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A She Who Dares Novel
By L.P. Lovell
This book is a work of fiction, any reference to historical events, real events or real people are used fictitiously. Other name’s, characters, places and events are products of the authors imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.
Copyright© 2014 by L.P. Lovell
Table of Contents
Chapter 1- Theo
Chapter 2- Lilly
Chapter 3 – Theo
Chapter 4 – Lilly
Chapter 5 – Theo
Chapter 6 – Lilly
Chapter 7 – Theo
Chapter 8 – Lilly
Chapter 9 – Theo
Chapter 10 – Lilly
Chapter 11 – Theo
Chapter 12 – Lilly
Chapter 13 – Theo
Chapter 14 – Lilly
Chapter 15 – Theo
Chapter 16 – Lilly
Chapter 17 – Theo
Chapter 18 – Lilly
Chapter 19 – Theo
Chapter 20 – Lilly
Chapter 21 – Theo
Chapter 22 – Lilly
Dear Readers
About the Author
Have you ever looked around you and wondered about the lives that pass you by every day? The people behind the faces? Each one has a life, family, friends… a story to tell. The thing about people though, is that we are masters of pretend. I know this because I am one of those people. From the outside looking in nobody would ever know how broken I am. I am a practised actress, a true master of my craft.
I live every minute, every hour, every day locked in an epic internal battle where strength fights weakness in a bloody dual, but strength must conquer or weakness will consume all that I am, all that I have fought so hard and risked everything to become.
Weakness is a poison that betrays people you love. It tears at your soul until nothing is left. Weakness is a state of mind; you are only as weak as the point at which you choose to break.
Strength is the ability to endure beyond your own capabilities. Strength is hitting rock bottom and still clawing your way to your feet again. Strength is determination and tenacity. Strength is also a state of mind, and you are only as strong as you believe you are.
The difference between me and everyone else... I've endured more pain and betrayal than most people could dream of. I have endured the stuff of nightmares and yet here I stand, fighting for my strength.
You know what they say though…Diamonds are made under pressure.
Chapter 1- Theo
I slam back the tequila shot and inhale a deep breath as it burns its way down my throat.
"Woo." Hugo shouts, shaking his head. His bloodshot eyes and permanent grin are a dead giveaway to his plastered state.
He slides the shot glasses across the bar and signals to the bar tender for four more.
I can feel the wonderfully numbing burn of the alcohol starting to seep into my blood stream like a welcome friend.
"There is no greater joy in life than tequila." Hugo announces as a woman brushes past him. She looks back over her shoulder at him as she passes, which I might add, he may have noticed had his eyes not been firmly fixed on her arse.
"...and of course women, let’s not forget the women." Hugo smiles as his eyes follow the woman's retreating rear. He slaps me on the shoulder before turning around and casually flicking his eyes over the packed bar. It's a Saturday night and we’re in one of the smaller clubs in Mayfair; Poison, one of our regular spots. It’s absolutely heaving, making the club hot and the air stuffy.
"See anything you like?" I ask with a smile as I sip on my beer. It’s a stupid question. Hugo’s not fussy.
He laughs. “Dude, it’s a pussy fest in here." He’s right, there must be a female to male ratio of at least four to one, which suits me just fine. “The blonde at the bar has a fucking awesome rack though.” He indicates straight ahead of him.
I turn and look over my shoulder spotting the woman in question. Her dress is sporting a dropped neckline, clearly displaying her very ample cleavage.
I laugh at Hugo's predictable choice. "Nice, although you should really look for something a little more challenging." I goad.
Four shots are placed on the bar in front of us. I hand the guy a twenty.
Hugo downs a shot, before eyeing the blonde again. "She might be a challenge..." He feigns offense.
I smile wryly at him. "Really Hugo? You know better. Hundred quid says you could have her bent over in the toilets within the hour."
"So if I get her in the toilets you win? Where's the incentive in that. It's a win win situation. You suck at bets." I shrug before clinking glasses with him and downing the remainder of the shots. The tequila brings its usual welcome numbness.
