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The Temptress

Page 42

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘We’ll be back soon,’ Luc advised in a reassuring tone, as he reached over to squeeze my hand as he roared down the drive. ‘You need to have a rest this afternoon before the party. You are tired and emotional.’

  ‘That’s because my amorous French husband woke up horny in the middle of the night and exhausted me with a number of orgasms,’ I reminded him, with a happy smile.

  ‘I shall never tire of giving you orgasms or hearing you call me husband,’ he beamed, showing me those gorgeous white teeth and deep dimples.

  ‘Are you looking forward to your fortieth party?’ I asked, as he was forced to return his hand to the gearstick, so I put mine on his muscular thigh, leaning my cheek on the cool leather of the headrest so I could drink in his handsome side profile and watch how masterfully he handled the powerful car.

  ‘It may not even be my birthday today,’ he reminded me, making my heart ache. He was listed on the French abandoned babies register, so they’d had to estimate the day he’d been born for his birth certificate. His name had been chosen by the nurse appointed to look after him, his birth certificate only had the social workers signature, no parents details. His place of birth had been listed as Paris, as that was where he’d been found, wrapped in a blue blanket in front the emergency doors of the hospital. All attempts by the authorities to use CCTV to locate his mother had failed and no one had come forward to claim him, or report a pregnant mother whose baby had suddenly disappeared.

  ‘It is your birthday today. It’s the day that a nurse discovered you, took you in, named you and cared for you until she had to give you to your first foster family. So that’s a day I’ll always celebrate, because despite hating the painfully hard journey you had in life, it meant that it led you to me. Because of that day I have two beautiful children, a gorgeous home and an amazing husband, who never skimps on love, for any of us. So this year, just like every other year, we’re going to celebrate having Luc Le Grand in our lives.’

  ‘Thank you,’ he said quietly, letting out a quick breath and shaking off his melancholy. ‘You always know the right thing to say to make me remember how lucky I am. But we now have three children,’ he reminded me, reaching over to place a protective gentle hand on my stomach.

  ‘Which is your maximum quota,’ I reminded him. ‘I told you we’d fill two of those spare bedrooms, so this is it. No more.’

  ‘We will see,’ he grinned as we headed out of our gates and hit the main road to head to our four month scan appointment.

  He held my left hand in his as his right stroked my hair, while his brown eyes held my gaze, reassuring me.

  ‘So what are you hoping we’ll have?’ I asked as we waited for the sonographer.

  ‘This time another boy. It appears that Tristan wants to study to be a vet and I’d like a boy to follow in my footsteps.’

  ‘What about Lottie?’ I gasped. ‘Who’s to say that she wouldn’t be able to take on your business and what do you mean by this time? I told you this is it, no more.’

  ‘Please, with her looks, she will be the next Temptress. She will be taking over your business as the chief distracter of men. Like her mother no man will be able to take his eyes off her. So I’d like a boy who I can start teaching when he is still young. And then I’d like another girl.’

  ‘Four children,’ I groaned. ‘Not happening. Do you want no sex life at all?’

  ‘We have Claire to look after them when we are busy, Mrs Pattison can do all of the cooking, Ruby does all of the housework and Violet is more than equipped to handle Sweet Temptation with you checking in once a week, you will still have time to be at my beck and call.’

  ‘Luc Le Grand,’ I protested with a giggle.

  ‘You know that it is hardly a chore to be at my beck and call Mrs. Le Grand, surely an additional child or two is a small price to pay for what I can offer in return?’ He bent down to whisper something in French in my ear, making me blush and groan at the same time.

  ‘That you can do tonight, that is definitely no chore.’ I reached up to touch his cheek as I kissed him, breaking away as the door opened. He squeezed my hand tightly. I was worried. I’d found these last few weeks difficult, I was more nauseous, I was getting pain in my side, I was bigger and my last HCG levels weren’t normal. There was no history in my family of any condition that would put me at risk of an ectopic pregnancy, but the thought was in the back of my mind and had been worrying me for the last week, meaning my blood pressure had gone up, leading to Luc monitoring me constantly and wrapping me in cotton wool. I kept my eyes on his reassuring ones, as they smeared the cold gel and got to work.

