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Resisting Royal (The Repayment Series)

Page 19

by Delilah Mohan

  “What? A little?” I wrapped her leg over my hip, granting myself room to tease her with my cock. She gasped at the contact and I grinned.

  When she recovered from my touch, she sighed dramatically. “Fine, fine. You win. It’s working.”

  I rolled her over, pinning her body to the mattress with the weight of my own. Bringing my lips to her ear, I whispered, “I always win.” Then I bit down on the shell of her ear, hard enough for her to feel the delicious bite of pain, but soft enough to not draw blood.

  Her legs snapped around my hips with a squeal as her hands half-heartedly batted at my chest.

  I leaned into the crook of her neck and kissed. “You wished you always won. That was before marriage.”

  “Is that so?” I bit her skin again, hoping it left a mark for the world to see she belonged to me.

  “It is. Now I’m always right.” Her fingers played with the hair on my nape. The gesture had to be my new favorite thing in the world.

  “I’ll let you believe that.” I dropped my hips low, swirling them to tease against her flesh, drawing a low moan from her throat.

  “I don’t believe anything, I’m positive I’m right.” I nodded my head against her skin as I trailed kisses downward. “Are you going to get that?”

  “Hmm?” I bit down on her nipple, and she thrashed underneath me.

  Panting, she pulled my hair. “Your phone.”

  I stopped and listened. Sure enough, my phone was ringing. “I’ll ignore it.”

  The phone stopped, and I leaned down capturing her other nipple in mouth, swirling my tongue around it. The buzzing started back again, and she pulled my hair until I looked at her. “You better get it, I have to get to work soon anyway.”

  “I could make it quick,” I promised.

  She laughed. “I bet you can, but I wouldn’t have time for a shower.”

  “The problem being?”

  She pushed me away. “Royal, answer your damn phone and let me get ready for work.”

  With a sigh, I forced my body away from hers and reached for the phone. It had stopped ringing, but I knew if Troy called twice consecutively, a third would soon follow. When it rang again, I clicked accept and brought the phone to my ear. “This better be good.”

  When I arrived an hour later at my office, Troy had already sent a few volunteers to Roman’s ranch. Apparently, sometime after we left, one of Krank’s people had infiltrated the compound once again, slaughtering a few of Roman’s pups and leaving messages with their blood.

  Roman wasn’t scared about the threat, only irked. But Emma, well, she was more on the hysterical side, and that was reason enough for Roman to call us in the early hours and expedite our plans.

  After the business was taken care of, I told Troy I wanted him to personally check in on Frank and report back to me when he was found. Then, we categorized things we needed to take care of for the week, as well as city licenses and codes we needed to make sure we were following in our construction sites. This job could be draining, long, boring as fuck. Especially when what I really wanted to do was be with Bianca. Correction, be inside of Bianca.

  Troy snapped his fingers. “Earth to Royal. You there?”

  I blinked, not realizing I’d spaced out on my thoughts. “Yeah, sorry. What?”

  “I’m going to need some time off, here or there.”

  I tilted my head to the side as I scratched the five o’clock shadow that already began to dust my jaw. “Why?”

  Not like it mattered, he would always get it. “I lost another baby sitter.”

  How the . . . “How the fuck did you lose another one?”

  He held his hands up in defeat. “I don’t know, man. I pay well enough, and my kid’s close to a saint.”

  I would agree with that. The little girl was as sweet as could be, and I never heard a nanny complain about her behavior, it was always him. “How many girls have you brought home in the week you’ve had this one?”

  “Are we talking Monday through Friday? Or are you counting weekends?”

  Christ. No wonder they were dropping; he was a damn whore. “For the sake of discussion, Monday through Friday.”


  My body fell back into the chair. “In five days? That doesn’t add up unless you took one home and snagged another in the process.”

  A slow smile spread across his face. “Or . . . I had a two for one deal.”

  “You’re disgusting, do you know that? No wonder no nanny wants to stay. Look at the example you’re setting.”

