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Camp Jameson

Page 26

by Wendy Lea Thomas

  I let my guard down and let Pierce get my hopes up, and my hopes just crashed to the ground, in one massive thunderous fireball. The thought of Avery fucking Caitlyn made me sick. She had just fucked Nate, now she got Avery. It was as if she was following me. It was so gross.

  “Aria, we’re at your cabin.”

  His words barely penetrated my mental meltdown. He shook my shoulder gently. I couldn’t move. I felt lifeless, depleted, and defeated. He must have realized I didn’t have the strength to stand. He lifted me from the car and carried me inside.

  I barely remember him knocking on the door. I vaguely remember Sara’s confusion. I scantly remember him carrying me to my bed and taking off my muddy clothes as my tears and gasps of breath erupted from my chest.

  “I’m so sorry, Aria,” Pierce mumbled. “I really fucked up. I didn’t mean to expose you to that.”

  I buried my head into my pillow and shut out the world. Avery had broken my heart again. And Caitlyn was winning.




  Friday morning came and I still didn’t want to move. I had stayed in bed all day yesterday and there was still no way I was going to class today. I didn’t want to rise out of bed, or eat, or see anyone I knew. I still felt sick to my stomach about what had happened Wednesday night. But somehow, I knew I had to find the strength to get up. I thought that maybe if I went for a run it would help me feel better. I was really struggling to understand how I could have let Pierce talk me into going over there. I’m so stupid…so stupid.

  I dragged myself out of bed and I put on my lacy bra and panties and covered it over with my long sleeved t-shirt and running shorts. It had rained most of the night and morning and it was significantly cooler now. A chill ran up my back as I jogged quietly reflecting on my argument with Sara yesterday. I wouldn’t tell her what happened Wednesday night, and I think that was the first time in our relationship that I didn’t confide in her. I could see the hurt in her eyes but I couldn’t tell her the truth, not after she warned me to stay away from him. God, I was pathetic. The man crushed me twice and I was still being loyal to him. Sara would kill him if she found out what Avery had done. Then she’d kill me for falling for it. I wanted to crumble.

  “Aria, wait!” I cringed at the sound of his voice and kept jogging. I had hoped it was all a nightmare. But reality bites.

  “Aria,” he said again, breathless, running up to my side.

  “Leave me alone, Pierce. What else do you want to do to me? I don’t want anything more to do with either Jameson.”

  “Ouch. Are we going to need a safe word here?” he joked. I stopped, crossed my arms, and glared at him.

  “One word. Whiskey,” he said.

  “I hate to break it to ya, I will never need a safe word with you because I’m done with both of you. Now leave me alone,” I snapped.

  He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. “I can understand why you’re bristly over this. Let me try this again. Whiskey brings out his jackass side and Avery was drinking whiskey Wednesday night. A lot of it.”

  “What makes you think that I care? He’s stomped on my heart for the last time,” I said.

  “Don’t you see…?” he started.

  I took a step forward. “No, don’t you see? I can’t take anymore. I’m done!” I said.

  “You wouldn’t have any way to know this, but I am telling you, you stubborn woman, that he drinks whiskey when he’s hurting – really hurting.”

  “Let me guess, it’s been six years right?” I said bitterly.

  He blinked in surprise. “Well, yes, actually. How did you know?”

  “Because that’s what you always fucking say!” I spat.

  He shook off my insult and continued. “He probably only allowed Caitlyn to tag along because he got hammered at the theme party. Which he rarely does, by the way,” he added.

  “I don’t care. I’m done with him. Please just leave me alone.”

  He frowned and stepped away from me, putting his hands in his pockets. I could see his guilt for what happened Wednesday night. How was he supposed to know that his brother brought another woman to fuck? Because that’s what a man like Avery does. He preys on innocent girls, well in Caitlyn’s case, slutty girls, but he was a player and was never going to change, my subconscious sneered.

  I shook my head at that thought then lowered my voice. “Thanks for getting me home safely. But please, just leave me alone. I can’t do this anymore.”

  He nodded politely. “I am so sorry, Aria. I screwed up everything,” he said, rubbing his hand over my arm.

