Lesbian BDSM High Fantasy Bundle (f/f, dubious consent, bondage)

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Lesbian BDSM High Fantasy Bundle (f/f, dubious consent, bondage) Page 1

by Jane Amber

  Lesbian BDSM High Fantasy


  Includes Succubus in Heat, Paladin in Chains, Maiden's Chains, and Taken by the Drow

  © 2012 Jane Amber

  Published at Smashwords

  Thank you for reading!

  Be sure to check out more dark fantasy erotica from Jane Amber:


  Slave of the Orc King (m/f, spanking, humiliation, tit fuck)

  The Humiliated Elven Bride (m/f, spanking, forced sex)


  Princess Rhea's Orcish Gangbang (m/f, group sex)

  Princess Yuria's Ogre Fuck (m/f, rough sex, forced sex)

  Princess Bea's Troll Anal (m/f, forced sex, anal sex)

  Princesses in Distress (3-story bundle)


  Slave of the Necromancer (m/f, bdsm, mind control)

  Lesbian BDSM

  Succubus in Heat, Paladin in Bondage (f/f, crotch rope, whipping, bdsm)

  Maiden's Chains (f/f, wooden horse bdsm)

  Fallen Paladin, Risen Vampire (f/f, vampire sex, bdsm)

  Table of Contents

  Succubus in Heat, Paladin in Chains

  Maiden's Chains

  Taken by the Drow

  Succubus in Heat, Paladin in Bondage

  "It's alright now. Just lay still." Kara tried to reassure the young elven mage as her hands pressed against his chest.

  Healing energy granted to her by the Goddess suffused through him, magically mending the bloody tears in his leg.

  "Thank you," Evaard said. "I think I can walk now."

  Kara's eyes glanced over the rock hard manhood beneath his robe. She blushed, but said nothing. It was not for paladins to consort or even flirt. She had taken a vow to serve the Goddess and no one else. In return, her sword arm was strengthened against the wicked.

  And the party's current prey certainly qualified. A deceitful young succubus by the name of Lilette, they had been tracking her ever since they found the destruction at Logtown.

  Evaard hobbled back to his tent, trying to rearrange his robes.

  "Everything alright?" Cray, the party's ranger asked, returning to camp. He was the oldest of the four. Well, oldest depending on how you counted Evaard's age. Cray certainly acted the oldest.

  Kara welcomed him with a wave and motioned at the three dead hell hounds. "Hell hounds. No match for the justice of our blades."

  Cray grinned. Despite living for months at a time in the wilderness, Cray was probably the most sociable of the four as well.

  "I wasn't asking about you. Those things couldn't touch a hair on your pretty blonde head. How's Evaard?"

  Kara frowned. "I did what I could for him, but he's wounded. If we get in a full fight with Lilette..." Cray followed her gaze to Evaard's tent.

  Cray nodded. "Well I didn't find anything. Trail went cold at the river. My gold's on her doubling back toward the village."

  They'd been tracking Lilette for a week. The destruction in Logtown still made her angry. A whole village of peaceful men and women. And for what? Lilette would pay, Kara vowed.

  At first the succubus had been easy enough to find. A demoness living in a tower less than a day's ride from town, she hadn't even bothered to hide her aura. But somehow she'd slipped out of their ambush and proven a surprisingly capable foe. If she doubled back, she might be able to escape the mountains. And then...

  Kara sighed, eyeing the trail back to the Logtown. "If she makes it to the pass after Logtown, we'll lose her."

  "Aye," the ranger said, rubbing his hands gently in the dirt. Kara has asked him about that once, he claimed he did it to hide his scent.

  Kara tried to sooth the thin ranger. "Just after you left, Dahlia went off in that direction. If Lilette doubled back, she'll track her and bring us."

  "Yeah. That's just like Dahlia," Cray said, a dark look on his face. "Never one to take any chances."

  But the morning came and went without a sign of the young thief. "You know, I was against bringing her along," Kara said, not for the first time.

  She she and Cray were mending their tattered cloaks, waiting for Evaard to recover enough for them to break camp. Waiting was always the worst.

