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Page 5

by L. P. Lovell

  My head is spinning sometime later as two of Hugo’s harem both writhe and crawl all over my lap in some kind of lap dance. One runs her fingers over my thigh and tightening crotch whilst the other grinds her pelvis almost against my face. The first one kisses my neck before brushing her lips across mine. Like some kind of burst from a film reel, images of Lilly Parker’s face, her lips brushing mine, even her scent, flash across my mind. What the fuck?! Suddenly the two girls in my lap seem cheap and dirty. My enthusiastic boner from a moment ago seems to have changed its mind as to where it wants to reside tonight. Too bad that particular pussy isn’t accepting visitors. I drag my hand through my hair. I can’t have her and now just the thought of her is ruining me having a replacement. What the hell is wrong with me? Jesus, I might as well just give up and grow a fucking vagina right now. Drink, more drink will fix this. I won’t remember my own name let alone Lilly fucking Parker’s.

  I jump up, shoving the women off me. "Okay guys I think it's time for a round of tequila shots!" I shout over the music.

  Everyone shouts in appreciation. I cross the room to the breakfast bar where several bottles sit. I line up two rows of twenty shot glasses and start filling whilst Hugo fills the other row.

  Hugo jumps up to kneel on the bar above the audience and shouts. "Body shots!" Deafening cheers of appreciation fill the room. He waves his hand to silence them again. "Theo here will lick four shots off of four lucky ladies. Fight for him ladies." Hugo laughs as female shrieks pierce my ears and some fierce shoving begins.

  I climb on the counter next to him shoving him off as he laughs loudly, watching the chaos. "Whoa! Calm down girls." I smirk. "You can all get a taste." I lower my voice seductively. Hugo holds out his fist and I touch it, smiling at him.

  The guys have retreated to the edges of the room, some leaning against the kitchen counters to watch, while the women have formed a rowdy group around the breakfast bar.

  "First up. I choose... Sarah." She smiles broadly as she steps up to the breakfast bar. I slide to the ground, before helping her onto the bar. She strips her top and ties up her long blonde hair before lying back on the bar.

  "Salt." I say to Hugo, who hands me the salt and a shot of tequila. I dip my finger in the tequila and draw a small line with my finger, between her hip bones.

  "Here you go sweetheart." Hugo holds a lime wedge to her lips, winking at her. "Okay, we're ready." Hugo shouts. The people around us cheer, loving every minute of it.

  I bend and lick the salt off of her, just as Hugo pours the tequila into her navel. It spills down her sides, and my tongue traces the rivers across her body, before dipping into her navel and flicking my tongue out. Everyone whoops and shouts. I finally take the lime from her mouth, running my tongue across her bottom lip as I do.

  "Next!" Hugo shouts. "Let’s see how wasted we can get Theo, and how many of you fine ladies will get to feel the touch of that famous tongue." His voice is low as he wiggles his eyebrows. He laughs as the women in the room go wild.

  In the early hours of the morning I find myself dragging a girl who I think is called Lia to my bedroom. I plan on working out all my sexual tension in her. I lost count of how many women I licked tequila off after number ten. So now I'm wasted and thoughts of bloody Lilly Parker still keep flashing through my mind. Needless to say, I'm frustrated, hammered and fucking horny.

  Once in my room I brush my finger across the girl's cheek, she blushes and looks away.

  “Get naked.” I order her.

  I head into the en-suite removing my shirt as I go. I turn around and she’s stood like a deer in headlights breathing heavily. Her eyes move to my now bare torso, she licks her top lip.

  “Now.” I use the killer smile, at least I think it is, I’m so wasted my face feels numb, she immediately snaps her bra off to revealing her huge tits. Glad it still works on some people. This is what I do, I seduce women, get them hanging on my every word until they ache to please me. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. Although tonight I'm not feeling my usual thrill over the manipulation of a beautiful woman, my interest isn't quite there. Don't get me wrong, she's hot, but I want... I don't know... fireworks I guess. God I sound like such a whiny little pussy, but I want that desperate frenzied, all-encompassing desire for her. I want that desperate need to be in her. I don't, there's only one person I feel that kind of need for. Damn it, just when I thought I'd blocked her out of my mind, she's there like a fucking thorn in my side. "You're out of your league and wasting your time Mr Ellis." I groan as I remember her words, she's so assertive it just makes me want to fuck her, so damn hard. I disappear into the en-suite to freshen up before my imagination runs away with me.

