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David's Dilemma

Page 19

by Sydney Addae

  The moment he said again, Tyrese moved. Sarita disappeared and reappeared behind him with the shield, shoving him forward. Tyrese spun around, flipped in the air and came at her.

  Braced for the impact she held the shield in front of her and leaped into the air as he came close. He followed her, and they collided in the air. She flew back and so did he.

  “Much better,” Tyrese said. “That disappearing trick was good, it threw me, but I knew you’d be back and prepared for another attack. You could’ve used the shield as a weapon.” He showed her how to swing the shield to deliver damage.

  It was heavy, and she wasn’t sure if she could put the same amount of force into as Tyrese did.

  “Make it with a lighter metal,” David said. “Create it to work for you.”

  She hadn’t thought of that and recreated the shield out of titanium. Smiling as she lunged back and forth with it, she nodded at him. “Much better.”

  “Since he knows about the shield he will be prepared for it, you’ll need to modify how you handle it,” David warned.

  “Okay.” She had no idea how to do that but would make it up as she went along.

  “Again,” David said.

  Tyrese moved.

  Sarita disappeared and reappeared a small distance from him.

  Tyrese spun and came at her again. She disappeared, seeking his energy and reappeared a distance from him. Standing on the opposite side of the field, she pulled her shield just in time to deflect an energy ball he threw at her. If she’d been thinking, she would’ve disappeared again and avoided getting knocked down.

  Tyrese stood above her and helped her up. “Granted, you can continue to disappear and reappear, it’ll work for a few times. Afterward, she’ll adjust and do something to keep you grounded. An energy lasso would’ve wrapped around your legs and knocked you to the ground. Good job mixing things up, but don’t become predictable.”

  Taking a deep breath Sarita got into position.

  Tyrese turned and walked back to her. “Listen, at some point you need to do serious damage to her. Show me your claws.”

  She held out her hand and unsheathed them. They weren’t terribly long but long enough, she thought.

  “I’ll have David reinforce these,” Tyrese said holding her hand in his. The next second the claws grew longer and sharper. Tyrese touched the edge with the pad of his finger and blood welled from a cut. “Perfect, use this to swipe or plunge, just don’t cut yourself.” He winked and walked off.

  Her side hurt. The last fall probably broke something. Dirty and tired, she wanted a shower, some food and rest. She met David’s gaze across the field.

  When Tyrese came at her this time, she held out her shield, jumped and leaped to kick him and fell flat on her face.


  “Enough for now,” she said spitting out dirt and wiping her face.

  “We’re running out of time,” David said.

  “I’ll train with Isodora and Kim later,” she threw out. “It’s best we work out together since we’ll be fighting together.” Aches and pains assaulted every part of her body. She remained in the same spot looking at him.

  “If that’s what you want,” he said.

  “I’m tired and need to learn more about the stuff she was teaching me,” she said, halfway believing it. The pressure of practicing in front of so many people weighed heavy on her.

  Tyrese looked at her, smiled and hugged her. “You’re doing great. Keep practicing, my money’s on you.” They walked off the field together. When she reached David, he took her hand and they headed to their cabin.

  ONCE THEY REACHED THE cabin, David undressed her and placed his hand over her bruised areas. Heat entered her body and the pain left.

  Surprise stole her voice. When he turned her around and worked on her back, she looked over her shoulder at him. “When did you learn how to do this?” He hadn’t known this before, or had he?

  “I don’t think I learned it. More instinct.” He turned her around, met her gaze before running a finger down the black line on her stomach. “I’m glad I can see these.”

  She frowned. “Why?”

  “Because that means I’m special in your life. I see the gift you are. A descendant of Salah the Blessed. That’s awesome.” He brushed his lips against hers.

  She leaned into him and rested a few moments, inhaling his unique scent. “I’m going to shower. Be back in a few.”

  He wrapped her in a towel and walked with her to the communal bathroom the women chose.

  Renee, Rose, and Jackie were headed there. “You can’t come in,” Renee said pointing at him.

