You Belong with Me (Cupid's Bow Book 5)
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"Don't be ridiculous. I love you, so, of course, they'll love you, too." He pulled her into his arms and kissed at her neck. "They'll see how happy you make me, how much more livable this place looks now that you're in it."
"Are you sure?" She glanced up at him meekly, then buried her face in his shirt.
"Positive. They've been dying to meet you. Why else would they come all the way from Fairbanks?" He put his hand under her chin and forced her to look up at him. "Besides, worrying is my job. Just relax. Everything will be wonderful. I'm sure of it."
"Thank you, Baby." She gave him a series of small, peppy kisses. "Okay, now get out of here, and let me finish the cooking. They'll be here any minute and my kitchen is a mess!"
Will chuckled and headed to the back patio. "What you doing, guys?"
The moment he entered the yard, the Rottweiler and golden retriever abandoned their sandbox and came running over to give him slobbery kisses.
"Looking pretty light on your feet there, Tuck. It's about time."
Watching Tuck lounge around the house while he recovered from his broken paw had been heart-breaking, especially when Charlie and Rugby moved in and the poor dog wanted nothing more than to play.
Rugby nudged Will's pocket and let out a bark.
"Hey, quiet, boy. You don't want to ruin the surprise do you?" He reached into his pocket and brought out the small velvet box to show the dogs. Flipping the lid, he said, "Pretty, huh? It was my grandmother's, and it's perfect for Charlie. Think she'll say 'yes'?"
Both dogs barked and wagged their tails.
"Well, you guys better be right." Will barely had time to shove the box back into his pocket before Charlie slid the door open and joined them outside.
"Are you sure they'll like me?"
"Darling, they're going to love you, just like I do, like I always will."
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A Word on Rescue Dogs
Dogs are the most wonderful, loyal creatures you will ever meet in your entire life. Sure, sometimes they destroy your favorite pillow, steal food from the counter, or even relieve themselves on your antique rug, but still I wouldn't trade my three dogs for the world.
Nope. Never.
The fact that so many of these lovely and loving animals are abandoned, abused, and put to sleep each and every day just saddens my heart. Thinking of inviting a canine companion into your home? I know it might be tempting to get that adorable purebred puppy, but please consider giving a rescue dog a second chance at life.
In You Belong with Me, Charlie impulsively adopts her Rottweiler, Rugby, because she couldn't stand the thought of him being put down. Although they had a difficult start, Rugby was eager to please her, once he understood how. He knew she was his savior—just as any rescue dog understands who's responsible for his new lease on life. If you're patient, a rescue dog will love you far past what you'd expect to be its capacity to love.
While it's known far and wide that I am a bird lover, I'm also a huge dog person. It's true, I grew up with cats, but I always longed for a dog. Several years ago, that particular dream came true when I brought a golden retriever puppy named Polo into my home.
Polo is not a rescue; he's from a breeder. But as a puppy, his condition known as luxating patella manifested. I couldn't let my poor puppy play for close to a year in order to protect his sensitive knees from popping out of their joints and permanently crippling him. I tried everything to help my Polo get well again, including alternative doggie medicine. And you know what? He's doing great now. My golden baby was truly worth the high veterinary bills. He's enriched my life so much!
Fast forward a few years, and enter my first rescue puppy, Rugby, a small, fluffy dog that was assumed to be Shih Tzu (later on, we found out, he's actually a Lhasa Apso). Rugby's mother was rescued from a puppy mill along with hundreds of other dogs. Please don't get me started on the horror of puppy mills—if you're interested do a quick web search; just make sure you have tissues close by. Rugby's mother was taken in to be spayed. At that time, the doctor saw the puppies in her belly, stitched her back up, and sent her to the most wonderful doggie foster mom in existence. I'm talking about you, Donna Wojick! Thank you for taking such good care of my Ruggle Bug!
This year, we adopted a small Pomeranian puppy for our little girl and named the pup Cricket to keep with our theme. A couple weeks after she came home, Cricket was brutally attacked by a wild fox in our backyard. And our brave Rugby chased the predator off to save her life. Even though she sustained multiple fractures in her skull and accrued over $4,000 in vet bills, I'm proud to report that Cricket made a full recovery and now leads a very happy life with our darling daughter as her very own BFF.
Together, along with my birds, my daughter and my husband, these dogs make my family. And I know that each and every one of these fluffy guys is overjoyed to be part of our little (okay, maybe not so little) clan.
Adopting a dog is a huge responsibility, one that should not be taken lightly. If you're looking for a constant companion who's goofy, sweet, and will constantly find ways to outsmart you, but don't mind the extra chore load or the risk to your furniture, please consider adopting a rescue dog. He will love you all his life!
Also by Melissa Storm
The First Street Church Romances
Love’s Prayer
Love’s Promise
Love’s Prophet
Love’s Vow
Love’s Trial
Love’s Treasure
Love’s Testament
Love’s Redemption
Love’s Resurrection
Love’s Revelation
The Cupid’s Bow Series
When I Fall in Love
My Heart Belongs Only to You
I’ll Never Stop Loving You
You Make Me Feel So Young
Total Eclipse of the Heart
Tainted Love
Eternal Flame
Take My Breath Away
I Want to Dance with Somebody
You Belong with Me
She Will Be Loved
Somebody Like You
All I Want for Christmas is You
The Pearl Makers
Angels in Our Lives
Diving for Pearls
Love Forever, Theo
Shackle My Soul
Angel of Mine
The Book Cellar Mysteries
Walker Texas Wife
Texas & Tiaras
Remember the Stilettos
Ladies, We Have a Problem
Stand-Alone Novels & Novellas
A Texas Kind of Love
A Cowboy Kind of Love
A Wedding Miracle
Finding Mr. Happily Ever After
A Colorful Life
My Love Will Find You
The Legend of My Love
Splinters of Her Heart
Melissa also writes Children’s Books and Nonfiction as Emlyn Chand. Learn more about those works at
About the Author
Melissa Storm is a mother first, and everything else second. She used to write under a pseudonym, but finally had the confidence to come out as herself to the world. Her fiction is highly personal and often based on true stories. Writing is Melissa's way of showing her daughter just how beautiful life can be, when you pay attention to the everyday wonders that surround us.
Melissa loves books so much, she married fellow author Falcon Storm. Between the two of them, there are always plenty of imaginative, awe-inspiring stories to share. Melissa and Falcon also run the business Novel Publicity together, where she works as publisher, marketer, editor, and all-around business mogul. When she's not reading, writing, or child-rearing, Melissa spends time relaxing at home in the company of her three dogs and five parrots. She never misses an episode of The Bachelor or her nightly lavender-infused soak in the tub. Ahh, the simple luxuries that make life worth living.
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