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The Temptress

Page 4

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘If you won’t come to me, amber eyes, then I will come to you,’ came his sultry, deep and sexy French accent, as the door swung shut again. I looked around, hoping there’d be a window I could crawl out of, no such luck.

  ‘You’re twenty-four years old, Lulu McQueen. You eat sexual predators for breakfast at work, or you would if you actually let one spend the night with you, you can handle one damn horny and persistent Frenchman,’ I muttered to myself under my breath. How many men did I have to deal with each time I was sent in to lure one? Countless and I resisted every single advance, none of them invoked any feeling inside me. One look at a hot Frenchman had me hiding out in a toilet, like some nervous teen at prom. I had a feeling his threat wasn’t empty though and figured I stood a better chance of escaping my body’s treacherous need to feel his lips on every inch of my skin, if I confronted him in a crowded public space, rather than trapped in this confined one. I shook my long dark hair back over my shoulders as I straightened up, making myself look confident and unintimidated, took a deep breath and threw open the door, avoiding eye contact as I quickly strode out.

  ‘At last, she exits.’ His soft foreign purr sent pleasurable shivers down my spine as I continued walking, feeling his sexually charged presence close behind me. Being this close to him was a mistake. It was like his pheromones had some potent sirens’ call, every woman in the corridor was feeling it, judging by the looks being thrown right over my shoulder to where he was tailgating me.

  ‘I don’t know what you want, but I’m not interested,’ I replied, as I made my way up the corridor, back towards the sound of the music, where Bonkers by Dizzee Rascal was playing. ‘I thought I’d made that clear with my message.’

  ‘You know exactly what I want and you are lying to yourself if you think you don’t want the same. This is not an icy chill that you are feeling, but a volcanic eruption. Do you have any idea how rare that it is, ma belle?’

  ‘I’m not your beauty and you know nothing about me,’ I responded. ‘And you won’t. Thank you for the Champagne, it was very kind of you. I’ll repay you, then you can move on, to someone likely to agree to whatever it is you want, I doubt you’ll be lacking in offers.’

  ‘I am not, but none of them interest me. All I am interested in is you. One look and I felt a burning, deep in my very loins.’

  ‘You should go to an all-night pharmacy, they could probably prescribe a cream for that.’ I responded, pleased I at least still had some small part of my brain functioning to rely on some wit. He burst out laughing behind me, making me scrunch up my face as that deep booming noise caressed my senses even more. Damn him, even his laugh had more sex appeal than all of the men I’d ever dated, combined. Why was everyone walking so slowly, I needed to get away from him.

  ‘You have fire in your belly as well as your beautiful eyes.’

  ‘You’ll have fire in your groin if you persist in harassing me, from where my knee connects with it sharply.’

  ‘I’d much prefer your hand or mouth connect with it,’ he chuckled.

  ‘I’m telling you that I’m not interested, Monsieur Cocky, but it seems that you have no idea when to quit.’

  ‘I quit only when a lady I desire so strongly tells me that she doesn’t want me. This is, however, as rare as the sighting of a dinosaur on the Champs Elysees. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don’t find me attractive,’ he demanded, the sheer dominance in his tone affording me a glimpse of his sexual predilections. ‘Tell me that you don’t want me and I will walk away, but we both know that this is not going to happen.’

  ‘Does this over confidence usually work with the ladies?’ I asked, silently cursing as the crowds ahead forced us to a standstill.

  ‘It’s not “over confidence,” as that implies that I’m exaggerating my abilities to obtain your agreement,’ he replied, his voice far too close to my ear. I inhaled sharply as I felt his fingers lightly clasp my hips, the heat of his breath on the back of my neck making my hairs stand to attention. I could also feel a hard erection pressed against my backside, making my jaw drop, partly in surprise at his brazenness, partly in awe of how good the body contact with him felt. ‘I am simply confident that you want my cock buried inside you, each stroke appeasing the aching need that’s currently coursing through your body, making you flood with sweet juices that will help me ease inside you. That you want my lips enveloping your stiff nipples, sucking them to peaks that you didn’t even know they were capable of, as I bring you to the most explosive climax you’ve ever experienced, then lick you to another. So many sheet clawing orgasms, over and over until your body is weak from exertion, coated in a sheen of perspiration and you’re hoarse from screaming my name.’

