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The Ranger's Chance: A Clean Army Ranger Romance Book One

Page 15

by Bree Livingston

  Just as Noah pushed himself into a sitting position, an explosion rocked the front of the SUV, tipping it onto two wheels and throwing him against the cargo door.

  “These guys came way too prepared,” Ryder said. “I’m not sure flying out in the jet is the best idea. These guys knew about this house and drove us out, and that makes me think they’ll be waiting for us.”

  “It also means they’ll be trying to anticipate what we do next. What’s the least likely thing to do?” Elijah asked.

  “Back to Miami. My place,” Noah croaked.

  The SUV lurched forward as Elijah accelerated. “I agree.”

  It wasn’t until Noah’s vision clouded over that he realized he needed to say something about the gunshot. “Guys,” he said. But he knew he hadn’t spoken loud enough, and he didn’t have enough energy left to say it any louder.

  Chapter 21

  Mia couldn’t stop shaking. Her ability to process was being put to the test. Everything had happened all at once. One minute she was talking to Ryder, and the next, Elijah was flying in the front door, yelling that they needed to move. She’d run to grab her laptop, and by the time she came back, bullets were flying.

  “We’re clear. I don’t know how long it will stay that way, but I don’t see anyone following us,” Elijah said as they drove away from the scene.

  That must have been the cue Ryder needed because he turned to her from where he was sitting beside her and asked, “Are you okay, Mia?”

  “Uh…I don’t know.” She hugged her laptop to her chest. “I’ve been shot at twice now, and that was like something out of Mission Impossible.”

  He nodded. “We’ll keep you safe. I promise.”

  She glanced over her shoulder in the direction she’d heard Noah’s voice. There’d been so much chaos, and all she could think was that she’d feel better if he wrapped his arms around her.

  “I don’t think he’d mind if you wanted to talk.”

  With a groan, Mia leveled her eyes at Ryder. “You don’t think so?”

  He cut a glance over his shoulder and leaned in and whispered, “Do you really think he was only pretending to care about you?” He touched her arm and crawled into the passenger seat.

  Mason climbed over the second row into the seat Ryder had just vacated and winked, tipping his head in Noah’s direction.

  The urge to speak to him grew until Mia fidgeted. Ryder was right. Noah wouldn’t have pretended to like her and never would have lied if he wasn’t ordered to do so. And truth be told, even if he wasn’t ordered, he’d lied to help thousands of woman and children. He’d made a hard but good and noble choice. Didn’t she want a man with that kind of character?

  The evening before when Noah had kissed her before dinner came to mind. I hope you hear what I’m about to say. She had heard him, hadn’t she? There was no doubt he was being genuine when he spoke to her with that kiss. She had responded. Did she still feel that way?

  Setting her laptop down, she made her way over the second row, leaning over the edge of the back seat. He was lying on his side, facing the door…not moving.

  “Noah…” She tilted her head as she studied him, a suspicion growing that something was wrong. She crawled into the cargo area, careful not to step on him. “Noah?” she asked as she touched his shoulder.

  A flash of headlights from a large truck cast enough light that she could finally see him. His hair stuck to his forehead, and a dark red stain covered his entire right shoulder.

  “Oh no.” She leaned over him, gripping the back of the seat. “Noah’s hurt.”

  Those two words were like a fire put to gasoline. Ryder and Mason were jumping across seats like frogs after a fly.

  “We need some space to get back there,” Ryder said.

  She pressed herself against the back glass and dropped over the top of the seat.

  Ryder was the first to get to Noah. He pulled out a flashlight, flipped it on, and hung it on the seatbelt strap. As light filled the cabin, Ryder swore under his breath. “Oh geez. He’s been shot.” He lifted his gaze to hers. “I need you to get in the other row so we can fold this one down.”

  Mia nodded and quickly climbed into the second row.

  The seat fell forward as Mason shucked off his backpack and pulled a stethoscope out of it.

  “You’re a doctor?” Mia asked.

