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Torn Apart

Page 19

by M A Comley

  “Jesus, call for backup, an ART unit, Shaw.”

  Julie punched in the number and gave the person on dispatch their whereabouts, then asked for immediate assistance.

  “I’m going in,” Hero told his team. He turned sideways and shouldered open the door. He barged into the room, hoping the surprise would momentarily disarm the occupants.

  The woman was standing alongside Paul Crabtree, the gang leader; his hands were tied behind his back, around the chair he was sitting in. Stuart, his brother, was lying in a heap on the round jazzy-coloured rug next to the bed.

  “Jesus! Put the gun down. Let’s talk about this calmly.”

  “Get out of here. My gripe’s with this fucker, not with you lot. Although if you’d done your job properly, it wouldn’t have come to this.”

  Frowning, Hero remained rooted to the spot. “What do you mean? I know they’ve been up to no good. Hand him over, and I’ll make sure he gets what’s coming to him. Why end up in prison because of him?”

  The woman turned her face away from him. Her hand shook as she held the gun to Crabbie’s temple. He was trembling, and tears started to slide down his face as he gawped at his brother’s lifeless body.

  “You’ve had every opportunity to round these buggers up since it happened. Instead, you’ve let them carry on tormenting innocent people, killing them to satisfy their sick enjoyment. I’ve had to step in and do your job for you. I won’t let them continue the way they are. I won’t allow them to destroy any more lives.”

  Before Hero could move towards her, she pulled the trigger. Crabtree’s brain tissue covered the walls and ceiling. Stunned, he simply stared at the woman, who was looking down at both the men, her eyes wrinkled in disgust.

  Hero took a step forward, but the woman’s hand rose up to her head. She placed the barrel of the gun between her eyes. “Keep back, or I’ll shoot.”

  “Why? Why take revenge like this? What did the gang do to you? Did they rape you?”

  “If only it were that simple. They stole my life, robbed me of my family, and left me with nothing except a huge whole in my heart. No one will miss them. I’ve done you a big favour, haven’t I?”

  She had, but Hero wasn’t about to admit that. “Put the gun down. I’ll speak up for you. Tell the court it was self-defence.”

  “It was self-preservation. Not that any of that matters now.”

  Hero had the time to neither take her words in nor even blink before she pulled the trigger. Her own brain matter joined Crabbie’s on the wall. As she slumped to the ground, her wig slipped off.

  Hero shook his head when he realised who the killer was.

  Julie and Foxy came in the room and stood beside him.

  Julie’s hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, my God!”

  She voiced exactly what Hero had been thinking as they stared down at Rupert Hartley’s corpse.


  Hero welcomed his guests and ensured that each of them had either a refreshing Pimms or a beer. Fay was busy ferrying the side dishes out to the fifteen-foot table Hero and his father had erected that morning out of trestle tables.

  Cara had insisted that Hero should mingle with his guests and ordered him to leave Marc and her in charge of cooking the meat on the barbecue.

  Everything was running smoothly. Even the weather had been obliging. But Hero feared the blistering heat of the midday sun was bound to be too much for his ageing parents to contend with after an hour or so.

  Hero topped up his guests’ Pimms from the jug as he worked the crowd. Susan had finally graced one of their barbecues after years of turning down numerous invitations. “Glad you could make it, Susan.”

  “How are you holding up, Patch?”

  “I must admit, it has been a bit of a shock the last few days. You know, since Rupert’s death. We’re still trying to figure out why. Of course, we know what was behind his anger, but I can’t say I’ve seen many victims’ families driven to vigilantism before.”

  “He loved them,” Susan uttered the three simple words.

  Hero nodded as another of his guests joined them. “Susan Rendell, this is Investigative Journalist Dave Wheeler, a close friend of Rupert’s.”

  The pair shook hands. “I’m sorry for your loss, Dave.”

  “Thanks. Rupert was one of a kind. I was so wrapped up in work that I neglected him in his hour of need.” Wheeler shook his head as tears moistened his eyes.

  “Hey, you can’t blame yourself, Dave.” Hero squeezed his shoulder. “I don’t think any of us realised how lost he was after Saskia and Laurence died. Like he told me, they were his world. To love two people as intensely as that, only to see them laid out in a mortuary, must have torn his insides to shreds. I can totally understand why he set out to do what he did to the Krull Gang. I’m not sure I would have gone to such lengths if it was my family they wiped out. Who knows what any of us would have done in the same circumstances.” His gaze drifted across the crowd and landed on Fay, who had finished filling the table and was sitting in a chair and cuddling Louie. He smiled and shuddered away the thought of being stripped of their love the way Rupert had been stripped of his family’s.

