Sweet Cheeks (Heartbreaker)
Page 3
It's Tanning, and he’s close behind me. So close, I can feel the heat of him, and I shiver involuntarily. I grip the handle tighter and count to three, before I turn around with my best smile.
“Care to show me how it’s done then?”
“Not really. I only came back to grab a change of clothes. I’m going to play golf.”
“Oh.” I sound like I'm disappointed, and I want to kick myself.
I shrug instead and turn, looking at the crappy hard ground. Now I’m more determined than ever to plough through this stupid garden patch. I don’t need his help anyway.
Leaning on the spade I wait for him to leave. I don’t want him hanging around, laughing at me and being an ass.
He sighs long and hard, and I clench hold of the handle.
Why isn’t he leaving?
“Give it here,” he commands.
I narrow my eyes, I don’t want to give it to him, but if he wants to think I’m a helpless female, he can. It's a good image for me.
I stand with my fake smile pasted in place and pass him the spade. It actually hurts to have that stupid smile on my face. I’m usually so good at keeping up the act, but I’m struggling today. He’s making me struggle.
“Why thank you, kind sir,” I say all sweetness, wanting to puke at my own insincerity.
He grunts, and starts to shovel away the dirt and weeds in record time. My god, he is so powerful and strong, I think I could watch him work like that all day, every day. By the time he’s finished there isn’t a weed left standing and the ground is all dug up. The sweat is dripping off his forehead and his t-shirt is drenched. I’m finding it hard not to sweat along with him, just thinking about all that hotness, leading to a whole bunch of naughty thoughts.
His eyes meet mine when he’s finished, and I lose my breath. I could get lost in those beautiful green eyes and long lashes. I imagine them looking at me with real desire. Trained on me and only me. Taking me with those eyes. Holy hell, I need to breathe. I can’t look away, but he does as he shoves the spade in my direction, and marches off into the house without a word.
I have to sit down. That was dizzy stuff.
Sorry Treasure Pot, I say in my head. Mama might be losing her mind.
I’ve heard in this stage of pregnancy your hormones are in overdrive and you want to have sex all the time. That hasn’t really happened as yet. But now, I could so jump Mr Hotness and have my wicked way with him. I haven’t ever really had those strong feelings, even when I wasn't pregnant. Not even with Cam. I mean, I've had my fantasies for sure, but I've never wanted to leap out of my clothes and jump someone’s bones without a care to where I am.
This guy is dangerous, with a capital D. Maybe playing games with him is a bad idea. Maybe I should stay away. He’s only here for a couple more days. I can manage to avoid him. He’s not in my plans. I need to stick to the plan. I can’t get distracted.
Even if he’s a mighty fine distraction. Darn it!
Can’t wait to go out tonight. Staying in last night was not my usual scene. I need to keep up my image as a party girl, Treasure Pot and all. The few friends I’ve got expect it. And I can’t lose them. They’re it. I had a whole team of girlfriends in High School. I was the one to decide who was in and who was out. It was a fine line. One slip and a girl could be tossed aside, and replaced by the next up and coming hottie.
The guys were a different story. Most of them had been in the same groups since junior school. Sorting out the jocks from the geeks, to the other weirdos, was a no brainer and could be done early. Girls were different, they could blossom at any time and you had to be on the look out for the next up and coming. My best girls always stayed close though. That never changed. Well, until they dropped me like a hot potato when my family lost everything. I suppose I can’t blame them. I would have done the same thing. But it did hurt. Hurt to have it all taken away, when I was so close to having it all. All my plans of going to college, hooking up with, and marrying the hottest, richest guy, didn’t exactly work out.
Still, I don’t like to dwell. No point really. I now have a new group of besties. Well, I say besties, they aren’t really. Just girls who stayed in town like me, and who are on the prowl for any hot, available guy. Cam can’t stand them. One in particular, her name’s Candy, and she tried to hook up with him when he was passed out one night. Tried to make it look like she slept with him, when he didn’t. I kicked her ass for that. Cam was off limits. They all knew the rules, but she’s a dumbass who didn’t listen. So, she found out the hard way what it meant to mess with me.
