Lesbian BDSM High Fantasy Bundle (f/f, dubious consent, bondage)

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Lesbian BDSM High Fantasy Bundle (f/f, dubious consent, bondage) Page 4

by Jane Amber

  Nalia was in such a fog of pleasure she almost didn't hear the click of the collar.

  "Wha-!" She tried to ask, but instead she felt fire seeping through her body.

  "I know your secret too. I know that you relish the pain."

  No, Nalia wanted to scream, but she couldn't find the voice. Her mind might deny the pleasure, but her body could not.

  Nalia fell to her knees, arms on the ground, cunt waving in the air, in the same position Eliza had been a moment ago.

  Eliza's mouth found Nalia's womanhood, her fingers found her clit.

  Alternating waves of pleasure and pain rocked Nalia's body, each one building on the other. Eliza's tongue was inside her, igniting her sheath in ways that she had never imagined.

  Nalia's hips moved to meet her tongue. Deeper, she thought, as her hips rocked back and forth violently.

  Eliza twisted her clit and Nalia almost passed out from the dual waves of pleasure and pain that washed through her.

  Sharp nails bit into her sides, scratching her flanks as her body came down again and again onto Eliza's waiting, hungry tongue.

  Nalia's body shook at her orgasm, unable to contain the pleasure she let out a cry. Her climax washed over and through her, touching her shoulders, her nipples, her cunt, her thighs. Every part felt the release, felt the twin agony and ecstasy.

  A second orgasm followed on the heels of the first before Nalia collapsed in exhaustion.

  "No time for that," Eliza said, offering her a hand, "We have to escape."

  Taken by the Drow

  “Do you think they'll win?” Eva asked as the soldiers marched past the small temple.

  “The Goddess will watch over them, that is all we ever know,” Sister Karina answered.

  Eva was still a novice, but in a year, perhaps two, she would become a sister as well. And she knew a white lie when she heard it.

  “That's not an answer at all,” Eva complained, pulling at her white priestess's robes. It was what everyone, novice and sister alike, wore.

  As she did so, she made sure to keep the white hood pulled up and over her sharp ears.

  The king's men had no hatred for elves, but neither did they love them. It was always best not to stir up trouble.

  Karina had no such worries. Tall with piercing green eyes and dark hair, she was Eva's opposite in every way. The short, fair haired elf envied her in more way than one.

  “If you must know,” Karina said after the soldiers were well on their way, “I think they're going to be slaughtered.”

  “Karina!” Eva was shocked.

  “Trog the Terrible has beaten every army sent against him so far. He's smart for an orc. Too smart.”

  “But you said the Goddess will watch over them,” Eva protested. Trog prayed to his terrible maimed orc gods. But surely they could not endure the mercy of the Goddess.

  “The Goddess watches over every man. And she watched over General Raeadin as well.”

  Eva had no reply to that. General Raeadin and all his men had been lost. Not killed. Just one day they marched out into the wilds and were never heard from again.

  “Do you think he'll come back? He gave me a flower, you know.” Eva remembered it wistfully. Raeadin had shone magnificently in his black and gold armor and he had stopped to giving her, just a novice, a yellow rose.

  “No,” Karina said softly, “I don't think he'll be coming back.”

  Eva stared up. The day was still young but the hot sun was already piercing into the forest that surrounded the temple.

  East, where the King's men had marched, the forest grew even denser. There it became the wilds, a place of spiders and orcs and worse.

  Eva knew she should get back to work, there were floors to be swept and meat to be hung and there were always prayers to say.

  Instead she lingered in the sunlight with Karina.

  “Do you think the traveler is right?” Eva asked after a little while.

  Most days, there was a traveler or two to be fed, often wounded if they were heading out of the wilds.

  “About what?”

  “He claims he saw a dark elf.”

  Karina scoffed. “You'd best hope he is wrong, they say dark elves take maiden elves and force them to do unspeakable acts before selling them in their slave auctions.”