  I step out of the room and Lia is led on the bed completely naked. Her tanned skin glows in the dim light.

  I remove the remainder of my clothing and climb onto the bed where she is led, her breathing shallow. I kiss my way up her torso and part her legs so that I’m leant between her knees. Her breathing is so loud that I’m sure she’s about to hyperventilate. I grab her by the hips and yank her down the bed into me, she gasps. I lean over her and kiss her neck, skimming my hand across her stomach until I reach her pussy. I trail my finger across her clit gently before dipping one finger inside her. She’s wet of course, primed and ready, but I’m fucking not!

  I try and get my head around it, try to get in the mood. She moans and writhes under my touch. Just the sight of her powerless to my touch should be enough but it’s not. It doesn’t work. The bottle of tequila I’ve consumed is probably not helping any. My mind is rebelling against my body, and images of Lilly burst across my vision. Eventually I close my eyes and let my mind drift to what it's silently demanding. I pretend she's Lilly Parker, which isn't that difficult in my drunken state. She strokes me and my cock twitches, springing to life. I fumble in the bedside table and find a condom. I tear it open and roll it down over my now rigid cock. I kiss her hard, my tongue wrestling with hers, as I groan into her mouth. Her hands leave me and wind into my hair. I bite her lip before making my way down her throat, kissing hungrily. I press against the entrance to her body and ease into her. Her back bows off the bed and her fingers claw at my skin.

  She moans as I thrust into her. My teeth graze her neck as I pick up the pace in a frenzied rhythm. Her moans push me towards the edge fast, too fast. I press my hand between our bodies and rub her clit. She cries out and digs her nails in my back as her body tightens. I thrust into her a few more times before coming loudly, growling into her neck.

  When I open my eyes I'm almost shocked when it's not Lilly I see. In my own slightly alcohol hazed mind the fantasy had been so real. I roll off of her frustrated and onto my back on the other side of the bed. She’s left gasping for breath and I’m left bitterly disappointed. What difference does it make? I got what I wanted. I'm irrationally angry that the woman I just had sex with is a mere impersonation of what I actually want.

  “Get out.” I murmur into the darkness.

  “What?!” She gasps sounding shocked or hurt, I don’t know which and I don’t care.

  “Get the fuck out!” I shout at her. She jumps up and grabs her clothing before storming out of the room slamming the door behind her.

  I really need to sort out my fucking head.

  I drift into a restless sleep filled with burning green eyes and fiery auburn hair.

  It's Saturday night and I'm just heading out to the opening of Hugo's new club; Allure.

  I step into the garage and stand in the doorway for a moment. I take a minute to admire the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen; her body is a masterpiece of sculpted curves, her elegance unrivalled. She’s perfection, she doesn’t speak, just gives me the ride of my life every time I’m in her. Inside, the smell of fine leather fills the air. The engine roars to life like a sleeping lion that’s been rudely disturbed. I rarely get to drive the Aston as it’s impractical around London day to day, but god I love her. That kind of power at your fingertips is addict
ive. I push the remote that lifts the garage doors and reverse out onto the drive.

  I pull onto the Soho street at around eleven thirty. There is a queue of people lining the pavement to the right. I drive another hundred yards or so and pull up outside the club. The front is white with large metal double doors that look as though they should be from some kind of warehouse. Above the door is a huge sign in delicately crafted steel ‘Allure’, bathed in blue light. A man in a black suit moves away from the front of the club and walks toward the car, he picks up and moves two traffic cones that are placed in front of me, and I pull the car forward into the space, right behind Hugo’s bright orange Lamborghini. I turn off the engine and jump out. The sound of heavy bass fills the air outside the club.

  “Mr Ellis.” The man who is clearly a bouncer greets me.

  I nod at him in acknowledgment. “Guard this car with your life.” I smile at him and give him a handful of notes.

