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David's Dilemma

Page 11

by Sydney Addae

  Lucas bit his lip and drew circles on the ground with his fingertip. “Maybe find my den, ask them to take me back. Seek my mate. Move someplace where I could live free and be happy.” He smiled wistfully. “Except, none of us are truly free. Packs have Alphas and rules, outside the Pack society has government and rules.” He shrugged. “Lots of variables, I’m not sure which is best. What do you think?”

  “Pack life for me.” David didn’t think twice about his answer. The idea of living outside of Pack was anathema to him. It was all he knew and one day, he’d lead a Pack.

  Lucas chuckled. “Did you even think about it before answering?”

  “Didn’t have to think, I know the answer like I know my name. Pack for life.”

  “Why? What’s so great about it?”

  David met Lucas’ serious gaze and thought of his answer. “What you’ve seen and experienced here isn’t the way Packs operate in the States. Everyone works together for the good of all. If a Pack member in one part of the country is attacked, the Alpha and as many members as necessary retaliate. If a member dies, Pack steps in and makes sure the pups are cared for. Every Alpha has a place to care for pups who lost their sires and mams. We feed, clothe, and educate them as if they’re our own. Pack takes care of Pack.”

  Lucas nodded slowly. “What does it cost?”

  “Pack membership is restricted to full-bloods, half-breeds, and breeders. If you’re not born into the Pack, you must ask the Alpha to accept you. Once he does, then you’re Pack. The cost is to be a part of the group, to serve and help each other while obeying Pack law.”

  “I knew there was a catch.” He smiled at David.

  “Catch? Where can you live without obeying laws or rules from someone? Even in here, you’ve followed rules to remain safe.” David didn’t smile or make light of the matter. Disobeying rules could get Pack members killed, everyone was expected to be on the same page.

  “That’s true. I didn’t think of it like that.” Lucas continued staring at the ground.

  David’s thoughts wandered to his parents and getting out of this place. Despite what he projected, he was deeply concerned. The full-blood hadn’t returned, and they’d taken all of Nadira’s food, which hadn’t been much by full-blood standards. What would happen when that was gone? What if there was no way out of here? If Nadira died from hunger, they’d be stuck forever. Was there a way to reach a compromise? One of them could leave for food and return? He and Cain were banking on Nadira coming to that alternative or another one Cain was hesitant to initiate.

  “Maybe I’ll join your pack,” Lucas said drawing David’s attention. “If you’re not an Alpha, you will be one day. Do you ever think about it?”

  “Will Nadira agree to send one of us out for food?” David wasn’t in the mood to discuss his distant future while the present beat down on him.

  Lucas blinked a few times and swallowed hard. “Honestly I don’t know what she’ll do. This is new territory. She may not need much food as long as she has water. Or there’s a way for food to come to her to ensure she survives.” He shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know.”

  Silent, David cursed and hoped she didn’t have an alternate food supply. They’d be in trouble for sure.

  “Would you like me to go check on her?” Lucas asked.

  “No. She’ll probably come down when she thinks we’re sleeping and test the shield.”

  Lucas nodded. “You’re mated?”

  David wasn’t in the mood for personal chit-chat. “Yes.”

  “Do you love her?”

  He looked at Lucas until the wolf looked away.

  “Sorry, it’s not a lot else to do but talk.” Lucas scooted back and wrapped his arms around his knees.

  Realizing he needed to work on his people skills, David relented. “Yes.”

  “Does she know?” Lucas asked from his spot.

  “Of course, she does, that’s a crazy question.” David pulled a sack of clothes he’d taken from the tents, placed it beneath his head and stretched out on the ground with his hands clasped on his belly. Above his head sunlight filtered through the rock formations. Beautiful and deadly.

  “I suppose. Wonder if I’ll ever find my mate, there’s supposed to be someone for everyone, right?”

  David didn’t know. Most of the people working in the compound weren’t mated. “Maybe.”

