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Camp Jameson

Page 4

by Wendy Lea Thomas

  “Hey Aria, don’t stress too much about it,” Sara said. “Colt and I will help you through the hard stuff.”

  “The hard stuff? Like what?” My voice cracked as I sat down hard on the edge of the bed unsure of myself.

  Sara chuckled. “It’s hard to pick the classes at first, when you’ve never really experienced anything like this before. So, I will help you find something that will fit your preferences, and your inexperience.”

  “I don’t think I can do this.” I shook my head at her.

  “Don’t be afraid of the unknown,” Sara said. “Colt will be a good instructor. He’s patient and very knowledgeable. He’s taught me everything I know. Besides, Sienna can’t wait to get to know you and she knows her way around a woman’s body and will help you tap into sensations you never knew existed.” I fought to keep the blush from my face as I thought of the endless sexual experiences that Sara and Colt shared since they started dating. There was no other way to say it…Colt was a sexual machine.

  My eyes met hers as I studied her sincerity and my face reddened a bit as I thought about how cute she looked right now. “I’m not like you, Sara. It’s hard for me to open up to people, let alone strangers. Now you expect me to have sex in front of them!” My voice was more questioning than assured.

  “Aria, don’t over-think this. You know Colt well enough to know he won’t let anything bad happen to you, and you’ll love Sienna, too. They can help you relieve your anxiety and show you the pleasures of your body, pleasures that will blow your mind. Just give it a chance. After we register for classes, you’ll have some time to sit and talk with them. Nobody will force anything on you. They are very good at dealing with people’s fear. You can go at your own speed. I’m betting by the end of the first day, that you will see that you’re more than a little curious and will probably want to know more. Just remember, we’re all here for the same reason, so there’s no need to be shy. It’s everybody’s first day. No one is here to judge you.”

  “Colt isn’t going to be your instructor?” I asked.

  “No, because we’re dating, he’s not allowed. I asked him to choose you as a student to help ease you into this,” she said.

  “Thanks. I think.” I was wondering just what the instructors would say or do. Colt has almost seen me naked a few times back at home. But now, Sara had practically set him up to see me naked and who knows what else? I was embarrassed at the thought of someone I know teaching me about sex and yet, it did kind of excite me to think about Colt seeing me in those sexy outfits and teaching me about sex. I forced myself to clear away my thoughts. They kept saying instructors weren’t allowed to have sex with the guests but how can they really enforce that?

  “You’re welcome,” Sara said. “Now come, Kitten. We’ve put this off long enough. We need to get breakfast then Colt’s taking us on a tour of camp and then it’s time to register for classes.” I couldn’t suppress my giggle at Sara’s willfulness. As I walked with her, I tried to convince myself that I would be fine, no matter what.

  Breakfast took longer than usual on this first morning. The lines were long as we waded through the crowd staring at a very nice layout of breakfast food aptly named with bad sexually suggestive puns. I opted for syrup soaked flapjack-offs while Sara chose the French-kiss-toast. The thought of six weeks of bad sexual puns made me giggle, but really, what else would you expect at sex camp. The staff kept muttering the importance of carb-loading as they loaded our trays. Usually, I only ate fruit and maybe a protein bar for breakfast, but these people take their sex seriously saying we needed the calories. I mean how much energy does it take for a girl to just lie there? I know, it was a bad joke. Good thing nobody could hear me think that.

  As I looked around at my future classmates, I could sense that I wasn’t the only one nervous about what today would bring. I overheard one married couple that sat to our left. The husband kept telling his wife to relax. She seemed much more nervous than me. She wore a loose sweater that made her look very frumpy and jeans that clearly screamed, “I’m the mother of a sixteen year old.” Her hair was gray halfway down to her shoulders where it suddenly turned blonde. Why wouldn’t you get it colored before coming to camp? I thought. Have some pride, girl. She wore librarian glasses with a little nose that resembled a mockingbird. It was clear this woman only liked to have sex one Sunday a month. She was so timid, like a little squirrel trying to eat a nut from your hand. I actually started feeling sorry for her husband until I heard him speak. Her husband kept scolding her as others around them took turns staring. He was such an asshole. I heard him say “Tara, we paid good money so you could learn how to fuck, so you’re going through with it.” I wanted to smash his face into my flapjack-offs but I held back, mostly because I didn’t want to end up peeling potatoes while serving kitchen duty.