Hugo claps his hands together. "Right, let’s go find Rambo a nice place to stay for the night." He grins as we turn away from the bar, and just like that he's completely forgotten about the busty blonde. Yes, he does have the attention span of a gnat. Oh, and Rambo is his dick.
"How about in your pants for once? I’m surprised that thing hasn’t dropped off yet." I snort. Hugo is the biggest whore I know, in fact Hugo’s probably the biggest whore in the history of mankind. Don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly no angel, but Hugo is on an entirely different playing field.
"Nah, Rambo likes to party…hard." He smiles as he wiggles his eyebrows and thrusts his hips. I roll my eyes. Like I said, whore, but who better to have as a wingman right?
"So let’s go find him some pussy." He bounds off like an over eager puppy. Hey, I didn’t say I understand how he gets laid.
The bass thuds through the club, as we pass through the crowds of people. I glance around, occasionally locking eyes with someone. I spot a brunette in a little black dress, she meets my gaze and I flash a small smile at her, she looks flustered and has a sudden fascination with the floor.
The way I see it, sex is just one big game. Everybody either plays or wants to play, whether they admit it or not. Those who bitch about it are generally the ones too unattractive to be invited to play. Women especially try to deny it, but I’ve been with enough to know that when offered a guaranteed orgasm, they're just as bad if not worse than men.
People like me just happen to be very good at the game. For instance, right now I'm making eye contact with some of the women in the room; it's a fleeting second that says 'maybe, just maybe, if you're really lucky you may end up in my bed tonight.' This one moment is what fascinates them, lures them in, whilst at the same time they realise they're out-leagued. The irony is that to become the ultimate game player unattainability is your best weapon. Make them want what they can't have. Of course I don't have to make them want me, that's a given. I just have to make them believe I’m unattainable... which I'm clearly not or I wouldn't play to begin with now, would I? As I say, ironic.
As I follow Hugo to the middle of the dance floor I spot a group of four women, they’re all fairly attractive. I nudge Hugo and we split around the group. I sidle up behind a blonde and grasp her waist, pulling her back against me. I grind my hips against her in time with the thumping music. Hugo has latched onto the brunette across from me. The other two girls have stopped dancing and are staring blatantly at me. Noticing her friend’s faces, she stiffens and tries to turn, but I hold her fast allowing her no movement. I wink at one of her friends and she blushes, giggling. I run my hand around the blonde’s waist, pulling her back hard against my chest; she sucks in a sharp breath as I move against her, teasing her.
As the song melds into another equally up beat track, I skim one hand up to the f
ront of her ribcage, almost brushing the bottom of her seriously perky tits. My other hand runs up her thigh and under her dress. She reaches back and runs her hands down the outside of my thighs as she drops to the floor and grinds back up against me. I skim my lips across her neck, just the lightest brush. She shivers. This is what I do, what I’m damn good at. Her entire body is screaming that she wants me so badly, and yet... she hasn't even seen my face. Just as I'm about to turn her around and let her see exactly what a lucky girl she is, I'm shoved roughly from behind sending me forward a step.
I turn in time to see a whirlwind of red storm past me. I have to do a double take at the woman who seems to be in pursuit of a blonde guy currently shoving his way through the crowded dance floor. She turns and I feel like all the air leaves my lungs at once. She's stunningly beautiful, and I mean fuck me now gorgeous. My eyes travel up her curvaceous body until I eventually come to her face where I’m met with a pair of glowing emerald eyes. She holds me in her gaze. It's a look that says so much, that fleeting second, so full of possibilities. It’s a question, invitation and promise all wrapped into one erection inducing moment. Holy shit. Her lips slowly turn up as she smiles like the devil and winks before taking off again. I stare at her retreating back, my cock now rigid against my fly. That woman is like every man’s walking wet dream.