  “That’s better than no I guess. What’s her name? Your mate?”

  “Why do you want to know about her?” David looked at Lucas.

  “Just wondering. Don’t have to say if you don’t want.”

  David released a breath and thought about the question. Sarita stole his heart when they were pups in elementary school. The day she was kidnapped, he died. Maybe not physically, but such a large part of him was missing he knew right then she belonged to him. The day she came back, he pulled her to the side in the nursery and told her she was his mate.

  Her eyes had widened for several seconds before she nodded in agreement. In his mind, it was settled. As the years passed, she became less certain and decided to take a summer vacation in Europe with her grandparents after graduation. That had been their first separation. He hated every day they were apart, while she seemed to be having a lot of fun without him. When she decided to remain with her grandparents and attend college, he was devastated.

  No matter how many times she explained her choice wasn’t to get away from him, he took it as a personal rejection. In her absence, his heart fractured. Did she have any idea the pain of her separation caused?

  When she showed him the lines on her stomach his heart seized in his chest. Would she have contracted the disease at home? Neither of them knew the answer, but he sensed that was a part of her pain. If she was contagious, then yeah, staying away made sense. But what bothered him was her refusal to allow him to visit her. It was his right and responsibility to protect and comfort her, but she refused. Battling his beast daily on her behalf drained him. If he could let her go, he would have. But how could anyone live without their heart?

  He couldn’t. So, he waited, and hoped, and prepared for a time when they became one. Holding her in his arms as they rested was his favorite day-dream. Her wild dark curls and curvy body lying on top of him.

  David closed his eyes tight and inhaled deeply. “Sarita?” he called, needing to hear her voice. Silence met his petition and hurtled him back to the present.

  NADIRA STOOD SLOWLY as distant memories filled her mind. As a youth, she had trained as an assassin living for the day she joined Salah’s army. She led men into battles and won. At the mention of her name, people cowered in fear and offered tribute for peace.

  Had it been a mistake to sell Hanna and Isodora and a few other bitches to the Liege? Perhaps. Her life spiraled downward after that decision. Envy was the worst poison and she’d been filled with it when she realized the much younger pups would be considered in a positive light by Salah.

  The Liege Lords had sought her services, first to breed, but she refused to carry pups for anyone. She provided their security for a short time until she grew bored. Then they struck a deal for her to secure bitches for them and paid her well.

  It had been a different time. She’d been worshiped and adored as a queen. Men bowed before her and offered everything they possessed. Now she lay prostrate on the floor of an unadorned mountain, burdened by hunger and defeat.

  No! She would not rest until her enemies lay bloodied and defeated beneath her feet. She would kill them all.

  Short blade in hand, she girded her waist with her long blade. Moving to the entrance of her lair, she started toward the tents. Anger bubbled in her chest at the thought of their disrespect and thievery.

  She would hack the barrier until it fell beneath her fury. They would feel her wrath for taking what was hers. She braided her hair and drank her fill of water. Hunger gnawed at her stomach, that couldn’t be helped. Soon she would take what belonged to her and eat her fill.

  Ready for battle, s
he marched down toward the tents and leaped forward landing on top. Once stabilized, she stabbed at the barrier repeatedly, trying without success to pierce it, while yelling her displeasure. The black wolf watched her for a few minutes and then stepped outside the bubble in human form.

  Blind fury whipped through her. Without thought, she abandoned her task and ran across the barrier intent on destroying him. When she came to the end, she leaped and spun in the air, landing slightly behind him.

  Watching her, he crouched as she lunged. He ducked. She continued forward, slamming into the barrier and bounced off. Rather than attack, he waited, allowing her time to stand.

  This one is more cunning than I thought. She took care with her strategy and waited to see what he would do next. They watched each other for several seconds.

  He straightened. “Can you leave and find food?”

  His question took her by surprise. It had to be a trick to disarm her. Scenting the air, she wondered if Cain was lying in wait somewhere close. When she didn’t answer, he shrugged and turned.