  “Field.” The answer was clipped as he began to examine Noah. They eased him onto his stomach, his chin tucked just a hair under his left shoulder. “Right shoulder. He must have been hit in the garage.”

  Elijah craned his neck. “Is it bad?”

  “Bad. His heart rate is weak. That worries me,” Mason said. “Ryder, I’m going to need you.” He slapped a pair of gloves in Ryder’s hand and then put some on.

  Mia chewed her bottom lip. “Is he going to be okay?”

  Without taking his focus off Noah, Ryder shook his head. “We don’t know.”

  That wasn’t what she wanted to hear. They didn’t know if he’d be okay? She might not get the chance to talk to him. Would he die thinking she hated him? Tears welled in her eyes as she silently prayed he’d be okay.

  “Mason knows what he’s doing. He won’t let him go without a fight,” Elijah said.

  As she watched Mason try to get the bullet out, Noah’s face lost even more of its color. His lips looked as though they’d been painted white as Mason eventually pulled the bullet out.

  When Mason finished bandaging Noah’s shoulder and turned him over, he sat down hard with his back against the liftgate, pulled off his gloves, and wiped his brow. He blew out a big breath. “He’s going to be okay, but he won’t be using his arm for a while.”

  “Is it okay if I sit with him?” asked Mia.

  Ryder pulled himself over the seat next to Mia. “I don’t think anyone will mind.”

  Again, Mia climbed into the cargo area and waited as Mason rolled up the used instruments in a towel. With that done, he pushed off the liftgate and climbed into the seat next to Ryder.

  Once Mia was alone with Noah, she lay down on her side next to Noah and brushed the back of her hand along his jaw and across his cheek, stretching her fingers into his hair.

  Her heart felt heavy as she watched him breathing. He’d been hurt while protecting her. They’d all risked their lives for hers. It was a sobering thought.

  He’d suffered through something most would never understand, and he still had a heart that wanted to help people. Maybe when this was all over and they could really talk, they could figure out how to make it work, whatever it was they’d started.

  Chapter 22

  Noah licked his lips and tried to work his dry mouth. The thick fog he was trying to break free of was doing its best to keep the hold it had on him. He knew he’d been shot and he’d managed to get himself in the SUV, but things were hazy beyond that.

  Cool fingers stroked the side of his face and combed through his hair. He took in a lungful of air, and Mia’s scent drifted around him. When he tried to open his eyes, it was like trying to pry open a locked box.

  With a little more effort, he managed to peel them open, and sure enough, Mia’s beautiful face came into view. Granted, the edges were blurry, but those eyes and that smile were enough to make his pulse jump. She was sitting next to his left side on the bed. They had made it to Miami to his family’s vacation home there.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “Hey,” he said. Again, her fingers skated across his cheek, and he pressed his face into her hand, kissing her palm. “Are you okay?”

  She sighed. “I’m fine, but you, not so much. You’ve been out for over a day. It took Mason a while to dig the bullet out.”

  He smacked his lips again. “Water?”

  She lifted his head and put a cup to his lips. He was surprised by how cold the water was, but it felt great going down. When he’d drained it, she laid his head back down. “Thanks.” He lifted his gaze to hers, and again, he was struck by how much comfort he felt with jus
t her presence. But he hadn’t forgotten how angry she was with him either. “Thanks for staying with me. I’m good now if you want to go.”

  “I’m fine right where I’m at.” She smiled.


  Mia lowered her gaze to the bed. “I was incredibly angry with you, but Ryder decrypted those files and showed them to me. You had a good reason to keep me in the dark. And you’d made a promise to Pam. I don’t think I’d want you to be the kind of man who would break a promise just because it was hard to keep.”

  He swallowed hard. “I am sorry.”

  “I know, and I’m not as angry anymore. If I’d been in your shoes, I would have done the same thing because it was the right thing to do. Harrison can’t remain free, and I understand that now.”

  Noah was speechless. The relief he felt was overwhelming. “Thank you.”