  “You need to stop by the salon and get a spray tan,” Sara said.

  “Why?” I asked through a mouthful of pancakes…I mean, flapjack-offs.

  “Aria, you’re pale. The first theme party is Wednesday. It’s the sexy lingerie party, and Saturday is the leather and lace party. This is your first time in lingerie. We have to make sure you look good for any potential suitors. So, you need to go tanning, get your hair cut and get a mani-pedi.”

  “I’m not a poodle you’re entering in a dog show, ya know,” I giggled.

  “We have a lot to do to get you ready. The first two parties are important. People will be judging you. Seeing if they want to have sex with you or not. Most of these people here could be models, so you don’t want to be the only girl at camp who doesn’t get laid,” Sara said.

  “That’s not a bad thing,” I said.

  “Yes it is. Believe me. These parties are going to blow you away,” Sara said. “How do you know so much?” I asked.

  “I read the fucking manual!” she said. We both started giggling at ourselves.

  After breakfast, Colt gave the Kittens a tour of camp. “This is Prentice cabin,” Colt said, passing the light two-story redwood cabin. It was long in length with a large wooden door and lengthy darkened windows. “This building houses twenty-five pole dancing suites and a large bar. Cocktails are free, Kittens, so drink to get loose,” he said, and then he continued. “Oh, before I forget, each room has a one-way mirror so that anyone can watch from the hallway. We don’t want you being shy,” he said. I sighed inwardly.

  “On your left is the co-ed gym. There’s a variety of exercise equipment like treadmills, ellipticals, rowing machines, and weight benches. There is also a lap pool, boxing, and an array of different exercise classes. See your manual for the specifics. Next to it is the full service salon and spa. It also houses the camp store where you can purchase your club wear and dancewear as well as extra accessories. Please take advantage of it ladies, it’s important to make yourself beautiful for your men.” I stole a glance over at the bird woman, Tara, just in time to see her asshole husband nodding in approval at Colt’s misogynistic words. Sara caught me staring and leaned into my ear to whisper. “I bet he likes to give her Strawberry Shortcakes.”

  “Strawberry Shortcakes?” I asked.

  “Yea, it’s where the man cums on his wife’s face, and then he punches her in the face. The cum and blood mix like red and white icing in the filling of a strawberry shortcake,” Sara said.

  “Oh my god. You’re so rotten!” I said, giggling, as Sara just laughed.

  “Ladies, if you please,” Colt admonished. My face turned red as I sunk into my shoulders. I felt like I was back in grade school.

  Next, Colt showed us Kit Kat cabin. “The Kit Kat cabin houses a variety of classrooms, twenty rooms total including the mechanical pancake swiveler and the feature hit of Kit Kat cabin, the Sybian.” Colt wriggled his eyebrows and grinned widely at me. I had no idea what a Sybian was, but Sara rode one once saying it was the best orgasm she ever had, which was saying a lot because I heard quite a few of her orgasms over the years, and if this Sybian was the best then that was really sa
ying something. The Kit Kat cabin was largely beautiful, also made of redwood, but the darkened windows were normal size.

  “Okay, moving on,” Colt continued. “Up ahead is the Jameson Main Lodge. All of you were there last night so I won’t spend too much time covering the main room. Except to say, that this is where all the theme parties will take place, the closing ceremonies are there also.

  Before I knew it, I quickly blurted out “Where does Avery stay?”

