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Earth Lost Without Power

Page 10

by L. S. Wood

  Thousands of coalminers along with other types of miners died deep down in coalmines along with hundreds of people caught down inside traffic tunnels on highways. Thousands drowned from rising floodwaters pouring in and from asphyxiation. Electricity required to run powerful water pumps to keep the mines and tunnels below ground dry and to pump in fresh oxygen down to them from above ground in order for them to work in the desolate depths of the earth’s vast mines, suddenly ended.

  Large numbers of innocent lives both young and old were lost around the globe that day, along with many species of creature becoming extinct.


  The Lucky Ones

  A very small few from the earth’s large population became lucky that day or became the not so lucky ones that day. They were the ones experiencing all the luxurious benefits made possible by electricity that day, as they drifted hopelessly around the planet earth in orbit above.

  Everything looked pretty bleak below to the ones in space, as they all hoped someday in the near future they might all be lucky enough to return back home to the earth they once knew. If they were able or could not return, they surely would be doomed to die a different kind of death in space. If the earth that they once knew was an uninhabitable globe without an atmosphere, unfit for man to survive on or in by the massive invasion of highly condensed neutrons in the heavy water, they were all doomed. Not able to see through the orangey mist surrounding the earth, their hopes were all but gone if anyone below could have survived such a thing, all without hope they would ever see a loved below ever again.

  The effects of the neutralization of the planet below wore heavy on the ones still left alive after the detonation of the neutrons bombs paraded around the globe in a flash. The paradox of destruction surrounded the globe in an instant within milliseconds from the time of detonation when all of the weaponry self-destructed. The remaining human inhabitants and animals that were still left alive all became instantly sick. Most living creatures partially drained of their once enjoyable energy they thrived on prior to the massive blast, because of their many assorted body functions needed to run properly by the minute electrically generated impulses from the brain throughout their nervous systems had been rendered weak.

  The previously sick populace of the world would soon lose their fighting battles to the simplest of diseases known to man, such as mild colds and simple headaches could cause the natural electrical charges in the nervous system to come to a complete stop, and they would all die.

  Inhabitants of once friendly countries around the globe turned sour and vicious toward one another. They soon became aggressively hostile, rebellious toward people of other lands who seemed to have plenty of everything that they did not have. World chaos started to crop up immediately surrounding the devastated planet. New hostile societies formed with greedy people at their helms no better than the ones who had started this mess in the first place.

  All this anger was generated by a few uncaring people just like the few who were to blame for this catastrophic dilemma. These few selfish people did not give a damn about anyone but themselves, whether the innocent of the world lived or died, just as long as they were in charge.

  The several ones who originally organized this deadly invasion were no longer alive, destroyed by the paramount of their own greedy making, having mass-produced all these deadly weapons in the first place. The star wars program was to make them the greatest all time leaders around the world, and yet it destroyed them in their own demise dying in agony as one of the hundreds of missiles detonated right above them when they pushed the panic button, the way they should have died before this horrendous event ever took place.

  The immense loss of life around the globe triggered by the unfortunate mishap was more devastating than if the two super powers of the world had launched a full scale, blown out nuclear war against one another, using up their entire arsenal of nuclear weaponry. The total loss of life of creature and humans alike was horrifying and uncountable, and all because of a few greedy individuals with the want for power.

  There was little of any available resources for reporting the magnitude of the tragic events or activities taking place around the world. The innocent people around the planet were in darkness to any important news unless they were a good horseback rider like an old out-west pony express rider. Luck being with you if your horse had not cruelly been taken away from you as it roamed your back pastureland.

  Doctors, still alive after the invasion, did their best in helping the extremely sick and needy populous of the world with what they had left of useful medical supplies and medicines. The doctors left alive could not take the enormous medical demand placed upon them in the chaotic cities or in the immediate suburbs. The doctors who could, took their entire families including aunts, uncles and parents away from the humble jumble of the crowded metropolitan districts and tried to escape into the quietness of the countryside. There they found the same medical demands placed upon them as everywhere else around the country.

  A number of doctors who had lost their wives and children, used the best sedatives they had available to them to stop the severe heart throbbing pain of loss they felt within, and took their own lives so they would not have to live with all of the grief they were experiencing.

  Life on earth had become an instant living hell for most, including the rich and famous of the world, where money did not mean a damn thing to them anymore, compared to their once healthy life they had before they became sick from the many neutrons surrounding everyone. No matter how much money they offered the doctors or anyone else around to make them feel better, it did them no good, for everyone was in the same boat, and would stay sick for a long, long time to come.