  "I know," Cray said, with the slightest hint of tension in his voice.

  "If Lilette caught Dahlia..." Kara didn't have to finish. Dahlia was good for her age, but a succubus was no easy prey.

  "I know," Cray said, his hands clutching tightly at the cloak he was trying and failing to mend.

  When Dahlia wasn't back by nightfall, they woke Evaard.


  They heard the moans before they reached the clearing. The soft, rhythmic moans of a woman. "Dahlia," Kara said, the relief evident in her voice.

  "She's alive," Cray said, "But what has Lilette done to her?"

  "Well, she is a succubus," Evaard said, drawing two angry stares.

  "By the Goddess." Kara whispered as they entered the small meadow.

  The girl, no more than eighteen, Kara remembered, had been tied head to foot. "Get her free," Evaard said, hobbling as fast as he could toward her.

  "Careful," Cray said, always the voice of reason, "This smells like a trap. Stay together."

  The girl's moans grew louder, more insistent, as they approached.

  Kara's breath caught in her throat, she could feel her face turning red.

  A maze of ropes crisscrossed Dahlia's naked body. The thief must have been left like this all night, judging from the panicked, desperate look in her eyes and the way sweat plastered her hair to her scalp.

  She lay on her belly. Ropes bound her neck, arms, and legs together like a turkey. Her wrists were bound to her ankles, and a long, taut strand connected to the soft, pale flesh of her neck.

  Ropes pinched her breasts, isolating each one. Kara could see Dahlia's nipples straining at the stimulation.

  A knotted rope, ran between her legs, it had pushed past her pussy lips and was rubbing against the girl's sensitive entrance.

  Another rope ran between her ass.

  As they undid the rope that bound the desperate girl's pussy, Dahlia's body tensed.

  Her toes curled, her back arched, and she pulled her now free arms close to her chest as she let out a drawn out, gasping moan.

  Kara awkwardly held the girl in her arms as she orgasmed. When Dahlia finished, collapsing into Kara's breast, a small wooden egg fell out of her now relaxed womanhood.

  Kara picked it up delicately, aware that Dahlia's pussy juice coated the object, but also that they needed to find out what it was.

  "Magic," Evaard said, "A simple cantrip made it vibrate back and forth."

  "And that... thing, was in Dahlia for hours?" Kara asked, feeling sick. How many orgasms must that poor girl have had. What kind of creature was Lilette?

  "Dahlia, Dahlia, are you alright?" Cray touched the girl in Kara's arms.

  "Mmmm," Dahlia replied deliriously, "Mistress Lilette, you're so good to me. Your wish is my command, just... just a little more please?" Then she worked her hips against Kara's body.

  Kara could feel the flush working down her face.

  Evaard retrieved a spare cloak from his pack, tossing it over the girl.

  "Lilette has a least a half days lead on us," Cray said. "And we can't leave the girl alone like this."

  "No. No! Justice demands that succubus's head for her crimes. I will not suffer her to live." Kara could feel the burning her belly, she knew her cause was just.

  Cray continued as she hadn't spoken, "And Evaard isn't in shape to fend off another demon attack, so someone needs to stay
with him."

  "You're saying we should let her get away," Kara accused, gently pushing Dahlia away as the girl tried to suck her nipple through her armor.

  "I'm saying we cannot capture her. She has gotten away. In some ways it was a brilliant move. Had she simply killed Dahlia, we would be free to pursue. But by disabling-"

  Steel flashed across Kara's eyes. "I'm going after her."

  Cray and Evaard grabbed her arm at the same time, "You can't," Evaard said, "Look what she did to Dahlia. And, and... we need you." But Kara could read his eyes. And I love you.

  "A paladin does what others cannot, I must do this," Kara said, handing Dahlia over to Evaard before he could protest more.

  "Let her go. She's not worth it. There will always be more demons," Cray begged as Kara moved after the demon's trail.


  The paladin caught up to the demoness at dawn.

  Kara had seen her before, but her form still took away her breath and tugged at parts of her that she had long denied.