  “For the price I pay, I’m entitled to fuck whoever I want when Genie isn’t in my care.”

  I shook my head. “Take whatever time you need whenever you need it, but get your fucking life together.”

  He held his hand up and gave me a mock salute before dragging his body out of the chair. “Yes, sir. I’m off to go babysit one gambling-addicted, middle-age man, let me know if you need me for anything else.”

  I waved him off, and as he slammed the door behind him, I couldn’t help but think it was only a matter of time before some girl somewhere showed up in his life and wiped the floor with him.



  I was standing over Mrs. Gunther, using a probe to scrape off the excess glue from her gums after I applied her crown when my pocket first buzzed. I smiled broadly behind the mask, knowing no one could see the pleasure that one text brought me. I didn’t have to look at the phone to realize it was Royal, probably with some witty text that was more obnoxious than caring, but let me know he was thinking of me just the same.

  My assistant handed me a mirror. “The new husband?” Shit, how did she know? When I didn’t answer, she said, “People talk.”

  Of course, people talk. “I’m sure it’s him. I’ll answer when I’m done.”

  “You could have done worse. I mean, I will admit, he was the biggest baby I’ve ever seen in the dental chair.” Mrs. Gunther snorted at that. “But, he was smoking hot.”

  I leveled Liz with a look that told her to back off. It was weird, this feeling of jealousy over Royal. I should appreciate that others found him attractive, but I didn’t. I felt possessive and agitated that she had looked at him in the first place. “I like him.”

  “I can see why. Plus, I hear he is loaded. You really struck gold with that one. Are you going to change your name to Russo now?”

  He did have some pretty sufficient funds, but that didn’t matter to me and as far as the name change . . . I had to think about it. Initially, I had kept Moretti because it annoyed Royal and annoying Royal was absolutely one of my favorite marriage pastimes. But, now? After spending this past weekend with him, I didn’t think that carrying the Russo last name would be that much of a hardship.

  I sat up straight in the chair, causing the plastic under me to creak as I reached for the overhead light. “All done, Mrs. Gunther.”

  She licked her lips. “Well, are you?”

  “Am I what?”

  “Are you changing your name? Liz and I want to know.”

  Nosey old coot. “Eventually.”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “Well, if I was married to a man that is rich and looks as good as Liz here said, you better bet I’d change my last name. Probably make sure I got knocked up instantly to seal the deal, too.”

  My stomach nearly revolted with the thought. I hadn’t planned to get ‘knocked up’ by Royal, but I guess whatever happened, happened at this point. “You would not, you like your independence too much.”

  “I most definitely would. Hell, if you don’t want to follow my lead, hand him over, I’ll do it for you.”

  I had to laugh at that. “No, no. He’s legally mine.”

  “Fine. But learn to appreciate him.”

  Ha. Royal could take that advice as well. I watched as Liz escorted Mrs. Gunther out of the room, before removing my gloves, and reaching into my pocket to pull out my phone. As suspected, there was a text from Royal, and I couldn’t help stare at th
e screen like a dummy just from the sight of his name.

  I opened the screen to read the text, I left lunch for you at the front desk, I couldn’t stay today. I have a lunch meeting.

  I felt my heart patter a little at the gesture. Aww, you care. Thank you.

  I more than care. He replied quickly.

  Will you be home tonight?

  Why? Miss me? He attached a cheesy smiling emoji at the end of his question.

  Hardly. Okay. Maybe a little.

  I’ll take it. I won’t be home tonight. It’s fight night, but I should be home sometime in the morning. Feel free to think of me while alone. I also accept photos.

  Ha. What a pig. I decided to ignore the hint. I’ll see you in the morning. Hopefully, with breakfast in hand.

  Anything, Amore.

  I slid the phone into my pocket and strolled down the hall to the reception desk. The girls were all chatting and stopped the moment they saw me, their eyes bright as a knowing smile teased their lips. I leaned on the counter. “Was there a delivery for me?”