Yeah a few rumours about your kinky sexual preferences will do that.
I’m wearing my shiny silver halter neck dress, that sits just above my knee. With Treasure Pot’s bump I have to be a little conservative. I have my heels on. These babies cost me half my week’s salary but worth every penny. They're so pretty. Little red leather bows cover the front with a cut out for my red painted nails. All ready to kick up my heels. Of course alcohol is off the menu, but I love those little fruity cocktails. Mario hooks me up. He’s the bar tender at The Brew, and looks after me.
I leave my bedroom and walk down the hall. Cam hasn’t been home all day and I haven’t set eyes on Mr Hotness again. He must have left out the back door because I only heard his truck and didn’t see him. He really does hate me. I should be glad about that, glad to not have him hitting on me. Except it annoys me. Maybe that’s why I’m so attracted to him. Wanting what I can’t have.
Story of my life.
I’m just about to enter the kitchen when I hear muffled voices. Or more like hushed voices. Interesting. I wonder who could be whispering and what they’re whispering about. I put my ear to the gap in the door to see if I can hear what they’re saying …
“You haven’t told him yet, have you?”
Sounds like Bailey’s friend Bennett. He is so fine. I would love to get in on that fun, but he’s all glares and sends off a beacon of, don’t touch, when I’m around. Like I’m some kind of disease he doesn’t want to catch. I don’t know what his problem is. I’ve never done anything to him.
Bailey answers softly, “No. Not yet. I will. I just need more time. Things are so good right now. I don’t want to spoil it.”
I wonder what she’s done. Doesn’t sound good. Oh goodie. Little Miss Perfect has a secret. A bad secret she's keeping from Cam. I knew it.
“Bales, he’ll understand. You were broken up.”
She sighs and I’m just about to put my ear closer when I hear footsteps behind me. I straighten up and primp my hair. I’ve put it in a messy kind of bun, which rocks on me.
“What are you doing?” It’s Mr Hotness. I’d recognize that voice anywhere.
I lick my lips and turn to him. Wow. Why does he unbalance me every time he’s near? I feel my heart quicken as my eyes trace over every glorious inch of him. He’s dressed in dark denim jeans that hang just right on his gorgeous hips. The black dress shirt he’s wearing fits snug across his snuggly chest. He’s just showered. I can smell the scent of pine soap and cologne, and I want to move in closer and get high on that scent. But he’s glaring at me again. Then he crosses his arms, like he’s just caught me in the act of doing something I shouldn’t be doing.
Okay. Well maybe he has, but it’s not like I’m about to admit that.
I give him my winning smile. “Just checking my hair.” I’m lucky there’s a mirror right next to the door I was just listening through.
“No you weren’t.”
“Ah. Yes I was.”
“You were spying on Bailey.”
I let out a small laugh. “Right. Why on earth would I be doing that?”
“I have a fair idea.”
A fair idea? What does that mean?
He’s moved closer and I’m getting a bit dizzy. His eyes are still narrowed, but I see something else as he tries to look at me fiercely. Is that a glint of
desire in those green gems? I take a step closer so there’s only a small gap between us. His lips are so close and my breath hitches as I think about those beautiful lips crashing on mine. I really want to kiss him. Actually I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to kiss anyone more than I want to kiss him right now. I’m just about to go for it, when he spins me around and pushes me up against the wall. Wow, now that’s much better. I’d much rather he kissed me.
His lips hover over mine and I close my eyes as he leans in. His breath blows across my cheek and neck, my whole body is exploding with tingles and my stomach is clenched in knots at the anticipation of his touch. I want him so badly. God, this is unbelievable. I’ve never felt this hot for someone, ever.
Then he moves even closer, his warm body pressing gently against mine. I don’t want any space between us, but before I can yank on his shirt, he leans in and whispers in my ear, “Not now. Not ever, Jennifer Jaimeson.” And he pulls away so fast, I nearly fall over.