  I glared at him and he dropped his hand. He turned toward the Main Lodge and I watched him walk away. I felt eyes on me and turned to see Avery a short distance away. His eyes reflected what I knew too well, sadness and hurting. I could see he thought Pierce and I were together. I just didn’t care anymore.

  I closed my eyes, turned my back on him, and started running again. I didn’t get very far when my mind started processing everything Pierce had told me. Thanks to Pierce, I knew the reasons why Avery did some of the things he did.

  For once in my life, I didn’t want to feel with my heart anymore, but it was a sad lie I told myself to ebb the pain. I didn’t want to admit the truth that deep down, my heart only wanted to find a way back to Avery.

  Week Five:




  Week 5 had come and gone and I pretty much just went through the motions the whole week. My period came this week so it was an easy excuse to keep a low profile and hide, which I preferred over telling anyone I was depressed about Avery.

  Last Saturday I left after dinner at the Topless Men and Ladies Naughty Nighty Party. I told Sara and Colt I had really bad cramps and just wanted to go to bed. She knew it was a lie but didn’t call me out on it. I wasn’t on my period then and I never had severe cramps before in my life. But then, my visitor came Monday and didn’t leave until late Thursday, so I stayed in bed most of the week anyway.

  Sara kept bringing me food so I didn’t really have to leave the cabin. We still weren’t really talking but she didn’t press the issue. We still hadn’t spoken about what had me so upset that night Pierce had to carry me in the house and put me to bed. And I never brought it up. She’d been watching me closer, making sure I was all right but she never asked. She knew I would tell her eventually. I had to work through it on my own. I just had to.

  Wednesday’s Theme party was a Wet & Wild. I made the effort to go but I didn’t stay very long. I didn’t even make it to dinner. Why did this have to be so hard?

  Ethan and Wren were my saving grace in more ways than one. They were always there if I needed them. One would stop by to visit me, then the other would come by later. Sometimes they both dropped in at the same time. They could tell I was upset but they never asked me to talk about it. Instead, they did what they could to induce laughter and cheer me up. Sometimes it worked but never for very long.

  It was Thursday afternoon when a thick mist settled over the camp and drowned the day in grey dreariness. It was a day made for staying in bed when their familiar knock hammered against the bedroom threshold as they had begun letting themselves in.

  “What’s up suggie-pop?” Wren said, plopping down on the bed beside me.

  Ethan sat towards my feet. My hair was pulled back into a loose bun and I couldn’t help but feel self-conscious with two hot guys sitting next to me. Both were wide-eyed and bushy-tailed and I couldn’t help share in the excitement and energy that was pooling off of them in waves. I smiled warmly up at them as they broke into their cheer me up routine.

  “Did I ever tell you about my first day at camp?” Wren asked. I shook my head.

  “I was wandering lost through the woods for days…”

  “You just said it was the first day of camp, idiot,” Ethan reminded him.

  I couldn’t hold back m
y laughter at their exchange. Ethan and Wren were sharing this sexual experience together and I couldn’t help but be envious of their closeness. I felt alone at times and wondered how I was going to make it through to the end of camp.

  “Okay, so it was more like a few hours. Let me start over.” Wren cleared his throat and began again. I giggled.

  “You really suck at story telling,” Ethan chided. I laughed aloud. I was just thinking the same thing.

  “So, I was wandering through the woods for what seemed like hours on a hot and humid summer day…”

  “Yea. Lost was more like it. This guy here couldn’t find his way around this place with a compass,” Ethan interrupted him again.

  “Shut the fuck up. This is my story, dude,” Wren spouted.

  Ethan and I snickered. “Did you just say dude?” Ethan teased. Wren ignored his brother and went back to the story.

  “When I came across this tall wooden booth. Probably about eight feet tall and wider than a car, and inside this booth was a wall separating it from another booth…”

  Ethan sighed heavily. “Just get to the point. It was a glory hole booth. Aria, you know what that is right?”

  I nodded. There were several located like small cabins on the trails throughout the camp.