  Colt glared at me mischievously, “He’s not far, but I can’t disclose that information. It stops star-struck guests from flocking to his doorstep,” he smirked as I narrowed my eyes at him. He then held open the door to the Main Lodge for everyone. “Now, in you go.” We all stepped into the entranceway lined with black walnut floors. He escorted us to the long rectangular bar. “Alcoholic drinks are here to help everyone get relaxed and open up. Do not get drunk and stupid. The bartenders and servers will monitor your alcohol. Avery recommends no more than four. You want to loosen up but don’t get sloppy. Shots, mixed drinks, beer, whatever you like, it’s a full bar stocked with only top shelf liquor but they do keep some cheap stuff under the bar if that’s your preference.”

  “Okay, moving on. As you can see, it has floor-length mirrors and three dance poles. So, feel free to let yourself go.” Why does he keep looking at me when he says stuff like that?

  He continued, “The DJ booth is on the far side of the dance floor up the steps to your left. He has all the current music so make lots of requests.”

  He pointed to the hallways. “On either side of the bar you will have two main hallways. They are identical. Bathrooms on the left and hot tubs are on your right. No lotion or drinks in the hot tubs. Please, we can’t stress that enough. Lotion junks up the filters so keep it clean people. This is a high-class place. A connecting hallway ties each one together. On event night, it’s like a swingers club,” he said, then turned and walked down the hall. Swingers? I saw that movie. I love swing music, it’s so 90’s and so Favreau.

  “During the day, we sometimes use these rooms as extra classrooms. 12 rooms downstairs, 12 upstairs. During the parties, remember that there are 80 guests to accommodate so rooms do fill up fast. Here, let me show you a room. Follow me. If you need service at any time dial 7 on the phone beside the bed,” he said. The rooms were very nice with lavender walls and hardwood floors. The beds were king size with extra sheets and towels stacked high on the dresser.

  “I don’t understand. What are the rooms for?” I whispered to Sara.

  “To have sex in…duh,” Sara said.

  Okay, mental note, quit asking stupid questions, I thought.

  “There are showers in every room. Towels and sheets are re-stocked as needed. Condoms can be found in every drawer. Any scares, please see the camp nurse.” He cleared his throat. “Please remember safe sex is best. Okay, back to the fun stuff. You have been given toys in your camp bags and whatnot, so make use of your time here. For most of you, this will be the only time in your life you can experience this lifestyle, so enjoy it. Swings are available in rooms 10-14. Those usually fill up first. Middle rooms are the exhibition rooms, you can leave the door open, or you can leave the blinds up and people can watch through the windows in the hall. We are all one big happy family.” What? People watch other people have sex? Sara must have felt me stiffen because she squeezed my hand.

  “At the end of this hall is the round room. You can enter from either side and as you can see, it could house a small crowd. This room was designed for group orgies.”

  My mouth fell open at the size of the mattress that was centered in the middle of the room. It could easily hold ten people. The perimeter of the room was lined with long narrow red couches ensconced in velvet.

  “Up the stairs we have our smaller, more private rooms. They decrease in size the farther back you go. Some of you who are newer to this lifestyle may want to start there. Ease your self into it before you’re ready to let it all hang out in the public room.”

  I looked around at all these astoundingly beautiful women. Who was I kidding? I felt like the ugly duckling amongst a flock of beautiful swans except for Tara, who could be beautiful if she would just get to the salon. Some of these women were tall and some were short. I was in the middle at 5’5”, but several were curvy in all the right places, and their breasts were so goddamn perky. I’m amazed that some of these women didn’t have bruised chins from their tits hitting them while they jogged. I had a slim hourglass figure with an athletic build. I had been a gymnast up until this past spring. My greatest feature was my muscular calves and arms. Okay, I couldn’t complain, my bra size was a 34C but I didn’t look at myself as sexy. I had always been an athlete and wore a sports bra to hold my tits in place. I wasn’t used to wearing sexy bras that lifted and accentuated them. It was going to take some getting used to.

  “So, this brings us back to the main bar. The exits are at the end of every hallway in case of emergencies. Otherwise, please use the main double doors.” We headed out the main entrance and proceeded down the main path.

  “This way, Kittens. Up the hill here we have a classroom being built now.”

