Goddam if I: J. D. Salinger Nine Stories 22
“It is a: Tim Dean Unlimited Intimacy 177
I should like: Daisetz T. Suzuki Zen and Japanese Culture
I can’t find: Albert Camus The First Man 35
Exactly: Plato Collected Dialogues 117
I like it: Rob Stephenson Passes Through 30
And yet the: James Danziger American Photographs (no
page numbers)
One who thinks: Shunryu Suzuki Zen Mind, Beginner’s
Mind 45
I never was: T. J. Parsell Fish 99
“What say you: Jane Austen Northanger Abbey 158
And where have: Ronald Firbank Three More Novels 148
She wore a: James Joyce Dubliners 119
She did not: Daisetz T. Suzuki Zen and Japanese Culture
She dealt with: James Joyce Dubliners 119
She reminded me: Lydie Salvayre Portrait of the Artist as a
Domesticated Animal 175
I can see: Anne Carson Nox (no page numbers)
She stands on: George W. S. Trow In the Conext of No
Context 59
History takes a: George W. S. Trow In the Context of No
Context 59
She highly disapproves: Lydie Salvayre The Power of Flies
It began to: Patrick Leigh Fermor A Time to Keep Silence
Soon I will: Pyotr Tchaikovsky Diaries 27
Writing a book: George Orwell An Age Like This 7
I have not: Roland Barthes Mourning Diary 94
How of
ten we: Roland Barthes S/Z xi
I love the: Anne Carson Nox (no pages numbers)
But if the: Herman Melville The Confidence Man 79
But I will: Herman Melville The Confidence Man 24
I would like: Guy Hocquenghem Screwball Asses 50
(Wilde speaks of: Roland Barthes Reader xxiii
David and I: J. M. Barrie The White Bird 267
We had been: W. Somerset Maugham The Razor’s Edge 89
(Talking, talking: John Gardner Grendel 8
It seemed that: AA Bronson Lana 149
“This traffic jam: J. G. Ballard Cocaine Nights 11
Outside, the land: Italo Calvino Invisible Cities 14
“What seems beautiful: Charles Burkhart The Art of I.
Compton-Burnett 66
Something lovely happened: Justin Spring Secret Historian
There was zest: Jean Rhys After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie 37
A policeman entered: Daniel Kehlmann Measuring the
World 11
With a stick: Danilo Kiš A Tomb for Boris 9
Here he drank: Thomas Hardy Jude the Obscure 119
“Are you trying: James Joyce Dubliners 119
“I came here: Daniel Mendelsohn The Elusive Embrace 62
He bowed and: Jorge Luis Borges Collected Fictions 383
And that was: Thomas Bernhard Frost 11
And then there: Virginia Woolf Diaries Vol V. 359
Silence is a: Susan Sontag Styles of Radical Will 18
I have a: Jean-Christophe Valtat 03 82
I am writing: Jean Genet Funeral Rites 13
And I’m still: Giacomo Leopardi Canti 21
Always alone: James Joyce Portrait of the Artist as a Young
Man 196
This is a: Daisetz T. Suzuki Zen and Japanese Culture 232
I move books: Brane Mozetic Banalities 8
Our solutions are: Adam Phillips On Balance 272
Man has become: Guy Hocquenghem Screwball Asses 56
How did we: Giacomo Leopardi Canti 149
As the activity: Susan Sontag Styles of Radical Will 4
This is, as: Roland Barthes Critical Essays 12
The only good: Jean-Christophe Valtat 03 48
It is endless: John Daido Loori The Eight Gates of Zen 44
Forget it; forget: Jean Rhys After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie 28
Zee End: James Joyce Finnegans Wake 28
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Table of Contents
Title Page
About the Author