  Ethan continued, “There, that should cover anymore confusion. You don’t need the blueprints or how many damn nails each board had in it. Unless you got a damn splinter from sticking your penis in the hole then we don’t care what it looked like. Just tell us what happened.”

  “Fuck off, dude,” Wren said. “It’s my goddamn story. And besides, women like the details.” Ethan and I both chuckled.

  Wren ran his hand over the back of his neck and shifted next to me on the bed. He reached over and grabbed my hand in a melodramatic fashion.

  “Oh, Aria. It was the most awful thing ever,” he said with a southern drawl.

  “She knows we’re from California, not West Virginia, dumbass,” Ethan said. “You can’t just pluck a twang accent from the air like you’re Mark Twain. And it couldn’t have been that awful; you’ve been talking about it almost every day since then,” Ethan added.

  “But it wasn’t at first, and it wasn’t Aria’s sweet mouth on me so for the sake of my story, it was awful,” Wren winked at me and continued on. “So, I stuck my wrinkle-beast through this padded hole and I felt her warm tongue run down over my shaft. I was in heaven until she glazed it with her teeth and as I tried to pull back to escape her my crank was too big to slip out. Aria, you’ve seen it. You know!” Wren said raising his voice but his eyes held a wicked gleam. “There I was, trying with all my might to get my hedgehog out of the hole and she’s chomping down on me like I’m a fucking hotdog.” Ethan sighed loudly.

  “You mean wiener, and we all know how big you wish it was,” Ethan teased.

  I was wiping away the tears that were running down my cheeks from laughing so hard. All I could think of was, it was probably Caitlyn. She liked to bite.

  “Yea. Yea. She bit you, and then you moved along and found a goddess that sucked you almost blind. You came gloriously. The end,” Ethan said. Wren pouted playfully.

  “Yea. I suck at story telling,” Wren laughed at himself.

  “My turn,” Ethan said. “Move over, Romeo,” he said nudging his twin brother out of the way. Wren scooted down and two sets of mischievous eyes looked back at me.

  “The day that Wren and I first met you we finished playing our basketball game and I wanted to ease my sore muscles. The workouts were getting tougher and I wanted to hit the hot tubs. I made my way into the Main Lodge and stepped into the hot tub room and stripped naked when I was met with this beautiful dark haired starlet. Her breasts were spilling over the bubbling water. My mouth was watering. I couldn’t wait to get a taste of her. I sat next to her and began stroking my cock, giving her the invite to come sit on my lap. She pushed her breasts in my face and I began sucking each one. She let out this moan of pleasure that made my dick hard and ready. I told her to climb on so I could sink my missile into her silo and give her what she wanted. I let my hands trail down her body as she moved toward me. I skimmed over her stomach, making my way toward her wet heat when I felt her hardness. I’m sure she saw my confusion when she leaned over and in a sexy voice she said to me, ‘Honey, I’m a hermaphrodite. Are you bi?’ I don’t remember anything else except her complimenting my ass as I pushed her off me, jumped out of the water, grabbed my clothes and got the fuck out of there,” Ethan said.

  I laughed aloud. Ethan continued on with another story about his outdoor adventure involving him lying naked on an anthill. It turned out they bite too. And he had the welts on his ass for four days to prove it. And just like that, I was lost in Ethan and Wren and my gloomy world didn’t seem so grey.

  When Saturday came, I decided to try to pull myself together. I had enough of feeling sorry for myself. It was week six, and since my visitor was gone, I had no real reason to stay in bed. It had been ten days since the night I found Caitlyn in Avery’s arms on his front porch. Ten days before I finally said “fuck it.”

  It was the Naughty Nurse theme party tonight and I found that I kept thinking of having a threesome with Ethan and Wren. Even as bad as I felt this week, something about that kept pinging inside my head. So I figured why not live it up my last week here.

  Sara and I started getting ready around 5pm. The party started at 8pm. She took great care to act as if nothing was wrong between us and I went along with that. As I showered and got ready I started feeling much better. I looked really good in this dress and felt extremely fuckable. I wore a red mini dress in a stretch knit fabric with short sleeves, and an extra short hemline that fell right below my ass. The front of the dress came adorned with white buttons running down the center. Framing these buttons are white stripes on either side as well as white crosses. The ruffled white sleeves matched perfectly with the white ruffle used at the dress's hemline. The nurse's cap in red with a large white cross on the front made the complete uniform. I was going to get somebody’s heart racing tonight.