I watch her go. Her bright red dress is short, revealing long toned legs. Her back is covered to the waist by thick waves of dark red hair. She oozes sensuality with every fibre of her body and silently demands attention as she slinks through the packed dance floor with a grace and effortlessly raw sexuality I have never before witnessed. I'm so instantly turned on by her it's ridiculous.
I turn my head back to Hugo whose eyes are also fixed on the spot where she just disappeared.
Meeting my gaze, Hugo gestures with his hand, like he's having a wank. I nod my head in agreement, that woman is enough to make me explode in my pants with just a look, Christ. He tilts his head to the side. It's a 'why the fuck are you still standing there?' look.
I roll my eyes at him. Normally I wouldn't pursue a woman, but there is something different about this one, irresistible even. She’s a game changer, a rare anomaly for whom you’d bypass your own rules.
Ignoring the blonde, I move across the dance floor heading toward the bar. I instantly spot her stood at the bar seemingly alone. To say she stands out in a crowd is an understatement. There's something about her that draws your attention and then grips it… by the balls. A few men have gathered around her like vultures, but there's something about her that screams unattainable, and none of them seem to have the balls for the inevitable rejection that will surely follow upon perusal of the beautiful red head.
I approach the bar and lean against it my arm a few inches from hers. The bar maid quickly scurries over to me smiling shyly.
"What can I get you?" She asks brightly.
"Corona, please." I hand her a ten. "Keep the change." I smile and wink at her as she blushes furiously.
I casually glance over at the red head just as she rolls her eyes. I look at her questioningly and as though she can feel my eyes on her, she slowly turns her penetrating gaze toward me. Her startling eyes and close proximity cause reactions that I swear I haven't had since I was fifteen.
She's stunning, even in the darkness of the club. Her long red hair is loose around her shoulders in that effortless ‘I wake up like this’ way. Her abnormally bright green eyes are piercing almost to the point of unnerving. Her full red painted lips gently curve up in a smirk as she fixes me in her gaze, radiating an easy confidence. I smile at her, whilst subtly checking out her body.
"Sorry, they're a little shy today." She says sarcastically, gesturing to her chest. Not so much with the subtle then apparently.
I smile. "What can I say... they're very easy on the eye." I shrug and unleash the full scale ‘I‘d love to screw you' smile. To my horror she only rolls her eyes again... not even a hint of a blush. It’s almost as if she’s totally unaffected by me.
Everything about her screams untouchable, but I’m Theodore Ellis and no-one is untouchable to me.
"Your friend seemed in a hurry?" I ask easily.
"He's in the loo throwing up." She narrows her eyes slightly.
"Well in that case can I buy you a drink while you wait?" I ask smoothly. She looks at me for a few seconds, her eyes searing through me as though I were made of glass.
"No." She turns back to the bar. That's it, just no. What the hell do I do with that?!
"Really?" I smile and raise an eyebrow at her again as I step closer. Her fragrance assaults me, delicate and floral, so unlike the woman stood before me.
She leans in to me so that I can feel her breath on my neck, her lips a mere breath away from my ear. I have to suppress a groan as her tits brush against my chest.
"Really." She whispers, her tongue caressing the word and making my cock jump to attention. She leans back, a small smile gracing her lips. Oh, she knows exactly what she's doing and it is seriously hot.
My eyes flick down her body, taking in her curvy yet elegant frame. When I meet her gaze her eyebrow is cocked and her lips pressed together. I smile, enjoying her discomfort. "Perhaps I should just cut to the chase... come home with me."
She smirks as her eyes slide over me. “You really don't know when to stop do you? You see this here.” She gestures at the space between us. "This... is me not being interested."
I laugh and shrug casually. "No, this is you pretending you're not interested."
"Wow. Really?" She raises an eyebrow. "You're not my type." She quips, though I don't miss the way her eyes slide over my body again.
"I'm everybody's type." I stare her down, the air between us is suddenly tense. Electricity seems to crackle between our bodies, and I want nothing more than to rip off that tiny dress right here.