  “It depends. Do you want to give me the scoop on that cutie who delivered it?”

  “Does the cutie have a description?” I asked, knowing full well it could have been anyone of Royal’s men that delivered the food for me. My bet? Probably Troy. He seemed to be the go-to for all the work regarding me.

  The receptionist licked her lips. “He was tall. Dark hair and eyes. He had a suit that I swear was tailored for his body; the fabric stretched across his shoulders perfectly. Definitely not something off the rack.”

  Definitely was not Troy, then. “Did he say something?”

  She thought about it for a few moments. “No. But he did leave a note.”

  She lifted the box of food and handed me a note left on the company’s stationery. I skimmed over the neatly penned words. A simple note reminding me that the last time we had these sandwiches together, he kissed me breathlessly. I handed it back to her. “He’s most definitely taken.”

  She stuck out her lip and pouted. “The good and cute ones always are.”

  I reached over the counter and grabbed the bag of food, my mouth already salivating from the smell of my favorite sandwich. He already knew the way to my heart, which in case there was any confusion, was through Fernando’s sandwiches. I carried my food to the breakroom, then sat and ate alone while texting Natalie the updates from my weekend.



  The blood hit the mat as Ruben’s left hook connected with his opponent’s cheek. The crowd surrounding the cage went wild, their cheers and foot stomps mixed with the sound of the cage’s rattling. The adrenaline was so thick I could almost taste it through the thick glass that I watched the fight through.

  “I can see why he is undefeated,” I mused, more to myself than anyone who surrounded me, but still, Troy answered.

  “He’s a powerhouse with a lot of drive,” Troy mentioned.

  “I think we should offer him a permanent spot on our lineup. Bring it up to him tonight, but only if he wins.” I was sure he would win. Just watching him, I could tell he would be a hard one to defeat. His opponent's leg gave way, and his knees hit the mat hard. His upper body swayed as he fought to stay upright.

  “I’ll take care of it.” Troy plopped down next to me, his long legs stretched out.

  “Any news about Frank?” The opponent lost his fight against Ruben, his body slamming down sideways to the left.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Troy’s head shake. “Nada. It’s like he just disappeared.”

  Odd. “Any idea who he owed in the first place?”

  “That’s the thing. I can’t turn up anything. Absolutely nothing. I don’t know, man. It’s not looking good. I have a bad feeling about this.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched the crowd. “Keep searching. Something is bound to turn up.” He nodded, and I stood, turning my back to the glass and the group on the other side. “It’s late. I have a bit of business to take care of then I want to head home. See if you can clear this place out on time, will ya?”

  I left the office hours later, well past the time the ring was empty, and the crowds had scattered. On the drive home, I stopped and got two cups of coffee and two breakfast platters to bring home to the wife as I had promised her.

  She was asleep when I walked in the door at nearly six in the morning, but I knew she would be up soon. The desire to peek into the bedroom and watch her sleep consumed me. The empty spot next to her would be begging me to lay close, to wrap my arm around her middle and savor what was officially mine.

  As if she sensed me, she suddenly appeared on the stairs, paddling down barefoot, rabbit in hand. “I thought I heard you.”

  “Could have been my mother.” I licked my lips, watching the muscles of her thigh flex in her shorts as she moved down the steps.

  She laughed. “Not a chance. Your mother is way too loud, you were trying to be quiet. Plus, your mother already left an hour ago, taking her tornado of noises with her. She was mumbling something about getting a prime spot at a twenty-four-hour tanning bed.”

  I cringed. “She’s going to look like her skin is made of leather before she croaks.” Bianca nodded, then she bent over, letting her rabbit roam free on the floor. “I brought you breakfast.”

  Her face lit up. “Aw, you do care.”

  “Did you doubt it?”

  She shook her head in denial and strolled past me. “I had my moments.”