  “Nobody says that.” Eva hated it when Karina teased her about being an elf. She'd always felt different, left out, everywhere but here. Now that she finally fit in, she didn't like being reminded of the old days.

  “The traveler said he had coal black skin and purple eyes and white hair. Just like a dark elf.”

  Karina shrugged. “I've talked to a lot of travelers heading in and out of the wilds, and I've never heard about one seeing a dark elf. They live deep underground, you know.”

  Eva nodded. “To get away from us.” She wondered what her people had done to make the dark elves hate them so much.

  “Eva. Karina,” a sharp voice behind them reprimanded, “The traveler needs his bandages changed and holy water for the spider venom.”

  “Yes, Sister Sara,” the two said in unison. It seemed that the sunlight was going to have to wait.


  They came in the night.

  Cold hands, black as ash, clamped over her mouth when she tried to scream.

  Then bright purple eyes appeared in front of her face.

  “If you scream, you will die. We will not.” The woman's voice was soft and deadly.

  Eva believed her.

  “Nod once if you understand.”

  Eva nodded.

  The hand left her mouth and for a moment she sucked in gasps of air.

  Then she was hoisted over a shoulder like a sack of potatoes as the woman and her companions made their way out into the night.

  Eva couldn't tell how many there were. Sometimes it seemed like she was alone, sometimes it seemed she was surrounded by dozens.

  The dark elves were quiet as shadows.

  Eva's heart quailed as she realized that the trees they were passing were getting thicker.

  East. They were heading east. Into the wilds.

  She thought about screaming then, but they were too far from the temple, too far from help. She might have had a chance if she'd acted the moment they took the hand off her mouth.

  No, Eva thought, glancing at the blackened silver mail the elves wore like a second skin and the vicious whip that hung from the woman's belt.

  She never had a chance.


  They traveled east and then they traveled down.

  Deep into pitch black caverns where Eva could see nothing except the occasional glow of purple eyes in the darkness.

  Eventually, she fell asleep.

  When she awoke, she knew that she was deep underground. She could feel the weight of the earth pressing down around her.

  The caverns were no longer dark, instead glowing mushrooms and lichen attached all over the floors, walls, and ceilings, provided more than enough light to make out her surroundings.

  And her kidnappers.

  There were five of them. Four men and one woman, all with flowing white hair and jet black skin.

  The men were dressed like warriors in tight silver mail with vicious swords by their sides.

  The woman was a priestess. Even Eva, inexperienced as she was, could not miss it. Flowing purple and black robes marked her as a disciple of Loth, the evil dark elf spider queen.

  “Awake, Woodling?” The priestess had locked onto Eva with her terrible purple eyes.

  The elf nodded. A thousand questions hammered her head, but none she dared ask.

  “I am Zora, servant of the Dark Market.”

  Eva swallowed. The way Zora said 'Dark Market' made it sound like the most terrible place in the world.

  “Woodling, do you know what that is?”

  Eva finally found her small, trembling voice, “No.”

  Zora's eyes flashed with anger, her hand flew to her whip. “Woodling, you w
ill address me as mistress.” She leaned in. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Eva sensed her mistake immediately, but before she could correct it, coiled leather was slashing through the air.

  The lash ignored her outstretched hand and found her shoulder instead.

  Eva let out a scream as the whip parted her white robe effortlessly and left a long red mark.

  “Yes, what?” Zora demanded, towering over the frightened elf.

  “Yes, Mistress,” Eva blurted out through her tears.

  She could feel her heart beating in fear. Fear and something else. Something dark. Something that terrified her even more than Zora.

  “Very good.” Zora eyed her for a moment. Then, satisfied, she continued as if she were never interrupted. “The Dark Market is place where flesh is bought and sold.”

  Zora's cool hand ran down Eva's face and lingered over her stinging shoulder. “Do you know how much your flesh is worth, Woodling?”

  “No. Mistress.” Eva remembered just in time.