  I walk in through the front doors and into a dark area with a large circular booth in the middle and a large low hanging chandelier. Two girls sit either side taking entry fees as people stream through the door.

  “Good evening Mr Ellis.” One of the girls greets me as I walk past, I vaguely recognise her, although I have no idea who she is. She's pretty and I flash her a smile, earning me a blush.

  I pass into the main club and I am shocked. I saw the club while it was being refurbished, but Hugo really has done an amazing job with it. Everything is white with blue up lighting. Enormous chandeliers are suspended from the ceiling. The main bar sits in the middle of the room in a huge circle, similar to the one at the entrance. It’s white, but the entire flat top of the bar glows blue. On the left hand side of the club are lots of sofas and little booths are set back into the wall housing more private seating. The entire right hand side of the club is a dance floor, again in the centre of the floor stands a tall circular booth, judging from the various equipment there I’d say it was a DJ booth. At all four corners of the dance floor stand four circular cages, each with spot lights shining on them. Each cage houses beautiful women dancing. There are two more cages with two more women on opposite sides of the circular bar, they seem to be dressed in a burlesque style, with corsets, lace French knickers, stockings and suspenders all in white, they have pearls draped around their necks and a couple of white ostrich feathers fastened into their hair. They’re all exceptionally beautiful as their bodies writhe and move with the heavy bass. Let’s just say it's all very Hugo.

  I spot what looks like the VIP area up on a glass balcony overlooking the club. The stairs are blocked by a thick white rope. Two bouncers stand either side, one of them un-clips the rope and allows me straight through. At the top of the stairs I’m admitted into the VIP area. There is a small bar in the corner, a dance floor and lots of sofas. There is a glass balcony that runs the length of the lounge and overlooks the rest of the club. I'm greeted immediately by a blonde woman wearing the same attire as the dancers.

  “Good evening sir. May I get you a drink?” She’s hot, though that may have something to do with the lack of clothing she has on.

  “I’ll have a Corona please.” I smile at her politely. She looks up at me and then instantly blushes and looks away.

  “Seriously, you have to teach me how you do that. I think I just saw smoke coming off her knickers…” Hugo appears at my side, flanked by two more half naked women.

  “I don’t do anything.” I say innocently.

  “It must just be your face then. Lucky prick.” He murmurs. I only smile sweetly feigning innocence. The truth is from the moment I lost my virginity I have loved sex and thus women. It's always come so easy to me. Women have always fallen at my feet, I know I have a power over them and so I use it. Or at least I have power over most of them.

  I follow Hugo to one of the booths and sit.

  Hugo flirts outrageously with the half-dressed girls, who despite being employed for the club seem to have the job of entertaining Hugo for the night. I'm not quite sure what to think of that.

  The music in the club changes to a popular upbeat track, there are screams of appreciation from the dance floor. Hugo stands and leans on the balcony overlooking the club, I join him. The place is rammed, so much so that the entire club has become the dance floor as there is no room for movement.

  Hugo is grinning like a school boy, clearly happy that his new venture is proving so popular. A large area of the dance floor has cleared and people have stopped dancing to watch a couple. A tall blonde man spins a woman away from him and back again, he holds her to him, and she winds her body around his, her hips are hypnotic. They are both smiling at each other and have a natural chemistry. They look like professional dancers of some sort. She presses her body against his as he runs his hands down her sides. He spins her so she is facing away from him and grinds into her behind before she grabs the back of his neck and drops to the floor, doing the splits as she lands, the split in her dress opens to the top of her thigh. He stands back pulling her up with him before running a hand down over her stomach.

  I recognised her the moment I saw her. Her long auburn hair flicks around her as she spins away again. She is beautiful, the way she moves is tantalizing and my aching need for her only intensifies. He dips her and she leans back elegantly so that her hair almost touches the floor, every graceful plane of her body is exhibited as her spine curves around his arm. He plants a soft kiss at the base of her throat. It’s alluring and very intimate. Maybe she has a boyfriend? I hadn't thought of that.

  “Damn, that girl is fine.” Hugo interrupts my thoughts.

