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Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4)

Page 26

by Celia Kyle

  Yeah, she knew. “Yup.”

  Mitchell’s stale breath bathed her, and her stomach lurched, threatening to lose what little it held. Though, if she vomited on him, she bet he’d let her go. And then of course when the wonderful idea came to her, her stomach decided to settle.

  It settled because cold, hard fear took its place.

  The third step creaked. Then the fifth.

  Someone was coming upstairs and from the soft patter, she knew it wasn’t one of Isaac’s brothers or even his father. It was one of the females in the house.

  “Isaac, sweetheart?” Meg. His mother was padding up the stairs as if she didn’t have a care in the world and she wasn’t about to walk into the middle of this shit-storm.

  Everyone’s attention shifted to the edge of the landing where Meg Abrams would soon appear. Kira held her breath, hoping Isaac could convince the woman to stay downstairs.

  “Just a minute, Mom.”

  “This will only take a second,” she called and Kira’s heart stopped.

  No, no, no.

  She just found happiness and a family—a non-homicidal family—and she couldn’t lose it already.

  “Mom. You really need to wait.” Isaac pushed the words through gritted teeth.

  “You’re acting as if I haven’t seen what you’re packing. Albeit, for Kira’s sake, I hope it’s a little bigger than it was.” Meg huffed. “I just need to pass a message along from Keen. They don’t think you’ll snap at me and it’s important apparently. More important than your privacy. So you can go after your brother once we’re done.”

  The eighth step groaned.

  “Mrs. Abrams, I really need you to stay downstairs,” Kira tried. “I’ve… Uh…”

  That was about the time Margaret Abrams, mother to the four Abrams brothers and ex-Itana, appeared at the top of the stairs. Her sweeping gaze traveled over them and then finally returned to meet Kira’s stare.

  Oh, shit. This was so not going well.

  Especially not when the sweet as pie woman seemed to swell in size, her chest widening and fur slithering over her skin. “Do you want to tell me why you’re holding a gun on my daughter? Or why she’s all bruised up? Lemme tell you, you’ve got two seconds before I take you down.”

  “Which means Little Kira will die in one.” Mitchell practically purred the words. “And I know you’re not her mother. Her mom is dead. Come to think of it.” Her brother wrenched her strands, yanking even harder until she met his stare. “Your daddy is gone, too.”

  Kira sucked in a harsh breath, fighting for air. “So, you killed Alpha Asshole?”

  Best news she’d had all year.

  Mitchell raised his free hand, fingers still clutching the gun, and brought the butt down on her cheek. Yup, more crunching. That one was broken.

  “Don’t call him that!” Another strike, another creak of wood that had her brother blindly pointing the gun toward her mate and his mother. “He took care of you for eighteen years, you little bitch whelp. Dad isn’t dead. Your father is dead.”

  She wheezed out a chuckle, taunting him with the sound as confusion filled her. “We have the same father, Mitchell.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “The beta was your—”

  A squeak, which meant someone else had climbed onto the steps. Mother fucker. Did they all want to die?

  “The beta was my what, Mitchell?” The pain in her cheek was pulsing through her, but she took comfort in the fact he hadn’t coated the gun in Carve. That meant she’d at least make it through the whole ordeal. Though it’d be nice if someone killed her brother before he broke any more bones.

  Was it too much to ask for someone to come in behind the man? Really?

  The next sound had her blood turning to ice, freezing in place and sending a wave of pure fear through her body. Only, it wasn’t a single sound, but several, the rhythmic click clack of Ebenezer’s claws on the wood. Once again she remembered she needed to trim them and now he was coming upstairs and then he’d see Mitchell and then—

  The growl told her he’d reached the landing, his canine eyes spying Mitchell even if his nose didn’t pick up the scent. If Kira hadn’t sniffed out the male, there was no way her pup had. If Ebie had scented her brother, he would have gone ape-shit.

  There was no love lost between Ebenezer and Mitchell.

  Kira pulled against Mitchell’s hold, tilting her head until she spied the dog near the banister, right beside Meg. His fur stood on end, hackles raised and fangs bared. The sounds coming from her sweet dog rumbled and vibrated the air, seeping into her bones.

