Lesbian BDSM High Fantasy Bundle (f/f, dubious consent, bondage)

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Lesbian BDSM High Fantasy Bundle (f/f, dubious consent, bondage) Page 3

by Jane Amber

  Eliza moved surely, no longer the nervous girl she was in the hallway. She secured each of Nalia's legs, bending them back until her ankles touched her calves and binding them tightly with rope. Nalia didn't bother resisting, whatever Eliza had planned for her would happen with or without her consent.

  Twin ropes locked Nalia's ankles to her thighs and bound her knees, forcing her legs in a kneeling position. With no place to find purchase, her legs were nothing more than sandbags, forcing her entire body weight onto where her fulcrum met the wooden horse.

  "Does that hurt?" Eliza asked, securing the last rope.

  "Only a little."

  "That's to be expected. Hands please."

  Nalia shook her head. "My hands..." she tried lamely to explain. Her hands were the only thing keeping the full weight of her body from pressing down between her legs.

  "Shh, I know." Eliza reassured her before a bolt of fire struck Nalia's neck.

  The effect was immediate, Nalia's body doubled over her muscles in shock. Her arms were limp while her thighs clutched the horse like it was her lover. She found herself gasping for air, unable to resist as Eliza lifted her hands and secured them in manacles that hung above her head.

  "You understand, all this is necessary if we are to cure you." Eliza seemed to be reassuring herself more than Nalia.

  "Cure me... of what?" Nalia gasped. As the fog of pain began to recede, Nalia could feel the full force of the wooden horse pushing between her thighs, through her underclothes, and trying to separate her lower lips.

  "Why, of your wickedness of course."

  "But what have I done?"

  Eliza shrugged. "As part of the purification process you will confess your evil deeds."

  Sensation was returning to Nalia now. She could feel her arms stretched above her head, the rope that bit into her legs, the cold sweat trickling down her underarms, anything to keep her mind off the beast between her legs. She tried to shift position, but the beast was relentless, nuzzling and pushing further whenever she shifted, her every move making her situation worse.

  "Join me," Eliza asked, "as we pray for the four evils that must be purified."

  "Four?" Nalia replied, not entirely sure she wanted to know.

  Eliza nodded solemnly. "Four evils live inside each fallen women. Your heart." Eliza touched Nalia's breast. "Your womanhood." Eliza touched low on Nalia's waist. "Your deception." She touched Nalia's lips. "And..." Eliza trailed off.

  "And what?"

  "And..." Eliza touched Nalia's ass, "Your lust."

  Nalia didn't like the sound of any of that. "Do I get an appeal?"

  Eliza shook her head. "The elders have declared you guilty. There is no higher authority. When you are purified, you will thank me."

  Nalia sighed. Of course.

  "But first, we must measure your wickedness." For some reason, Eliza seemed to be blushing.

  The priestess reached forward gripping the neck of Nalia's cotton smock. With a jerk, she tore it open. Nalia squirmed as her breasts spilled out. Squirming she tried to resist, but, her hands suspended above her head and her legs tied, she was helpless as Eliza peeled off her shirt.

  Naked from the waist up Nalia could only watch as Eliza murmured appreciatively, running a warm finger over Nalia's taut shoulder blades and down her flanks. She paused on the tight muscles in Nalia's stomach, pressing them gently.

  "I sense there is much evil in you." A hand pressed down on Nalia's shoulder, and she gasped as the wooden horse forced it's way farther between her legs.

  "Do you feel that?" Eliza asked. "That is the pain of your wickedness."

  Eliza ran a hand over Nalia's exposed breasts. Cupping each one in turn. "Do you see that?" Eliza whispered into her ear. "There is the proof that you must be purified."

  Nalia cursed her traitorous nipples. Her body had betrayed her, responding instinctively to Eliza's soft touch. Now they strained for the priestess's touch.

  And Eliza was all too happy to oblige. Her fingers circled Nalia's nipples, teasing her soft breasts and sending soft waves of pleasure through her.

  A hard twist made the sorceress scream and writhe, the air ripped from her throat.

  Nalia braced herself for more, but Eliza seemed satisfied, already moving on to her next target. Her right hand grabbed Nalia's short hair and her left hand tilted the sorceress's face up.

  Quickly, before Nalia could grasp what was happening, Eliza brought her lips close.