She eventually just smirks and shakes her head. "Does that shit actually work for you?"
I flash her a smile. "Oh, I don't normally need to say anything sugar, but I like to think I'm adaptable so for you I'll make an exception."
"Do I look like the sort of woman who swoons over some cheap line from a handsome stranger?" She tilts her head, her lips slightly turned up into the hint of a smile.
"So I am handsome?" I grin.
She looks me over again. "I didn't actually say that, besides, you'd have to be something really special to spike my interest sweetheart." She shrugs indifferently. Damn this girl’s a ball buster.
"Fighting words sugar." She shrugs and looks away, but not before I see the small smile on those perfect lips and a mischievous glint in her eye.
I summon the bar maid and order two tequila shots, with salt and lemon. She places them on the bar in front of me.
I slide one across the bar to her. "Here."
She eyes me dubiously for a moment, then without a word she dips her finger in the clear liquid, just skimming the surface before tracing a line of liquid across the back of her right hand, something about the gesture is seductive to say the least.
I look up to see her watching me closely through her lowered lashes. She sprinkles some salt over the same spot.
Not bothering with the salt I clink my glass against hers before tipping it back, my eyes never leaving hers.
She lifts her right hand and traces the line of salt slowly with her tongue, before rolling the shot glass over her bottom lip and swallowing. The movement of her throat catches my attention as I watch her. Yeah, my jeans are not a comfortable place to be right now. She places the lemon slice against her lips before discarding it and running her tongue along her bottom lip. Wet dream.
"So, me, my bed. I promise you at least two orgasms before you leave." My voice is husky as my mind flashes through all the things I’d love to do to her, and there are so, so many.
"Only two? Sweetie my vibrator can do that for me. You'd have to be offering a lot more than that. I pegged you as a man of ambition." Her lips curl up in a
playful smile, and if possible she becomes even more beautiful. She is pure sex and sin in all wrapped up in one seriously fuckable package.
"Oh, you have no idea. Trust me, the things I would do to you..." I slowly drag my gaze down her body. She rolls her eyes and picks up her bag as starts to turn away from me. "Let’s make it three by morning shall we?" I offer.
She laughs. "I'm walking away and that's the best you've got? I'm disappointed." She pouts before her lips pull in a wry smile.
"I do hate to disappoint." I smirk.
She steps close to me and speaks quietly against my neck. "Well then you'd best step up your game sugar. You're in the big boy’s playground now." Her voice is low and husky. She places a lingering kiss on my cheek and pulls away, raising a maddeningly seductive eyebrow at me.
"Wait. What's your name?" I say quickly before she leaves.
She smiles wickedly at me. "Thanks for the shot." Oddly I find myself smiling at her response. She winks over her shoulder before walking away.
For the first time ever, I just got rejected, and I love it.
Chapter 2- Lilly
I wake with a start when an obnoxious buzzing rings in my ear. I reach over and fumble for the alarm clock, silencing it. Wrenching myself upright, I trudge groggily to the en-suite shower. I open the door and let out a startled scream at the wet naked man that I certainly did not expect to be stood in my bathroom at this hour.
"Calm down." He drawls in his thick Australian accent. He smiles and gives me a peck on the cheek as he walks past me completely naked, towelling his messy blonde hair.
"Fuck, Cruise! What the hell are you doing here?" I snap at him.
"Um, I stayed last night, remember?" He pulls on boxer shorts completely unperturbed by my tone. My eyes wonder over his defined body. So shoot me, the man is very easy on the eye, let me tell you.
"I must have fallen asleep." I mumble. "You don't stay over." I snap.
He pulls on his jeans and shrugs. "Okay. I gotta shoot. See ya." He steps close to me before pressing his lips to my neck, just long enough to make my pulse quicken. He then steps away, winks and flashes that charming surfer boy smile before turning around and walking out the door, pulling on his shirt as he goes. Ugh men!