  Seeing an opening, she raced forward.

  He dropped to the ground and kicked her as she flew over him. She hit a rock wall this time and couldn’t breathe for a few seconds. Stars floated in her vision as dust and debris from the rock surrounded her.

  She was lifted from the ground, and her weapons removed before she realized what was happening. Pulling together energy, she kicked out, gained her release and moved backward.

  Cain stood in front of the tent with his arms across his chest, while the other one watched her from his same position. Who had her blades?

  “I think you should send one of us out for food, don’t you?” Cain said.

  She sneered and spat in his direction. “Never. We will die together.”

  “She’s big on dying, isn’t she David?” Cain said with an irreverent grin.

  How she wanted to wipe it off his face. “Pig,” she spat.

  Cain laughed.

  With claws outstretched, she flew at him. He grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back, hard. She didn’t flinch at the pain. His deep blue eyes probed hers for a few seconds before he kissed her.

  Shock and something else raced through her system, setting her aflame. Just as she thought she would explode, he stopped. Chest heaving, he stared into her eyes and licked his beautiful lips.

  “Behave. Stop playing with knives,” Cain said as if talking to a child.

  It took a moment for his words to sink in. Horror at her capitulation, then shame followed by anger filled her. She stiffened in his embrace.

  “David, plan B is in effect. I’ll be back in a while, we’ve got some unfinished business,” Cain said looking at her.

  “We have no business, finished or unfinished,” she hissed trying to break free.

  He released her.

  Palms together she pulled energy and threw it at him. He raised his hand, erecting a barrier just in time to absorb the ball. It fizzled. She made another one, bigger this time and threw it at him.

  It hit the barrier in front of him as he took steps toward her.

  Primed for war, she leaped forward and hit him with her fists. He grabbed her arms again, turned and started walking up the steps.

  In the background, she heard the other one laugh.

  “Release me,” she ground out.


  She hadn’t expected that. “I said release me.”

  “No.” They reached the grotto and he tossed her into the cool water.

  Sputtering and raining curses down on him, she swam to the edge, only to be pushed back in. Did he plan to drown her?

  She fought the water and blindly moved to the other side. His arms wrapped around her from behind and he pulled her close. “I told you to behave. Keep this up and I’ll spank you.”

  His words were outrageous. “Never.”

  “Don’t push me,” he growled near her ear.

  She felt it all over her skin.

  He turned her to face him. They stared at each other for several seconds. What could she say? Hunger had made her sloppy, now she paid the price.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  Heat raced to her core. She shivered in expectation. “For what?”

  His lips curved into a one-sided grin. “I’ll show you.” Wading to the edge of the pool, he stepped out, turned and extended his hand to assist her. Surprised, she took it after a moment’s hesitation.

  “When we met, you took me without my permission,” he said in a husky voice while peeling off her wet clothes. “I told you to ask, you refused. In a few minutes not only will you ask, you will beg me to fuck you.”

  She snorted. “I beg no man,” she scoffed.

  “That’s just it, Darlin’, I’m not a man.” He lifted her and walked toward her lair and placed her on the platform where the two of them spent countless hours the day before.

  He grabbed her arms, lifted them above her head and using her wet clothes, tied them to the pole that held her bed together.

  Curious, she watched him remove his clothes and move closer holding his long, thick cock in his hand. He bought the tip to her mouth and stared down at her.

  She gave it an experimental lick, tasted the salty sperm and licked again. He flicked her nipple with his finger-tips. The pain shot through her core. He alternated between flicking and pinching her nipples. Within moments she writhed on the bed, desperately needing to be filled. She tried to take him fully into her mouth, but he remained out of reach.

  “Cain,” she yelled huskily.

  He didn’t respond, instead, he slid his fingers into her heat. Pumping in and out. Her belly clenched, a scream locked in her throat and at the precipice, she fizzled. Tears of frustration filled her eyes, but she refused to allow them to fall.

