Book Read Free

The Temptress

Page 38

by C. J. Fallowfield

‘I’d better go, he’s calling me for his story.’

  ‘Will you do something for me when you’re done?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Give Dom a lecture on not teaching my son stereotypical insults and warn him I’ll be kicking his arse next time I see him?’

  ‘I’m not getting involved,’ she laughed. ‘Bye, darling, love you.’

  ‘You too, Mum, see you tomorrow.’ I hung up and bit my lip, trying to contain my excitement as I looked at Luc.

  ‘Tomorrow. I will meet him tomorrow? For real?’ he whispered, his face full of unspoken hope.

  ‘Come hell or high water,’ I grinned, then burst out laughing as he leapt up, dragged me off the sofa into his arms and spun me around planting kisses all over my face.

  ‘Today is the best day of my whole life,’ he uttered.

  ‘Mine too,’ I agreed, as I clasped his face and kissed him. I was so happy. He’d never had love and now he had it from me and the beginnings of a relationship with his son. I wrapped my arms tightly around him, never wanting to let him go.

  ‘Tomorrow may be even better. I can’t wait.’

  Testing the Water


  I paced the floor of her lounge, I was beyond nervous, I had never felt like this in my entire life. It felt as if I was awaiting the results for some life threatening disease, the next few minutes would change my life forever, yes I was already a father, but only in name. Being a father was something I knew nothing of. I’d had no role models growing up, no one to look up to or admire, no one from whom I could take reference so that I could be what Tristan needed. I ran my hands through my hair again and looked over at Lulu, busy preparing lunch. She flashed me a reassuring smile. We had talked at length last night, with me explaining my concerns that I may fail, that he may not like me. She’d told me that children were more giving of love and affection than adults, at this age they had not yet learned to discriminate, to understand the complexities of the human race. She’d told me that all I had to offer was my time, support, protection, love and affection, that any child that received these things would form a close bond with the provider. These were things I could offer, I was certain of it. Time was going to be the hardest factor with me working in Paris. Even flying back Tuesday morning and returning Thursday evening was two nights away, two nights too many.

  Maybe I needed to reconsider my options, relocate to London permanently and fly to Paris when required, returning the same day. From my Paris office to the private airport, then back to central London was about a two hour commute, people did more than this on a daily basis, without an hour of that on a comfortable plane to relax in. I could do more teleconference meetings with existing clients with whom I had well established relationships and maybe group appointments for annual holding reviews. Lulu was grooming Violet to take on more responsibility at Sweet Temptation, I should do the same, let my PA Jean Paul take over more of the management of the business, so I could focus on the portfolio decisions and my family. I swallowed hard as those words hit home, my family. For the first time in my life I had a family, and not just a girlfriend and child. An extended family with her parents, brother Dominic and best friend Coco, all of whom had welcomed me into her life. Dominic was quick witted and fiercely loyal of his sister. I’d never really had a best friend, but he’d invited me out for drinks later in the week and I had a feeling we were going to get along famously. My heart nearly leapt out of my chest when the doorbell rang and I checked my watch, it was nearly midday, it must be them.

  ‘Take a deep breath, you look about to pass out. You can’t break him and he won’t eat you alive,’ Lulu advised, as she walked over and gave me a kiss. I nodded as I swallowed hard and sat on the wide arm of her brown leather sofa as she went to get him. I held my breath as the door opened and she came back in, wheeling a small blue suitcase in the shape of an elephant in one hand and Tristan balanced on her hip, clinging to her tightly. He had his head on her shoulder, so I couldn’t really see his face properly. My heart felt like it was about to explode, it was beating so loudly I was sure they could hear it. She left the suitcase at the door and walked over, planting a kiss on his head. ‘Tristan, look who’s here?’ she coaxed. She had shown him photographs of me over the last week, to try to get him acclimatised to recognising me.

  ‘Hello, Tristan, I am so pleased to meet you,’ I managed to utter. He wriggled against her and sat up, looking straight at me, our scarily similar eyes locking as he assessed me. Mon Dieu, he was the spitting image of me, but for those touches of Lulu’s beautiful amber eyes in his, I could have been looking in a mirror as a young child. A paternity test was definitely not required. I swallowed hard as I fought against the overwhelming urge to cry as we just looked at each other.

  ‘Do you like chicken?’ he asked, making Lulu laugh.

  ‘I love chicken,’ I nodded.

