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David's Dilemma

Page 7

by Sydney Addae

  “Not really. He never took me with him. I crept behind them several times hoping to escape but never saw them walk through the gateway.”

  David frowned. “Gateway?”

  “There’s some sort of unseen path that allowed Sage and one other person to leave. I’ve never seen more than two leave at a time.”

  “Is that why they didn’t escape? Because of their litter-mates?” David could relate to that dilemma. He’d never leave any of his siblings behind.

  “They serve the Queen,” Lucas stressed. “She’s their Alpha. I don’t think they’ve ever thought to leave her.”

  “Why is she here?” He watched Lucas for a few seconds and looked around. It was quiet. The air wasn’t as heavy as before.

  Lucas shrugged. “She can’t leave, that’s all I know. Since I’ve been here, no one has ever left.”

  “Has anyone else ever came through here like I have?” David was curious about the fate of any others.

  “Through the years, some have arrived and became slaves to the Pack. They didn’t survive. It’s hard to enslave a free wolf. Death is preferable. There are days I wonder what would’ve happened to me if I hadn’t been a pup when I was brought here.” He looked at David and offered a slight smile. “Maybe I’d have been brave enough to prefer death to violation.”

  David didn’t know what to say. “You speak well, who taught you?”

  “Alpha Keir, the Alpha before Sage and his litter-mates. He treated me as a son, rather than a bed-mate. He was killed during a trip on the outside for food.”

  David held up a finger and looked into the distance toward the tents. The full-bloods moved about. He waved Lucas closer, wrapped his arm around his waist and jumped to a high ledge that overlooked the floor.

  “Wow,” Lucas whispered as David pushed him off of him. The full-bloods looked in the direction where David had slept and then searched the area. One of them ran toward the food storage area and came back with strips of dried meat in his hand. The others headed in that direction and remained for a short time.

  Minutes later, all six full-bloods walked out and stood beneath the ledge. “What will you do for food?” they asked David.

  “I expect you to go hunting and provide for me,” David said in a hard voice.

  “We cannot leave, the Queen forbids it,” Baez said stepping forward. “There is no more food. The Alpha provides for the Pack.”

  “Tell the Queen, you bowed to her, gave her your allegiance. Let her feed you,” David said.

  “She is our Queen, not our Alpha. Sage was Alpha,” Baez said.

  David snorted. “Sage was her puppet. She is your Alpha whether you admit it or not. No one can serve two masters.”

  “What are you saying? You wish us to bow to you instead of our Queen?” Baez asked in a low, furious growl.

  “Not at all. She provides for you and is worthy of your allegiance. It’s hypocritical for you to expect me to be responsible for what she’s already doing. Alpha is an empty title because she holds that position in your hearts and mind.”

  “The pup speaks true,” the Queen walked toward them. The six full-bloods immediately fell to their knees and bowed their heads.

  “Get Dad,” David told Adam.

  “You continually surprise me, young one. Cain says you are the son of La Patron, wise and fearless. His respect for you and your father is impressive.”

  Cain wouldn’t have told her anything. Chances are she searched Cain’s memories for that information.

  “Perhaps we can work a deal, your father and I.” She touched the closest wolf to her. He shuddered and moaned while she stared up at David. “Will you keep the small one as your pet?” she asked, her gaze flicked to Lucas.

  David remained silent as his father listened.

  “A beast of few words I see,” she said moving seductively through the men. Crawling, they followed her, sniffing, and licking her legs and thighs while her fingers played with their hair like pets.

  “Tell your father I will release the two of you if he helps me leave this place.” She smiled as she spoke, but it never reached her eyes.

  “Why are you here?” David asked.

  She shrugged. “A slight disagreement with someone who has no sense of humor.”

  “What did you do?” David asked, not expecting the truth.

  “I gave her to some friends for a short time.” She shrugged. “As I said, she had no sense of humor and was angry enough to have her friends help put me in here. But it’s been long enough, I miss the sun on my skin and the breeze off the ocean. If your father gets me out of here, I’ll release you and Cain.”