  “I carried out the post mortem on Rupert yesterday. He wasn’t suffering from any illnesses, except from a broken heart maybe. No one could have known he would go to such lengths in the name of love. His funeral is tomorrow, isn’t it?”

  Hero and Dave both nodded. Then Dave said, “Yes, maybe he’ll find peace and joy once he’s reunited with Saskia and Laurence.”

  “Let’s hope so,” Hero said. He looked over to see his sister beckoning him. “Excuse me a moment, will you?”

  He left his two guests and went over to the smoking barbecue. “What’s up, Sis? Burnt the sausages again?”

  His joke earned him a dig in the ribs. “Cheeky git! I wondered if you could spare me half an hour later.”

  “What for?”

  She looked him in the eye and whispered, “To go through my application form with me.”

  “For the police force?”


  Hero leaned in. “I hear the physicals are a little tough. Do you think you’re up to it?”

  She dug his ribs again, this time with her pointed finger. “Of course I’m up to it. It’s just a shame they don’t carry out physicals every year. I think you’d be thrown out the second you put on your T-shirt and shorts.”

  His mouth dropped open, and he ran a hand over his flat stomach. “I’ll have you know that I’m the same weight as when I joined the force ten years ago.”

  “Yeah, but are you fit?”

  “Later, Sis.” Choosing to ignore her final jibe, he went in search of Fay.

  She saw him approach, and her face lit up. She kissed Louie and set him on the grass beside her. Grabbing a glass off the table, she stood up and called out for everyone’s attention. Hero licked his lips, thinking that she was about to announce that the food was ready.

  “Everyone. I want to thank you all for coming today. I know many of you have been working extremely hard on this Krull Gang case with Hero. I know it wasn’t the outcome you had hoped for, but I’d like to thank you and commend you on your efforts, nevertheless. At least Manchester will be a little safer without them around to terrorise innocent folks.” Fay held out her hand, and Hero moved towards her and entwined his fingers with hers. “I’d also like to take this opportunity to share some news with you all.”

  “What news?” he asked with a frown. Ah, a holiday destination announcement. I like them!

  Fay pulled him into her and wrapped one arm around her son’s shoulders and the other around Hero’s waist. “In a few month’s time…” She paused to gaze up at him and swallowed hard.

  He raised a questioning eyebrow.

  “Our family will be extended.”

  Cheers broke out, and Hero’s eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. “You mean…we’re pregnant?”

  Fay laughed.

  Hero bent down to
Louie and swept him up in his arms. “Did you hear that, little man? We’re having a baby.”

  “Good. Maybe it’ll be better to have rein…rein…reinforcements to help me fight the monsters under my bed. Make sure it comes out prepared, Mummy, won’t you?”

  “I will, darling.”

  Hero hugged Louie and Fay, and unexpectedly, his thoughts turned to Rupert and his family. Maybe he would totally understand what had driven Rupert to take revenge now that he too was going to be a proper father.

  He shook his head as tears formed in his eyes. He kissed his wife hard on the lips and gazed down at her with adoration. “I’m going to be a dad!”

  The End


  Thank you for reading Torn Apart; I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it.

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  CRUEL JUSTICE (Justice #1)

  The headless body of a wealthy widow is discovered decomposing in Chelling Forest. Then a second victim is found. Detective Inspector Lorne Simpkins and her partner, DS Pete Childs are assigned the case. Before they can discover the identity of the killer they must make a connection between the two victims.

  After a third murder, Lorne receives a grisly surprise. Clearly, a vicious serial killer is on a rampage…‌and Lorne has become the killer’s fixation.

  Lorne can’t allow her failing marriage or her new boss—a man with whom she shares a sensuous secret—keep her from focusing on her job. She must catch the macabre murderer, or risk becoming the next victim.


  For eight long years, Detective Inspector Lorne Simpkins has tracked the vicious criminal known as The Unicorn. But the killer has frustrated MI6 at every turn and remained successful at Impeding Justice.

  When Lorne is targeted in a trap that results in the death of her partner, the tragedy shakes her confidence to the core. Before she has time to recoup, her teenage daughter is kidnapped. More than Lorne’s professional reputation rests on her bringing The Unicorn to justice.

  FINAL JUSTICE (Justice #3)

  A ruthless killer returns—and former DI Lorne Simpkins is forced to revisit her ugly past.

  After suffering a breakdown and quitting the force, Lorne Simpkins finds herself embroiled in an MI6 covert operation to hunt down her old enemy, a sadistic and merciless criminal whose ambition is to become the world’s richest man.

  Lorne tracks the madman through France, attempting to thwart his plans and bring her long-time nemesis to Final Justice.

  FOUL JUSTICE (Justice #4)

  Detective Inspector Lorne Simpkins is back on the force. Before she can get comfortable with her new partner, newly-promoted DS Katy Foster, the two are assigned a tragic murder case that looks like a robbery gone wrong. However, when another wealthy footballer’s family meets the same deadly fate within twenty-four hours, it is clear the crimes involve something far more sinister.