  This time Nalia gasped in surprise rather than pain as Eliza's tongue found hers. Her lips tasted like cherries. Her tongue tasted sweet. Nalia blinked in confusion. She wasn't... she hadn't... certainly not with Eliza...

  But the warmth spreading through her chest gave lie to that confusion. Her body had no qualms admitting what her mind rebelled at. Nalia, unable to control herself, felt her mouth responding, meeting Eliza's lips, tasting her tongue and working her mouth against Eliza's.

  After what seemed like an eternity, Eliza pulled gently back. Nalia's mouth tried to follow, unwillingly to let go. The younger girl took a moment to gather herself as she ran her tongue over her lips. "There is much wickedness there as well. And you are delicious." For once, Nalia could only nod in agreement.

  What was happening to her? Suddenly she eyed Eliza in a new light.

  The short, brown haired priestess wore a thin cotton robe that did little to conceal her curves. Nalia could see the girl's own nipples poking through, could run her eyes down Eliza's shapely thighs. Could see the flush across Eliza's equally shapely neck. Apparently Nalia wasn't the only wicked one.

  "One last test, and then the purification will begin," Eliza moved to the wall of whips.

  Nalia watched her every move. The girl moved like moonlight and the sorceress couldn't tear her eyes off Eliza's gently swaying waist. She licked her lips, imagining the pleasure that she could bring this girl. What was wrong with her?

  Eliza selected a short leather whip with a dozen or so knotted lashes. A cat o' nine tails if Nalia remembered the name correctly.

  Eliza certainly was no stranger to the device. She hefted it easily, running a hand along its length and twisting the lashes around her fingers. "When you are purified, you will forgive me."

  Nalia tensed as Eliza disappeared behind her, trying to ready herself for the blow that she knew was coming.

  But even so, she let out a scream when the whip landed a stinging blow on her flank. Eliza struck just hard enough that she did not break the skin, leaving behind rows of red lash marks.

  Another scream when the whip struck between her shoulders. Her lower back. Nalia's breath was ragged, but Eliza was just beginning.

  Her whip found the sorceress's stomach, then her soft breasts. Nalia felt her eyes blur in tears as the sharp red welts worked through her body.

  Nalia sobbed helplessly as the strength leapt from her body. With every blow, she was being forced further down onto the wooden horse. With every blow, she could feel the pleasure seeping through her body.

  She didn't know when it happened, maybe when Eliza kissed her, maybe when the lash landed on her back, maybe the wooden horse was awakening her animal desires. What Nalia did know was that her lips were dripping wet, parting willingly, almost begging, for the wood to press in farther.

  She knew that every lash, every scream, was bringing her closer to ecstasy. Nalia's body was flush with pleasure, and every time Eliza struck with her whip, her hips involuntarily bucked.

  When the lashes found her nipples, she could barely control herself. The mix of pain and pleasure was addictive, like no sensation she had ever felt. She raised her breasts to meet the blow then shrieked when it landed sending a wave a fire and then a wave of pleasure.

  And every time she bucked... She tried to ignore it, to deny it, but the electric jolts of pleasure from her pussy could not be denied. She was glad to have something between her thighs, glad to have something pressing against her cunt, and she wanted more. Needed more.

iza varied her pace, made Nalia wait, unsure of when the next blow would fall. A hand traced the dimple under her arm, squeezed her sides ever so gently, then a streak of leather caught her right breast.

  "You scream beautifully." Eliza knew. Somehow, despite it all, she knew. That Nalia was addicted to the pain, fed off it, wanted more.

  "More, please. Just a little more." Nalia was almost there, her hips were already rocking with the rhythm that would bring her sweet release, only a few more blows.

  But Eliza had other ideas. She reached between Nalia's legs. Helpless to stop her, the sorceress watched in horror as Eliza lifted away her skirt, her underclothes, and placed her cold hands on Nalia's burning hot clit. She could feel it now, see Nalia's burning desire, any doubts she might have had were vanished.

  Just her touch made Nalia's body thrust forward, hoping for more.

  "Not just yet, my eager friend." Eliza smiled, "But I can see that there is much evil in you. The purification may begin."

  Nalia shuddered. If the purification were anything like this, she would lose her mind, a slave to her own lusts. She could not let that happen.