  “I’m still working on the hurt part, but understanding the why is going a long way to help that too.” As her fingertips brushed across his jaw, he closed his eyes. “I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you. You’re kinda special to me, Noah Wolf.”

  He wrapped his good arm around her and pulled her closer. “I’m glad you know my name. I wanted you to know it.”

  Mia leaned back. “I am too. It fits you better.”

  “I need to tell you a few more things about me. Not that I’ve lied, just…if I told you…” Man, he was exhausted. He needed to tell her who he was, his family, and all the things that were important for her to know.

  And like she could read his mind, she leaned over him, bracing her hand on the bed and bent low. “Noah, you’ve been shot and lost a lot of blood. You have plenty of time to tell me more. For now, I’m just glad you’re alive.” She pressed her lips to his neck and nuzzled it with her nose. “I would be devastated if I’d lost you.”

  He slid his hand up her back and held her against his chest. “I can’t say I wouldn’t feel the same way.”

  Mia didn’t hate him. Which was a good place to start. He’d tell her everything, make sure they had a firm foundation, and build from there. That’s if she didn’t have to hide until Harrison was in prison.

  At least there was hope, which was more than he had a few hours ago, and he’d take it.

  Chapter 23

  Ryder rapped his fingers against Noah’s open door.

  “Come in,” he said.

  Noah had been in and out of consciousness for the last twenty-four hours. He wasn’t feeling great yet, but he didn’t feel like the grim reaper was giving him the stink eye.

  Since arriving in Miami, they’d taken up residence in Noah’s family vacation home. He hated to bring his work to the beautiful home, but with nowhere else to go, it was the only option. Noah would have to let Zach know it was off-limits for a while. At least until Noah was sure it was safe to be used. Maybe he’d suggest they sell it and buy another one further down the beach.

  Ryder had managed to get everything important out of the safe house command room and was able to uncover a few more things from files he hadn’t checked while they were in Orlando. Harrison had a file on all the team, including Mia. The information in them proved that Harrison had set them up. It had been right there, but none of them had seen it. Mia was a pawn used by the man to get the group’s attention. Something to get them to Florida and on Harrison’s turf.

  “I just wanted to make sure everyone was decent before I barged in.”

  “Shut up,” Noah growled.

  Sitting beside him, Mia giggled as Ryder walked in. “He’s so grouchy,” she said.

  Noah rolled his eyes. “I’m not grouchy.”

  She tilted her head and then glanced at Ryder. “Oh, you’re grouchy.”

  Ryder laughed as he stopped and leaned against the wall at the foot of Noah’s bed. “I concur.”

  “What do you want?” Noah asked Ryder.

  “Uh, Mia, I really need to talk to Noah alone for a minute.”

  “Okay.” She bent down, kissed Noah’s cheek, and then left him alone with Ryder.

  Noah pushed himself up. “We have to go after him.”

  Before Ryder said a word, he walked to the door and shut it. “Yeah,” he said as he faced Noah.

  “If we come full force from the front, he’ll see us coming. It’ll be a war, and based on the firepower he had, we’d be outgunned. We need to do something he’s not expecting. Be smart and use his cockiness to our advantage.”

  “I agree. Got any ideas, boss?”

  Noah jerked his gaze to Ryder. “What?”

  “Pam told me she’s done.”

  “Do the rest of the guys know?”

  With a shake of his head, he took a seat on the edge of the bed. “Kolby does, but Mason and Elijah don’t. Kolby was on the fence about accepting that assignment. Pam knew you could talk to him. I think the only reason she told me was that I’d have found out before anyone else anyway.”

  “True. Back to the current problem. We need Harrison focused on something else while we sneak in and grab him.” A plan drifted to mind that Noah knew would be met with resistance.

  Ryder nodded. “You’ve got an idea, don’t you?”

  “What makes you say that?”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “I’ve known you too long, and I can tell the plan stinks.”

  Noah hesitated.

  “Oh, this plan is absolutely terrible. I’m going to hate it.”