  I followed after her, reaching out to pull her body back into mine. I wrapped my arms around her, burying my nose in the crook of her neck and inhaling before letting out a sigh. “No more doubting me, it’s a house rule.”

  She turned in my arms. “You can’t make up rules like that, not without notice and proper forms filed.”

  I leaned in to kiss her nose. “I’ll have my secretary get right on those forms first thing.” Her hand reached up to cup my cheek and for the first time, I noticed my ring sparkling on her finger. “You have my ring on.”

  “I do.”

  “You have my ring on,” I repeated.

  She laughed, her finger running over the scruff on my jaw. “I said I do.”

  The sight of her wearing my ring made my insides clench. My heart felt ready to explode. My hand went to her hair, pulling it hard enough to tilt her head back, forcing her to look up at me as I leaned down and crashed my lips into hers, consuming her in a bruising kiss. I stepped forward, forcing her to step backward until her back hit the counter.

  I hoisted her up, sitting her on the granite as I tore my mouth away from hers, moving to the skin on her neck. “You have my ring on.” She moaned her answer as my fingers snaked past the hem of her shorts to her upper thigh, caressing the tattoo that was the source of my constant lust. “Do you know how sexy that is? To see you with my ring on your finger, a clear statement claiming you’re mine?”

  “No.” She gasped as my fingers passed her panties.

  “Do you know what it makes me want to do to you?”

  She gasped again at my touch, her body straining toward me. “You could show me.”

  I bit down on her skin. “Be careful what you ask for, Amore.”

  Her hands threaded into my hair and pulled my head back. “Show me.”

  For the next hour, I showed her, in every single way I could, just what her wearing my ring did to me. When we were finished, sweat coated our bodies, coffee covered the counters and dripped on the tile, our hot breakfast completely forgotten as we lay within the mess of kitchen utensils and spices that littered the floor.

  I ran my hand through her hair, taming the crazy strands that stood up rebelliously more than others and savored the perfection my life had become because surely, something this perfect couldn’t last. It never did. But this time, I tried to convince myself I was wrong, that I deserved everything I had right here in my arms because I wasn’t that bad. I could love unconditionally, I could feel wholeheartedly, and I coul
d be hers faithfully.

  I closed my eyes and sent out a silent vow to not screw this up and hoped that alone would be enough to keep her with me.



  I was just putting on my coat, preparing to leave the office when I got a call from Troy telling me to meet him at the pier on Twenty-Fifth street. I agreed, grudgingly, even though I would rather be home with Bianca.

  I found him on the pier twenty minutes later, staring out at the water. I approached him lazily, knowing that whatever reason he had me here could never be a good one. I just prayed it was nothing linked to me.

  I stood next to him, watching the scene across the water unfold. “What do you have for me?”

  “It isn’t ours if that’s what you think. I’m smarter than that.”

  Shit, I would hope he was smarter than that, I paid him enough. “So, why am I here? I’m just about to head home. Maybe pop some popcorn and watch a movie with Bianca.”

  He turned to face me, a spark of sadness in his eyes. “You might want to hold off, at least for a little while.” I tilted my head in question, and he answered automatically. “It’s not official, but word is they found Frank’s wallet in the body’s pocket.”

  I reeled back, suddenly feeling my knees go weak. I scraped my hands over my face. “Shit. How reliable is your source?”

  “PD,” he confirmed, only solidifying the sinking feeling.

  “How soon before you know for sure?” Who was I even kidding? He knew. I knew. There was no disputing the fact that a body washing ashore with Frank’s wallet in the pocket after he had been missing, could mean anything but a confirmed identity.

  “Within the hour. But Royal?” He swallowed hard, “Chances are, they are going to come after you. It’s no secret that everyone suspects your certain activities. But the father of your wife? That’s more suspicion than they can turn their heads from.”

  I took a deep breath, trying to absorb the irony in getting put in the slammer for a crime I didn’t commit—for once. “We’ll work through it. We always do.”


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