  Summoning all her strength, Nalia made her last gambit.

  "And what about you? It seems there is much wickedness in you as well, Sister Eliza."

  To Nalia's surprise, the girl nodded sadly. "I fear that I enjoy this ritual too much. When it is over, I must turn myself in for punishment."

  "What if... what if..." Nalia searched desperately. This was it she knew, this might be her only way out.

  "What if, I purified you instead, so that you would not have to face punishment."

  Eliza's face lit up, but then darkened with suspicion. "You know the purification rituals? You would not betray me?"

  Nalia managed a weak smile, "I cannot betray you, the collar is still around my neck. And the Red Witches have many purification rituals. Some even stronger then your own." She had her now.

  "Stronger? What would the Red Witches know of removing evil?"

  "Let me show you."

  Eliza hesitated, then nodded. "The ritual will be stronger if I am pure of mind and body. What must I do?"

  The priestess undid Nalia's bindings, gently massaging her arms, ankles, and legs as she did so.

  Even free, Nalia could feel her body's warmth, a pleasant sensation that ebbed whenever she paused to study Eliza's perfect shoulders. Her body still cried out for release. Not now, she thought, just a little while longer.

  "What must I do?" Eliza asked, the nervous girl that Nalia had first met making her return.

  Nalia was uncomfortably aware of her exposed chest. Giving orders to someone wearing more clothes than her felt strange and out of place. Taking a deep breath, she smoothed her skirt, her last shred of modesty, and attempted her most commanding voice.

  "If you are to be purified, you must wear the uniform of the penitent." Nalia said slowly, guessing at the proper words. "Remove that symbol of the pure."

  Eyes full of uncertainty, Eliza undid the cords binding her robe shut and let it fall to the ground. Underneath, the priestess wore nothing at all. Nalia let her gaze linger on the younger girl's body. Yes, she wanted that, she would have that. The sorceresses's need was almost palpable.

  How could it not be, Nalia thought. Eliza's small, eager breasts were flushed with desire. Her short legs met in a perfect 'U' outlining her light brown curls. Even her toes curled delightfully, promising untold pleasures.

  On a hunch, Nalia put her hand between Eliza's legs. The girl squeaked in terror and embarrassment as Nalia's hand found her slickness. Eliza's legs were coated in her desire. "There is much wickedness in you." Nalia intoned as her hand slowly explored Eliza's divine opening.

  "Lick." Nalia commanded, bringing her hand up to Eliza's face.

  The priestess's eyes opened even wider. "No...no..."

  Nalia shook her head sadly. "It is the only way. You tested my wickedness did you not? Now you must test your own."

  That was enough. Eliza's mouth leaned forward, closing on each of Nalia's fingers in turn.


  "There is..." Eliza stuttered, "There is much wickedness in me."

  "Mmmm, there is indeed. Did you enjoy that? Do not lie."

  Eliza nodded.

  "We must stem the tide." Nalia knelt down, motioning for Eliza to come closer.

  Eliza squeaked in surprise as Nalia's tongue found her parted, wet lips. "I've... I've never... with girl..."

  Nalia could have admitted that neither had she, but she had some ideas and she wasn't sure she could stop her tongue even if she wanted to. Her hands gently massaged Eliza's waist, pressing in ever so slightly on her belly.

  Her tongue danced around Eliza's clit, she was rewarded with a gasp every time it touched down. Eliza's body quivered at Nalia's touch, the girl showed her emotions like a book, and Nalia soon discovered that her ass was especially sensitive.

  She pulled the girl closer, massaging her cheeks even as her tongue moved to Eliza's pussy. As it pressed in, the priestess's body tensed and letting out shrill scream. Eliza brought one hand to her mouth to bite on, while her other hand gripped Nalia's hair, pulling it toward her.

  The message was unmistakable. More, Eliza was crying out.

  Nalia's tongue tasted Eliza's sweet nectar, rubbing back and forth as it gradually worked its way into Eliza's pussy. Every time her tongue moved along Eliza's sheath, the poor girl shuddered.

  Eliza's knees were trembling in anticipation and desire.

  Swiftly, Nalia moved to finish her, her hands reached up above her head, grabbing Eliza's breasts. Her thumbs found the girl's nipples and her fingers massaged the flesh.