  Lilette had beautiful red hair that fell to her perfect breasts. She wore no clothes except a pair of black leather boots.

  The only sign of her demonic heritage was a pair of small red horns poking from her head.

  But she had made the mistake the wicked always make. She had returned to the scene of the crime, the ashes of Logtown.

  Lilette stood outside the remains of a small tavern, all that remained was a swinging sign with a tankard of ale painted on it. She was crouched in the ashes, examining something.

  Kara could feel the righteous anger building inside her. May the Goddess help her, Lilette would never do this again. "Foul demoness! I knew you would return to gloat. Your pride shall be your downfall!"

  Lilette glanced up, not particularly concerned. "Don't you Paladins ever take a break? Would it help if I told it wasn't me? That I'm here looking for whoever did this?"

  "Then look no farther, succubus." Kara drew her sword and readied her shield. The dawn light glinted off her golden shield and golden armor.

  "Can't we talk about this?" Lilette asked.

  Kara charged.

  But Lilette was fast. Fast and impossibly surefooted. The succubus danced away from Kara's sword. Her naked body always always one step ahead.

  "Just think, you idiot. Why would a lust demon kill a bunch of people? Where's the fun in that?"

  "Who cares!" Kara yelled, trying to drive Lilette into a wall. But there were no walls anymore, only piles of ash. "Demons kill because it's in their nature."

  Lilette shrugged, making her breasts bounce very prettily, "Well, I tried it your way. Now it's time to try it my way."

  Kara knew it was coming. She held up her shield to block the blast of magic of Lilette unleashed, bracing herself for its impact.

  The bolt hit her in the knee, knocking her unconscious instantly.


  "I tried it your way, I tried to be a good girl," Lilette was saying as Kara came to.

  "Wha-what have you done to me?" The world was dark. A blindfold, Kara realized as she began to regain her senses. She could feel it pressing against her eyes.

  "Ooh, what a delicious question. Well, let's see," Lilette ran a hand down Kara's naked back, "First, I stripped you naked. Not as easy as it sounds. How do you walk around in all that armor?"

  "Then, I got distracted and tasted your nipples, that was nice. Did you know your nipples are very sensitive?"

  "No they aren't!" Kara yelled, struggling against her bonds.

  Ropes bound her hands behind her back and with a blindfold on, she could hardly run.

  "Well then, maybe your nipples got stiff and you started muttering, 'Oh my Goddess!' for no reason at all. When was the last you masturbated?"

  "Never!" Kara replied, still trying to find a way out of her bonds.

  "Oh my. How do you stand it?"

  Lilette's sharp nail pressed suddenly against Kara's nipple.

  Taken by surprise, the paladin sucked in her breath. "You're as sensitive as a virgin," Lilette teased, "Oh dear, you are a virgin aren't you?"

  "Untie me, foul creature. You defile a servant of the Goddess." Kara tried futily.

  Lilette laughed. It was an evil laugh. "Well that's certainly on my list. You see, after that, I thought of all the naughty things we could do together."

  "Don't peek, but I've got all sorts of surprises in store for you."

  "Demoness, I will not play your games." Kara couldn't believe this creature expected her go along so easily.

  "Oh. Well I didn't expect you to go along easily. I guess I'll just go hunt your friends. The girl, what was her name? Strawberry? No, that was what she tasted like. She was fun. Not like you."

  Kara clenched her teeth, "Enough. You've made your point well enough demoness. But know this, you will not break a paladin of the Goddess."

  Lilette brought her mouth so close to Kara's ears that she could feel the demon's breath. "Not only will you break, paladin, you're going to beg for it. Tell me, do you think Dahlia has finished seducing your two friends by now?"

  Kara felt a bolt of surprise run through her body. "You wouldn't. You couldn't. She's just a girl."

  Lilette's lips kissed her earlobe. "She's you in about two hours."

  "Don't worry. The first game will be easy. You can't see it of course, but I've tied this rope between two trees. All you have to do is walk from one end to the other in half an hour. If you don't, I'll go check up on your friends."