  It was dark when Luc woke me up from my sleep in the car, to confirm we were home. I was tired and emotional after the scan results, both of us had cried and he’d just sat holding me telling me everything would be ok, that we’d be able to handle this unexpected news. We’d arrived home late and the drive was full of cars. He insisted on scooping me up and carrying me into the house, where everyone had gathered in the hall, looking at us expectantly, Lottie bouncing up and down excitedly.

  ‘Well? Boy or girl?’ Mum asked, desperation for news written all over her face. I took a deep breath and smiled.

  ‘Both,’ I replied, still not sure the news had fully sunk in. The hospital were at a loss as to how the previous sonographer had missed that I was carrying twins during my three month scan.

  ‘You’re having a hermaphrodite baby?’ gasped Dom. All the adults turned to roll their eyes at him, as Coco punched his arm.

  ‘No wonder you had to make yourself a career as a male model, Lulu got all of the brains in the womb. She’s having twins, dumbass. Another mini Dom and Lulu. I told her she was too big for one frog in the oven.’

  ‘Two frogs in the oven?’ he exclaimed, looking at us for confirmation. I nodded as some emotional tears rolled down my cheeks. ‘That’s a whole load of haw he haws,’ he laughed, as everyone started cheering and clapping, Luc’s chest puffing with pride as he looked down at me, still suspended in his arms.

  ‘I told you I was used to getting my way, ma belle. Now we only need two more to fill the remaining bedrooms. Then I can build an extension for Claire and the guests.’

  ‘Over my dead body,’ I warned with a giggle, as he carefully set me down and swept an excited Lottie up in his arms, as everyone surged forwards to congratulate us and I was passed from one person to the next.

  ‘I know you only wanted one more, but this is so exciting,’ Coco grinned as she hugged me tightly. ‘You know I’ll help as much as I can, your brother is as much use as a chocolate fireguard.’

  ‘Excuse me, Uncle Dom is extremely useful. He’s the cool one who shows Tristan the latest handshakes and can line him up with super-hot models when he’s older.’

  ‘Well if that’s all you have to offer, then you’re shit outta luck when it comes to who holds the best Godparent card here,’ Coco warned him, as she stepped back to let him come and clasp my face and plant a soft kiss my forehead. ‘I can design beautiful jewellery for gorgeous little Lottie, warn her about the tricks men try to pull to get in her knickers when she’s older, as she’ll be a stunner just like her Mum, and teach Tristan how to be charming, respectful and the ways to woo a woman without being crude or vulgar. I’m a far more valuable commodity in their lives.’

  ‘You’re both extremely valuable and important in their lives, mine and Luc’s too. Just think, one day at school, they might meet another Coco and form a bond as close as ours,’ I smiled at my two best friends.

  ‘Close?’ tutted Dom with a roll of his eyes. ‘Can’t stand the bloody woman, I only put up with her for you, little sis.’ He winked and wrapped his arm around Coco’s waist, pulling her close and kissing her temple.

  ‘Hate you too,’ replied Coco, kissing his cheek.

  ‘How’s Hunter?’ I asked with a wiggle of my eyebrows, watching her blush.

  ‘As potty mouthed as ever and thankfully in Antwerp securing more diamonds for Havershams,’ s
he replied.

  ‘Congratulations, Lulu,’ Calvin called as he headed over to give me a hug and kiss then bit his lip as he looked at Dom, who grinned, nodded and took his hand.

  ‘What’s going on? You’re scheming.’ I knew my brother’s faces, he was hiding something. He winked and dragged Calvin off.

  ‘Hot gay sex,’ nodded Coco. ‘Can you imagine their babies too? Phew.’

  ‘No, it’s not sex, he has his serious face on,’ I replied, as we watched them start to head up the stairs.

  ‘Ladies, gentlemen and Princess Lottie, please can I have your attention,’ Dom called, as they stopped halfway up the stairs looking down at us all, while the waiters we’d hired for the night walked around with silver serving trays of a l’apėritif of Champagne and stuffed olives. ‘It’s a treble celebration tonight. Please raise your glasses to my brother-in-law, and one of my best friends, Luc Le Grand on his fortieth birthday. Also to him and my amazing baby sister on their incredible news today, let’s all wish them every success with this pregnancy, I can’t wait to meet my new nephew and niece,’ Dom announced raising his glass as Luc squeezed his way through to my side, slipping his arm around my waist, giving me a kiss as everyone clapped and cheered. I rested my head on his firm chest, my whole body tingling to have him so close, his masculine scent filling my nostrils and leaving me longing to drag him up to the bedroom. ‘Now, I sincerely hope that you’re all free next Valentine’s night,’ continued Dom as the noise died down. ‘As I’ve asked Calvin to marry me and you’re all invited to Las Vegas for the stag party and wedding event of the year.’