  “And Lucas,” David added, ignoring the slight jerk of surprise from Lucas.

  “So, you do like him? Careful, he’s a needy bastard,” she said and then laughed.

  “I don’t know him,” David said indifferently.

  The smile left her face. “Why do you want him released?”

  “You would leave him here, alone, after you leave?” David asked.

  “Since I’ll be taking them with me, he matters not.” She brushed off the thought as little consequence. “I understand you’re in touch with your father while here, so communicate and tell him my terms.” She fisted the hair of one full-blood and pulled him up until his mouth was level with her breast. He immediately began sucking. She widened her stance. The other five scrambled, jockeying for a position to lick between her legs.

  “Yes, it’s a new flavor. My current amour’s seed is tasty, is it not?” Head thrown back, she writhed as the full-bloods licked her from breast to mid-thigh feasting on her fluids.

  David stared at the far wall. “How’s Cain holding up?” he asked his father.

  “Abel can’t get through to him. Whatever she put in his system has him locked down”

  “Have Mom or Asia try to get through,” David explained the difference in the energy, how it broke through the fog and allowed him to resist Nadira completely.

  “She mentioned that. I’m waiting to see if she has any lingering effects from working on you. If not, I’ll link with her to Abel and then to Cain.”

  “Believe me, Mom’s energy will clear whatever’s in Cain’s system. It’d be nice to have him down here,” David said, blocking the sounds of the orgy below.

  “Okay. We’ll give it a try. If it works, you’ll see him within the hour.” His dad disconnected.

  “How are you holding up?” Adam asked.

  David told him about Lucas’ situation.

  “That’s messed up,” Adam said. “Bet it freaked you out when he offered to serve you.” Adam chuckled.

  “Yeah, it did. Can’t imagine the life he’s lived, makes me realize how blessed we’ve been. Maybe he can stay with Matt and Davian, or Brix and Leo to help him pull it all together.”

  “I thought he wasn’t into men?” Adam said.

  “I don’t think he knows what he’s into,” David said. “He’s never had a choice. I’m thinking seeing two same-sex mated couples will help him heal and not hate himself so much. I don’t think he’d be comfortable with other types of couples right now. Could be wrong, just my take.”

  “I see your point. Davian and Matt might be best. They have experience dealing with Tomas who’s close to Lucas’ age. First, we have to get you out of there. Do you think Dad’s going to make the deal?”

  “He didn’t say. I hope he does some research on her first, talk to Grandfather or the Goddess. Who knows what he may be unleashing by letting her out of here.”

  “Good point,” Adam said. “Not that any of that’s going to matter to Mom, she wants you out of there, now.”

  David smiled. His mom was the absolute best. Lucas pushed his shoulder.

  “They’re finishing up,” he whispered.

  David stared down at them.

  Nadira lay on the ground, covered in semen while one of the full-bloods thrust into her. The others pumped their cocks and ejaculated, hitting her face, chest, or stomach. She wri
thed like a snake, moaning, groaning and rubbing the semen over her skin.

  “You should see this,” David told Adam.

  “I can’t see without Dad. What’s going on?”

  David gave him a quick break-down. “That’s what’s going to go back and lay with Cain. I hope Mom breaks him free before that shit dries.”

  “Nasty. Are they jacking off on her? For real?”

  “Yeah. No wonder they need a lot of food and water, she’s draining them right now.”

  “Maybe you should attack, get rid of her squad while they’re weak,” Adam said.

  “Or stronger,” David said. “Who knows what’s in that?”

  Adam laughed. “Good point.”

  DAVID SENSED MOVEMENT, looked up across the cavern and smiled. Now things would get interesting.

  Cain leaped down from the top steps and strode toward the men standing above Nadira. They hadn’t seen Cain who looked like a wild-haired hurricane wearing green boxers and nothing else. With Olympic worthy strides, he reached the full-bloods, elbowed them out the way, reached down and grabbed Nadira by her hair.