  ‘Mummy said we’re having chicken for lunch. It’s my favourite.’

  ‘Mine too, but it’s not the same unless you have it with Yorkshire puddings,’ I nodded solemnly, my heart aching as he broke into a big smile. ‘I have a present for you, would you like to see it?’

  ‘Yes, please,’ he nodded, a look of excitement all over his face. I walked over to sit on the large soft rug by the living flame fire and pulled the wrapped zoo set from behind one of the armchairs. Lulu set him down and he stood for a moment, as he looked from the present, to me, then up to Lulu.

  ‘It’s ok, you can go and play, I’ll just be over here getting lunch ready,’ she smiled, running her fingers through his thick dark hair. He came and sat next to me, so close I could reach out and touch him. It was torture not being able to embrace him, but until he came to me voluntarily I didn’t want to scare him. Not clasping him against my chest was the hardest thing I’d ever had to do in my life and I’d known more hardship than most.

  ‘Here you are, Tristan. This is for you,’ I held out the gift and he reached for it with a big grin.

  ‘What do you say?’ Lulu warned.

  ‘Thank you very much,’ he sang.

  ‘You’re welcome,’ I nodded. Lulu smiled and went over to the kitchen to finish lunch and I watched him excitedly ripping off the paper. He screamed so loudly as he saw what was inside, that I jumped out of my skin, before laughing.

  ‘I love it, I love it, I love it,’ he shouted. ‘Mummy look, the zoo set, with elephants.’ He held it in the air excitedly.

  ‘O darling, that’s wonderful. Why don’t you and Luc open it and have a play, lunch won’t be long,’ she called. He opened it and quickly tipped it all on the floor, rummaging in the pile for his treasured elephant, which he kissed.

  ‘You really love elephants then?’ I asked.

  ‘Yeah,’ he nodded as he started to sort the Lego into piles of matching colours. I smiled, he was organised, just like me.

  ‘Which is your favourite one?’

  ‘Eric then Max.’

  ‘Who are Eric and Max?’

  ‘Eric’s my elephant,’ he said, scrambling to his feet. A second later he was gone, racing across the lounge back towards the hall.

  ‘What did I say?’ I gasped, horrified as I looked over at Lulu.

  ‘Nothing,’ she laughed. ‘He’s gone to fetch Eric from his suitcase to show you. If he lets you touch him, you’re very honoured.’

  ‘Thank God,’ I uttered as I waited. He came back over with a grey elephant under his arms, hints of pink on his nose, ears and feet. ‘This is Eric?’

  ‘No, Eric,’ he said seriously. I suppressed a laugh, my accent was throwing him.

  ‘Eric,’ I repeated, trying my hardest to soften my r’s.

  ‘Er.ic,’ he mouthed slowly. ‘You talk funny.’

  ‘Mais oui, Je suis français.’

  ‘Bonjour,’ he smiled. ‘Je m’appelle Tristan, J’ai cinq ans.’

  ‘Bonjour, tu parles très bien le français.’ I nodded, he understood me telling him I was French and managed to tell me his name and age as
well. I was impressed.

  ‘Oui,’ he nodded, with a proud smile, a hint of cockiness in it. Yes he was definitely my boy.

  ‘Where is Max? Is he in your suitcase too?’

  ‘No, silly. He’s a real elephant at the zoo.’

  ‘A real elephant, wow I bet he’s big.’

  ‘He is but he’s not the daddy, he’s one of the babies. Mummy, when are we going to see Max?’ he yelled.

  ‘Not this weekend, but the weekend after,’ she called. ‘Maybe we could ask Luc to come with us, to meet Max too?’ she suggested.

  ‘Maybe,’ he shrugged, as he plonked himself down. I tried not to show my disappointment. I was aware that this was a monthly ritual with his mother, I was still a stranger, these things took time. The fact I was even sitting here, playing with him, was a good start. I had to be patient. I smiled as he asked me to help sort his Lego and looked over at Lulu who was blowing her nose, with happy tears on her cheeks as she watched us.


  Luc waited downstairs while I gave Tristan his bath and got him changed into his pyjamas. It had gone far better than I’d hoped, he’d played with him all afternoon, occasionally making me come and sit with them both and give my approval on their progress. I was so emotional, to see them both sitting on the floor together plucked at my heartstrings. I could see how hard it was for Luc still. To be so close to him and not to be able to pick him up and give him a cuddle. But this was an excellent start. The more time Luc spent with the two of us, the more Tristan would accept him.

