Pretty Fly for a White Guy: The Complete Series Collection

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Pretty Fly for a White Guy: The Complete Series Collection Page 8

by Lena Skye

  “It wasn’t a date, and how do you know that I went?” I asked.

  “He told me a few days ago. I didn’t know how to go about bringing it up to you and I wasn’t sure if I should. I didn’t want to accuse you of anything but it’s been bothering me. I don’t have a problem that you went to speak with him but I don’t like that you kept it from me.”

  “Did he tell you what our meeting was about?”

  “Of course he did. He said that he plans on asking Amelia to marry him and he asked me if you’d told me yet. I was there with a dumb look on my face because I had no idea what he was talking about.”

  Now that is the Kenneth that I expected, very clever. Why would he go and tell Joshua that knowing good and well that I wasn’t going to spill the beans. I wanted to pinch him for putting me in this predicament.

  “Well yes, he and I went out and he let me know that he was going to ask Amelia to marry him,” I admitted. “I didn’t bring it up to you because I didn’t want you to get upset about our meeting and because honestly, it hurt.”

  “Why would it hurt if you’ve moved on the way that you said you have?”

  “Come on Josh, you can’t be that naive. He and I were together off and on for years and yes I’ve moved on but he’s going to marry one of my ex best friends. You have to admit that it’s going to sting a little. I’m happy in my relationship with you, I couldn’t ask for a better mate, and that’s why I decided to keep it to myself. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter because you are who I want to be with.”

  “I know he was coming on to you,” he said quickly. “I saw some texts on your phone when it was sitting on the table a while ago.”

  I was doing my best not to get angry. Did he really check my damned phone? ‘Stay calm Nikki, don’t flip out’.

  “Then you also know that those texts went unanswered,” I said as I rose from the table. I walked over to him and stooped down to meet him at eye level. “You are the one that I want, and him trying to come back didn’t change that. I’ve been completely loyal to you and I’ve never done you wrong.”

  I heard the words as I was saying them and they sounded so much like the ones that Kenneth used to say. I actually felt like I was Kenneth for a moment. I was being completely truthful and it led me to believe that he was too. I’d completely handled our situation in the wrong way and I would have to deal with that. One way that I could do that would be to not let Joshua slip through my fingers.

  He was no Kenneth but he treated me well and he clearly liked me. My granny would have told me to drag him to the altar. For once I contemplated taking her advice; maybe it would lead me to the happiness that I so deeply desired.

  “Stand up babe,” he said, “You don’t have to convince me of it anymore. I know that you care for me.”

  I stood up as he rose to his feet and took me in a big embrace.

  “I love you more than anything in this world,” he whispered in my ear.

  This was the moment I was meant to say the same thing back to him but the words just could not leave my mouth.

  I hugged him tighter and he took that for a display of affection. He ran his hands though my hair and I held on to him tightly as my stomach did back flips.

  It finally hit me.

  I didn’t feel the same way about him as he did about me. I didn't love him.

  What am I going to do?


  “Everything happens for a reason”


  I am a strong believer that love can grow and so I had to give me and Josh a good shot at it. Joshua and I were doing so much better over the next week. He seemed a lot more at ease and that put me at ease as well. It was nice to enjoy his company without all of the drama. As I was heading out of the door for work my phone went off and it was an email from Kenneth. I quickly checked it because I hadn’t heard from him in almost 3 weeks by this point.

  Hey Everyone!

  It’s been a while since we’ve all been together. I been busy sealing one of the biggest contracts of my career so far and I want to celebrate. Let’s go to Vegas! Before you even think of saying no, please consider the fact that your plane ticket and hotel room are already paid for. Surprise! That’s right an all expenses paid trip to Vegas. Let’s go sin in sin city. I can’t wait to see all of you there.


  P.S what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…unless you get pregnant…that shit is forever. LOL

  Wow what in the hell was he thinking? I had to admit that a trip to Vegas sounded tempting but I didn’t know if I was ready to be in another city with him and Amelia, and that’s even if my friends were there.

  My phone began to ring and it was Joshua.


  “Hey did you get that email from Ken?”

  “Yeah I got it, you’re coming right?”

  “I can’t go babe, I guess he forgot that I have to work this weekend. I would have loved to see you in a show girl outfit. ” he sighed.

  I laughed, “I don’t think it works like that.”

  “Well it’s a nice thought anyway, but I just wanted to tell you that you should go. I already know how you’re probably thinking over there.”

  “Yeah but it just doesn’t seem appropriate,”

  “Nonsense, your girls will be going and all of the other people from our circle will be there too.

  Besides him and Amelia are going and I heard that they may be getting married there. You have to go and represent me just in case they elope.”