  “Ebie, it’s okay, boy,” she whispered, trying to soothe him before he came to Kira’s rescue. He was such a good pup even if he sucked as a guide dog. He’d saved her time after time and the last thing she wanted was for him to be injured.

  Ebenezer snarled, seeming to yell at her for being so stupid. Yeah, well, she imagined Isaac would roar at her when things were done. Ebie could get in line.

  “Shut up, you stupid bitch.” Mitchell shook her, which had the dog bolting forward with a bark and snap of his teeth. “And shut that fucking dog up before I kill him.”

  “Shh… It’s okay, Ebenezer.” Again she fought to calm him. “Mommy’s fine.”

  Mitchell’s growl joined her pup’s. “Why couldn’t you make this easy like you were supposed to?”

  Kira refocused on her brother. “What Mitchell? What was supposed to be easy? Because I’ll do what you want.”

  Now that had Isaac snarling and Meg was on his heels.

  Mitchell bared his teeth and snarled back at their small gathering before returning to her. “We were flush for eighteen years and then you just had to die to keep it all going. But you wouldn’t.”

  “Why’d I have to die?”

  God knew her brother had tried often enough over the years. Time and time again he’d told her he wanted her gone, but their father wouldn’t let her leave.

  “So we,” the gun was once again beneath her chin, “could get the money.” Ebie barked again, seeming to grow more agitated by the second. “Will you shut that dog up before I kill it?”

  Mitchell hit her once again, as if punctuating his demand with a new wave of pain.

  A few things happened then.

  Isaac roared.

  Meg snarled.

  And worst of all, Ebenezer leapt. He went from six feet away to flying through the air, his teeth bared, mouth open, and more than ready to take a hunk out of Mitchell.

  Only… only he didn’t get a chance because that’s when her brother turned, pulling the gun from Kira’s face, aiming at her dog.

  His finger tightened on the trigger. A flash of light signaled the striking of the bullet and the high-pitched whimper told her it’d found home in her dog’s body.

  He shot her pup.

  He shot her Ebie.

  He shot… Ebenezer fell to the ground and his fur slowly turned a bright red as blood flowed from the wound.

  Oh God. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think, she couldn’t… Her gaze remained focused on her dog, Ebie’s eyes on hers. Pain filled the air, so much pain. She could shoulder her own agony, but he… He was hers. Her one good thing in a life of hell tinged with the red haze of Mitchell’s torture.

  He trained the gun on the pup again, muzzle pointed directly at her sweet boy.

  No. No. Kira could endure a lot, but this… No.

  With hardly a thought, her mole lent a hand and her human teeth sharpened and lengthened while her nails grew to the wicked points that helped her when she shifted. When molded to her human shape, she went from cute to deadly.

  She didn’t hesitate. The moment teeth pricked her lower lip, she struck. She snatched his arm, wrapping her fingers around his forearm and tugging him closer. Mouth opened wide, she sank into him, teeth going deep and bringing blood to the surface. It flowed into her mouth, filling her with the coppery fluid. The mole wanted to push it from their stomach, heave the disgusting liquid from the
ir body.

  But she couldn’t. Not yet, anyway. Releasing him meant he could hurt her Ebie again.

  So she held on, held on and dug in and refused to release him even when he punched her face or struck her side.

  “Fucking bitch!” Mitchell screamed.

  Kira ignored him. Ignored his yells and struggles.

  He shoved and pulled, fighting to break free, and he did finally succeed. He managed to tear away from her mouth, but she managed to take a chunk of flesh with her.

  The second he was free, he fought to flee, but she was there, on him, tackling him, and biting him. The gun fell away beneath her assault, his arm no longer able to support the weapon’s weight.

  That meant everyone was safe. The gun couldn’t hurt them and she had a squirming Mitchell beneath her.

  Mitchell who’d hurt her.

  Mitchell who’d lived to torment her.

  Mitchell who’d tried to kill her again and again.

  And had succeeded with Ebie.