  Empty Skies over Earth

  Countless vast great air forces and powerful nations around the world were completely wiped out, and did not exist any longer. Most all capable fighter pilots went down that day along with their ill-fated aircraft. Only a small number of pilots were able to jettison out of their ill-fated aircraft, and thought they could parachute down to land safety, not knowing they were going to be falling, and drifting slowly down through the massive neutron bombardment of deathly microwave rays to the ground below. In the air, they would die a horrific death before ever hitting the ground. Strapped to their escape parachutes, they dangled about thrashing in involuntary convulsions. Their bodies giving off a strange gracious phosgene odor all looking like large greenish orange snowmen descending down to earth dressed in costumes for a Halloween party. Not a single pilot who ejected from their aircraft survived the descending flight down through the massive neutron cloud without giving up their life or their minds. The ones who died in decent were the lucky ones, as the ones who survived the descent down became as dense in mind as vegetables.

  Many freighters and pleasure cruise ships afloat the salty waters around the world, stopped dead in the middle of the seas. The vessels’ engines all stopped as they lay dormant while bobbing and drifting helplessly up and down in the middle of the oceans they were upon like corks on a fish line.

  The luckiest people of all left alive in the world after the big blast were the many simple living people. Self-sufficient farmers and tribe’s people living off the land in the backcountry were the lucky ones. They did not have any of the modern day conveniences nor could they afford the luxuries of those who had once lived in the crowded cities in the so-called rich civilized metropolises area around the world. These lucky minorities were the lucky poor farmers around the earth. The ones who did not mind getting their two hands dirty slaughtering some of their home-raised animals for food. The lucky ones were those who did not mind chasing around inside a chicken coop to collect eggs or mind milking a cow for its milk, and living off the land at the time of the blast. These were the lucky people of planet earth now. The starving populous of big cities tried desperately to imitate the farmer in the ways they lived.
br />   Native tribes living in desolate back lands on islands, or in the middle of vast jungles of the world, were now considered the lucky citizens on the desolate planet earth, for they did not know any better than to live the simple way in their lives they were all taught to live and were living well.

  They were all accustomed to living off the land. These poor native tribal people did not understand why so many of their loved ones perished out in the openness of the lands. They had not been sick in anyway, until they were all found dead, along with many of their native animals lying dead around them, as well as so many foul from the air that had fallen dead to the ground.

  They thought the many gods around their world must have become angry with them, along with all the dead animals, for what they had done, or had not done to please the gods that day. The remaining tribe’s members not affected by the neutrons, vowed to care for the unlucky ones who had become simple minded from the sudden loss of some natural electrical impulses generated by their brains to think, and move about.

  Many inhabitants of the new earth became instantly simpleminded like tiny children in all of their actions. It had everything to do with their approximant closeness to the neutron bombs themselves when they all exploded, sucking away any electrical impulses that could be taken away, without leaving them dead, but would have been more humane if it had. People of the planet who worked the land for its nourishments became the supreme powers over the land, but they did not know it or understand it.

  The highly overeducated people of the planet knew the different fields generated in high tech computers, but not fields of the land. These highly educated people know and understand how one bank of a computer field works with another computer field of banks. These people know diddily-squat about planting a field of corn, one of potatoes, one of beans, or any other vegetable stables as a source of food in helping to keep their family’s fed and alive, or how to keep them safe without stealing food from others.

  These highly educated people became lost. They became the lost souls of planet Earth when it came time for them to earn their keep out in Mother Nature’s raw straw fields of the simple ways of life in survival. Many would find it hard, but the ones with integrity and love for their families would learn the ways of many new fields for the happiness and survival of their loving families. Life on earth would change for most everyone, and become as life on the old planet earth, before they invented electricity.


  The Clearing Sheen

  With the first few weeks with the Twitchel docked to the space station, time passed slowly by for everyone at a snail’s pace for the two space crews stranded in outer space.

  The earth below remained covered with a bright colored sheen in a luminous blush, making it impossible for them to see anything below it. They could only guess what might be taking place on the world they once knew.

  The mysterious greenish orange blush color covering the earth was caused they thought, by the sudden influx in mixture with the Earth’s atmosphere of oxygen, nitrogen, and the restructuring molecules of gases released with the sudden influx of highly concentrated defiantly charged neutrons activating with the dense heavy water with their sudden release.

  It all reflected back to the Sun’s ultraviolet rays of light, setting off a chain reaction in the atmosphere that made the earth look like a huge ball of florescent-orange glowing wildly in the dark of space like a bright star.

  On the sixteenth day after the invasion of the destructive rockets, the orange sheen overcast surrounding the earth began to dissipate and fade away, giving the crew aboard the space station a hazy, cloudy view of the changed world below, that the astronaut’s once thought they knew.

  The three different nationalities of astronauts aboard the International Spaces Station, the two Germans, the many Russians, and the six Americans, all attempted ineffectively a numerous amount of times’ a day, to contact any friendly voice from the quiet planet below wanting to hear a voice in return?

  The radios aboard both spacecraft were filled with aggressive violent static each time they mike-d up their communications radios between each other, but nothing was being broadcast from any radio from down below.