  “I hadn’t planned on it.” He laughed when their gazes called him a liar. He pulled Sarita close and kissed her before walking toward the dining hall.

  Heart racing, Sarita watched him walk away. He had always been good-looking, now he was so much more. And all hers.

  “Come on,” Jackie called to her. “He’ll be there when you get all cleaned up. You’ve got dirt in your hair.”

  Sarita’s hand flew to her hair as she moved to the door. “I do?”

  Bella came up behind her and entered last. “Yeah, you hit the ground hard. Girl, you’re a much better woman than me. I felt it every time you fell.” She sat on the bench and removed her blouse.

  Sarita looked in the mirror. David had done a good job, but her face and hair were dirty. “Is there shampoo and stuff in here?”

  Renee nodded. “They were in the supplies. After you wash it, I’ll blow it dry for you.”

  Sarita smiled. “We’re going way back, old school? Is that what this is?”

  “Yep. You know the drill,” Jackie said and then laughed. “Bella, we did this thing when we were in high school. Wash and dry each other’s hair and talk it all out. By the time we were done, all the problems in our world were solved.”

  “Sounds like fun,” Bella said pulling off her shower cap.

  “Sometimes it was. Remember when you guys told me to let Tomas go?” Renee looked at Sarita, Jackie, and Rose.

  “I remember,” Rose said standing. “You asked our opinions and then argued the whole time.”

  “Seems our advice was right,” Sarita said. “Storm’s no Tomas.”

  “Not even close,” Renee said. “Point being, I didn’t want to listen or agree, but in the end, I did and saved myself a lot of headaches.” She touched Sarita’s shoulder. “Dani will be here in a minute, we’ll get cleaned and go old school to work through this with you. Sometimes, you need your girls.” She hugged Sarita.

  Tears filled Sarita’s eyes. “Goddess yes, I need you guys. Missed you so much.” She leaned back and wiped her eyes. “We’ll need to lock it down.” She looked at Bella. “Link with me, you’re the only one I’m not linked to.”

  Bella smiled and sought her through her link through Adam. “Hey, Sarita.”

  Sarita smiled. “Hey, Sis.” Now they were all linked and could talk freely. She entered the shower, cleaned up and washed her hair. The entire time she tried to pin down the reason for her uneasiness regarding the situation with Nadira.

  By the time she left the shower, Dani had arrived. She hugged Sarita and hopped into the shower. Renee wore a towel around her head and signaled for Sarita to sit in front of her. Rose used a wide tooth comb on Jackie’s hair. Once Dani was done she and Bella would do the same. It was a homecoming of sorts for Sarita as Renee massaged her scalp and used something that smelled great on her hair before combing out the tangles.

  “I’m coming, don’t start without me,” Danielle said.

  “We won’t,” Sarita assured her.

  A couple minutes later, Danielle walked out wrapping a towel around her and then another around her head. She motioned for Bella to have a seat as she grabbed another wide-tooth comb. “Okay, ready.”

  One by one they all linked and greeted each other. It was understood that no one else would be allowed to listen in to this private conversation and nothing would be repeated.
This was a special group of sisters where they could speak their hearts without fear of judgment.

  “I want to apologize to you Sarita,” Renee said. “I took it personally when you wouldn’t immediately agree to be in my wedding. I know I already apologized but I was really, really hurt and angry. The things I thought about you weren’t nice. I had no idea what you were going through and am so ashamed. Forgive me, please.”

  “Of course, I forgive you, are you kidding me? Remember that picture of David kissing me you drew when we were what? In middle school? I still have it. I love you girl for your excellent vision.”

  “Really? You still have that?” Renee asked.

  “Yeah. If it involved David, I still have it,” she said softly.

  “He’s a good guy,” Bella said. “Really nice, chilled.”

  “He looked like a professor out there today,” Renee said mimicking her brother with his hands behind his back, barking orders.

  Everyone laughed.