  Kira didn’t need the mole’s urgings. No, she went after her brother in earnest, biting and tearing, scratching and scraping every bit of flesh she could reach. She ignored his cries and whimpers and the voices that surrounded her.

  Nothing mattered but the end of Mitchell. Nothing.

  He’d hurt so many… Kira, Zoey, Ebie…

  The thoughts had her biting harder, opening her jaws, shifting slightly and then biting again. She wasn’t sure how many times her fangs sunk deep or how often her claws found purchase. No, none if it mattered.

  Until she was wrenched from Mitchell’s trembling body, a thick, strong arm around her waist and a gruff voice filling her ear.

  “Enough.” The single word held an order she was hard-pressed to deny.

  But she was able to. The molten rage pumping through her veins let her override the desire to do as the male said. It let her scratch his arm, kick, and fight to be free and attack the man who’d done so much to her.

  “Enough, Kira.” This time the man shook her as if she were a pup. A pup like Ebenezer who’d been shot and was bleeding. The asshole needed to die. A massive hand wrapped around her throat, fingers spanning the front of her neck and squeezing tightly. “Stop.”

  She froze, waiting to see if she’d be choked by this familiar man.

  “That’s it. Easy now. You’re safe and Isaac is taking care of Ebenezer. I need you calm, Kira.” The words rumbled through her, and she let them sink in.

  George. George needed her calm because Isaac…

  Kira tore her gaze from the bloodied Mitchell and sought Isaac. He sat hunched over Ebie, the dog’s body unmoving and her mate’s body blocked her view.

  She struggled against George’s hold, tugging and pushing. “Lemme go.” She yanked. “Ebie.”

  “I’m gonna let you go, but you need to leave Mitchell be, okay?”

  She nodded. Okay. She knew they wouldn’t let him leave. With luck, someone would finish what she’d started.

  The moment George released her, she fell to the ground, feet fighting to find purchase on the blood-slick floor. She ignored the red fluid, ignored the mass of liquid coating her skin and sinking into her clothing. Nothing mattered but getting to Ebenezer.

  She slid to a stop beside the dog, sitting opposite Isaac. His hands worked fast over the pup, digging and soaking up blood as it welled from the wound.

  “Ebie…” Her hands hovered over his fur, desperate to touch him, but unwilling to taint him with Mitchell’s fluid. “I…”

  Isaac gave her a snippet of his attention. “Are you hurt?”

  “Not enough that it matters.” Mitchell was hurt more than she was, but her bruises and breaks were already on their way to being healed.

  His gaze traveled over her. “Then go to his head. Let him see you. I’ve got him comfortable, but calm would be better.”

  Kira did as he asked, shuffling around so she could meet Ebenezer’s gaze. Those eyes still conveyed his pain, but relief seemed to roll through the pup. His tail thumped once, rising from the wet floor before lowering once again.

  “That’s a good, boy,” she whispered. “Everything’s okay. It’s all gonna be okay.”

  Kira prayed she wasn’t lying.

  Chapter Twenty

  Isaac couldn’t get his hands to stop shaking. Even now, after the blood had been bathed from Kira’s body and Ebenezer slept peacefully in the corner. The trembles remained, sliding through his body in fits and starts that were bound to drive him crazy.

  He twitched and jerked, his body desperate to remain active while his mind slowly accepted the events of the last few hours. They spun through him, whirling and twisting until he couldn’t get them to stop.

  He thought he’d die when Kira bit Mitchell. He knew what she’d do before she went into action, but it hadn’t made witnessing the event any less horrifying.

  Ebenezer leapt, and the split second after the bullet hit home in the dog’s chest, Kira burst into a flurry of movement. It all blew up in a matter of seconds, men rushing forward, his father vaulting past him to get to Kira while yelling at Isaac to look at the dog.

  He wanted to go to his mate, save his mate, but his father had it under control. If he couldn’t trust his father…

  Dad stopped Kira, which meant he needed to do everything he could to save Ebie.

  Isaac managed to pause the memories and stared at his hands. He’d washed them a dozen times, but he still pictured the blood that’d coated them. His palms and Kira’s, but from two different sources.