  ‘Ok, bedtime, let’s go and say goodnight shall we? Then we can have a chapter or two of Elmer.’ He nodded, so I carried him downstairs and Luc leapt up off the sofa. I walked up to him and kissed him, taking him by surprise. We had to be natural around each other. Tristan giggled, he’d never seen me kiss anyone on the lips before. ‘Say goodnight, darling.’

  ‘Bonne nuit,’ he offered with a smile, putting the biggest one on Luc’s.

  ‘Bonne nuit, Tristan, I have enjoyed playing with you today.’

  ‘Me too,’ he nodded, then put his head on my shoulder looking shy all of a sudden. I hesitated, wondering if I should ask him to give Luc a kiss and a hug, but decided against it. He was a loving little boy, it would come in time.

  ‘I won’t be long, why don’t you pour us another glass of wine?’ I suggested, as Luc looked at him longingly. I couldn’t imagine how hard this must be for both of them. He nodded and headed over to the kitchen, leaving us to make our way upstairs. I got him tucked up and pulled out his book.


  ‘Yes, darling?’

  ‘Can Luc come and play again?’

  ‘Of course he can, would you like him to come tomorrow night?’ I waited for his answer with baited breath as he thought about it for a while and then nodded. Luc was going to be so happy to hear that, I was so happy to hear that. ‘Then I’ll ask him when I go downstairs, I’m sure he’d love to come and play. Shall we have some Elmer?’

  ‘Yes, please,’ he beamed.

  I kissed his forehead when we were done, turned out the light and carefully pulled his door shut then made my way downstairs.

  ‘So?’ I asked, as I carefully sat on Luc’s lap and put my arms around his neck.

  ‘He is adorable, you have done an excellent job with him.’

  ‘Thank you,’ I blushed. ‘You were amazing with him, I can tell he likes you. He’s asked if you can come and play tomorrow night too.’

  ‘Really?’ he asked, his dimples coming out full force as a smile lit up his face.

  ‘Really,’ I confirmed, laying a gentle kiss on his lips. ‘Now if you’re not too worn out, I’d like to have some playtime with you.’

  ‘I’m never too tired for playtime with you, ma belle,’ he whispered seductively, as he drew me down to kiss me so passionately I saw stars.

  Elephants & Diamonds



  ‘Come on, darling, we need to go,’ I called from the bottom of the stairs. What was he doing up there? I heard a crash and a cry, dropped my handbag and took the stairs two at a time racing into his bedroom to find it empty.

  ‘Mummy,’ he called between sobs. He was in my room, what was he doing in my room. I ran across the landing to find him sitting in the middle of my bed crying and saw a broken picture frame and glass on the floor. I skirted around it to sit next to him and pull him onto my lap.

  ‘What’s the matter, what happened?’

  ‘I tried … to get … my picture …’ he gasped, his chest and cheeks wobbling as tears poured down his face. I looked up at the top of the bed to see the elephant picture was missing. That was what had fallen and was in pieces on the floor.

  ‘Why did you need your picture?’ I asked, kissing the top of his head and stroking his hair.

  ‘I wanted to show him my elephants.’

  ‘O, darling. Why didn’t you call me?’ I leaned over to get a couple of tissues and gently blew his nose and dabbed his eyes. Luc had obviously already seen it, he loved it and had even taken a picture to keep on his phone, but Tristan wanting to show him would mean so much. ‘I’m sure we can fix it, it’s only the frame, I bet the picture will be good as new.’

  I hugged him tightly rubbing his back and sighed. It was the first weekend of the month, our visit to the Zoo, so Luc had taken the chance to have a few more days in Paris to collect the remainder of his essential work and personal items, to move over to his new offices in London and into his house. The last week had gone really well, Luc had been for dinner with us a few nights, Tristan even asking for him to read him some Elmer one night, which had been the highlight of Luc’s week. I’d even had trouble getting him to sleep last night, as he wanted Luc to come and read to him and I’d had to explain that he was in Paris working.

  ‘Come on, why don’t you go downstairs to play in the lounge while I clean this up, then we’ll go to the zoo to see Max and on the way home we can stop and buy a new picture frame?’

  ‘Ok,’ he sniffed. I lifted him up and carried him away from the dangerous shards.

  ‘You don’t need to be upset, we’ll show him when he comes for lunch tomorrow ok?’

  ‘Can’t he come to the zoo with us today?’ he asked, looking up at me with tear streaked cheeks.