  "Half an hour? What game is this?"

  Lilette poked Kara's nipple, making the paladin suck in her breath again, "No game. Now lift your leg, the rope is very high."

  Kara let Lilette guide her leg over the rope. The succubus stole a touch of Kara's slit, running her soft finger over it for just a moment before she let Kara's leg fall.

  The paladin grunted as her body weight shifted to the rope. The rope was soft. Silk, she realized, and it caught her right between the legs. She had to arch her feet to reach the ground.

  Lilette whispered in her ear, "Now you have thirty minutes to make it to the other side. Starting now." Lilette slapped the paladin's ass.

  Even with the silk rope between her legs, such a task would prove trivial.

  Kara took one long step forward, her shame sliding along the rope.

  And slammed straight into a knot. Kara gasped as the knot drove against her pussy. It was inside her, she realized. She was being fucked by a rope.

  Then Lilette was there, pressing her demoness body against Kara's back. The paladin stiffened. She could feel Lilette's hard nipples.

  "The rope is coated in aphrodisiac. I wouldn't spend too long on it if I were you," Lilette said before slapping Kara's ass again.

  With renewed resolve, Kara pushed on. Her own movements rubbed the knot against the entrance to her pussy. Where the silk touched the delicate nerves of her lower mouth, waves of pleasure went through her. The knot pressed demandingly against her pussy.

  As she pushed her body over it, she could feel the knot filling her. Like a cock she thought, then blushed. Paladin's were not supposed to know about such things. And Kara had heard only rumors.

  She was a paladin and sworn to a life of chastity. This succubus could not sway her.

  Gasping and sweating, Kara made it over the first knot. She pressed her chest against the rope as she tried to release the pressure on her pussy for just a few moments.

  "Not very smart," Lilette commented, "Now you've got aphrodisiac all over your breasts."

  Kara had to ignore her taunting. Had to keep going. "How many knots?" Her breasts were beginning to tingle. Kara hadn't been joking.

  "One down. Ninety-nine or so to go," Lilette giggled.

  Kara moved forward to the next knot. She pulled herself over again. Desire was coating her thighs now. As she moved, she was coating the rope in her slick passion.

  "Oh dear. It looks like you could use a hand. Here, let me help you with this next one," Lilette said.

  Kara felt the rope bend as Lilette climbed on the rope in front of her. The demoness let out an almost demure moan of ecstasy. "There, I've made the next one ready for you."

  The next knot was already wet with the demoness's juices. Kara shivered, pushing the thought of what she was doing far out her mind as she pressed forward. For some reason, this knot felt even more amazing.

  It was tighter, stiffer. It pressed deeper into her pussy. Kara pressed her eyes shut. Her shaft, she knew, was being coated in Lilette's passion.

  Just as she was passing over the knot, as it was at it's deepest, Lilette's body blocked hers.

  They met breast to breast, belly to belly.

  Kara felt a bolt of white pleasure at the sudden pressure against her breasts. Lilette's full lips found Kara's mouth. Her tongue slid in, tearing the breath away from the paladin.

  And her pussy...

  Kara could feel the heat from Lilette's pussy. It pulsed down the rope, igniting a twin fire inside Kara.

  For the first time in life, thoughts of lust filled Kara's mind. Temptations of the flesh had always been a distant, abstract problem for her.

  Until now.

  Taken by surprise, betrayed by her own thoughts, Kara involuntarily tensed.

  That was a mistake. Her pussy tightened against the knot between it, sending pure lust through Kara. Animal instinct she thought, even as her body shivered at the feeling.

  Her hips moved in response to the knot, rubbing back and forth just enough to excite her slit.

  Then Lilette's body was gone.

  Kara had to use her arms to pull herself forward along the rope, so completely had her thighs and hips betrayed her.

  The ribbon of silk between her legs was fueling her desire. Slick with both the paladin's and the succubus's juices, every inch of the rope was agonizing now.

  Not to mention the fire in chest, the straining of her nipples begging for just a kiss of the silk between her legs, and the white fire of desire building inside Kara.


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