  ‘I don’t even … know your name,’ I managed to utter, his words and tone virtually having brought me to a mini orgasm as I stood right here, silently cursing the human traffic jam that had me trapped here with him, my resolve to ignore him weakening by the second.

  ‘Luc,’ he whispered in my ear, as he pressed his hard muscular body tightly against me, his hands sliding around to palm my stomach. I felt myself trembling, charges of high voltage electricity were coursing through my veins from his touch, his voice felt like the finest silk delicately running over my bare skin, yet exuded eroticism and that cock I could feel writhing behind me. It was all I could do to stop myself from passing out. ‘And you are, ma belle?’

  ‘Lulu,’ I squeaked, cursing myself silently for telling him my name. His voice was hypnotic, I feared that if I stayed in his presence too long I could agree to anything he asked. Why had he picked on me, he could have anyone he wanted. Why me? Coco was as attractive, why hadn’t he gone for her? Did he sense how long it was since I’d had sex? Was I a challenge to him?

  ‘I need you beneath me, Lulu, I need to watch you come for me, to see how the flames in those beautiful eyes rise higher as I make you climax, again and again. The need in me is damaging to my very soul. Tell me what it will take to make that happen?’

  ‘It … can’t,’ I whimpered, desperately clinging to the shreds of my resolve, my body screaming at me to let him do whatever he wanted to me. ‘I don’t do one night stands.’

  ‘Who said anything about one night? I have a feeling I could spend days appreciating this exotic body.’ His lips brushed the back of my neck, his thumbs rubbing up and down my stomach and I jolted at the heat that flowed into my skin. I tried to push my way through the people in front, but his hands pulled me back, spun me around and pushed me up against the wall. Before I had time to react, he’d pressed forwards, trapping me with his hands either side of my shoulders, his hips glued to mine, the most impressive erection I’d ever felt creating a permanent dent in my stomach. His lips were inches away, his gorgeous tempered chocolate eyes staring hungrily into mine, as his teeth worked over his lower lip. ‘I need to fuck you, Lulu.’

  ‘Why don’t you go fuck yourself,’ I bit, furious with him for making me want him so badly, while he was being so damn cocky, arrogant and pushy.

  ‘But where would be the fun for you, if I did that?’ he asked, cocking his head as he smiled again, showing those damn dimples and a set of perfectly straight white teeth. I was affronted at his crude approach, yet I felt my pussy clenching, my knickers were soaking and all I could think about was grasping his hair, as I bit and sucked his full lower lip. He moved his head forward, making me hold my breath, trying to imagine how his kiss would feel against my tingling lips. Instead I felt his move lightly over my cheek and around to my ear. ‘You’re so wet for me, Lulu. I can smell your sex watering for me, feel the points of your nipples against my chest, you need me inside you as much as I need to be there.’

  ‘I … I don’t … please leave me alone,’ I begged, clenching my hands into fists to stop my itching fingers from reaching out to pull him closer. His masculine scent was filling my nostrils, no one had ever smelled so good, no one had ever made me react to them like this. Sex between us would be raw, aggressive and anima
listic, I knew it. I also knew, without a doubt, that once with this man would never be enough for me.

  ‘Look at me and tell me that you don’t want me, Lulu,’ he offered, his voice like warm water, enveloping my body in a heat that made me shiver with delight. He took my earlobe in his teeth, gently biting and tugging. I whimpered and felt my cheek involuntarily lean against his, the light dusting of his stubble felt like the most sensuous caress. He slowly released my ear and his face reappeared in front of mine, forcing me to hold my breath again as I saw the flames dancing in his intense eyes. His breathing was coming as fast as mine as we stared at each other, everything else melting away, as if all that was happening around us ceased to exist, while I started to drown in those molten chocolate pools of desire. ‘Tell me,’ he demanded.