  Eliza could not result the double assault on her breasts and cunt. Letting out a long suppressed moan of ecstasy, her body gave way. She collapsed onto to Nalia, convulsions wracking through her body.

  It was more than a minute before her legs released Nalia's head.

  "That was... amazing." Eliza gushed. Nalia nodded knowingly, although her cunt was aching more than ever. Make her do the same to you a voice cried.

  But Nalia knew better. The priestess was hers for now, and she must not waste it.

  Nalia rose to her feet, still supporting the tender priestess.

  "That was just to stop the spread of evil. There is another ritual. Known only to the Red Witches. Even more powerful. Powerful enough to purify you."

  Eliza wanted it. "Yes, yes, we must do this ritual next."

  Nalia shook her head sadly. "It requires my powers. And they..." she ran a finger over her collar.

  "Then the collar must go!" The girl declared with surprising ferocity.

  She removed it with a touch, as if it had never been secured on at all.

  Nalia was free. She could feel her power returning to her fingertips. She might be able to escape now. Kill the girl, rescue Raum, destroy this place, a voice inside her whispered.

  But Nalia's eyes lingered on Eliza, she could see the desire in the girl's body, the hope in her eyes, the sweat between her breasts. Nalia put a hand under her own skirt. Her own pussy was a furnace. Her underclothes were soaked.

  Something touched Nalia's heart, or perhaps a bit lower. "On your knees, girl. Hands on the ground"

  Eliza obeyed. Nalia pressed down her exposed back, forcing her chest to the floor and raising her ass into the air. "Where does lust live?"

  "In... in my ass," Eliza managed.

  Nalia slapped. Eliza screamed. "And you have so much lust."

  Nalia pressed her finger against Eliza's second opening. "No... no, please. Anywhere but there."

  "But here is where your lust is, don't you want to be purified?" Nalia probed, testing her resistance.

  "I... I..." the girl stammered.

  Nalia's other hand found Eliza's pussy, it was even wetter than before. Stroking her finger softly over the priestess's clit, Nalia murmured into her ear, "And while your mouth may lie, your body does not."

  Eliza could o
nly moan, arcing her body and pressing her soft breasts in the ground. Her ass wavered uncertainly in the air for a moment.

  Nalia pressed her advantage, her finger slipped into Eliza's ass. "There, there." She murmured as Eliza groaned.

  But if her mouth her silent, her body was ecstatic. Her hips moved against Nalia's hand, pressing, demanding more.

  Nalia ran her tongue down Eliza's back, savoring the tension in her muscles, and pressed her finger just a little farther in.

  Eliza broke. With a scream, she brought her legs together, bucking frantically against the air as her muscles convulsed.

  Nalia brought a second finger into her ass, as her hips rose and fell, desperately fucking Nalia's fingers. "Fuck me!" the girl cried in delirium.

  And as suddenly as she started, Eliza collapsed. Her ass fell to the ground and she lay motionless. Tears stained her eyes.

  "Eliza?" Nalia asked tenderly.

  "Oh it's all ruined isn't it?"

  "It is?"

  "I haven't been purified at all, I just want more. It was always my secret you know. Whenever anyone brushed against my ass, I became... well... you know."

  "Horny as a bitch in heat?" Nalia helpfully supplied.

  Eliza blushed. "Yes. And now... how can I go back now? I want to feel like that again. I want to feel like that every day. Am I so very wicked?"

  Nalia smiled, stroking her hair. "You are. So very, very wicked. Come with me, and I will show you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams."

  Her eyes opened wide. "With you? You're... escaping?"

  Nalia nodded. "With my powers back, if you'll show me to Raum's chamber, we can be on our way."

  Eliza shook her head. Her hand reaching beneath Nalia's skirt. "Not yet. Not while you're... well... I mean it just wouldn't be right."

  Nalia meant to object, meant to tell her that escape was more important whatever her body wanted, but her mouth was covered in Eliza's soft lips.

  The priestess's tongue forced its way into Nalia's mouth and tore away her breath. Her hands pulled at Nalia's skirt as her breasts pushed against Nalia's chest.

  Nalia had never been so close to another women. Eliza was burning up as if she might catch on fire at any moment. Her tongue suckled Nalia's nipples, teased her earlobes, and traced a path between her breasts and down to her stomach.


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