  ‘O my God,’ I gasped as I looked at Coco stunned, I didn’t have to ask to know it was a surprise to her too, her face was a picture. ‘My brother’s getting married!’ I laughed, as everyone clapped and the two of them kissed on the stairs. The fact they’d been together for five years was amazing enough, but marriage? I wiped my eyes, God damn these pregnancy hormones.

  ‘Papa, je ne peux pas voir,’ came Lottie’s voice. I looked down to see her jumping up and down trying to see what was going on, so Luc hoisted her up onto his shoulders, making her squeal with delight, as Dom and Calvin came down to receive their congratulations.

  ‘Best birthday of my life,’ Luc winked at me, making me laugh, he said it every year. ‘You look tired, dinner won’t be for another hour, I want you to go and lie down, have a small siesta.’

  ‘Luc, it’s rude, everyone’s here to see us, besides I slept in the car,’ I objected and saw his eyes narrow in disapproval.

  ‘Do not argue with me, Lulu. Your blood pressure is higher than it should be and I won’t tolerate any arguments. If you do not go and rest now, I will carry you up,’ he warned, as he lifted Lottie off his shoulders and set her down.

  ‘Fine,’ I sighed. He was right, we were having a traditional French seven course dinner, which would go on for a few hours. I didn’t want to miss that because he thought I’d overdone it, I loved when we had everyone around and could make use of the dining room, sitting for ages as we all caught up on each other’s news. I left everyone celebrating as I headed up to our bedroom, slipping off my ballerina pumps as I adjusted the pillows and sat back against them on top of duvet. I smiled happily as I looked up at the black and white photo of me holding Lottie just after she was born, with Luc on one side and Tristan on the other, the three of us looking so proud and happy. We were going to need to expand to another wall for our photographs with another two additions to the family.

  ‘Why are you not lying down, in the bed, asleep?’ came Luc’s stern voice as he stood in the doorway frowning at me, that sexy furrow in his brow.

  ‘I’m too excited to sleep, we’re having twins, it’s your big birthday, my brother’s getting married and everyone I love is under one roof. How do you expect me to sleep?’ I sighed, giving him my best pout. He laughed and covered his eyes.

  ‘Stop, our daughter has the same hypnotic ability, but you know what your beautiful pools of molten lava do to me.’

  ‘So, we have a rare bit of alone time, come and do something about it,’ I invited with a flirtatious wink. ‘You know how quickly an orgasm relaxes me, and how fast you can get me there with that dirty mouth of yours.’

  ‘Me, a dirty mouth?’ he grinned as he closed the door.

  ‘Very dirty,’ I purred, my body heating up in an instant at the thought of it. How did we still have this chemistry between us after so long? We knew each other’s bodies so well, but the electricity between us was still as strong as that day he pinned me to the wall of the club in Paris and told me his intentions. I felt my nipples swelling as my breathing started to pick up pace, my eyes scanning his toned body and lingering on the swelling in his trousers. Just like that I needed him inside me again and I wanted it hard, fast and raw.

  ‘Don’t look at me like that,’ he groaned as he reached down to grasp his erection.

  ‘Like what?’ I asked, aiming for innocence, but failing miserably, he knew me too well.

  ‘Like a starving tigress on heat,’ he growled as he approached the bottom of the bed, his eyes igniting with passion as he spotted my large pointed nipples pressing against the fabric of my dress. ‘What do you want, ma belle? Do you want me to use my fingers, to circle that sensitive clit of yours, to plunge in and out, to press against your g-spot as my tongue is in your mouth? Or maybe you prefer my fingers on your ripe breasts, teasing and pulling those nipples as I bury my face into your swollen, wet cunt and lick your clit until you clamp those creamy skinned thighs around my ears and tug at my hair calling out my name? Non,’ he chuckled. ‘I can see it all over your face, today you crave my large cock. You want it inside you, maybe you want me to throw your legs over my shoulders as I power deep inside you, my pelvis slamming against your clit again and again. You want a rough quickie, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes,’ I breathed, on the verge of panting already.