  I opened my mouth to say what I knew I needed to, to protect my easily damaged heart, but nothing came out. He must have taken my reluctance to deny my desire for him as a green light that I was ready for him. In an instant his burning hot lips were on mine, kissing me forcefully, possessively, as his hands moved up to clutch my face, to stop me turning my head away. I closed my eyes as I felt dynamite explode in my head, pleasure radiating out as he kissed me the way I’d never been kissed before, the way I longed to be kissed forever. My hands shot to his body, sliding around his toned waist and reaching up inside his suit jacket, to grasp powerfully muscular shoulder blades that could have belonged to Michael Phelps. I heard him groan into my mouth as he left no millimetre of space between our heated bodies, his slabs of muscle feeling harder than the wall against my back. His tongue slipped into my mouth teasing mine slowly, as his thumbs stroked my cheekbones, then suddenly delicate tantalising flickers turned to plunging forceful thrusts, making me imagine his cock doing the same inside my quivering, desperate pussy. I wanted this man, I wanted him like I’d never wanted anything, but that scared me. He pulled away with a gasp, firmly holding my face, my hands still clutching his warm body as I stared at him stunned. I’d never been so turned on in my life. I blinked a few times, feeling suddenly dizzy.

  ‘Breathe, Lulu, breathe,’ he whispered, with a knowing smile, perfectly aware of the effect he had on me. Unaware I’d even been holding my breath, I sucked in a large gulp of air and panted rapidly, trying to pull the fragments of my shattered senses back together, as he swept his thumb over my lower lip. ‘You want me, yet I feel a resistance at the same time. No one has ever denied me, no one has tried to evade me, which only makes me want you more. But I will not chase you. I chase no one, ma belle. I want you to crave me as much as I crave you, to realise that this insane attraction is not one sided and cannot be denied. You have tonight to deal with your concerns and make up your mind. Call me in the morning and we will spend the day together, I will show you the sights of my beautiful city. But be warned, when darkness falls, chasing away the light of the day, I will leave too, I will disappear into the shadows unless you beg me to ease that throbbing between your thighs. One day is all I ask, one day when I will be nothing but respectful. One day to show you that even without any sexual advances towards you, we are nevertheless fated to mate. But trust me on this,’ he whispered against my lips, ‘one day we will mate, many times, passionately, aggressively, animalistically, tenderly, beautifully and gently, in many locations and many positions, but only when you plead for it. Only when you beg for my cock will you have it. And once you do, you’ll wish you’d begged me for it tonight.’

  ‘What makes you so sure?’ I whispered, as I tried to get my runaway heart rate under control, both turned on and insulted at his arrogance. His lips curved up on one side as a hand reached behind him and grabbed my wrist. He brought my hand around to the front of his body and placed it high up on his chest, right in the middle. I gulped to feel his strong heartbeat radiating out, sending shockwaves up my arm. He held my gaze, affording me visions of us wrapped around each other in expensive satin sheets, as he slowly dragged my hand down his taut and honed body, between the curved edges of his large pecs, over each ridge of his bulging abs and down to his flat, hard stomach. I was panting again, my senses overloaded with sexual desire, as his hand moved mine lower, dipping past the waistband of his trousers, a gasp leaving my lips as my fingertips brushed over the bulbous head of his erection, which jerked forward to meet my touch. His eyes darkened as we continued to stare at each other, our thoughts obviously transparent to the other and my hand was moved lower and lower, all the way down his long, hard thick erection, right to his wide root. My mouth went dry as he curled his fingers, forcing mine to wrap tightly around his stiff, tense shaft, a low, guttural groan leaving his lips, as I stopped breathing again, feeling the girth of him throbbing intensely in my palm.