  Sara was going to fix some broken hearts tonight herself. She was smoldering in a hot bad nurse's costume. It came with a black pleated skirt, zipper front black corset with white crosses, white trim, and black nurse's hat. In fact, she got my temperature rising looking as hot as she did. I wouldn’t mind ending up on her ward tonight. She rounded out her look with black patent lace-up boots and black fishnet stockings.

  As Sara looked me up and down she said, “Damn, Aria, I might want to get a taste of whatever medicine you might prescribe tonight.”

  “Well, then I hope you’ve got your insurance paid up!” I said. We both burst out laughing then hugged. Sara offered me a couple shots of Jameson whiskey as we prepared to head out to the party.

  We met Colt just inside the door and quickly found the bar. Colt got me a beer and the three of us did two more shots of whiskey in unison. We headed over to our table where Sienna and Sean were already sitting, drinking and chatting with Ethan and Wren. Maya and Travis stopped by with Jello shots as we raised a toast to our last week at camp.

  Avery entered the room but moved along the side surrounded by a small crowd as he talked and chatted with them. He never once looked over. But by now, I wasn’t feeling any pain. In fact, I started to feel more daring and reached over and put my arm around Sara and declared to the table how happy I was to have found them and how much Sara meant to me for bringing me here. Of course, Ethan and Wren were getting rowdy and started yelling for us to kiss.

  I’m sure it was the whiskey taking hold of me, but I leaned in and kissed Sara hard on the lips. Then I saw her eyes light up as my tongue pushed deep into her mouth and lashed her tongue. All of the guys at the table cheered as Sara returned my kiss. I felt her tongue slip back into my mouth to return the favor. It was a very hot scene as even the table next to us cheered. The kiss might have continued even longer but was broken when Colt grabbed more Jello shots off the tray
of a passing waitress and offered them in celebration of me finding my sexuality.

  After a couple more beers, I was spinning slightly, when Sienna and Sara both pulled me out on the dance floor. We dirty danced and grinded on each other while we strutted in our little outfits. We danced for quite awhile, and at some point, both Ethan and Wren moved over to the bar and began chatting up a couple girls, but I was lost in a sea of whiskey and beer and just kept grooving on the dance floor with my two best girlfriends. Sara saw my eyes follow Ethan and Wren over to the other girls and even though my disappointment was only momentary, she danced over and hugged me and then reached up, caressed my cheek with her hand, and tucked the stray hairs behind my ear.

  She stared into my dazed eyes, “Would you have a threesome with me tonight?” she asked. I simply nodded at my kind and loving friend. I was hers. Then she took my hand and led me to the hallway of bedrooms. I just followed along dutifully.

  I walked with Sara down the hall toward the bedrooms, both of us turning heads as she led me around. We walked by the various couples making out and preparing to hook up. We passed Tara and her husband Jim in the hall. For the first time since I’ve known them his face wasn’t wrinkled in frustration. He was smiling. Tara was dressed in a Zombie Nurse Costume that featured a white nurse’s dress that was spattered with zombie dirtiness. The dress had a syringe loop and a beverage dispensing shot syringe to squeeze cherry Jello shots in people’s mouths. She also wore a matching cap. She was so weird.

  Jim stopped midstride and pushed her against the wall. He growled and started kissing her neck. Tara giggled. Then he dropped his head and started sucking on her nipples. Tara’s shyness was practically non-existent when her husband lifted her legs around him and plunged deep into her in the middle of the hallway. Tara raked her newly French manicured nails down his back and I saw him quiver and thrust deeper into her. They were both gloriously into it and best of all; they were both glowing in happiness. Jim even looked like he’d been working out. His belly was a flatter hump now. Sara wriggled her eyebrows at me and we both bit back our laughter. Guess they worked through their sexual frustration.


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