  “Yeah, she is.” I murmur, never taking my eyes off her. From the corner of my eye I can see him look from me to the dance floor and back again.

  “Is that…?” He gestures toward the dance floor.

  I nod.

  “Holy shit.” He laughs. “You are screwed. I think I might have actually just come in my pants a little.” He grins as he watches her. She circles the man in a seductive taunt. She is the smouldering flame and I am the moth being drawn helplessly to her. Looking at the men watching her I would say they all feel the same. What’s the betting that I’ll be the only one stupid enough to get burned, still some things are worth the pain.

  The music changes again. Lilly embraces the man, and he lifts her off the ground and spins her in a circle. He places her gently back on the floor, she turns and speaks to someone, then heads toward the bar.

  "I'll see you later." I throw over my shoulder as I head for the stairs.

  "Have fun!" He calls after me.

  She stands alone at the bar wearing a short black dress that’s clingy and very simple, but flatters every inch of her amazing figure. She wears killer heels, which accentuate her legs. I approach her and stand at the bar right next to her, she smells amazing but I can’t place the scent. Her auburn hair is in a wild mane around her.

  "Can I buy you a drink?” I say quietly, close to her ear. She turns slowly to face me. Her dazzling smile contrasts her deep red lipstick.

  “Well I don't normally take drinks from strangers...” She smiles. She’s clearly tipsy, but even so, she is just breath taking. She’s slightly flushed from dancing, and her eyes look even brighter than normal, framed by dark eyeliner.

  "Not even charming ones?" I smirk at her.

  "Charming's not my thing, far too much like bullshit." She smiles wickedly. "Now hot, hot is my thing... luckily for you Mr Ellis I never could resist good old sexual attraction."

  “Theo, please.” I smile, amused by her emboldened state.

  “Hmm, I quite like the name Theo.” She muses as she leans in, her lips brushing my ear lobe. “But then Mr Ellis is so formal, it makes you seem so forbidden... and I do so love to break the rules.” Her voice is low and husky as her warm breath touches my skin.

  The alcohol is making her bold, really bold, she’s bad enough sober, still at least she’s more receptive than usual. I smile and cock one eyebrow at her, it's an invitation. H
er eyes blaze with something dark and sensuous. My cock twitches violently. Holy shit. How does she do this to me? She’s just another woman, just like all the others. Apart from the fact that I want her in a way that no other woman has even come close to evoking. She presents a challenge, and it has been a very long time since I’ve had a challenge.

  “Do you now Miss Parker?" I lean in so my lips are close to her ear, my palm presses against her lower back. "Well now you see... I make my own rules.” She shivers slightly, but then composes herself.

  “Lilly, please.” She says, mimicking my earlier response, apparently unaffected by my closeness to her. “And the only thing better than a man who breaks the rules is a man who plays completely by his own.” Our eyes lock for a moment as something passes between us. Touché Miss Parker. She gives me a mischievous smile before turning away and trying to get the attention of the barman. I take the moment to attempt to pull myself together from the dribbling teenager she turns me into. The bar is packed, and people are all pushing to be served. I step forward and catch the eye of one of the girls who is rushing to serve the impatient customers, she smiles and heads straight for me.

  “What can I get you?” She’s all breathy and flustered. I turn to Lilly, who is frowning.

  “Four Jaeger bombs, four Tequila shots, a jug of Woo Woo and two Corona’s please.” She gives the bar maid a hefty list. The girl disappears and starts gathering various glasses and bottles.

  I frown at her. “That’s a lot of drinks.”

  “Yes, it is.” She smiles and then rolls her eyes. “Oh, lighten up. What’s the worst that will happen?”

  “Oh, trust me, I'm the last one to criticise heavy drinking. In fact I pretty much recommend it. I just didn't take you as the type." I smile at her.

  She laughs and it is such a lovely carefree sound. "You have no idea." She's so cryptic. Her drinks arrive and the barmaid places them on a tray. I pay for them before she's even opened her clutch. “Well thanks for the drinks Theo, it was nice seeing you again.” She smirks at me. I look around. The bar is packed, the likelihood of her making it all the way to the other side of the room without spilling anything is slim. I see my chance.


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