  ‘O, darling, I told you he’s in Paris which is a long way away, but I know he’d have loved to have come. Shall we ask him next time?’

  He nodded and slowly made his way down the stairs as I stood watching him and sighed. Luc would have loved that. We were trying to take it slowly, to go at Tristan’s pace, so while he’d spent every night here with me this last week before he left for Paris on Thursday morning, he was gone before Tristan woke up. We’d made such progress, Tristan had started kissing him goodnight and asking him to come and see the toys in his bedroom. Reading Elmer was a massive step, and now he wanted to show him the family picture he’d drawn and invite him on our zoo trip? Not even Mum, Dad, Dom or Coco had been invited on that. I carefully lifted and shook his picture, which thankfully was intact, and quickly cleared up the large chunks of glass and splintered wooden frame, depositing them in the bin, then went to the linen cupboard to get the vacuum cleaner to make sure no traces were left on the carpet. I pulled my phone out of my jeans and sent Luc a text.

  How are you? I’m missing you so much. Just found our son in tears. He was trying to get his elephant picture down so he could show it to you tomorrow and he accidentally dropped it, breaking the frame. He wanted to know if you’d come to the zoo with us today and was upset when I told him that you were in Paris. He’s never asked anyone to come with us before! I hope you’re not overdoing it, you work so hard I worry about you. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Love you, Lulu x

  I shoved it back in my pocket and hurried down to find him entertaining himself with his Lego, grabbed my bag and held out my hand.

  ‘Mummy, that monkey’s got a very red bottom,’ he observed, making me laugh. ‘Why is it
all red?’

  ‘I’m not sure, darling.’

  ‘Maybe he had a poorly tummy and used too much toilet paper.’

  ‘Maybe,’ I giggled, ruffling his hair. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out as I stood behind him, while he clung to the railings watching them.

  I am missing you too, both of you. Is he ok now? I’d love to be there with you. Where are you, looking at the elephants yet? Luc x

  He’s fine now, wondering why the monkeys have such red bottoms and I’m not quite sure how to explain that one! Elephants are next on our tour after the farm area. I wish you were here too. Please tell me you’re still coming back tomorrow? x

  Do not worry, I will be with you before you know it x

  ‘Mummy, can we go and see Max now?’ Tristan called, stopping me as I was mid reply. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and picked him up, kissing his cheek.

  ‘I thought you’d never ask. I can’t wait to see him. Do you think he’s playing with his sister Donna again?’

  ‘He loves Donna, he sprayed her with water from his trunk last time,’ he grinned.

  ‘Yes he did,’ I laughed, remembering how much it had amused him. We stopped for an ice cream on the way around and I held his hand as we made our way over to the walled elephant enclosure. We didn’t need a map, we knew the place inside out and followed the same route every time, always ending with the elephants, where we stayed the longest, whatever the weather. He was ecstatic to see that they were all out in force. I wondered if he’d train to be a vet or zookeeper one day. He suddenly yelled “Mummy” at the top of his voice, making everyone around us look, as I put a hand to my beating chest.

  ‘Don’t scare me like that, Tristan,’ I moaned.

  ‘It’s my daddy,’ he announced, pointing behind me.

  ‘What?’ I asked, looking at him puzzled. Before I had a chance to stop him he shot off at a lightening pace, as I spun around wondering what was going on. I gasped to see Luc striding towards us, looking every inch the seriously hot CEO in a fitted tailored grey three piece suit, sticking out like a sore thumb in the crowds of people in jeans and casual wear. Daddy, Tristan had just called him Daddy, I felt my chest constrict at the thought. I watched with my mouth open as he hared across towards him, Luc hesitated for a second, as surprised as I was, then quickly crouched down and held out his arms. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as Tristan ran into them and threw his arms around Luc’s neck, kissing him on the cheek. I grabbed a tissue and tried to pull myself together as Luc spun him around laughing and kissed him back as they talked to each other. I hadn’t felt this emotional since I’d given birth. I could see people giving me strange looks as I stood there, rooted to the spot, a quivering wreck watching the two most important men in my life sharing their first proper moment as father and son and it was everything I’d ever hoped it would be. Luc shifted him onto his hip and reached up to wipe his own eyes, which were also full of tears. He slowly made his way towards me, the smile on his face widening as he held my gaze. I could hear Tristan excitedly jabbering away, telling him all about Max and Donna.


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