  “He’s scared,” Jackie said in a somber tone, looking at Sarita. “Fear’s not a normal vibe we get from him, so it was a shock. He’s trying to hide it, but he’s scared of this Nadira chick.” She looked at Sarita. “What’s the deal with her?”

  Sarita wasn’t surprised by the question but how to answer? “Indirectly she killed the woman who birthed me.” She sighed and looked at them. “Why can’t I call her my birth-mom or my biological mom?”

  “Maybe it’s because you don’t really know her?” Danielle offered.

  “Or she’s not real to you?” Rose said.

  “You feel guilty. Like you’re betraying Asia, but you’re not. Calling her your birth mam is just stating a true fact,” Bella said. The others nodded their agreement.

  “Maybe that’s it. Kim’s pissed because I don’t want to avenge her death. But I have no feelings about what happened and don’t understand how Kim can be upset after all these years.”

  “Do you remember her at all?” Jackie asked.

  “No. My earliest memories are being cold and hungry at the Liege Compound. Someone took me away and took me to my dad.”

  “It’s possible your memories are blocked,” Danielle said. “The two of you watched your mam die but you don’t remember, and Kim does. Question is why?”

  Sarita’s gaze widened. “I never thought about that. But you’re right, Kim says she remembers. Why don’t I?”

  No one had an answer.

  “Ask the Prophetess,” Renee suggested. “She should know. Maybe they blocked or removed that memory to help you heal or cope.”

  “Good idea. When I train with her, I’ll ask.”

  “Whoa, you’re training with Isodora?” Jackie asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll contact her after I eat something.”

  “When did you decide that?” Rose asked. “David wasn’t that hard on you, was he?”

  “Even if he was, it’s because he’s scared and wants you to win,” Danielle said.

  “I know. It’s just, she was teaching me things, things I need to know. At least that’s my gut feeling. Could be wrong. Plus, Kim and I could strategize or something. Two heads are better than one.” She looked at her sisters for their opinions and was disheartened by the disapproval on their faces.

  “Talk to me,” Sarita said. “What am I missing?”

  “So glad you asked,” Rose said. “You and Kim may be litter-mates but what’s her power source? I mean what if she pulls energy and drains you to save her butt? You don’t know her well enough to trust her.”

  “Honestly, I never thought to pull anything from her. We mind-speak, but that’s as far as we’ve ever gone. I was thinking fighting strategies,” Sarita said.

  “Good thinking,” Danielle said. “Here’s my problem with that scenario. You’re mated. You and David are tied. If you train with anyone it should be him because he has a serious stake in what happens to you. If you go down, you take him because he will try to kill anyone who hurts you. Not to mention Hawke, Asia, Damian, and your wild younger brothers, Kayden and Wyatt. We need to keep the casualties down. Who knows how Salah and the Goddess will respond when David goes ballistic and tries to kill that bitch.”

  “True,” Renee murmured eying Danielle. “You left us out of that group who will be hot on that bitch’s ass but I’ll let that pass as we get to the root of the problem.” She looked at Sarita. “Why don’t you want to kill that bitch? I don’t have a personal beef with her either but that wouldn’t stop me from trying to kick her ass.”

  Jackie reached over, offered her fist. Renee bumped it.

  “The mere fact it comes down to one person living and the other dying would settle it for me. I’d want to be the last one standing,” Jackie said. “Especially after just hooking up with my childhood love. That bitch would die.”

  Sarita opened her mouth and snapped it shut. What they said made so much sense. “I don’t know. Killing is a big deal. Killing someone you aren’t angry with or don’t see the point of taking that life... it’s not easy. For some reason, I can’t get angry or muster whatever I need to get fighting mad.”

  “What if she goes after David?” Bella asked.

  Sarita’s anger spiked, then reason flooded her. “David would destroy her. Same thing with my mom and dad, and you guys, my brothers, Mama Jasmine and La Patron. The people who matter to me are safe.” She shrugged.

  “If she kills you, no one will be safe,” Bella said softly. “We’ll lose David. Adam... my mate would be inconsolable. You didn’t see him when he couldn’t reach David when he fell into the cave. I’ll lose my mate.”