  She screeched and tried to break free. Cain’s eyes glowed brown instead of blue, as he wrapped his hands around her neck.

  “Oh, oh,” David said.

  “What?” Adam asked.

  “Mama’s here. She’s working through Cain and about to kick Nadira’s ass.”

  David looked at Lucas. “Stay here.” He jumped down just as the six full-bloods went after Cain. David morphed into his two-legged beast, grabbed the closest two, and slammed their heads together so hard, they cracked open like melons. He tossed them aside and went after the next one.

  “Kill them,” she yelled. “Kill them both.” She bit Cain and yelled as blood and wisps of smoke drifted from her mouth.

  Cain laughed, but it wasn’t him. “I got something for your ass, you vile bitch. Bite him again, what he’s packing now will make you rot from the inside out.”

  “What is this?” Nadira bent forward, holding her stomach and spit out blood. “Who are you? Isodora?”

  “I’m your fucking nightmare, bitch,” Cain said although it was obvious he wasn’t the one speaking.

  David backhanded two of the full-bloods, sending them crashing into the wall. One remained impaled on a jagged edge and slumped over. The other’s head split and spilled onto the ground.

  “Enough!” Nadira yelled and ran.

  David ignored her and slammed the last two full-bloods together while Cain went after Nadira.

  He hadn’t killed these two, just knocked them out, tossed them aside and joined the chase to get Nadira. She moved like lightning, but Cain was on her trail. David followed them and found what had to be her lair, it reeked of sex.

  Eager to catch her, David stopped short as he entered what appeared to be a courtyard of sorts. Nadira held a long blade pointed at Cain. David morphed to human and walked toward them. She turned trying to follow him and watch Cain at the same time.

  “Do not play with me black wolf, I’m allowed to defend myself,” she said.

  “When do you expect Isodora to return?” David asked casually.

  The question seemed to startle her. “Isodora sent you?”

  David didn’t answer. Instead, he tried to capture her inside a black box, but she moved to the other side before it landed.

  “I am older than any of you can imagine,” she said. “Including the female residing in him.” She pointed to Cain. “You’ll not catch me easily, but you will starve to death for what you’ve done this day.” She turned and disappeared.

  David ran toward the clearing to get to Lucas. By the time he reached him, Nadira had stabbed him in the stomach. She laughed when she saw David and ran off.

  “Get him down from there,” David told Cain as he cleared a spot on the ground to work on healing the pup. Cain lay Lucas on the ground and knelt on the opposite side.

  “Adam, get Dad. He needs to pull Lucas’ wolf so he can heal.”

  “What happened, David?” his dad asked a few seconds later.

  “Pull his beast so he can heal. Nadira stabbed him to keep him from helping us,” David answered.

  The next moment a large white wolf lay on the ground. David met Cain’s surprised gaze.

  For several seconds, neither of them moved. The wolf looked up at David, held his gaze and then stood shakily. Cain stood in front of David until the wolf lowered his gaze and sat on his haunches.

  “He’s big, and white with blue eyes. What Pack is that?” David asked his dad.

  “I don’t know. Hawke will look into it. There’s nothing wrong with him, he’s completely healed,” his dad said.

  “Good, we don’t know where Nadira went, she may come after him again,” David added. “Which brings us to another problem, food until you get here.”

  “Shift and search for food, if it’s there, you’ll find it. Doesn’t sound like she can leave to get supplies. How many of her pack lives?”

  “Two, maybe three,” David said looking around.

  “Get it down to zero. They’re meeting her needs if she plans to starve you, starve her. I’ll tell Cain to handle it, he needs to get rid of some energy. Your mom was pissed when she discovered what Nadira did to Cain and Abel. I had to stop her from killing the witch on sight. Nadira lives until we get you out of there.”

  David’s heart filled with pride. “Yes, Sir. Mom’s gangster though. I recognized her immediately and knew things were about to get hot,” he said smiling at the memory. His mom didn’t play.