  Nothing worked, no matter how hard they tried to reach a friendly voice from below that might want to talk to them from earth. Not a single voice was found anywhere around the dials on the many different frequencies they tried on their radios?

  The astronauts above could vaguely see the planet through the misty sheen, as the mysterious orange sheen slowly dissipated. Its blue of sky began to clear. It was if the world below had ceased to exist, as they had once known it. Another week passed away before the orbiting international laboratory could use their high-density telescope to observe anything moving or taking place on the ground of the earth below.

  They had no word or contact from anyone below by the radio, no matter how many times a day someone attempted to awaken and raise someone’s friendly voice from below to speak too.

  The distinguished outlines of the large continents below began to emerge slowly through the fading orange sheen, as the sky became more-clear surrounding the covered planet. The space station was passing over Sydney Australia when they first attempted to put the onboard telescope on their craft into its first real test of operation in searching out answers to what had taken place below.

  “Commander, Commander Ivan!” “What is it lieutenant?” “Come take a look-see at this Commander! There is something very strange taking place down their sir.” The telescope placed on the space laboratory was so powerful, that the one designated in using it could practically make out the faces of the people on Earth they were observing from the eye in the sky, some two hundred, and some odd miles more above the earth.

  The lieutenant in charge of the telescope was shaking his head back and forth, as he looked down on the city of Sydney. He could not or did not want to believe what his two eyes were seeing to be true, and neither could Commander Khrushchev believe what he was witnessing at that time! There was not a single category of any vehicle moving anywhere on the roadways below, or anywhere else around Sydney moving for that matter.

  There looked to be hundreds of cars, and trucks scattered all along the many stretches of highways, and roadways sitting idle, not going anywhere. All the vehicles looked abandoned. There stood a long, long far stretched out train with many boxcars attached to three locomotives pulling it not moving in either direction, just sitting dead idle on the tracks below not far outside the city proper of Sydney.

  The train’s switching station in Sydney looked filled to capacity with idle locomotive engines pullers, passenger cars, and boxcars scattered everywhere along its many assorted tracks. The international airport on the outskirts of Sydney looked like a horrid idle mess of aircraft without any activity going on. There looked like a numerous number of commercial airliners scattered all about the airport’s tarmac.

  There were several sitting idle on the taxiways of the airport in total disarray. Some were still whole, as a couple of others looked tangled and damaged, for they had crashed into each other as they sat on the tarmac of the airport looking like they had been readily waiting in line for takeoff.

  They could see where a couple of airliners had crashed and were scattered around the outskirts of the city. One at the end of the runway as if it had just taken off and crashed, and another one approaching the runway, which looked like they had just fallen straight out of the blue and had crashed where they lay. The airport looked deserted with no one walking around it. It looked like no one was getting ready to fly anywhere, yet every parking lot looked to be filled to capacity with many cars with no one standing around them or walking too or fro anywhere about.

  It appeared there were many people just lying all about around the grounds asleep or dead whatever the circumstance might have been at the time? The strangest thing of all was the absence of the many bustlin
g people moving in and about the city itself. There had always been countless people in and around the city of Sydney in the past always looking busy this time of day.

  The eye in the sky telescope showed the once busy city idle, just like the many cars and trucks on its highways, without anyone moving around in it at all. It was as if a tsunami of poisonous gasses had flowed over the land, and taken all life away from the city and the surrounding countryside with it.

  To look down and not see anyone, not a single person moving around was unbelievable. It looked as if life on Earth was over with for its inhabitants, and the commander of the space station not wanting to tell anyone aboard what he thought.

  Commander Ivan moved the huge telescoping arm to get a better look around the city and countryside. He was able to identify other significant sightings of what looked to be impact crash locations. He thought from their appearances they may have possibly been other aircraft that had fallen straight out from the sky and crashed.

  There was not a single solitary aircraft flying anywhere in the skies over the land, or sea, not even a single helicopter which really made him think something very strange was taking place below.

  The awesome impact of the many missiles exploding over Sydney must have had a most devastating effect on all life, he thought briefly to himself. The speedy orbit of the space station quickly carried the space station out over the ocean, and away from the city.

  Out over the ocean Commander Ivan observed a lonely single three-mast sailboat heading toward the port of Sydney under full sails. In the harbor of Sydney, he had observed several merchant ships along with a few pleasure craft all moored up wresting against the dock, while there were others scattered about the harbor bobbing up and down on the waters along its shorelines. A few of the ships and pleasure crafts along the shoreline of Australia were on their sides or floating freely in the waves and currents of the sea. Something very strange was taking place below. Something very wrong had occurred to the world below, and it wasn’t anything he was going to discuss with anyone onboard the space station yet, not until he had a chance to see what was going on, on the other side of the world later on that day.


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