My legs are wobbly and I can’t catch my breath. I blink at him and he grins, a really smug grin, before he disappears through the door.
Holy shit. What just happened? That has never happened. I’ve never been rejected. Never, ever.
Oh god, I feel like crying. I don’t cry. I haven’t cried, since, well, since I found out about Treasure Pot, and that was one weak moment. Before that, I haven’t cried since I was in my first year of junior High, when Jason, a senior … Oh, I can’t think about that. I changed for the better after that, and it doesn’t help to dwell on the past. The past teaches you valuable lessons, you have to move on from. Which I did, and I will from this. Tanning won’t get to me.
I rub over my belly and take deep breaths to calm down. He’s messing with me. Me? And I let it happen. I let my feelings take over. I haven’t done that in so long. I need to put my guard back in place. I need to go out and have a good time with my girls. I need to find a hot guy to flirt with. I need to feel like me again. Wanted and desired.
Tanning is not in my thoughts. He’s not on my radar. He doesn’t matter.
I don’t care about him.
I don’t.
I won’t.
You do, a little voice says, but I chose to ignore it and storm out the door.
Party girls and good times here I come.
The girls are all giggles tonight, and usually I join in on the fun. Stupid as it is, it’s required on nights like this. They're so full of bubbles, the drinks are flowing and we’ve been out on the dance floor for most songs. I’m trying to have a good time. But I’m tired. Not sure what I’m tired of, whether it’s the constant pressure to be the party girl, or whether it’s the same old scene repeated again and again. The same place, the same people, the same pick up lines and gossip. Not that I’m being picked up. Treasure Pot is a put off for most guys. I see the normal glint in their eye when they spy me from behind, or when I’m sitting. The moment I stand, they back off real quick, like I’ve just zapped them with an ice gun killing their hotness radar.
I leave the giggles for a bit, and decide to chat to Mario at the bar. I like him a lot. He’s married with two kids. His second is only a couple of months old, and he loves talking about them. I find a stool and plop down on it. Mario sees me and winks while he fills several orders. The bar is rocking tonight. They have a new band every Saturday, to give up and coming bands a bit of promotion. The Rollers are playing tonight. They’re an eighties cover band. They’re pretty good. I hate the eighties hits usually, but I’m feeling a little nostalgic tonight. I remember mom and dad pumping these out when I was little. When we had better times as a family. Before it all turned to shit. I rub my belly, thinking of the fun times Treasure Pot and I will have. How I’ll always make sure his childhood memories are good ones.
“Hey, my favorite customer. How’s my girl doing?” Mario says, as he makes his way over to me.
“Doing great,” I lie with my very best smile.
Mario grins. “You want your usual?”
“Yes, please.” Those little fruity cocktails always put a real smile on my face.
“I have a new one. I’m calling it Treasure Pot.”
I laugh. “Sign me up for a couple of those.”
“Of course. I’ll line 'em up and keep 'em coming.”
Mario winks at me again and whistles as he goes away to mix the new fruity concoction. I’m curious as to what he’s putting in it, but can’t see as an arm flies over my shoulder. Some pushy tourists, probably from out of state, who have no manners and don’t want to wait their turn.
“Hey, two buds here,” one of them shouts out.
Mario turns and holds up his finger, indicating for them to wait.
I move to the left as the bigger of the two guys pushes me. Normally I’d push right back, but I have to be careful of Treasure Pot, so I inch my chair away. The other guy sees this as a way into the bar and squeezes beside me, so I’m pressed up against him and the wall.
Now he’s shouting at Mario. “Hey, I said two buds for me and my bud.” He jostles with the other guy and I realize they're high as kites.
I need to get out of here, before they start a fight. And I’m getting pushed around more than I’m comfortable with. One elbow to my stomach could be really bad.
I quietly slip off the stool, thinking I’ll squeeze my way out, when the bigger guy rakes his eyes over me, settling on my chest.