  Keeping her focus on unravelling the complex case isn’t easy for Lorne when she learns news that throws her personal life into a spin—her fiancé, M16 agent Tony Warner, is involved in a dangerous covert operation in Afghanistan.

  But innocent people are dying on her patch, and someone must catch the killers. Lorne can’t allow this Foul Justice to prevail.


  Retired DCI Lorne Simpkins thought she knew what she wanted when she started an animal rescue centre with her husband Tony. Although saving and retraining exploited dogs is fulfilling, Lorne can’t help but feel that something vital is missing from her life. Linda Carter is brutally raped and left for dead in an alley. By some miracle, she survives, but now she lives each day terrified by the perpetrator’s final threatening words—that her sister, Fiona, will be his next victim.

  The sisters decide to adopt a guard dog and contact the rescue centre. During a home check to see if the girls and their flat are suited for a German Shepherd, Lorne witnesses Linda’s horrendous injuries. The young woman knows the identity of her rapist—wealthy, playboy Graham Gibson—however, the police haven’t made an arrest. The shocking story turns into a life-altering moment for Lorne. She decides to become a Private Investigator, and urges the girls to let her take up their case. Little does she know that more victims will come forward to accuse Gibson of rape.

  Lorne is determined to see this vicious criminal behind bars, but is anyone ever guaranteed justice?


  A ship wreck—

  Dozens of bodies washed ashore—

  Clear evidence that evil has made port in London.

  The horrific case piques the interest of P.I. Lorne Simpkins. It doesn't take long before Lorne learns that young, helpless women are being caged and sold to the wealthy and salacious. Old wounds are wrenched open when she suspects a cover-up by the very authorities that should be keeping lawful order. Can she trust the self-serving journalist bent on making the human-trafficking ring his next big story? When her daughter is involved in a life-threatening accident, it's difficult for Lorne to keep her head in the game. But Lorne and her ex-MI6 husband, Tony, are determined to end the repulsive slave trade and bring the criminals to justice—even if it means Lorne ends up locked in a cage herself.

  It’s A Dog’s Life

  This is a 12,000 word novelette that takes place between Cruel Justice and Impeding Justice and is based on actual events.

  It may not be homicide, but to DI Lorne Simpkins it’s still murder.

  When a reporter friend of DI Lorne Simpkins gives her a tip about a story involving ex-racing greyhounds, Lorne is sceptical.

  But after delving into it, she’s horrified to discover the grisly fate of racing dogs that are no longer useful to their owners—and she’s determined to bring the cruel and uncaring owners to justice…

  “Animal welfare is so close to my heart, the real-life plight of these former racing dogs moved me to tears. I’m delighted to donate all profits of the book to PUPS, The Protection of Unwanted Puppies Society.”

  Merry Widow

  This is a 5000 word short story to accompany the best-selling Justice series.

  It’s just an ordinary day in the life of D I Lorne Simpkins until she gets a phone call from a woman whose husband has died in unusual circumstances.

  Lorne takes up the case with disastrous results for both her and her partner DS Pete Childs.

  A Time To Heal (a romance novella)

  Family Liaison Officer, Chloe Fullerton is helping hero pilot, Captain Steve Ewing, recuperate from injury after he landed his stricken plane, avoiding a major disaster.

  Chloe’s sworn off love ever since she lost the love of her life. But the spark between her and Steve makes her feel she may yet love again. There’s turbulence ahead though—Steve’s ex-wife is determined to wreck his and Chloe’s blossoming relationship.

  Novella approx 33,000 words.

  A Time For Change (a romance novella)

  Based on a true story.

  Danielle Pires’s life is going well. She has a boyfriend who wants to marry her and is building a reputation as a talented and hard-working interior designer. Keen to expand her portfolio, Danielle is delighted by a request to breathe life back into the Victorian Mansion that handsome Scott Jordache is renovating.

  Her parents, meanwhile, have organised a surprise Caribbean cruise to give her a much-needed break.

  Danielle sets sail only to discover Scott aboard the same ship, but mysteriously travelling under a pseudonym. Intrigued, she feels torn between mistrust and being drawn in by his charm.

  Should she let herself fall for Scott or return to the security of the man she left at home?

  33,000 words.

  A Twist in the Tale

  Six short stories with a twist at the end.

  High Spirits

  This is a true account of a paranormal experience I encountered when
I moved into my first house in France.

  The cover is a true picture relating to the story.

  This story is 5000 words.


  M A Comley

  Published by M A Comley

  Copyright © 2013 M A Comley

  Digital Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please visit your preferred ebook site and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.




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