  “She’s my equal in every way. To win against Nadira, we need your mom’s strong female energy. I’ll be in the background, but she’ll lead the battle this time, and she’s ready.”

  Cain stood and walked off.

  David looked at Lucas. “We need to find food; can you scent anything edible?”

  Lucas stood and shook his large body before trotting off. David watched Cain go to each full-blood to ensure they no longer breathed and laid them on the floor. “How many were there?”

  “Six. Sage’s body is still in his tent I think,” David said.

  “No, it’s gone, they must’ve buried him earlier. Shit. She took one with her,” Cain said counting five bodies. “Ask white wolf where bodies are buried.”

  “His name is Lucas, I sent him to search for food.” David looked in the direction Lucas had gone and saw him sitting on his haunches watching him. “Never mind, he’s here.”

  “Did you find more food?”

  “Lucas stared at him and walked off.

  “Cain, let’s get the food first and then handle the burials. If there are two of them, they could hide anywhere. Have you eaten?” He looked at Cain and then followed Lucas.

  “No. I could eat something.” Cain followed him. They stopped at the same place where David had eaten earlier. Dried meat, some berries, and a few roots were inside.

  David inhaled. “They haven’t messed with it yet.” He looked at Cain. “It’s bland but it’ll feed your beast.”

  Cain nodded, grabbed several strips of meat while David stood guard. “You’re right, tastes like crap but it’ll do. Take some berries and the rest of this. After we bury the dead, we’ll raid her chambers, see if we find anything there. The sooner they run out of food, the sooner she’ll send him outside and the Knights will grab him.”

  David nodded and glanced at a silent Lucas. With the full-bloods dead, the chances of him being raped by the lone full-blood were severely minimized.

  “Where do they bury bodies?” he asked Lucas as Cain grabbed all the food and handed him two of the four water bottles.

  “The wolf stood and trotted to the five on the floor, sniffing each one. He looked at David and moved forward, stopped and looked at David again.

  “I think he wants us to follow him,” Cain said. He tore the shirt off one of the five, wrapped the food and bottles inside and tied it around his waist. Bending, he picked up one body, hefting it up to his right shoulde
r. Next, he picked up another and carried it on his left.

  David morphed into his two-feet beast, grabbed the other three and walked behind Lucas. They traveled over uneven rock and through a shallow water bed before coming to the edge of a deep crevice. Cain tossed the two bodies, and David tossed the other three.

  Lucas morphed to human with a new loincloth, completely healed and David believed he was larger but wasn’t sure.

  “Do you want to search for food?” He looked at David.

  “Yes.” David morphed into his wolf and trotted in the direction of Nadira’s lair.

  Lucas and Cain followed.


  SILAS RECEIVED CAIN’S transmission and contacted Jacques. “There’s one full-blood alive. She’ll send him out for supplies, get me 10 choppers in the air searching for a lone wolf on the hunt. Do it now!”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Knights.” Silas summoned the group on the ground in Canada.


  Silas exhaled and forced a sense of calm to rest on him. He explained the battle Cain and David won, along with the consequences. “Half of you will be in the choppers, Jacques is securing them now and will contact you with assignments. Those on the ground continue searching your quadrants until you’re told to move to a different area. As soon as the lone wolf is spotted I want him secured and the location noted.”

  “Yes, Sir,” each man responded.

  For now, that was the most he could do. The Goddess hadn’t answered his request for an audience. Neither had Grandfather. Adam and Bella were in the air on the way to Canada, disregarding his request to wait. There was no way to keep Jasmine and Asia from going, which meant Jackie and Renee would follow. Silas rubbed his brow and accepted he wouldn’t win this battle, not with David at risk.

  Once Jasmine realized she could fight the witch, she stopped listening to him. The pilots were en route. As soon as they arrived his mate would leave, with or without him. That had been made crystal clear.


  “Walking into your office now.”

  Silas looked up at his litter-mate with a sense of relief. As his beta, Angus would handle things until he returned.


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