  She’d nearly killed him. Nearly, but not quite. Of course, Isaac didn’t think the wolf would last long in Terrence’s care. Sure, the Southeast Itan spared Reid’s life, but he was pretty sure that wasn’t going to happen with Mitchell.

  In fact, he imagined Reid would pay the male a visit before all was said and done.

  He should be disgusted at himself for valuing life so little. But he wasn’t.

  Maybe everyone had a little bit of Reid’s violence inside them.

  The low murmurs of his family drifted to him. He knew they were talking with Terrence’s inner circle, the male having flown in the moment he heard of the recent events. The man could travel fast if he needed to. Apparently a private jet came with the title.

  Kira slept through his arrival and even now slumbered on the bed. He refused to wake her.

  Ebenezer whimpered and twitched, and Isaac strode toward the pup. The dog raised his eyes dilated from the drugs pumping through his veins.

  “Hey, buddy.” He stroked Ebie’s head and scratched behind his ears. “You’re okay and so’s your mom, yeah? Just be easy.” The dog huffed and licked Isaac’s hand before laying his head down once again.


  He rolled to his feet at the sound of Kira’s voice and padded toward her. “Right here.” He lowered to his knees beside the bed and slid his hand beneath hers, gathering her fingers and holding them tight. “I’m right here.”

  “Hey,” she whispered.

  “Hi. You okay?”

  Kira nodded. “You showered with me, you know I’m okay.”

  With his free hand, he brushed aside her errant locks, tucking them behind her ear. “Physically you are. I’m talking about up here.” He stroked her temple.

  She snagged him before he could retreat and brought his palm to her cheek. “I’m good. A little drained, but good.”

  The voices downstairs grew in volume and then ebbed low once again. His mom’s voice cut through them and he had to smile. The woman could bring the fiercest bears to their knees with one look and a single growled word.

  “You look tired,” he murmured.

  She shrugged. “A lot happened. A lot…” She huffed and blinked rapidly. Isaac pretended not to see the tears shining in her eyes. “A lot changed, huh?”

  “Scoot over. Lemme hold you.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You could crawl in on the other side.”

  “I could, but then I’d get stuck with
the cold spot. This way it’s you, not me.”

  “That’s so wrong. You’re making your recovering mate take the cold spot and—”

  Isaac froze. “Are you in pain? Are you hurting anywhere?”

  The moment stretched out between them and she finally growled. “No, dammit.”

  “Then scoot.”

  It took no time to get settled, Isaac nice and warm while Kira snuggled up to him. “See? I had ulterior motives. You get the cool space and then you’re forced to wiggle against me.” He grinned.

  Kira nuzzled his chest. “Would have done that anyway.”

  He pressed a kiss to her head and breathed deeply, drawing in her sweet scent. Blueberries. The blood that’d covered her from head to toe hadn’t diminished or masked her true scent. “I know.”

  They lay for a while, the silence only shattered by the rumbles from downstairs. Cars rolled past the house, tires rubbing against the asphalt in their travels. Birds in the backyard chatted and squeaked while the wind played in the trees.

  And still they remained quiet and calm.

  Kira gave him more of her weight, her body half covering him in a curvaceous blanket. He curled his arm around her and stroked her back, enjoying the feel of her bare skin beneath his fingertips. She was soft and sweet, love in a small mole-shaped package.

  And he’d almost lost her. God, he’d almost lost her.

  She sniffled and then her hands were on him, petting him with gentle touches. “I’m okay. You’re okay. Things are good now.”

  “He…” He trembled. Not in fear. Never in fear. Abrams werebears weren’t afraid of some mangy wolf.

  Unless he pointed a gun at his mate.

  “Isaac?” Her voice was firm and solid. “Look at me.” Kira eased to her elbows and he met her gaze. The bruises were gone, the swelling almost disappeared due to her mole’s help. “He didn’t do anything that hasn’t healed already.”

  Right. She was right. The knowledge did absolutely nothing for his emotions.

  “I just got you, Kira. I just found you and—”


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