  I could hear the pounding of the hammers and electric saws echoing off the area ahead of us as we walked closer. There was talk of building measurements between two men going over floor plans at a bench nearby. My eyes rested on a tanned, muscular body atop the roof. God, it was Avery. How was he built like that? Damn, I caught myself drooling. This place was amazing. He was golden tan and shirtless as he slid his hammer in his tool belt, then descended the ladder in front of us in one long sliding move. He made that look sexy.

  When he arrived at the bottom, he wiped his forehead and brushed his hand against his holey ripped jeans, then strode toward the men at the workbench. He muttered something about a peak then looked up to the onlookers. He smirked at the many mouths that hung gaping. Oh, he definitely noticed all of us gawking at him. Even the guys, but it didn’t seem to make him uncomfortable. He was confident in everything he did.

  “Kittens, where are you off to?” Avery asked.

  “Tour of the grounds,” Colt replied. “Come along everybody.”

  I stood a moment longer taking in his well-defined back muscles before me. Jesus, he was glorious. The sight of his muscular physique made my heart thump loudly in my chest. Sara didn’t seem phased by Avery but rather kept her eyes on me as she smirked. Even the bird women Tara seemed caught up in Avery’s spell, much to the chagrin of her asshole husband. I watched Avery take a swig of his water bottle then recap it. He turned and noticed me. Our eyes locked for a moment but he seemed lost in thought as he stared at me. I looked to his tight abs and the obvious bulge in his crotch as my face reddened. I recomposed myself and moved to catch up to Colt’s tour, but as soon as I turned, I tripped on an errant rock jutting out from the hard clay ground. I landed face first against the hard earth and dust lifted all around me.

  I lifted my top half up slightly as I looked back to see Avery still staring. I quickly stood as his eyes raked over me. I was in my ripped jean shorts, a white sleeveless button up shirt, and my dark grey running shoes, hardly a thing of beauty, now dust covered, but he stared anyway. A small smile played on his lips and he winked at me.

  I turned away from Avery, feeling dumbfounded, and almost stumbled into Colt who had come back to help me.

  “Lose something?” Colt asked.

  I giggled nervously. “Just my dignity.” My heart was beating wildly in my chest. I had no idea anyone could affect me like this. I took in a shaky breath trying to find the ground that just leapt out from under me.

  “Good. Because it’s time for your first class.” It didn’t register. My thoughts were too scrambled from Avery’s beautiful body…I…uh…mean his eyes, but he had such beautiful glistening skin. Pull yourself together girl.

  I walked with Colt to Peak cabin while the rest of our group went to meet their instructors. We walked into room 2B where we met up wi
th Sienna. She was beautiful and mesmerizing. Her skin glowed like cherry blossoms in the hope of spring. I wished Sara was here to help with the awkwardness, but she was off with her group. The room reminded me of a small massage suite. The folding wall opened up on one side, leaving room for three soft chairs for Sienna, Colt, and myself. There was something very intimate and relaxing about it while at the same time every nerve in my body screamed to run for the door. I sat in the soft plush chair fidgeting nervously and trying very hard not to have a meltdown. I had no idea what was going to happen next. How was I going to get through this? My heart raced and my stomach churned.

  Sienna handed me a frosty glass filled with a crimson and orange liquid. “It’s never too early for a cocktail. It’s Sex on the Beach,” she winked at Colt and I. Of course it is.

  I smiled gratefully and looked to Colt as he stared at both of us with a dangerous hunger in his eyes. But soon he shook it off and continued the orientation.

  “Theme parties are Wednesdays and Saturdays. Sunday is recovery day. A day to swim, hike, bike, and go horseback riding,” Colt said breaking the tension in the room. “Remember you only participate when you are ready. There’s no rush.”

  “If I may, Aria, for class structure purposes, when is your period?” Sienna asked.

  My face reddened immediately. I looked around the classroom. The massage room was dimly lit. Cotton sheets draped over it, making the room warm and cozy. I looked hesitantly back to Sienna. “Today is my last day.”


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