“Hey, there, Gorgeous. Buy you a drink?”
Now normally, I’d flirt back and either accept, or politely decline, but I’m not feeling in the mood to be flirty right now.
“Ah. No. I’m fine, thanks.”
He hasn’t noticed I’m pregnant and the other guy is leaning across him now. “Where did you come from, Sweetheart?” he slurs at me, and I get a whiff of the alcohol on his breath. Wow he is so wasted.
I glance up to see my fruity concoction has been abandoned as Mario deals with a customer at the other end of the bar, who is yelling abuse at someone. Must be a full moon tonight.
I give the two guys a small smile and try to leave. Except they're both blocking me and won’t let me out.
“Where you going, baby? Why don’t you stay and play?”
I’m just about to tell them to get lost and play with someone else, when I hear a voice behind them say, “JJ, what are you doing?”
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I told you to wait for me.”
Wait for who?
I look over the two big shouldered guys to see another taller, broader shouldered, guy. Tanning. I sigh in relief, so glad to see him, forgetting all about my mantra from earlier.
I give him a big smile and the two drunk guys look behind to check him out.
“She your girlfriend?” One guy asks.
I bite my lip, wondering how Tanning’s going to answer that.
“No. She’s my wife and she’s having my baby,” Tanning replies without blinking.
Holy shit. Why does that sound so hot, and why do I wish it were true?
Stupid thoughts. He’s only saying that to help me out.
The two drunk guys drop their arms and move quicker than lightening, giving me room to get through. I’m just about to turn and leave, when Mario calls from behind, “Hey, gorgeous, you forgot your drinks. Sorry got caught up, but she’s all lined up for you.”
I turn and thank Mario, taking both drinks from the bar, then turn back around to see where Tanning went, and come face to face with his beautiful chest.
“You ... You're unbelievable,” he says, looking at me fiercely again.
I frown. Not sure what I’ve done now.
I take a small sip of one drink. “What?” I ask. I’m getting tired of him continually judging me.
“Drinking. Being here. Having guys hit on you. “ And he’s looking at Treasure Pot the whole time he’s condemning me.
My blood instantly boils. Like a fuse has been lit, setting my whole body on fire.
; “What the hell do you know about it? You don’t know a damn thing. How dare you!” I shout, and rush away, splashing both drinks as I slam them down on a table before finding the nearest exit.
I am so angry. I feel tears well at the back of my eyes, but I don’t set them free. I won’t.
I fear that flood gate. I can’t be weak. I hate weakness. I really hate it.
Seeing my car in my mad haze, I march toward it. Then I realize I’ve left my bag in the bar. Shit.
I don’t want to go back in there. I have no idea who heard, and I can’t face people staring at me, when it's not about out how hot I am.
My head is pounding and my feet hurt. Stupid pretty shoes. Clenching my hands in my hair I stop and stare at the ground. I have to get my shit together. Hold my head high. Like I always do. Like I’ve always done, regardless of my world crumbling around me.
Then I hear footsteps. Great. I wonder who’s come out to see the spectacle of me losing it. It just better not be him.
“You forgot something.”
Shit. It is him. Why can’t he just leave me alone?
He hates me, so I have no idea why he’s continuing to torture me.
I don’t turn or say anything. I need a moment. I need to paste back the smiles and the, could care less, attitude.
He steps closer. That’s close enough, mister. I can’t stand for him to mess with me again. My heart starts racing and my palms are all clammy. I really want to kick and punch something.
Now he’s right behind me. “Um … about just now. I’m sorry.”
Sure he is. Real sorry. Cam probably sent him out here to apologize. Cam. I need to think about Cam and my plan. Except it’s real hard to picture Cam when Tanning is standing so close behind me. He’s all I can think about. And that’s not good.
Okay. I can do this. Moment over.
I turn ready with the smile I’ve practised forever, then I look up into his face, and the smile fades. I can’t do it. I can’t act anymore. Not around him. He takes my breath away every time, and I hate him and myself for that.