  No one spoke for a few seconds. Sarita didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t meant for any of this to happen.

  “He wasn’t alone,” Jackie said into the silence. “We’re four, tied to each other. We cannot allow David to ... without giving everything within us to try to save him.” She looked at Sarita. “He’s tied to you. We’re tied to our mates.” She left that thought hanging.

  “We’re one,” Renee said.

  “Just as Rese and Rone are one and tied to us,” Rose said, pointing to Danielle. “It’s the way of litter-mates.”

  “Please. This is too much,” Sarita said feeling the weight of their words. “I don’t want to be responsible for everyone’s future. I plan to fight, I didn’t say I wouldn’t. I don’t know this person enough to hate her. But I will defend myself, you better believe that.”

  “Good. That’s good.” Bella nodded.

  “The Sarita I remember from growing up was no punk,” Jackie said lightening the atmosphere. “I’ve seen you knock more than one boy on his ass on general principle.” She glanced at Renee. “Or because he picked on someone you cared about who didn’t know how to fight.”

  Renee shrugged. “Some of us had other things on our minds. Stop changing the subject, Jackie. I want to make sure Sarita’s clear on this Nadira thing before we talk about the wedding.”

  Jackie and Rose groaned.

  Renee frowned at them. “What? By the time we get home, we have a week before the wedding.”

  Danielle and Bella laughed.

  “Every second of that wedding is planned,” Jackie complained. “There’s no reason to go over it again.” She looked at Sarita. “Trust me, now that the museum has been repaired, Renee’s wedding is the event of the year. There will never be another event like it. Renee and Storm’s big day will go down into the annals of history as the biggest, bestest, ever.”

  Sarita and the others laughed.

  “Very funny. If what you just said wasn’t true, I’d be angry with you,” Renee said. “I’m so happy you’re going to be there, Sarita.”

  “Which means you have to win the battle against Nadira or Renee will never forgive you for messing up her wedding plans,” Jackie said smiling.

  “Stop,” Renee said. “How can we help you prepare for this fight against Nadira? I’m concerned because David’s concerned.”

  “He fought Nadira and is taking the threat serio
usly,” Rose said.

  “So am I,” Sarita said, wishing she could muster the level of concern David had.

  “You got knocked on your ass a lot today, and that was with friendly fire not trying to kill you. Not trying to be mean, just wanting to keep this conversation real,” Renee said. “How can you up your game if you’re not training with David?”

  “Seriously,” Danielle said. “You need to pull on your mate for strength and access his skills.”

  “How do I do that?” Sarita asked.

  “Through your link,” Danielle said. “You’ve exchanged memories, right?”

  Sarita nodded. “During the mating.”

  “That means you’re open to him and he’s open to you.”

  “Okay. But how do I use his skills to fight?” Sarita still didn’t understand.

  Danielle looked at the others. “His skills are in his memories, you have them. Pull on them and they become yours. I don’t know how else to explain. It’s instinctual, a part of you.”

  Sarita explained how her senses were skewed due to the Salah connection which was the reason she hadn’t realized she and David were mates. They stared at her with incredulous expressions.

  “Wow, okay, that means you have to work on it,” Rose said. “Think of a filing system, and take a file that you need.”

  Sarita frowned.

  “You need a vacation from the office, Rose,” Jackie teased. “Start small, Rita. Search his memories for something and pull it to the surface like you’re putting it on.”

  “That’s good,” Bella said.

  “Once it’s on, you can use it,” Rose said.

  “Hold on, I’m going to try it.” Sarita sifted through David’s memories and pulled one from middle school. Adam had been playing a match against another school and one of the players fouled him, knocking him to the ground. David had been out the stands and onto the grounds so fast, the referees had to pull him off the other player.

  Anger rolled through her. Seeing Adam on the ground pissed her off, she moved from beneath Renee and was on the other side of the room in a flash, taking several deep breaths.

  “I think she understands,” Rose said.

  “Yeah, whatever she pulled is making her eyes go dark,” Bella said.


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