  “I’ll be the bait. I’m hurt. He knew who I was, Ryder. He used Mia to get to me. I think he knows I was the mole.” That was the best explanation Noah had for being on Harrison’s radar. “That has to be it. And he’ll know I’ve figured that out by now. I can go, and he’ll think I’m trying to get revenge. It’ll be the perfect setup.”

  Ryder stood and raked his hand through his hair. “Yeah, the perfect setup to get you killed. Noah, you’ve been shot, and you still look like you could use a pint of blood. If he gets his hands on you in this condition, he will make you hurt before he kills you.”

  “So, you guys better be on your A game. He can’t do that much damage if the amount of time he has me is limited.”

  “What if he just puts another bullet in you?”

  Noah shook his head. “We both know he won’t do that. He likes making his enemies suffer before killing them.”

  “The other guys are not going to go for this, and I’ll be backing them up. This is a dangerously stupid plan, and it could get you killed.” He took a few deep breaths. “And you’re going to do it anyway, so we need to be prepared to come to the rescue.”

  “I’m in love with her,” Noah said, finally putting to words what he’d been feeling. In a matter of days, Mia Milan had turned his world upside down. He loved her more than anything. The softness of her skin, the curve of her body, her intelligence, her laugh, her smile, everything. “If we don’t get him, she’ll be looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life. I can’t let that happen.”

  “You love her, huh?”

  “Yeah, I do.” He caught Ryder’s gaze.

  Ryder cocked an eyebrow. “She’s going to be livid.”

  Noah crossed his arms over his chest. “I know, but she also knows how dangerous Harrison is, and she wants him off the streets as much as I do. It’s not the safest plan, but if we can finally get Harrison, it’s worth the risk. One life for the many—and she understands that too.”

  Sighing, Ryder nodded.

  “This plan will work,” Noah said.

  Ryder set his hands on his hips, chewing the inside of his cheek. “It’s a stupid plan, but I agree. If he’s focused on you, there’s a good chance we can slip by. If we’re careful.”

  “Harrison needs to know that I’m shot and going against Pam’s direct orders not to engage. All we need is for him to think I’m on my own and you guys have been called back to base. We feed him that, and I think he’ll take the bait.”

  “Then we need to get the guys and make a plan. That way, we can make sure you get out alive.”

  Noah nodded. “Yeah, we do.”

  “I think you need another twenty-four hours before we do this,” Ryder said. “That will give us time to make it look real.”

  “I don’t know. If we go now, he’ll think I’m half-cocked. Which I almost am, but I think it would sell it better.”

  Ryder shook his head. “It might sell it better, but I think it’s better to wait. At least until you’ve got a little more strength.”

  Noah eased himself back. “I think you might be right.”

  “Aw, man, I should have got that on recording.”

  “Shut up.” Noah chuckled. “Let’s wait to tell the guys the plan. If I don’t look half-dead, maybe they’ll go along with it easier.”

  Ryder walked to the door and paused. “Actually, I agree with you. I’ll wait to tell them until you’re not ghost-white. Get some rest.”

  “I plan on it.”

  Noah closed his eyes, and the door clicked shut.

  Mia’s life depended on this plan working. If it didn’t, he’d never forgive himself. She’d been dragged into this because somehow Harrison had figured out Noah’s cover. He couldn’t let her have this hanging over her head for the rest of her life. He loved her too much to do that. He also knew Ryder was right and she’d be furious. It was a huge risk on all fronts, but it was worth it for her. Now if he could only find a way to make her understand that it had to be this way once it was all over.

  * * *

  Ryder walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and grumbled. “No soda? I can’t drink tea.”

  “Well, you can, you chose not to,” Mia said. It felt weird to be in Noah’s home. Granted it was a vacation home, but it still felt like he’d let her into some intimate detail of his life.

  It was beautiful too with a private beach. He’d stayed away from it to keep his job as far away from his family as he could, but they’d had no choice once Harrison found the safe house in Orlando.


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