  ‘Hmmm, should I take you on top as I just suggested?’ he asked, as he kicked off his shoes and started to crawl up the bed over my body. ‘Or from behind so I can play with your breasts and clit at the same time? Or maybe I could sit you on top, facing the door so I can finger your sensitive backside and watch those sexy buttocks shaking for me.’

  ‘O God,’ I moaned, closing my eyes as he moved up to kiss the bare hollow of my throat, his lips so warm, my skin reacting as if it had never been touched before, delighting in his soft attentions.

  ‘But I do love your breasts, especially these pregnant swollen ones that respond to my touch so much faster, maybe I would like to see them swing above me, to take a nipple into my mouth and suck it as you bounce on my cock, what preference do you have, ma belle?’ he asked, as he moved to run his tongue up the side of my neck and kissed me in that spot that had me melt to the consistency of warmed treacle, not to mention the swelling and wetness of my pussy at the thought of what was about to happen. God I wanted this man so badly.

  ‘Do we have time … for all of them?’ I moaned, as I reached around to cup his firm, hard, perfectly formed buttocks, the first thing that had caught my eye in Paris, that I’d wanted to sink my teeth into, that I still wanted to.

  ‘Non,’ he chuckled. ‘But whichever you choose, I want to hear my name, I want your heated cries of pleasure. Nothing sexually gives me more satisfaction, than the gift of your earth shaking orgasm as you scream my name. So choose, Lulu Le Grand, what is your poison today?’

  ‘I’m going to go with your extremely large cock with my legs over your shoulders,’ I confirmed, as I tilted my head and captured his lower lip between my teeth and sucked. He responded with a guttural groan as he gently ground his erection against my stomach. ‘Don’t tease me or make me wait,’ I begged as I released his lip, ‘I need you, so badly.’

  ‘I need you too, ma belle. I need to reward you for giving me news today that has made my heart strain with all the love I hold inside for you and my children. Imagine the rewards if you give me even more purple elephants further do
wn the line.’

  ‘No more purple elephants,’ I warned, as his hand reached up to cup my breast and gently squeeze. ‘Ahhhh,’ I cried.

  ‘Maman, Papa,’ came Lottie’s voice. I opened my eyes and looked over Luc’s shoulder to see her barge into the room, run to the bed and scramble up.

  ‘Merde, foiled again,’ Luc groaned as he quickly rolled off me, shaking his head as I giggled.

  ‘You forgot to lock the door, Luc. Anyway, imagine how much worse it will be with another two,’ I reminded him as I tried to ignore my desperately needy body, that had been so close to satisfaction until our irresistible little girl interrupted us. ‘And you want more!’

  ‘God, I’m so sorry,’ panted Tristan, as he appeared in the open doorway as well. ‘I looked away for one minute and she was off. She wants to say hello to her brother and sister, I tried telling her that they won’t hear her or understand, but she won’t have it.’

  ‘It’s ok,’ I smiled as she cuddled up next to me, giving me a gorgeous dimpled smile, making me lean down to kiss her. ‘It wasn’t too many years ago you wanted to do the same when she was in my tummy.’

  ‘Really?’ he asked, going red.

  ‘Oui,’ laughed Luc, patting the spare bit of bed next to him, for Tristan to come and join us. ‘You read her your Elmer books every night through a cup on your mother’s stomach.’

  ‘How embarrassing,’ Tristan laughed, as he hopped up to sit next to his father, the whole family of six all on the one bed.

  ‘Bonjour, Je m’apelle Lottie,’ my youngest called through a cupped hand to my stomach, introducing herself to the twins. Luc and I looked at each other and smiled, our hearts melting.

  ‘Je t’aime, ma belle. Pour le reste de ma vie et au-delà,’ he murmured against my lips, saying the phrase I told my children every night, with tears in his eyes. ‘Et ma famille, all of my family.’

  ‘Moi aussi,’ I confirmed, as I kissed him back, tears rolling down my cheeks as I looked down at Lottie’s little head on my stomach listening for her brother and sister to say hello back, then back up at my handsome husband with his arm around my gorgeous first born, Tristan.


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