  Damn, she had been so close, so very close.

  “I think you’re ready now,” he said and slid into her.

  “WHAT’S GOING ON?” Lucas asked moving closer to David and followed Cain’s retreating back with his gaze. “Where’s he taking her? Will he kill her?”

  David chuckled. His dad gave specific instructions that Nadira remain alive. But there was more than one way to get a horny succubus to work with you. Cain believed he could wrestle a deal with her or get information on how to leave. Without Nadira’s assistance, they didn’t see how they’d be able to leave.

  “No, I don’t think so.” David looked at Lucas, smiled and walked toward the water supply. He’d bathe while he could, maybe grab a nap.

  Lucas followed a short distance behind. David stopped and looked over his shoulder. “I’ll be back.”

  Lucas nodded, turned and entered the camp area. Unsure what to do, he walked back and forth in front of the tent watching. When he heard screams, moans and guttural sounds echo through the cavern from Nadira he relaxed a fraction. The matter was being handled.

  But what would they do about food? There was precious little and with those two expending large amounts of energy, they would need more sustenance. Where had Sage disappeared when he left the cave? Was it right and then left? It had been some sort of weaving pattern.

  Lucas left the tent, moving in the direction he believed Sage had gone. Right, and then a few feet to the left. Straining to see the ground he searched for footprints but there were too many. Maybe he would see footsteps as he went further out. Looking down, he didn’t see the low hanging sharp rocks ahead, and bumped into one, piercing his skin. Moving back, rubbing his arm, he didn’t see the hole behind him and fell.

  David was returning when he heard Lucas’ yell and ran forward. “Lucas?” he called looking around, sniffing the air. He had been somewhere around here. “Lucas?” he yelled and scented the air again.


  Moving quickly, he followed the scent, saw the blood on the protruding rock and looked around. “Lucas!”

  He heard a groan and saw the hole. “Lucas are you down there?”

  “Yes. It’s dark, wet.”

>   David heard the fear in Lucas’ voice. He laid on the ground and tried to see but it was too dark. “How far down are you? Can you stand on something? How close are you to the ceiling?”

  “I can stand but can’t touch the top, but I don’t think it’s that high. I can’t see anything.”

  “Alright, I’m going to tie a few things together and try to pull you up, okay?”

  “Okay,” he said in a shaky voice.

  David slid back, noticed the wetness of the ground and hoped that didn’t mean the water rose to the top from down below. Lucas would drown. Propelled by the urgency of the situation, David ran to the camp, searched through the deceased full-bloods supplies for anything he could tie together and used as a rope.

  Frustrated by how long it took to gather enough pieces of clothing or fabrics, and then tie them in secure knots, David prayed constantly for patience, wisdom, and guidance. He did not want Lucas’ blood on his hands or conscience. If only he’d allowed Lucas to come with him to the waterhole none of this would’ve happened.

  When he knotted every bit of fabric he could find into a long makeshift rope, he gathered it together and ran back to the area to help Lucas. “Sorry it took so long, I’m going to ease it down bit by bit. Start reaching, hopefully, you’ll touch it soon.”

  “Ooo okay...”

  David frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Cccold water, rising.”

  David moved faster sending more and more down the hole.

  “I think I have it.” He yanked on it. “Yesss, yesss, I have it. One sssecond.”

  David stepped back until the ground was solid beneath his feet and morphed to his two-footed beast without his claws.


  David pulled him up with ease and a few moments later Lucas’ blonde head reached the top. One more pull and he lay on the ground shivering. David returned to human and picked him up. Dragging the rope which was tied around Lucas’ waist, they made it to the tent. David stripped the wet clothes off Lucas and laid him beneath the furs from the full-blood’s tents. When Lucas’ teeth didn’t stop chattering and his body continued shaking, David lay on top of the covers for added heat.


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