  There was no way in hell that I was going to watch the two of them get married. I would probably rip the veil off of her head and kick Elvis in the shin for cosigning on their foolishness.

  “I still don’t know,” I said as my other line beeped. “Let me call you back I have Patricia on the other line and if I know her correctly, Jasmine is on the phone too.”

  “Okay, tell the girls I said hi.”

  “I will,” I told him as I clicked over to the other line.


  “Heeeeeeeey!!!” I heard two voices say in unison, I know my friends.

  “I know you two have seen the email.”

  “We sure have and we can’t wait!” Patricia said, “I haven’t been to Vegas in years and I’m going to go and win me some money!”

  “I’m going to find a rich Vegas man,” Jasmine said.

  “Since when do you care about men?” I laughed.

  “It’s been rough girl and I’m overdue for a tune up.”

  Patricia and I broke out laughing. It was nice to hear that Jasmine was ready to start dating again; well she was ready to start having sex again anyway. Maybe dating would come afterward; it’s hard to think straight when you’re horny.

  “I’m sorry ladies, I don’t know if I’m going. Joshua has to work and it just won’t feel right being there without him.”

  “That’s one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard,” Patricia said. “You’ll have me and Jasmine. You don’t need him to have a good time.”

  “I know that but I don’t know if I can handle seeing Ken and Amelia together, I’ll probably get sick and throw up all over the place,” I said.

  “Girl please, if I can be around Amelia and not want to bash her head in then you’ll be just fine,” Jasmine said. “This is an all expenses paid trip that we shouldn’t pass up. We don’t have to be around them if we don’t want to. The three of us can hit the strip alone and go our own way. It is not like we don't see them in Atlanta all the time anyway.”

  I sighed and resigned myself to my fate, which really wasn’t that bad. I would have to suck it up and get over it so that I could have a good time with my friends.


  The flight was great because Kenneth put me, Patricia, and Jasmine on the same flight. I’m always having a blast when I’m with the two of them. We went to our hotel and were so happy when we arrived at the Monte Carlo. He’d gotten us a suite. I’d severely underestimated how much money he�
�d had. How in the hell could he afford this? That must have been one big contract he got.

  “You think he’s selling drugs on the side?” Patricia said as she plopped down on her king size bed.

  “Shut up,” Jasmine said. “He landed that ridiculous account with the Elite modeling agency and their paying him a lot of money to be the head of their financial department.”

  “What? I can’t believe he didn’t tell me it was with Elite. Where have I been?”

  “I found out from Sharee,” Jasmine said, “Lets go down to her room to see what her and Miranda are up to.”

  We walked down the hall to Sharee and Miranda’s room. It was really nice but a hell of a lot smaller than the suite that I shared with my friends. He had clearly given us extra special treatment.

  “Get in here,” Miranda whispered, and we hurried into her room.

  “Girl some drama went down at the airport this morning,” Sharee said before Miranda could get any words out.

  “What kind of drama?” I asked.

  “Kenneth and Amelia broke up in the middle of the airport. They were loud and she wasn’t happy at all. Amelia stormed out and Kenneth got on the flight with us without her.”

  “Shut your mouth!,” Jasmine said in obvious glee, “Why did they break up? What happened?”

  “We don’t know,” Miranda admitted, “They were whispering at first and then it got really loud but it was just her hurling insults at him. He was quiet for the rest of the flight.”

  “Did he seem upset?” I asked.

  “Actually, not really now that I think of it. He put in his headphones and went to sleep. He’s in his room on top floor right now. He said that we’ll all get together around 7.”

  “I’ll catch up with you all later,” I said, “I want to see him and make sure that he’s okay.”

  “Mmmhmm,” Patricia said, raising an eyebrow.

  “Yeah we’ll see you later,” Jasmine winked at me as if she just knew what was about to happen.

  On my way up the elevator I told myself, ‘He and I are friends; I’m doing what any good friend will do in this situation. I’m checking on him to make sure that he’s okay, nothing more,’ and the rational part of me said that I was a liar.

  I walked to his suite and knocked. He opened up and smiled when he saw me. He certainly didn’t look like a man that was mourning his relationship.

  “Hey Nikki, I was wondering if I would see you tonight. I figured you and your girls would be skipping up and down the strip by now,” he said, “Please come in.”

  “Well that’s what we planned to do,” I stepped inside of the room and he closed the door behind me, “But I heard about your break up with Amelia, and I was just coming to check on you.”

  “Ah.. I see that word travels fast, I’m sure that Miranda and Sharee couldn’t wait to give you every last juicy detail.”

  “Well you know those two, they can’t hold water,” I laughed.