  The priestess's eyes blazed. “A maiden surface elf, still shrouded in her innocence. You are worth a hundred mensh.”

  “But,” Eva said not understanding, “Why, Mistress?”

  A wicked smile took over Zora's face. “If you knew that, Woodling, you wouldn't be innocent anymore, would you?”

  “Come,” Zora said rather than let Eva contemplate her dark fate, “From here on you walk.”

  “But, I don't have any shoes. Mistress.” Eva looked down at her bare feet. She had after all been sleeping when they took her.

  Zora snapped her fingers and one of the other dark elves appeared beside her. “Fetch the robes of illusion for our elf maiden. And,” Zora said glancing at Eva's bare feet, “Some boots.”

  “Yes, Commander. Underclothes?”

  Zora licked her lips, “They won't be necessary.” Her gaze made Eva feel uncomfortable.

  By the time the dark elf returned, Eva was sweating under Zora's gaze. Her thin robe was sticking to her in places that a sister of the Goddess was not to supposed to dwell on.

  Zora pointed her whip at Eva, “Take off your clothes, Woodling.”

  “What, here?” Eva asked desperately, her eyes darting to the four warriors. “But, Mistress-”

  Eva flinched back as Zora cracked her whip in the air. “Woodling, it was not a request.”

  Still clinging desperately to some shred of dignity, Eva asked, “Would it be alright if they turned around, Mistress?”

  Zora gave her an incredulous look for a long moment. Eva thought she was going to lash her again.

  Instead, the priestess let out a long laugh. “Very well, Woodling. Turn around.”

  “Yes, Commander,” said the warrior next to her as he spun around.

  Farther away, Eva saw the others turning away as well. That was something at least.

  “Now, strip. It's long past time I examined you.”

  “Examine, Mistress?” Eva's hand was frozen reaching for the rope that bound her robe.

  Zora's eyes narrowed, “The Dark Market accepts only the best flesh. Which means it is my responsibility to inspect you.”

  Eva didn't like that word at all, but she didn't have a great deal of choice.

  Blushing, she let her robe fall to her feet.

  She could feel that dark beast inside trying to get out. Give in to the pleasure, the beast urged her.

  “Arms out,” Zora instructed.

  And Eva was forced to let go of her breasts and uncover the mound between her legs.

  “Excellent,” Zora mused as she pressed her whip against Eva's ass.

  Eva let out a cry of surprise as Zora pressed her finger between her ass cheeks.


  Zora laughed as her hands moved up Eva's exposed sides.

  Eva could feel goosebumps following her touch.

  “Tell me, Woodling,” Zora asked as she leaned her mouth next to Eva's ear. “What did they teach you at that temple?”

  Relieved to get a question she could answer, the words tumbled out of Eva's mouth.

  “Prayer, and cleaning, and healing, lots of-”

  She screamed. Not a little, chaste maiden's scream, but a full throated scream of terror.

  Zora had grabbed her breasts. Her hands were testing the soft flesh, pushing and pulling it every which way.

  Under Zora's fingertips, Eva felt her nipples harden.

  “You like that, don't you Woodling? Not so innocent after all?”

  “No, Mistress, I-I-” Eva's protest was cut short by a moan of pleasure. Zora's hands played her body like an instrument, and she knew every string, every note.

  “Well, your breasts are good enough. A little small, but that's to be expected from a surface elf.”

  Eva was suddenly uncomfortably aware of Zora's own chest against her back.

  “Tell me, Woodling, when I put a hand between your legs, are you going to scream again? That last one was exquisite.”

  “I-I, don't know, Mistress,” Eva managed between gasps. Her core was heating up, when Zora reached down, she would find her shame already on fire.

  Eva pinched her eyes shut.

  “Wet already?” Zora said as her finger brushed Eva's aching slit. For once, Eva managed to contain herself.

  “No, Mistress. I mean, yes, Mistress.”

  “A pity we don't have more time,” Zora said as she brought her finger to Eva's lips, “Lick.”