  ‘You’ll beg me tomorrow, because you crave this cock as much as I crave your tender little cunt, Lulu, on my mouth as well as enveloping my shaft. I’ll warrant you’ve never had a man as large or gifted in bed as me. So now that you’ve felt it, you’ll be dreaming of it all night, thinking about it thrusting into you, stretching your muscles as you clench around it, trying to milk me to completion, thinking about licking and sucking it, having me beg you to let me come. You know if you return to England without having this inside you, it will be the biggest regret of your life, because if you don’t beg me, if you leave without me fucking you, every time you have sex and you lie there wondering if his tiny prick is even inside you, you’ll question what it would have been like to have this inside you.’ He released my hand and smirked as I hesitated to release my grip on him, taking a mental snapshot of what I was feeling flexing in my grasp. ‘Breathe,’ he reminded me, laying a gentle kiss on my forehead. He reached into his inner jacket pocket and pulled out a card, as I let the wall support me, trying to pull myself together from the most intensely erotic experience of my life and we hadn’t even had sex. I blinked and looked down as he put the white card in my hand and closed my fingers around it. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, ma belle.’

  ‘What if I don’t call,’ I managed to say, breaking his hot as hell, intense gaze. I needed all of my energies focussed on not letting my body slide down the wall, into an over aroused puddle on the floor.

  ‘You’ll call,’ he confirmed, confidence powering his voice, as he ran his thumb over my lower lip again. ‘You are too curious to see if I am as good as I claim.’ My breath hitched and I closed my eyes, praying he was about to kiss me again, to send my mind into the stratosphere, weightless and free of anything but the beauty of that moment, as he had before. He leaned forwards, disappointing me by instead simply whispering sexily in my ear. ‘Trust me, I am even better. Bonne nuit, ma belle, Lulu, à demain, until tomorrow.’

  I felt that shiver of delight shake my body like a small earthquake, reminding me of my fragility when it came to men I desired, they were few and very far between and had the capacity to shatter me, rendering me to tiny fragments that may never be glued back together again. I held my breath, waiting for that goodnight kiss, my lips gently pursing and swelling with anticipation.

  ‘Thank God, I was worried sick about you, Lulu,’ came Coco’s voice. ‘You’ve been gone ages.’ I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to find he’d vanished, yet I was still surrounded by his scent, the powerful aura of masculinity he exuded. ‘What happened?’

  ‘I’m not entirely sure,’ I replied, as I looked down at the card in my hand, needing something to tell me that I hadn’t just dreamed that and there it was. A simple white card, with the name Luc in fancy calligraphy, with two telephone numbers listed below, telling me that one was his mobile and the other his direct office line. Nothing else. No surname, no company details, nothing. I turned it over and drew in a shocked breath to see a hand written message, in English, on the reverse.

  ‘How the hell did he know my name?’ I demanded, as I looked up at Coco. He hadn’t had a chance to write this since he’d heard it pass my lips, which meant he’d known it before he even sent over the Champagne then followed me to the ladies. She shrugged and sho
ok her head, leaving me even more puzzled.

  Mrs. Le Grand


  The Present

  ‘Be a good boy for Claire later, darling,’ I advised Tristan, as I held him in my arms and kissed his soft cheek. ‘Mummy might have to work late, I usually do after a lovely weekend with you, but if I can’t get home before Claire puts you to bed, I’ll come and kiss you goodnight. But I’ll make sure I’m there for breakfast with you and to take you to school, ok?’

  ‘Ok, Mummy,’ he sighed, as he flopped against my shoulder, his warm breath heating up my neck.

  ‘What’s the matter? Don’t you like Claire anymore?’ I asked, suddenly worried. I’d spent months interviewing nannies and she was one of a very short list that had met my rigorous criteria and that I’d liked enough to trust to look after the most precious thing in my life. The two of them getting along was crucial.

  ‘Yes,’ he replied.

  ‘Then why the big sigh?’

  ‘I like you more,’ he whispered in my ear, making my heart melt.

  ‘I know, darling and I’m sorry. But Mummy has to go to work to earn money, so that we can live in our nice house, eat Chinese takeaway for dinner, roast chicken and Yorkshire pudding for Sunday lunch and visit the zoo once a month. We had a great weekend, didn’t we?’ I kissed his head again.


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