  “Yeah I know,” he said as a grin spread across his face and then he masked it. “But I’m doing okay. It was a little rough but at the end of the day she’s not the woman for me. Everything happens for a reason.”

  I purposefully ignored his grin because I didn’t want to read too much into it.

  “Well at the end of the day, we all came here to have fun. Hopefully you’ll feel better once you’re surrounded by your friends and had some drinks. We’re going to party hard,” I said.

  “You’re right. I’m glad that everyone is here and I’m looking forward to club hopping, drinking, and completely cutting up. After all I am a single man now,” he said with a wink. I wasn't sure what to read into that wink either but I quickly put it to the back of my mind.

  I did my best to mask my disdain for what he’d said. It was an adjustment to have to watch him parade around with Amelia, what I wasn’t prepared for was to see him flirting with a lot of other women. I would just have to make sure that I was on the opposite end of whatever club we all were at.

  “You seem to be doing just fine,” I laughed, “I’m going to find Patrice and Jasmine before they get too pissed at me for abandoning them, I’ll see you tonight.”

  He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, “Thank you for checking in on me, it actually means a lot to see we can be friends.”

  “You’re right, I guess we can,” I said as I walked out of the door.


  “You need a drink because your brain isn’t working right.”


  My mind was flooded with a million thoughts as I headed back towards my room.

  I almost felt guilty because it seemed like my heart had willed this scenario into existence. I have read books like “The Secret” which make me think maybe I had a hand in all this somehow but at the end of the day it didn’t change anything. I was still with Joshua and Kenneth still didn’t seem ready for a relationship. He was supposed to ask Amelia to marry him and yet he didn’t look the least bit hurt by their breakup. That honestly didn’t say a lot for his character. Although I had to admit that I was pretty happy that Amelia wouldn’t be sinking her claws into Kenneth for life.

  She was so sure that she had him wrapped around her finger and now they were over. I gave myself a mental pat on the back. I knew that they didn’t belong together and apparently the universe knew it too. I was looking forward to enjoying the weekend and I figured that I would do my best to steer clear of Kenneth and the guys as they did God knows what in Las Vegas.


  “So what in the hell happened,” Jasmine said before I could completely step into the room.

  “Damn, can I sit down first woman?” I said snapping at her.

  “Don’t get all snippy with Jasmine.” Patrice laughed. “You know we want all of the juicy details girrl.”

  “Yeah,” Jasmine said as amusement crept across her face, “and obviously you have something to say because you’re all irritated.”

  I sighed, “Sorry girl didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I guess my nerves are a lot worse than I thought. I really don’t have much to tell other than what we already know. He and Amelia broke up at the airport and he doesn’t really seem hurt, or even bothered, by it.”

  “That’s because he never really wanted that girl,” Patrice said, “He was using her to get to you.”

  “Now that’s just crazy speculation,” I countered. “We don’t know what was going on between the both of them and it was obviously serious if he planned on putting a ring on her finger. It was a lot more than he ever offered me.”

  Patricia shrugged, “All I know is that a ring never touched her finger, and here he is in Vegas, with us…alone. Here you are in Vegas…alone. Sounds like his plan is coming together if you ask me...”

  “I’m not alone; I have the both of you.”

  “You know what she means,” Jasmine said narrowing her eyes at me as she poured me a glass of champagne. “You need a drink because your brain isn’t working right.”

  “Shut up,” I said as I took a long sip of the delicious champagne.

  “You’re such a lush,” Jasmine giggled, “But we love you anyway.”

  I laughed, “Hey sometimes I just need some outside help to calm down and don’t act like you and vodka aren’t very good friends.”

  “Well I never said that, but we aren’t talking about me right now,” she said.

  “It’s no secret that we ladies love our alcohol,” Patrice joined in, “But when you have a life like ours, you need it. The key is that we don’t overdo it , that is how we stay pretty,” she said as she ran her fingers through her hair.

  “Well we don’t overdo it when we’re in Atlanta,” I said, “But we’re in Vegas baby! Fuck moderation,” I said as I downed the rest of the glass.

  “I hear that,” Jasmine said as she poured the three of us another glass.

  We had a great evening of drinking and fun. All of us got together with our friends earlier than we expected. We all had a late lunch at the Cas
ino and reminisced on the days when life was easier. Granted we didn’t have much money then, but we had a lot more time to enjoy each others company. Now when we all got together it was to talk about business, contracts, and new leads. So it was really nice to be able to kick back, relax, and laugh.

  That night we went club and bar hopping. I did my best to stay out of Kenneth’s way, but surprisingly enough he wasn’t acting as wild as I expected him to. He was pretty mild and he just stuck to the bar and spent his time talking to everyone in our circle. I’d seen women shamelessly flirt with him but he never took the bait.



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