  Eva tried to resist, but her body was already conditioned to Zora's commands.

  She closed her eyes as she tasted the sweet proof of her own desire on Zora's fingertip.

  “But, we must be on our way. Put this on.” Zora tossed her the Robe of Illusion that the warrior had fetched earlier.


  “It will cloak you in illusion. You will appear as a dark elf priestess. You will look like one, talk like one, and move like one.”

  Eva thought she understood as she slipped the purple and black robe over her head.

  “But, why?”

  Zora turned her purple eyes on Eva.

  “Because where we're going is the domain of Trog the Terrible. Do you know what he does with little elf girls?”

  Eva shook her head, her eyes wide. She was very sure she didn't want to know.


  “On your way then, Elf,” the orc seemed just as happy to be rid of them as the band passed through another checkpoint.

  He should be, Zora had slipped him an entire bag of silver.

  “Whoever heard of orcs setting up checkpoints?” Eva whispered when they were well past the narrow cavern.

  “Trog dreams of an orc empire swallowing the underdark,” Zora whispered back. She had gone to great lengths to explain what would happen to Eva if the orcs caught her. It sounded even worse than the Dark Market.

  “He means to conquer it all?” Eva couldn't even imagine it. How many thousands of miles of caverns must there be?

  “Worse,” Zora said, “He means to tax it.”

  Eva wrinkled her head. “How can that be worse?”

  “You've never been taxed, have you?”

  Eva was about to reply to that when one of Zora's men hissed her to silence.


  Eva could see their bobbing torches in the distance, but unlike the checkpoints they had passed before, these torches were moving toward them.

  And fast.

  “Too late to hide.” Zora echoed Eva's thoughts. “They've seen us.”

  There were a dozen of them. Savage looking orcs mounted on great shaggy wolves.

  “Wolf riders,” Zora whispered.

  Their leader, a big orc with savage tattoos all over his body, rattled the great totem he carried in his right hand.

  “A drow priestess and her companions. Tell me priestess, why are you so far from home?”

  “I owe you nothing, Shaman. Get out of my way before I rip your soul from your body.”

  From her tone, Eva gathered
it was not an empty threat.

  But the orc shaman laughed. “Just try it, Priestess. The one armed god will rip the nipples off your breasts and feed them to your cunt.”

  Eva swallowed. That didn't sound like an empty threat either.

  And Zora knew it.

  “We are a raiding party against the surface humans. Your enemies.”

  The shaman laughed at her attempt to persuade him. “Trog's enemies you mean. The enemies of Gruul, High Shaman of the Wolf Clan, are the drow. And I have found them.”

  Zora's eyes narrowed, “Kill me, and you will lose many warriors.”

  Gruul shrugged. “I will have fewer, better warriors. And you will have none.”

  Zora ground her teeth. All around her orcs and dark elves were reaching for their weapons.

  “Wait, she is mine!” Eva almost screamed.

  And twenty sets of purple and green eyes turned to face her.


  “This foolish priestess has commanded us for too long.” Eva almost stumbled over the words. She was making them up as she went along.

  “Let me, uh, take her place. And humiliate her. For your pleasure. So that all may know what happens to dark elves foolish enough to defy Gruul. Of the Wolf Clan.”

  “What are you doing!” Zora exclaimed in either real or mock astonishment.

  I'm saving our lives, Eva thought.

  Gruul barred his teeth in what might have been a smile and flexed his tattooed arms. “Very well, my ambitious little priestess. Entertain me and perhaps I will let you go.”

  Eva gulped. She'd never done anything like this.

  A whip, she thought desperately, I need a whip. She didn't know if others saw her with a whip on her robe of illusion, but she couldn't use an illusory whip. She'd need a real one, like Zora's.

  “Mistress.” The word seemed raw in Zora's throat as she fell to her knees and offered Eva her whip.

  Zora had saved her.

  The young maiden tried to pretend that was exactly what she was expecting.


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